Homeopathic Medicine Under Threat In New Zealand

Alternative Medicine Undermined By Drug Companies

Did you know that many doctors all over the world effectively use homeopathic remedies.  There are many medical doctors who have studied homeopathy extensively, and who prefer to use homeopathy instead of  conventional drugs.


The thing which drug companies hate most of all is preventative medicine and alternative medicine of any kind.  They especially hate homeopathic medicine, because  it represents a very real threat to allopathic medicine:  Just as there is a drug for every different complaint in allopathic or conventional medicine, , so there is a specific remedy for every illness, every infectious disease,  for every body-type  and emotional type, in the homeopathic tradition.

But homeopathic medicine is also a preventative medicine, and this is a factor which makes drug companies very jealous.  Homeopathy is an extremely sophisticated medicine, which common drugs just cannot compete with.  Also, given the right treatment in homeopathic medicine, after the patient has been stabilized, there is not usually any need for on-going ‘medication’.  So homeopathic medicine is not profit-driven.

This is the antithesis of the modern drug experience:   Drug companies and their acolyte doctors would have us believe that their drugs are necessary for the ‘rest of your natural life’, once you begin taking them.  This dependency on their drugs means that drug companies and those doctors who prescribe their drugs,  are assured of  on-going profits, of course.

Homeopathy is a real threat, because remedies are made just so cheaply, that there is not really a lot of money to be made from them.  This, again, contrasts vastly with commonly prescribed drugs which are often very costly.

There was an article in last  Sunday’s Herald, 24th April, 2011,  by Dr Shaun Holt, who wants to see all doctors prohibited from using homeopathic remedies.  The drug companies must just love this man. He is the kind of doctor that drug companies get to do their ‘research’, because he is biased in the first place, on the side of the drug companies.   Even the “Lancet” has articles by drug-company friendly doctors who are paid to do research which is  jacked up to suit the marketing needs of the drug companies. It makes me wonder who funded Shaun Holt’s  books on ‘research’ into natural medicines.

Now, Shaun Holt really seems to know nothing about homeopathy.  He calls it ‘quackery’, yet  I would bet my bottom boots that he has never ever consulted a homeopathic practitioner to try a prescribed remedy for any given complaint, and that he has never followed a patient’s progress through a treatment from an experienced homeopath.

He calls it ‘quackery’, yet there is a long tradition of homeopathic medicine in the United Kingdom which predates his modern drugs by a long shot.  The Royal family have always had their own  residential private homeopath.  There is a Royal College of Homeopaths in London, endorsed by the Queen,  and several well reputed hospitals which prescribe homeopathic medicine instead of the usual drugs which are marketed by profiteering drug companies.

Side Effects of Medications:  As we all  know, commonly marketed drugs are often found to have adverse effects on people when they are used long-term. The adverse side effects of commonly prescribed drugs often lead to complications where other, worse diseases become established.  Thousands of people die each year in the United States of America, from having been given the wrong medication, or too much of it, or from complications due to prescribed drugs. This is a big problem –  Yet where is the lobby to get THESE drugs banned?

Nobody Dies From A Homeopathic Overdose or from being given the wrong homeopathic remedy. Homeopathic remedies do not propose a danger to people’s health in the same way as allopathic drug treatments do, yet,   very very wrongly, we have the likes of Shaun Holt campaigning to have homeopathic remedies banned in doctor’s surgeries.

Homeopathic Medicine is, by contrast to commonly used drugs, a much safer way to go.  Of course, sometimes common drugs are needed, if homeopathy has not cured a condition:    When a patient has been used to a life-time of taking poisonous drugs, and the immune system has become severely weakened, then homeopathic medicine may not work.  These patients might need ‘more of the same’ of the drugs that they are used to.

But for most people who have not abused their systems with excessive or long-term usage of prescription medicines, which generally just mask a condition of ill-health,  then homeopathic medicine can be just the thing to restore you to health,  cure an ailment and really fix what is wrong with you.

Colour TherapyTo Counteract Radiation

Colour Therapy Can Improve Health and Help Radiation Sickness

Of course, if you have radiation sickness, then you will need expert help to recover.  Colour therapy can be safely added to whatever treatment you might be undergoing, and it can be applied at home.

Radiation, as we might well guess, has a red colour. Red is a heating colour, so, to negate the heating effects of red in radiation, its opposite colour blue  is used to counteract the energy of red..  Green, another cooling colour, is also good to use when treating  the effects of radiation.

But first,  – a brief explanation of how and why colour works to heal conditions in the body.

There are seven colours of the rainbow.  There are seven major energy centres in the body, each of which corresponds to one of the colours of the rainbow.  These seven major energy centres are known as CHAKRAS in Indian Hindu and Buddhist philosophy.  The chakras all have their own vibrational rate, and they absorb their own colour and vibration from the food we eat, the thoughts and emotions which we experience, and our natural environments.  There are thera-correspondences between colour, sound and smell.

Colour is in everything – Everything in the world  has a vibration which corresponds to a colour, or a combination of colours. Even homeopathic remedies have a vibration which relates to a specific colour, even though the original ingredient in the homeopathic remedy may be impossible to detect..

Every person has an aura about them which contains all the colours of the rainbow:   the body needs a balance of colours for it to stay healthy.

We absorb much of the colour we need from the environment, from the sun’s rays, from the sea, lakes, trees and plants around us.  You can see, then,  that living in cities which are often devoid of plants and trees will have a weakening effect on your health:  living in surroundings which have a predominance of grey concrete affects the health adversely, as well as  the emotions.  Housing estates which have plenty of green trees and flowering trees, as well as plenty of space for children and adults to play,  will generally speaking have a more peaceful and healthful society than  concrete dwellings which do not have lovely green parks with flowering plants close by.

But we also procure colour from our food, as mentioned above,  such as in green vegetables, the orange in pumpkin and carrots, paw paw and mango.  This is why eating vegetables is so important, especially greens.  Green is the central colour of the sprctrum, which happens to be a healing and cooling colour.. Chlorophyll, the great healer of cancer and many other degenerative disease,  is green in colour:  Green is the colour of life – of forests, healing. cool,  and calm.

When people are exposed to radiation, they absorb more red rays into the body.   An excess of red rays is what causes sickness. So, to counteract radiation, the colour blue is needed to balance out the excess of red.

How To Apply Colour Therapy At Home

A simple blue light bulb can be put into a socket at home.  Basking in this light for around half an hour per day will help relieve the effects of radiation.  You might want to use more, if your nerves have been adversely affected. This therapy will help people who have undergone x-ray treatment and radiation treatment for cancer.

Green Solarized Water

Green is cooling, healing, and helps to detoxify the body. Green solarized water is another way in which you can increase the green rays going into your body.

To solarize your water, simply fill a green bottle or two with good purified water.  Green wine bottles make excellent vessels in which to solarize your water.   Leave the bottles in the sun for several hours, on the window-sill, or outside in the garden. They can be left for up to a day outside, but about four hours is a good time, if the sun is out.  You will find that the green solarized water tastes very sweet, which is a sign that the green colour and vibration has infused your water.

Some people recommend drinking from one to three glasses of green solarized water a day to help purify the body.   However, I find that it is extremely potent and should be used with caution.  Watch how this affects your health.  It should have a calming and cleansing effect, but be careful to use it moderately to start with.

Green From Chlorophyll in Vegetables, Wheat Grass Juice,  and Green Sprouts

Green From Chlorophyll is a great healer. The cooling, cleansing colour of green is used in diets for people with cancer.  Dr Ann Wigmore used wheat grass juice to first heal herself of cancer:  She later used wheat grass juice in her famous cancer clinics.  Green is a great detoxifyer.

Green mung bean sprouts, celery, broccoli, wheat grass juice, spinach, silver beet, parsley, lettuce, spirulina, kelp, are all great natural sources of green chlorophyll.

to be continued…..

Alternatives to Vaccination Investigate Before You Vaccinate

Child Vaccinations:

Many doctors believe vaccinations to be harmful. Many doctors believe that there is a link between the incidence of autism and SIDS  (cot death)  and vaccinations.  See Merrilyn’s other posts:  ‘Is Autism Related To Vaccination?’  – – ‘Homeopathic Alternatives To Vaccination’ –‘ Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever’ — ‘Homeopathic Remedies For Measles’ — and others.

Homeopathic medicine can be used as an alternative to allopathic medicine which advocates child vaccinations:  I believe that giving children vaccinations to avoid certain illnesses lowers a child’s immunity and may cause him or her to become sick with cancer and other degenerative disease later in life.

My first child had two  rounds of vaccinations, the first at three months, the second at six months.  He became very sick after each of these vaccinations, with temperature, swelling of the tissues and stomach pains. This caused many sleepless nights for all of us.  It took several weeks before he was well again, and sleeping properly.

At nine months, when the plunket nurse came around to give him the third combination shot, I refused. I never gave my children any vaccinations after that. My younger children never had so much as a tetanus shot.

That is not to say that we simply did nothing:  I read everything I could on alternative medicine so that I could prevent illnesses occurring as much as possible.  i learned homeopathy and some colour therapy techniques which proved valuable in times of sickness.

We stove off illness with holistic medicine – herbs, homeopathy, fasting, supplements when needed, colour therapy, and a mainly vegetarian diet.

Research Shows Vaccinations Can Damage Health.  Research has also shown that the results of pro-vaccination surveys are not always accurate, and that they are often modified or engineered toward a desired outcome – one which suits the drug companies in the promotion of their drugs.

Susan K. Claridge wrote a book called “Investigate Before You Vaccinate: Making an informed decision about vaccination in New Zealand”, which I think every person with a young child should read before giving him/her those vaccinations.

This was published by The Immunisation Awareness Society Inc., P.O. Box 56-048 Dominion Road, Auckland, New Zealand in 2002, with a second edition following in 2003.  My daughter tells me that there is a 2006 edition now available.

Susan Claridge has given many quotes by medical doctors who oppose vaccinations.  One or two of these are as follows:

Dr Eva Snead, Some Call It Aids…I Call It Murder, 1992:

“Vaccination is an illogical practice and may be the underlying cause of illnesses such as cancer…..Disorders of the immune system often occur as a consequence  of the after effects of receiving viral vaccines, presumably related to the cell associated immunity responses, where a graft rejection type phenomenon may occur.”

Dr Guylaine Lanctot M.D, author of the best-selling book Medical Mafia:

“The medical authorities keep lying.  Vaccination has been a disaster on the immune system.   It actually causes a lot of illnesses.”

Dr. J. Anthony Morris, formerly Chief Vaccine Control officer at the US Food and Drug Administration says:

“There is  great deal of evidence to prove that immunisation of children does more harm than good.”

Dr James A. Shannon from the National Institute of Health says:

“The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used.”

Dr Paul Frame, M.D., Journal of Family Practice says:

“There is insufficient evidence to support routine vaccination of healthy persons of any age.”

Some Homeopathic Alternatives To Help Treat Or Prevent Flu

Homeopathic Arsen alb:  Instead of getting flu jabs or vaccination, I use homeopathic arsen alb.  It is a marvellous prophylactic for flu, and it will alleviate the symptoms and hurry up recovery if you already have the flu.  Begin taking it as soon as you feel any flu symptoms coming on, and whenever there is flu about.

There are several other very good homeopathic flu remedies, some of which are mentioned in my other posts.

Vitamin C in large doses also helps prevent flu, and to recover from it.  See my posts on Vitamin C and Swine Flu, and how dangerous Swine Flu, declared to be incurable, was cured with megadoses of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, a fungicide, and an anti viral treatment. You need to pump it in, though – 1000mg several times a day of an non-acidic vitamin C such as Ester C or calcium ascorbate.

Vitamin A is also effective in treating infectious diseases of any kind.  This works for mumps, measles, chicken pox, flu, and other infections.

See my post on UNICEF giving Vitamin A to treat measles in Syria.


A Flu Vaccination That Went Wrong: I know one lady who went into intensive care after getting her regular flu jab a couple of years ago or so.  They were going to Australia for a holiday, and she thought she should update the flu vaccination which she had had the year before, which had not caused any noticeable trouble.  Within days, after arriving in Australia shortly after the flu jab, she became very ill.  Immediately, she developed breathing difficulties, as well as multiple allergies, neither of  which she had ever had before.

She also developed a debilitating weakness which prevented her from doing simple things like housework or gardening.  Her speech was affected too.

It has taken her several years for her nervous system to recover.

One thing is for certain.  She will never ever get a flu injection again.

Now she uses megadoses of Vitamin C instead, and takes a daily dose of multivitamins.

I know many people who have gotten a bad dose of flu immediately after getting the flu vaccination. After this experience, most have decided that flu jabs are ineffective and do not bother any more.

More Tips and Foods To Protect Against Radiation

How To Reduce Radiation Levels in the Body

Following the Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima we all need to be mindful about the effects of radiation on our health.

This post is a follow-up to the one I put up about a week ago, entitled

‘What Foods Can I Eat To Prevent Radiation Poisoning?”‘

The main objective is to keep radiation levels down so that your health will not be impaired too much by the excessive amount of radiation, and other toxins coming from chemical and oil fires in Japan, There are toxins in the air in New Zealand right now which are very detrimental to the health.

I noted that the Indian guru Sai Baba was taken to hospital last week, in India,  with breathing problems. He is 84 years old, which would have a bearing on his illness, but I feel sure that the fumes in the air, compounded with radiation over many parts of India, will have tipped the scales and led to his getting ill. Here in New Zealand, I have experienced breathing difficulties as one of the symptoms arising after the nuclear disaster at Fukushima, exacerbated, I think, by chemical fires and oil fires which burned for days after the accident around the Sendai area of Japan.

Yesterday, the 9th April 2011, Auckland was again polluted with this strange combination of poisons coming from Fukushima and other parts of Japan, I guess, where there have been chemical fires. We have had about a week of the situation improving, and I think this was because of the cold southerly winds which we had coming to New Zealand. These winds come from the opposite direction to Japan in respect to New Zealand. But unfortunately, these poisons are with us again, though, not quite as severe as earlier.

Yesterday, we had a very warm and beautiful day, with the air quite still. This change of weather brought about the same symptoms experienced about 10 days after the Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster I can taste a metallic-like poison which is corrosive: This strange poison in the air causes sore eyes, slight nausea with pain in the gut from time to time, nerve pain down the arms and legs, sore neck glands, sore ears, headache and general weakness.

So – it is obviously not time, yet, to relax my counteractive measures to reduce radiation. Here they are:

Avoiding Exposure to the Elements: Now is not the time to be sun-bathing.  Wait a few weeks, at least, for this round of pollution to disperse a bit before letting your skin get the sun.  It is not just the sun which will do you damage at the moment – by exposing skin to the air, you are increasing your radiation absorption.

Clean Water is Essential. Get bottled water from a reliable source. If you have a water tank, disconnect the inlet hose and cover up the water so that radioactive particles and other pollutants do not enter the water. When the tank runs out, depending on where you are, it may be possible to collect more water. But in New Zealand, I would do this only when a southerly wind was on us, and I would not collect the water at all in the first day, as this rain will be quite acid. Already I have seen some plants burned from the effects of the first rains which came here following the Fukushima disaster.

Colour Therapy:  Green Solarized Water will help reduce the bad effects of radiation in your body, and will negate it to a certain extent. This is very simple to do: Just fill a nice green wine bottle with clean water and leave it on your window-sill. Best not to leave it outside at the moment, while these radioactive particles are flying about. Leave the water inside, in the sun, for a day before drinking. You can use several glasses a day for drinking. Radiation is red in colour and vibration, so using its opposite colour, green will help alleviate some of the effects of the excessive red in radiation.

Calcium is a good protector against radiation. Make sure that you get the daily reccommended allowance. This is best taken from sesame seeds, or sunflower seeds, or soy milk or tofu. Sardines with their little bones are a good source of calcium, but make sure that they are processed before the Fukushima March 11 , 2011 nuclear disaster.

One handful of sesame seeds, preferably ground up in your blender, will provide MORE than the recommended daily allowance. Sesame seeds are an excellent source of calcium – richer even than dairy milk.

Magnesium: A little epsom salts every second day or so will help ‘up’ your magnesium levels. Magnesium is important for the nerves, and it helps in the assimilation of calcium. Sesame seeds also have magnesium in them, but if you get a severe dose of radiation, with your health severely affected, then epsom salts will help to alleviate those nerve and bone pains.

Avoid taking dairy milk, cheese, butter and cream for the meantime. Cows grazing over large amounts of grass will pick up the radiation on the grass, and this gets concentrated in the milk. Meat and eggs should be avoided for a while, until we can see for sure that radiation levels have lessened enough to be safe. While the situation is still volatile in Fukushima, and at another nuclear facility, apparently, we are best to avoid dairy foods, especially, as these will have high concentrations of radiation.

Avoid large leafy green vegetables and fruit which has been sitting outside for the past few weeks. Best to use tinned food packed before 11 March 2011. Root vegetables will be safe as long as they have not been dug up near Fukushima.

Buy Grains and Seeds Now: Sprouted Grains and Seeds are the best foods for counteracting radiation and protecting the body’s immunity. Buy a good quantity now, just in case the situation at Fukushima gets worse: Very important to have grains and seeds harvested before these radiation toxins entered the atmosphere.

Grow Sprouts For Vitamin C, Minerals, Enzymes and Chlorophyll: With your unpolluted, clean water, you can grow your mung beans (moong beans), aduki beans (adzuki beans), lentils, wheat, chick peas, and other things. Grow them in jars along your window sills and in other sunny areas inside the house.

Cover Your Body With Clothing: Again, to stress the importance of protecting against radiatioactive particles in the air: Avoid getting your body exposed to these  poisons unnecessarily. Until a week ago, I was avoiding the outdoors, as the poisons were very bad and affected me profoundly. I covered up – head, sunglasses, scarf over the face, coat, socks and shoes. I avoided putting my washing outside during this period. In the past week, I have not needed to take such vigilant measures, although the stuff still affected eyes. I put one lot of washing out to dry on a day when the southerly winds were very strong. But as from yesterday, I am again being very cautious. No more washing outside for now.

Sunglasses are very important: The eyes are very sensitive. Radiation causes blindness in severe exposure, so it stands to reason that smaller amounts may affect your vision. Protecting with sunglasses actually helps prevent the corrosive radiation chemicals from reaching your eyes, and sunglasses also protect against the extra glare caused by radioactive particles in the air.

Tea Drinking is Helpful. Good old ceylon tea – my preference is Dilmah – is a great antioxidant. Tea is high in manganese, magnesium and other beneficial minerals and vitamins which help counteract that radiation and chemical poisoning. Ceylon Tea, or Green Tea, which comes from the same plant, are great anti-oxidants.

Extra Vitamin C: If you have been severely affected by radiation, then a boost of a non-acidic Vitamin C, such as Ester C, or Calcium Ascorbate, will be very helpful. Between 1000mg to 3000mg per day can be taken by an adult, 1000mg at a time. If your condition is very bad, then you may have to see a doctor or other health professional to get intravenous Vitamin C. This can be taken in doses of up to 75grammes, but for this to be necessary would be a near death situation.

If your exposure is minimal and you wish to take precautions, then take 1000mg of non-acidic Vitamin C per day.

Boost Your Iodine  Intake– This is really important. Get your kelp, spirulina supplies now, and your tinned fish if you like fish. Food iodine in the diet is very important, as you will absorb the radioactive iodine coming from Fukushima unless you ensure that you are getting iodine every day.

Liquid Iodine: Dabbing two or three drops of liquid iodine onto the scalp or the soles of the feet will help keep your iodine levels up. You can do this once or twice a week

Alternatively, you can use a home make iodine solution which Dr Maud Frere used in her cancer therapy:

Iodine Solution: Of this, you use only ONE TEASPOO N per day. Mix one drachm of liquid iodine into two ounces of pure clean water. Mix and keep in the fridge. Use one teaspoon a day for adults, quarter of that for children five to twelve years. Do not use for children under five. To treat young children with Iodine, t is best to dab a drop of liquid iodine on a small child’s foot, just once a week.

My friend in Spirit, Bernhard Petersen, says “Hello My Friend. New ways to beat radiation will be given to you. A pressure point on the head will prove to be effective. It is important to buy grains now -RICE is very important. Get your seeds now, also, to ensure that they have not been exposed to radiation. A Blue Light-bulb will help negate the effects of radiation.”

Thankyou Bernhard. The blue light reminds me that if you are avoiding being outside because of the toxins currently in our air, you can improve your Vitamin D levels by sitting under a normal white-yellow light bulb. The body actually processes this light as if it was sunlight. Not quite as good, of course, but it is a good tip to remember in case you have to keep inside for long periods.

What Foods Can i Eat To Prevent Radiation Poisoning?

Radiation Free Diet

Japan Nuclear Disaster: Tips For Survival

This is written mainly for New Zealanders at risk from radiation poisoning, however, many of these tips for survival should be helpful for people in other parts of the world too.

1) Use Only Unpolluted Water.

Don’t drink the tap water.  Before arriving at your place, this water sits around day after day in large dams which are exposed to the air, and therefore, to the radioactive particles in the air. It is also treated with chlorine and fluoride, and therein lies another story.

The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster has made all our dam water polluted.  Get bottled water which comes from a reliable source.  If you have tap water which was taken before the nuclear disaster, then start using this right away.  This is the emergency NOW- the nuclear disaster of Fukushima, Japan. Don’t hang on to your clean water for some other disaster.  You need to protect your health right away from the effects of the radiation in the air, and one way to do this is by being careful with your food and your water.

If you can, go to a water bore which is relatively uncontaminated.  Bottle as much of this as you can.  Bottled water should be kept in glass bottles, or plastic bottles which have held fruit juice.  Do not use milk bottles for your bottled water, as this will make your precious water go rancid.

Otherwise, unless you are lucky enough to have a full water tank which has uncontaminated water in it, you will be best to buy bottled water rather than use tap water.

2) Grow Your Greens Indoors. Eliminate all possible contaminated food.  This means avoiding buying leafy greens such as lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and silver beet. And avoid taking these things from your garden too.  The danger is HERE.  Ensure that you eat food which is not contaminated with radioactive fallout.

Mung Bean Sprouts, or Aduki Beans, are the ideal survival food, because you can grow them with your clean water, on your window sill, out of the reach of the radiation outside.  Get a good supply in right away to ensure that your source dates from before the nuclear disaster.

3)  Brown Rice, or White Rice: With your clean water, you can cook rice which is free of the radioactive particles.  Buy up a good supply now, while you can still get rice which was packed before the nuclear disaster.  With your fresh green mung bean sprouts,  your rice, and a bit of olive oil, you can survive quite well for a long time. You can add other foods to the diet too, but these three things should form the basis of your radiation free diet.

4)  Get in supplies of Sunflower Seeds, Almonds, and Sesame Seeds to use as a milk substitute, and to supply extra protein, vitamins,  and fatty acids to your diet.

5)  AVOID DRINKING MILK AND AVOID ALL DAIRY PRODUCTS SUCH AS CHEESE, YOGHURT, BUTTER,  AND ANIMAL FOODS. These are very high in radiation.  Cows eat acres of grass to produce that milk for your table, and the butter and cheese for your bread.  The grass has radioactive fallout on it, which means that the cow absorbs masses of radiation as it chomps its way across a paddock.  This radiation gets concentrated in the milk.  So this must be avoided at all costs.  Soy Milk should be used instead of cow’s milk, or another animal’s milk.

6)  Vegetarian Diet: You really need to stick to a vegetarian diet of foods which were packed before the nuclear disaster at Fukushima.  Sesame seeds are extremely rich in calcium and fatty acids:  Apparently, one handful of sesame seeds supplies more than the adequate amount of calcium for the day. 

Sesame Seed Milk:   Sesame Seeds are best blended up into a milk, so that you derive the maximum benefit.  Dry grind the sesame seeds in the blender first, using only about 3/4 cupful of seeds.  Then add your UNPOLLUTED WATER which is radiation free, to make a healthy milk.

Sunflower Seed Milk, and Almond Milk, or a mixture of any of these, can be made in the same way.

Soy Milk is another good substitute for dairy milk, especially if it was packed before 11 March 2011.

7)  Avoid Eating Meat:  Meat would be OK if you are sure that the animal has not been killed since the nuclear disaster. Otherwise, all animals grazing out in the open will be absorbing large amounts of radiation into their flesh.  You will absorb these radioactive poisons if you eat contaminated animal foods.

8)  Avoid Eggs for the same reason.

9)  Buy up supplies now, so that you can prevent buying in contaminated food.   Also,  the situation may not improve for a while, and the level of toxicity could get worse. You need to be prepared for this.

Any food packaged before the Japanese earthquake/tsunami disaster will be safe from the effects of Fukushima, unless you are buying it from shops in that area.

Good things to stock up on are:

Water, of course;

Olive Oil

Baked Beans,

Dry Rice,

Tinned Vegetables of all sorts

Almonds, Sunflower seeds, Sesame Seeds, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Walnuts etc.

Tinned Fish – All fish will be at risk from now on.  Buy up as much as you can afford of fish packaged before the 11 March Japanese tsunami/quake/nuclear disaster:   sardines, mackerel, tuna, salmon are all good.

Unfortunately, fish and seaweed such as kelp and spirulina will be very dodgy foods to buy from now on,  unless you are sure that they were processed before the Japanese nuclear disaster.

10)  Root vegetables will generally be safe foods to eat at the moment.  Radiation fallout will be mainly affecting vegetables grown on the top of the soil.  So root veges such as carrots, potatoes, kumara or sweet potato, swedes, turnips, beetroot, yams, etc, will all be good to eat.  I would avoid eating these vegetables, though, if they were harvested anywhere within 200 kilometres from Fukushima, as even in the harvesting, contamination could occur from the radioactive fallout on the top soil.

The same goes for pumpkins – I think that in New Zealand, pumpkins are still a safe food:  Radiation levels are still comparatively small here, and so you will be safe enough, by the time you peel the outer hard shell from the pumpkin, to eat the inside.  Again, I would not eat a pumpkin which was grown within 200 kilometres of Fukushima.

Liquid Iodine, Kelp and Spirulina

Just a drop of Iodine painted onto the soles of the feet, or the scalp once or twice a week, will increase your body levels of Iodine.

You need Iodine to ensure that your body does not absorb the radioactive iodine from the air instead.  If your Iodine levels are low, then you will absorb radioactive Iodine from the Fukushima fallout. Cancer, following the release of radioactive material into the atmosphere, is more likely to develop in iodine deficient  individuals.

Buy some of these things now to ensure that they are radiation free.  Kelp and Spirulina are likely to be contaminated from now on.  You can never tell where these foods come from, but actually, all foods from the sea will be polluted to some degree after the nuclear disaster at Fukushima.  This is pretty certain, since we now know that 60,000 tonnes of radioactive waste  from Fukushima is being dumped into the Pacific Ocean by the Japanese.

Vitamin C is Essential. Stock up on Calcium Ascorbate, or Ester C.  These are non-acidic and are easy on the tum.  Uncontaminated fresh food may be hard to get, so Vitamin C could be necessary to protect immunity and prevent scurvy.

Vitamin C protects against radiation to a certain extent. If you think you are affected by radiation, then a dose of 1000mg of calcium ascorbate, taken once or twice a day could be helpful.  I would take more if exposure to radiation was extreme.

Chlorophyll Helps Protect Against Radiation.  You can grow your own wheat to make wheat grass juice.  This is a famous cure for cancer, used by Dr Gerson, Dr Ann Wigmore, Walter Last, and many others.

Wheat grass juice helps to neutralize radiation poisons to some extent.