Comfrey The ‘Miracle’ Healing Herb/Why Was It Banned?

Comfrey The Forgotten Herb

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Just why has Comfrey, Symphytum officinale, become a forgotten herb?  Its value as a healing medicine has been recorded over a long period of time.  It has a long arm of proven efficacy as a healer of burns, a soother of the digestive tract, a strengthener of the teeth,  a healer of broken bones, and is a great tonic for falling hair and brittle nails.  And this is why Comfrey was known as The ‘Miracle’ herb.

Comfrey is high in Silica, which is a healing component.  Another aid to healing in Comfrey is the component Allantoin, which is a cell-proliferant. A cell-proliferant encourages the cells of the body to grow again:  bone growth, skin repair, and hair and nail growth are all affected beneficially by the Allantoin in  Comfrey, as well as its abundant silica.   And Comfrey has Mucilage, a slimy material which helps healing.   This means that Comfrey, with its Allantoin and Silica, and Mucilage, and Vitamins, is truly a ‘Miracle Herb’.   Comfrey can heal just about anything.

Well – I will explain why Comfrey has become a forgotten herb:  The reason is because  Comfrey was such a valuable household remedy, it often took away the need to visit the doctor and get a prescription medicine.  Which meant that both doctor and drug company were deprived of quite a lot of money, if you consider how many people were using home remedies, such as comfrey, during the 1980’s and 1990’s.

‘Research’ into Comfrey was, I think, manipulated by the drug companies to achieve a specific result, one which would convince the public that Comfrey should indeed be banned.

The article which I read in New Zealand, which was published just before comfrey was banned pretty much all over the western world,  said that ‘Studies had shown that there was a relationship between Comfrey and Cancer”, because PIGS which had been fed Comfrey for three months had developed cancer.  The article did not say just how many pigs had developed cancer, and nor did it tell us what other food, if any, the pigs were fed.  I suspect that the pigs were given naught else to eat except Comfrey.

And the result of this mind-boggling manipulation of facts and figures has resulted in the drug companies gaining complete control over the healing substances in Comfrey, the main one being Allantoin.

It is illegal in New Zealand to grow Comfrey in your garden.  You cannot buy fresh Comfrey anywhere, and I think that even the herbal comfrey pills have been taken off the market.

Making it illegal to have Comfrey in your garden, because ‘research’ has shown Comfrey may cause cancer, is just ridiculous.  The only people to benefit from this ruling is the drug companies who use comfrey components in medicines and cosmetics, and who will now have increased sales of other prescription medicines because we, the public, do not have access to Comfrey.

Comfrey can be used internally and externally. It can be taken internally as a tea.  Comfrey can be used externally on skin and bones. Comfrey aids the healing of burns.  Comfrey poultices would have been useful for people who had suffered radiation burns at Fukushima.  Comfrey was often known as ‘Knit-bone’, because of its ability to mend broken bones very quickly.  It is good for all kinds of skin troubles such as eczema and psoriasis, and ulcers on the legs.   Comfrey is good for the digestion and intestines, and has been used in cases of  Ulcers, Colitis, and Irritable bowel syndrome.  Comfrey has been used to treat people with cancer, in combination with other remedies.

Comfrey needs to be brought back into household herbal medicine.  This will benefit people, rather than harm them.  Of course Comfrey could be problematic if you were to have too much of it.  But you can die if you eat too many carrots, too, and whoever would want to do that?

Comfrey never caused cancer in people, because we never had a steady diet of it for three months, as the pigs did.  Comfrey has been banned for well over a decade now, but cancer is on the increase.  Cancer statistics really have nothing to do with Comfrey.

Postscript 2 April 2013 – Well, someone commented a few months ago that they had seen comfrey for sale in NZ this season.  Then, just a couple of weeks ago, I spotted two lone little comfrey plants in our local plant store.  I bought one, and a friend bought the other. I don’t know what is happening here – have our laws prohibiting the growing of comfrey been relaxed?  Or have people simply forgotten that it was put on the ‘banned’ list?  Either way, it is a good thing that comfrey is about again.

Shop-Bought Comfrey Is Ruined Medicinally, And Is Inedible

Counteract Radiation Baking Soda and Epsom Salts

Radiation Sickness Can Be Helped

Radiation sickness can result from the effects of a nuclear explosion, from being exposed to radiation leakage from a nuclear power plant such as from the Japan nuclear crisis at Fukushima, from being near where nuclear weapons are tested, from eating food grown in a radiation-affected area or drinking water from the affected area,  from living or working near or in a nuclear power facility, or from  having had a series of X-Rays, as in Radiation -therapy for cancer.

Radiation chemicals are toxins which accumulate in the body, just like other chemicals such as farmyard pesticides and herbicides do. You tackle the problem of radiation sickness with the same detoxifying techniques as with any other chemical exposure, and the recovery time in both instances will depend on what the severity of exposure has been.

Macrobiotic diets, Raw food diets for a period, castor oil, enemas, and detoxifying baths can all help to rid the body of radiation chemicals.  Modalities such as Homeopathy and Ayurvedic Medicine, and Herbal Medicine can also be of great benefit if you are recovering from Radiation Sickness.

One Effective and Easy  Way To Reduce Radiation Chemicals is with Baking Soda and Epsom Salts. The Epsom Salt Bath has long been a remedy to help remove toxins from the body.  Epsom salts enrich the body with Magnesium, which is another counteractive measure against Radiation.

The Classic Epsom Salts Bath:  Simply put two cups of Epsom salt crystals into your bath water.  Soak in the bath for no more than 20 minutes, as the bath can be debilitating if you stay in for too long.

If you have low blood pressure then you need to be particularly careful about this:   I f I had low blood pressure, or was particularly weak,  I would stay in for only 10 minutes with the first bath, to test out my reaction.  This bath is OK to use once or twice a week, depending on the severity of radiation, and your own vitality.  Do not use too often or too long is the general rule.

Sea Salt Baths To Help Reduce Radiation Toxins: You can use the same above method and rules for Epsom salts to use a Sea Salt Bath.  Add two cups of real Sea Salt to your bath water.  Soak for no longer than 20 minutes, topping up the water with hot if necessary.

Baking Soda Bath To Reduce Radiation Toxins: Use the same instructions as for the Epsom Salts Bath.  You can use between one and two cups of baking soda for the bath.

Combined Baking Soda and Sea Salt Bath: This is supposed to be very effective in reducing any toxins, especially radiation toxins.  Use one cup of Baking Soda, and one cup of Sea Salt in your bathwater.

These Detoxifying Baths, Epsom Salts, Baking Soda, and Sea Salt, all help to reduce radiation from the body, help the lymph flow, and clear the auric body.  Even if you have not suffered radiation poisoning and are not suffering radiation sickness, these baths, taken from time to time, will improve your health and help to keep your system free of unwanted chemicals.

Radiation Burns and Comfrey.

Of course, you must see your doctor if you or your child has a burn.  But Comfrey can be a valuable measure in the event of there being no doctor in sight.

The best remedy I know for burns of ANY kind, is Comfrey. This was known as ‘the Miracle Herb’,  and it is such a pity that the drug companies have, in my opinion, engineered the ‘research’ into the herb Comfrey,  Symphytum officinale, which  has resulted in Comfrey being banned just about everywhere in the world.

If you are unlucky enough to have had radiation burns, then I believe that Comfrey would  be the best thing to treat those burns.  Comfrey has  a special healing substance in its mucilage, called Allantoin.

Allantoin, from Comfrey, is a known cell-proliferant,  which means that it encourages the cells to grow and heal quickly.  The  drug companies know about Allantoin,  and have prevented the public from using Comfrey so that they have the monopoly on the healing ingredient:  They use in some medicines.

Comfrey is very healing, also, because it is rich in mucilage, a slimy material which is soothing to the skin and to burns.  I healed a burn on one of my children with the aid of Comfrey and Vitamin E oil.  Initially, when the burn was raw from having boiling water just spilled on the skin, I used ice in a wet cloth to put over the burn.  While this was cooling the burn, I boiled up several comfrey leaves in a small amount of water.  I let these cool completely, then mashed them up and put them into a piece of gauze, which I place over the skin.  I kept putting fresh applications of the cold, mashed comfrey over the skin, replacing it so that it never dried out, and was always fresh.  This burn, which had lifted the skin,  healed without a scar.

I think that the world should sit up and take notice:  Valuable healing herbs, such as Comfrey, are being denied us simply so that the drug companies have TOTAL control of the healing medicines.  We all should be pushing to have Comfrey put back into our ouvre of healing herbal medicines.

Baking Soda To Help Radiation Burns

Of course, you must see a doctor or go to thew hospital if you have burns.  But in case there is not a doctor or a nurse available, here is a method which might help until you can get medical attention:

If Comfrey is not available to you, then the next best thing would be the Baking Soda.  Use fine cotton gauze, and soak it in a solution of Baking Soda and water.  This must be cold, of course.  Use one cup of Baking Soda in about a litre of water.  Keep the gauze wet with this mixture.  Do not let it dry out.  Keep up the applications for a day or two, then begin letting the would have fresh air as well.  Giving my child Vitamin E capsules, and opening up a couple of capsules to put over the would twice a day, helped the burn to heal.

How Can I Lose Weight Naturally/Alfalfa

Alfalfa:  Natural Weight Reducer

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Medicago sativa is the botanical name for Alfalfa.   The seeds are used in growing fresh alfalfa sprouts, which are very healthy.  All parts of the plant can be used to make alfalfa tea, which is a highly alkaline and  nutritive tonic, and  which is helpful in reducing weight.

This herb is rich in vitamins and digestive nutrients: It contains good amounts of  Vitamins A, B2, B6, Vitamin C, D and K.  It is supposed to have eight different essential amino acids and eight important digestive enzymes, all of which aid the digestion.

Its highly alkaline effect helps to reduce acidity in the body.  This has a beneficial and calming effect on the nerves and the brain, which is another good reason why it helps you to lose weight.   Acidity in the body can lead to stress, and stress can cause you  to over-eat.  Acidity and toxins in the body can cause Candida albicans to ‘take off’, and this can be another reason why people feel the desire to over-eat:  Alfalfa sprouts, and plenty of alfalfa tea can help to correct acidity, correct over-eating, and help to eliminate candida.

Alfalfa has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, especially the stomach, liver and intestines.  Alfalfa is a cleansing food, and a nutritive nerve tonic.  It is highly useful in cases of radiation poisoning, as it is an exceptionally good detoxifier and restorative medicine.

All these attributes are impressive enough, but the one aspect about Alfalfa, which makes it especially good for losing weight, or controlling weight, is that it contains enzymes which break down fat.

So Alfalfa is an excellent herb to include in your daily diet if you want to lose weight.  Use the sprouted seeds in your salads, and drink several cups of alfalfa tea per day.

How To Make Alfalfa Tea:  Alfalfa tea can be made  from either the fresh leaves, or  by infusing a teaspoon of alfalfa seeds  in a large cup of hot water for several minutes.  The seeds can be left in the bottom of the cup for a ‘top-up’, as there is still plenty of goodness in them, even after one cup of tea.

Note:  If you have LOST all that extra weight, then do not over-use Alfalfa.  Once the job is done, then reduce your intake of alfalfa tea.  The Chinese say that alfalfa tea can make you too slim – so be careful.

Alfalfa also contains special hormones which affect the parathyroid glands.  This may also have a beneficial effect on stabilizing weight.

Yoga Exercise To Help Lose Weight: 

Two of the best exercises are the Satyananda routines, Rowing the Boat and Churning the Mill.  As well as being good for reducing fat deposits, these two exercises are great energy unblockers which help blood and lymph circulation.

Rowing the Boat, Nauka sanchalana,  exercises the buttocks, the thighs and the stomach muscles.  It also develops the arm muscles nicely.  To perform it, simply sit on the floor with the legs extended in front of you.  Now pretend that you are rowing a boat.  Pay attention to the breath – as you come forward, stretching the arms out towards the toes, you breath out.  Breath in as you pull back your arms from the feet, and lean the body backwards as far as you can go without straining.  Breath out as you push the arms downward near the legs, heading towards the feet.  Keep the routine up until you have completed ten rounds, or however many is comfortable to begin with.

Churning the Mill, Chakki chalasana, is another good weight-reducing exercise.  This one works in a circular motion.  Interlock the fingers together.  Stretch out on an out breath towards the toes, extending the arms as far as you can.  Begin circling towards the right, pulling back the body as you draw an imaginary circle around the body.  This is Churning the Mill.  Do ten rounds heading in a clockwise direction, then do ten rounds in the opposite direction.


Are There Any Natural Treatments For Aids?

Natural Treatments To Support Immune System:  Useful Herbs and Vitamin C

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All herbs which help to strengthen the immune system are helpful in treating AIDS.  Viruses which attack the immune system often do not respond well to antibiotics and other medications, whereas they will respond to many natural treatments, such as garlic, and Vitamin C.

Garlic, allium sativum, and Echinacea all help to control viruses, but the most effective natural treatment of all in treating people afflicted with the AIDS virus has been proven to be Vitamin C.

But, unfortunately, Vitamin C is rarely offered to people in orthodox medicine, because Vitamin C has many opponents in the drug industry.

Dr Brighthope has said of Vitamin C:  “Its opponents are still trying to discredit one of nature’s most powerful healing substances.”….More about this further on……

Vitamin C is a proven anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-biotic remedy which is extremely useful in treating the AIDS virus and other diseases.

Thomas E. Levy writes in his book ‘Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases and Toxins’ that the AIDS and HIV infection are ‘preventable and reversible conditions’, and sites the research done by Cathcart in 1984 which show this.

Dr Levy states on page 95 of his book that Cathcart proved that Vitamin C  used on a regular basis can result in the complete suppression of all AIDS associated symptoms.

Dr Cathcart did his provings with Vitamin C which was administered by mouth.  The improvement was such that secondary infections usually associated with the disease were prevented.  This is a significant finding, because most AIDS patients die, not from the AIDS virus itself, but from secondary infections.

Dr Levy suggests that if Vitamin C were  to be taken intravenously, and  continued over a longer period of time, it might be possible for the AIDS virus to be properly cured.

Dr Ian Brighthope who is President of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine at Melbourne is a Vitamin C specialist who has researched Vitamin C as a therapy for many so called ‘incurable’ diseases, including AIDS.

Dr Ian Brighthope  has written an article, which you can read on line, which attests to the fact that the medical authorities, pushed by the drug companies, are choosing to ignore Vitamin C as a powerful healing substance.

Dr Ian Brighthope and his colleague Dr Ian Denman wrote a letter to “Nature” magazine to correct some misleading and incorrect information which was published in “The Melbourne Age” on 4th August, 1998 on the use of antioxidants such as Vitamins E, A, and Vitamin C .

The “Melbourne Age’ had published an article entitled “Cancer Linked To Vitamins” which was written by a Dr David Harrison.  This doctor stated that ‘preliminary studies into the use of anti-oxidant vitamins E,A, and C had indicated it might make the disease worse”……and that “In two studies, they increased the risk of lung cancer and mortality.”  However, as Dr Brighthope and Dr Denman pointed out, this doctor who is an opponent of Vitamin C  declined to name the studies which he said had proven cancer was linked to vitamins.

So this statement by Dr David Harrison is simply not credible: This opponent of Vitamin C is obviously a pawn in the drug companies’ game to cheat people out of the right to the truth, and the right to alternative treatments. In effect, this is murder:

Many people are being deprived of the right to get well, and the right to live, simply because Vitamin C is being denied them as an alternative treatment to drug companies’ prescription medicines.  Dr Brighthope spoke on television late last year about this very sad reality:  He was interviewed on NZTV about people being denied Vitamin C therapy for Swine Flu in New Zealand and Australian hospitals.

Dr Brighthope stated that Vitamin C is a PROVEN remedy for Swine Flu, and said that it was wrong that hospitals were letting people die, rather than administer intravenous Vitamin C.  Why NOT administer Vitamin C, even at the last minute, when all other treatments had failed?

One family of a person suffering from Swine Flu  in New Zealand threatened to sue the hospital if they did not allow Vitamin C to be given.  So the hospital conceded, Vitamin C was given, and THAT person who had Swine Flu actually recovered.

The letter written to ‘Nature’  by Doctors Brighthope and Denman, was ignored by ‘Nature’ magazine, even though these two Doctors are specialists in the field of Vitamin C therapy and other alternatives.  They have  done the research, and had the experience,  to show that Vitamin C therapy really does  work.

Garlic For Treatment of Infections

Herbs For Healing: Garlic

Allium sativum, or Garlic, has been used for thousands of years as a healing medicine, as well as a food condiment.  It has a history as long as your arm, and in the last century much has been recorded about its use.   It is listed in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia as an effective treatment for sinusitis, common cold, and upper respiratory tract infections.  However, Garlic is also useful for many other infections and conditions.

Garlic is a powerful anti-oxidant which has the ability to neutralize toxins in the body and strengthen the immune system.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Louis Pasteur discovered the antibiotic effect of garlic, or allium sativum.  Since then, garlic has been widely used in the treatment of infection: Albert Schweitzer used garlic in Africa to treat amoebic  dysentery and cholera.  Garlic was reportedly used  on wounds during the first and second world wars as a preventative of gangrene.

Garlic has recently been found to be effective in treating ‘untreatable’ illnesses such as AIDS, which is a viral infection resulting from a suppressed immune system.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFS, is another difficult illness which is helped by garlic. There are many viruses and conditions  which do not respond to prescription antibiotics and other allopathic medicines, but which will often respond to Garlic, allium sativum.

The active ingredients of Garlic are its sulphur-containing compounds. The most important of these is thought to be Allicin. It also contains diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide, which are also sulphur-containing anti-viral substances.  Allicin causes the strong odour in Garlic:  Since this is the most potent anti-viral ingredient in Garlic, it is thought that using Garlic fresh is better than using deodorized capsules.

Garlic is capable of helping difficult viral conditions such as herpes simplex, coxsackie viruses, rhinovirus, influenza B, and Candida albicans.  The healing compounds in garlic inhibit the growth of staphylococcus, streptocuccus, bacillus, Brucella and Vibrio, which covers all these illnesses.  It is also useful for treating childhood illnesses such as chicken pox, mumps and measles. 

In herbal medicine Garlic is  made more effective  for the treatment of some conditions when it is used in combination with other herbs, and other modalities. One of the herbs it is often used in conjunction with is Echinacea. Echinacea and Garlic together make a powerful anti-viral and immune-enhancing  medicine.