How Can I Lose Weight Naturally/Alfalfa

Alfalfa:  Natural Weight Reducer

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Medicago sativa is the botanical name for Alfalfa.   The seeds are used in growing fresh alfalfa sprouts, which are very healthy.  All parts of the plant can be used to make alfalfa tea, which is a highly alkaline and  nutritive tonic, and  which is helpful in reducing weight.

This herb is rich in vitamins and digestive nutrients: It contains good amounts of  Vitamins A, B2, B6, Vitamin C, D and K.  It is supposed to have eight different essential amino acids and eight important digestive enzymes, all of which aid the digestion.

Its highly alkaline effect helps to reduce acidity in the body.  This has a beneficial and calming effect on the nerves and the brain, which is another good reason why it helps you to lose weight.   Acidity in the body can lead to stress, and stress can cause you  to over-eat.  Acidity and toxins in the body can cause Candida albicans to ‘take off’, and this can be another reason why people feel the desire to over-eat:  Alfalfa sprouts, and plenty of alfalfa tea can help to correct acidity, correct over-eating, and help to eliminate candida.

Alfalfa has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, especially the stomach, liver and intestines.  Alfalfa is a cleansing food, and a nutritive nerve tonic.  It is highly useful in cases of radiation poisoning, as it is an exceptionally good detoxifier and restorative medicine.

All these attributes are impressive enough, but the one aspect about Alfalfa, which makes it especially good for losing weight, or controlling weight, is that it contains enzymes which break down fat.

So Alfalfa is an excellent herb to include in your daily diet if you want to lose weight.  Use the sprouted seeds in your salads, and drink several cups of alfalfa tea per day.

How To Make Alfalfa Tea:  Alfalfa tea can be made  from either the fresh leaves, or  by infusing a teaspoon of alfalfa seeds  in a large cup of hot water for several minutes.  The seeds can be left in the bottom of the cup for a ‘top-up’, as there is still plenty of goodness in them, even after one cup of tea.

Note:  If you have LOST all that extra weight, then do not over-use Alfalfa.  Once the job is done, then reduce your intake of alfalfa tea.  The Chinese say that alfalfa tea can make you too slim – so be careful.

Alfalfa also contains special hormones which affect the parathyroid glands.  This may also have a beneficial effect on stabilizing weight.

Yoga Exercise To Help Lose Weight: 

Two of the best exercises are the Satyananda routines, Rowing the Boat and Churning the Mill.  As well as being good for reducing fat deposits, these two exercises are great energy unblockers which help blood and lymph circulation.

Rowing the Boat, Nauka sanchalana,  exercises the buttocks, the thighs and the stomach muscles.  It also develops the arm muscles nicely.  To perform it, simply sit on the floor with the legs extended in front of you.  Now pretend that you are rowing a boat.  Pay attention to the breath – as you come forward, stretching the arms out towards the toes, you breath out.  Breath in as you pull back your arms from the feet, and lean the body backwards as far as you can go without straining.  Breath out as you push the arms downward near the legs, heading towards the feet.  Keep the routine up until you have completed ten rounds, or however many is comfortable to begin with.

Churning the Mill, Chakki chalasana, is another good weight-reducing exercise.  This one works in a circular motion.  Interlock the fingers together.  Stretch out on an out breath towards the toes, extending the arms as far as you can.  Begin circling towards the right, pulling back the body as you draw an imaginary circle around the body.  This is Churning the Mill.  Do ten rounds heading in a clockwise direction, then do ten rounds in the opposite direction.


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