Causes of Cancer Article In NZ Listener 2015 Has Major Omissions

Cancer Is A Political Disease, as Doctor Samuel Epstein famously wrote.

This article about cancer, which featured in this week’s NZ Listener,  May 16-22, 2015, was yet another gloss-over of the real, underlying causes of most cancers.

Remember that book by Samuel B. Epstein, ‘The Politics Of Cancer’?  Epstein’s concerns in the 1970,s or early ’80’s are as relevant today as they were then.

One thing the Listener article had right:  Just because you carry a gene which might increase your chances of getting cancer, carrying the gene does not mean that you need to succumb to the disease.  Most cancers can be prevented through eating the right foods, and living a healthy lifestyle which incorporates regular exercise. You do not need to run out and get a breast cut off to avoid getting cancer, like some well-known film stars have done.

However, if the vegetables, fruit and meat you are buying are devoid of all the main nutrients they are supposed to carry, because of artificial fertilizers ruining natural fertility of the soil, and they are contaminated by the use of various agricultural poisons used in producing them, then diet may not help much in preventing cancer.  For diet to prevent or cure cancer, then it is imperative that a clean, organic source of food be found.

Point One On The Omissions In Listener Article: It failed to mention that the widespread poisoning of the planet by agrichemical giants is the main cause of cancer.  If we don’t get poisoned through agriculture, then the local council might do it for us: Governments and councils all over the world support these companies by allowing these poisons on our parks, in nature reserves, and around our towns on the pavements.

Point Two: It also declined to mention that poverty, or inequal distribution of the world’s wealth, is another major cause of obesity, which in turn goes hand in hand with higher cancer risk, as well as heart disease and diabetes.  This is because vegetables and fresh fruit are expensive, whereas take-away foods such as McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried, are relatively cheap, which is why many poorer families rely on these second-rate choices.  Apart from the obvious high-fat in takeaway foods, they contain high levels of genetically-modified items, such as corn, which are contaminated with glyphosphate and other agrichemicals.

On point one: No matter how good the food you eat, chances are it has been exposed to quantities of glyphosphate poison, found in RoundUp, as well as many other contaminants.

The World Health Organization has recently announced that glyphosphate, an active component in RoundUp weedkiller, ‘probably causes cancer’.

Agrichemical giants have argued for a long time that ‘there is no proof that poisons such as glyphosphate are harmful’, and they have aggressively suppressed information which might alert people as to their health risk.  At last, WHO have come out with an albeit half-hearted attack on glyphosphate and Monsanto’s RoundUp.

The world-wide push for countries to sign the TPPA trade agreement is going to weaken the power of governments further:  It will effectively eradicate our right to free speech, as these chemical giants will rule under USA law, which currently gives them the right to sue if we harm their sales.  This means anybody claiming that these poisons harm your health will be sued, just to shut them up.

The end result of this corruption is that our food will continue to be contaminated by the major seed and herbicide-pesticide manufacturers, and will probably become even more toxic with their increased powers, once they have shut down free speech and any adversaries of their ethics.

Monsanto have been using ‘RoundUp Ready’ seeds for a long time now.  Being so-called ‘Round-Up Ready’ means that the plant has been developed to resist glyphosphate poison.  But it also means that the food, which has come from genetically modified seeds so that it can withstand glyphosphate weed-killer, will be highly contaminated with this poison.  The plant may survive the glyphosphate weedkiller, but it absorbs the poison, and then we ingest it.

75% or more of the world’s corn and soybeans are now thought to be genetically modified seeds which are so-called ‘RoundUp-Ready’, which means they can withstand liberal use of glyphosphate-containing RoundUp poison.

So, so sad to see John Campbell leaving TV3 and his programme ‘Campbell Live’.  This is a political move, as John is the only journalist who deals honestly and helpfully on all manner of political, social and environmental issues, and I bet the National government is overjoyed he has been pushed out. Now we have no one to defend the poor, or the environment, or to keep the politicians honest.

My guess is that, more than anything, TV3 has come under pressure from the government, who  wanted John Campbell quietened down on the serious worries we all have to do with our government and their secret negotiations to sign the TPPA with America, our government’s dubious spy agency, and other things, such as unaffordable housing in Auckland and rocketing house prices.

It has nothing to do with Campbell’s  ratings.  I believe these have been trumped down in the same way that National’s ratings are trumped up – to suit the government.  John Campbell is probably the most loved TV personality ever, and his ratings are still much higher than those of other important programmes run by TV3, or any other station.

A friend of mine told me angrily this week that policital issues should be kept separate from health ones, and that I am wrong to include both.  Funny – I pulled all the obvious political stuff from my health site when it was being hacked regularly, around the time just prior to the election three years ago.

I guessed that the reason was political, and that the National lot were to blame.  My son discovered that the site had definitely been hacked, and that an ad for ‘viagra for sale’ had been  inserted within my articles, along with other examples of sabotage.  One sure way to get your site ruined in its ratings is by sticking ads like this onto it.

Then, just two weeks before this last election, someone invited a response from me, in a comment that they made on my site.  So, for the first time in around three years, I mentioned the National government, whom I had criticized earlier.  I said that my site had been hacked because of my views on the current government, which I consider to be their obliviousness to the urgencies of social issues such as housing, and jobs, their lack of concern for the environment, and their greedy desire to sell off every part of our country for quick profit.

Within an hour of writing this, my whole site was totally blocked.  I was effectively silenced, not able to answer comments, not able to agree with the arguments put forward by Nicki Hager, that the National government had serious bloggers out there to undermine the other parties.  Now I knew how serious this movement to protect the status quo really was – that they have the power to  stop any protesters or dissenters, by de-activating their sites.  And I couldn’t write about it, because my site was down.

The site wasn’t able to be restored until two days AFTER the election, because the ‘WordPress’ help-desk was conveniently shut until then.  Well – Great to see all this stuff printed in ‘The Listener’ on diet, and what foods to eat for keeping healthy and avoiding cancer.  But we, who have long held serious doubts on the belief systems of the medical establishment, knew all this a long, long time ago.

Stop 1080 Poisoning Or We Will Add It To NZ Infant Formula

Environment And Health Concern

Today’s NZ Herald on Wednesday, 11th March, 2015, published a front-page article on the potential threat made by 1080 protestors to New Zealand-made infant formula.

The threat has been made by someone, or a group of people, who objects/object to the national government’s stance on 1080 poison.

If the government does not stop its distribution of 1080 by the end of the month, then the protestors say they will poison infant formula with 1080.

This national government currently condones the nation-wide poisoning of New Zealand by the pesticide 1080, and they refuse to back down on their plan to keep using it despite all the evidence which proves it to be devastating to the environment.  It gets into the water-ways and, eventually, into our food.

Although the amounts in water and in our food might be very small, or considered ‘safe’ by the authorities, it has been shown that even small amounts of toxic substances such as neonicotinoids have a devastating effect on bees, for a start.  It is very likely that small amounts of 1080 and other poisonous chemicals in our environment could cause the outbreaks of cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disese, and asthma in sensitive people:  Just as the whole of a hive can be affected by miniscule amounts of insecticide, whole groups of people could be affected similarly.

Read my posts about scientific evidence which shows how minute doses of neonicotinoids can cause bee colony collapse disorder.

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder

Bayer Says Stop Campaign To Save Bees Or We Will Sue

Nicotinoid Insecticides Kill Bees And Harm Humans

Homeopathically, 1080 will have an effect of some sort, no matter what dilution it finds itself in:  there is always a cause and effect, just as the neonicotinoid insecticide predisposed bees to a virus, resulting in bee colony collapse disorder on a massive scale throughout Europe.

The Labour government similarly ignored the effects of the ‘apple moth’ spraying over Auckland in the early 2000’s. This poisoning lasted several years, with regular, expensive full-page advertising in the New Zealand Herald newspaper which told us the spray was safe, until Victoria University of Wellington finally proved conclusively that the stuff was indeed making Aucklanders very sick.

After the initial three weeks of the programme, when letters were received objecting to the spray being used, the NZ Herald published a statement saying that no more discussion would be entered into on the issue.  From that point, no adverse comments or any articles were published about the apple moth spray’s toxic effects.  We who objected to the spray being used, and there were thousands of us, were effectively silenced by the media who were obviously obeying orders from above.

Thanks to Victoria University, the spraying was stopped, eventually.

Too late for some:I was forced to leave Auckland, as were many other people, because of the ‘apple moth’ spraying which occurred on a regular basis over the summer months.

More recently, in 2012, Brodifacoum was laid on the Whangaparaoa Shakespear Park.  Within a week, around 20,000 of dead seagulls were found washed up on the shores of Maraetai Beach, which is only a short drive away from Orewa Beach near Whangaparaoa.  The dead birds were blamed on a storm at sea.

To add 1080 poison to infant formula would certainly be a horrendous and murderous act, but I must say that the ploy has attracted the attention of the media in no uncertain way, which is probably the intention of the threat, in my opinion.

Media attention on the matter of toxic herbicides and pesticides is what we need.  They are usually very reluctant to bring agrichemicals to the fore of their attention:  Big business conveniently dictates the topics of our media to their advantage.

1080 is a dreadful poison which kills all animal and bird life which comes into contact with it.

Last year sometime, around June, 2014, I went with a friend to climb Mount Te Aroha, the mountain of love, only about 30 kilometres away from where I live.

There were signs at the bottom of the walkway up the mountain which warned against taking dogs up, and which advised sticking to the path, because 1080 had been laid there recently.

We climbed a good way up – about a third the length of the pathway to the top – but we did not see ONE bird, nor did we hear any bird calls during our half-hour walk up.  And no sign of bird-life at all on our walk back down.

1080 is a devastating poison, and we are only using it in New Zealand because of manipulations by the chemical company who makes it, and our environmentally blind government.

There is big money tied up in using such chemicals on a grand scale, where literally thousands of hectares of land all over the country is being poisoned.

You simply cannot ‘go bush’ to ‘get away from it all’ any more:  Chances are, the secluded spot you dreamt about will be more toxic than the city you left behind.

Wake up, New Zealand.  Already, we seem powerless to prevent mass poisoning of our lands and bush, but if TPPA is passed, we will not even be allowed to talk about our fears, lest we get sued by the megagiant makers of toxic agricultural chemicals.

My new book is available on Amazon:

Wake Up New Zealand America’s TPPA Puts Agriculture At Risk

March Against TPPA 7th March 2015

These protest marches against TPPA really are a statement against corporate greed in New Zealand.  The TPPA will serve to profit those huge multi-national corporations, such as Monsanto, Bayer, Du Pont and Syngenta, whilst minimizing our own profit. More for them, and less for us.

The price of food is bound to go up.

Disappointing that the turn-out yesterday to the Nation-wide protest against TPPA was so low.  The marches over the country did not attract anything like the numbers who have protested against ocean oil drilling, or the sale of assets marches.

The low response to the anti TPPA protest is largely because most New Zealanders still do not have a clue about the TPPA.  Many have never heard of it.

And this ignorance is just what is intended by our New Zealand National government, and the drivers for TPPA from America.

How come the public has no knowledge about the TPPA and what it will do to our way of life?

The title is a nebulous one, for a start. ‘TPPA’ has been chosen deliberately to disguise the reality of the proposed movement which will have our rights whittled away.

We have so many abbreviations for this and that in government departments .  SIPS,  WINZ, MAF,  Who cares if there is another one?

But the media – newspapers, TV and radio, have been primed to keep any discussion about TPPA to a minimum.  I did hear that ‘Campbell Live’ ran a good programme about the erosion of rights, and the economic impact for New Zealand.  But nought else on TV, radio or newspaper.

And so, in Hamilton, there were only around 200 demonstrators, by the looks of the photos on Facebook.

And in Auckland, where the protesters usually come out in their thousands to support a just cause, were only 1500 to 2000 at the most.  The low turn-out shows how TPPA means nothing to the average New Zealander.

Not that protesting has had any influence thus far on this government.  The majority of people were against the sale of public assets, and despite many marches of huge numbers, petitions to government, etc, they still charged on ahead to sell off public assets which our predecessors have worked hard for.

New Zealand Growers Will Suffer With TPPA:  Because of TPPA, virtually everybody in agriculture will be at risk of being sued.

Our heritage seeds and trees are all at risk  Because of Monsanto’s huge presence in agriculture, their modified seeds are taking over, which is putting our heritage seeds and trees and plants at risk..  Many old varieties of seed and fruits have died out because of the monopolization of the big agriculture companies.

Expect To Be Sued If You Lose A Heritage Crop Due To a Rogue Patented Variety

Losing our heitage plants is one thing – but having to pay for the contamination and loss of our own crops, because patented rogue seed has taken over our crops, is another.

TPPA will put us under American law, which means any of us can be sued for our crops accidentally being contaminated by genetically modified patented seeds, such as those which Monsanto produce.

In America, some of these big companies are employing people to go around the countryside testing all crops.  If it is found that cross-pollination with their patented varieties has occurred, then you will be fined or sued.

Is This What We Want? Aready, innocent farmers, in America and other countries, are being sued by Monsanto and other agri-giant companies because their seeds, or a cross-pollinated version of them, have been found on the farmer’s property.  This will happen in New Zealand too, if the TPPA comes into force.  We will have to abide by American law which favours these big seed and chemical giants.

The situation is most bizarre and corrupt.  Monsanto, Syngenta and DuPont, among other seed producing corporations, have their seeds virtually all over the world now.  They proliferate naturally, by wind and birds carrying the seeds to other locations, away from their original planting sites.

The farmer who grows his own heritage varieties of seed is not protected at all if his or her crops become contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically altered patented seeds.  The law is on Monsanto and the other big companies’ side.

Freedom Of Speech Will Be A Thing Of The Past: The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, known as The TPPA agreement, will severely curtail our Freedom Of Speech and weaken our human rights.

We will not be allowed to discuss the ill-effects of any poison, such as the glyphosphate-containing RoundUp, or neonicotinoid poisons which cause bee colony collapse disorder, killing bees and other pollinating insects.  Because if we do make a statement against the use of these toxic chemicals, then we stand to be sued by those overseas chemical manufacturers of the said chemical, for loss of sales, loss of revenue.

Such is American law.

They will say ‘there is no proof’ or ‘prove it’.  But without sharing our stories about the ill-effects of toxic chemicals, there will be no body of case studies to examine, and we will be none the wiser, except for the ‘research’ which they tell us to be true.

Other related articles:

Bayer Says Stop Campaign To Save Bees Or We Will Sue

Bee-Killing Insecticides Banned In Europe, But Now Bayer Sues

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder

Nicotinoid Insecticides Kill Bees And Harm Humans

March Against Monsanto Planned New York 23 May 2015

Organic USA Farmers Sue Monsanto For Contamination Of Crops

Here is an interesting document entitled ‘Negotiating Healthy Trade In Australia – Health Impact Assessment of the Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.’  Read about how food labelling could be affected, and how alcohol and tobacco advertisements might be affected to the detriment of the nation’s health.

My new book is available on Amazon:


Protest Stop Deep Sea Oil In New Zealand Waters 29 March 2015

New Zealand Environment At Risk

Join the march on the 29th March to stop deep sea oil corporations in NZ.  This very important march is to take place in Auckland at noon, leaving from Britomart downtown by the ferry buildings.

New Zealand’s waters are about to be opened up to overseas corporations by the current national government.  Our beautiful, clean, green environment is about to be raped and pillaged by these mega giant companies, who do not care a damn about the damage they cause.  History shows their reluctance to take responsibility when accidents occur.  And even with the best of intentions, and financial input, you cannot expect that the environment will ever fully recover again after a major oil spill.  All those dead birds and fish cannot be brought back to life, and nor can the people who have died of cancers and other diseases linked to oil.

There are very toxic chemicals in oil which cause cancers and other degenerative disease.

The Gulf of Mexico is still suffering.  Many people have died of strange illnesses and cancers after the massive spillage there.  Millions of sea creatures and birds have died as a result of this accident.

For all their assurances that technology prevents such accidents, oil spillages are still going on.

Ocean drilling for oil is an exceedingly risky process, and so it should be stopped everywhere in the world wherever it can, and most especially in New Zealand.

New Zealand has such a small area, which makes it particularly vulnerable in the event of an oil spill or any disaster of a chemical nature.

New Zealand Oil Spills:

Tauranga is still recovering environmentally and economically from the oil spill of two years ago, when the ship Rena went aground and spilt masses of oil into the sea.

And we hear that over at the OMV’s floating oil storage facility in Taranaki, on the 23rd of February, just over a week ago, another oil spill has occurred 70 kilometres out from the Taranaki coastline. This has apparently put 300 litres into the sea, but I suspect that this figure vastly underestimates the actual amount.  This is the fifth oil spill in this area over a five year period.

My new book is available on Amazon:

Bayer Says Stop Campaign To Save Bees Or We Will Sue

Environment Crisis: Bees Are Dying By The Millions

SumOfUs, who are working hard to save the bees, have been threatened by Bayer because of their campaign to stop the use of harmful-to-bees pesticides.

Bayer is already on the warpath of the European Commission, who have banned some insecticides because of the evidence which shows them to be harmful to bees.

Bayer want the European Commission’s ruling overturned so that they can continue right on with making and selling and profitting from their evil toxic sprays.  I wrote about Bayer’s incredibly irresponsible response to the EC’s ruling on:

Bee-Killing Insecticides Banned In Europe, But Now Bayer Sues

Heading for a Major Environmental Disaster:  We need bees and pollinating insects to fertilize our crops, orchards and gardens.  Without enough of these pollinators there will be world-wide famine and we will all starve.

Many insecticides and herbicides currently on the market are killing bees by the millions, as well as many other pollinating insects.

Alexis Hope wrote me last week:  ‘The short haired bumble bee in NZ has gone extinct in the UK where it was originally imported from. They’re trying to reintroduce it from NZ back to the UK.
There are other varieties which have died out that can’t be reintroduced. Tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers (that whole night shade family of veg) are all pollinated by bumble bees from buzz polination. Something honey bees can’t do.’

Neonicotinoid insecticides are mainly to blame for the rapid decline in bee numbers across Europe, America and New Zealand.

Of course, there are other factors involved in the phenomenon of a declining bee population, such as lack of diversity in agriculture, and climate change, but there is plenty of evidence to show that neonicotinoids really do affect bees in a devastating way.  Read my post on Bee Colony Collapse Disorder from way back in 2011:

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder

Nicotinoid Insecticides Kill Bees And Harm Humans

The trouble is that these multinational corporations, which manufacture the harmful agricultural chemicals used the world over, do not wish to stop profiting from the sale of their harmful chemicals.  It is a multi-billion dollar industry.

So these big greedy companies are fighting all the way to keep their products on the market.

Save The Bee campaigners SumOfUs have received a letter from Bayer which threatens legal action unless SumOfUs stop their campaign to save the bees.  SumOfUs desperately need funds to help fight the legal battle against ‘the deep-pocketed Bayer’ on the issue of their campaign to protect the bees.

See if you can donate a little.  SumOfUs, who have influence because of their international following and their website ‘voice’, are fighting this legal battle for the rest of us.  If we all give just $5 or $10, we are doing our bit to help gain a good result. Go to SumOfUs website and search for Bees:SumOfUs sued

Read about  New Zealand parliament’s concerns over bee welfare and their suggested moratorium on the use of neonicotinoid poisons .  Thankyou Alexis for posting me this link:

Alexis wrote me:

‘While the Nats go to war, looks like the Greens are trying to stop the use of neonicotinoids in NZ.’

Sue Kedgley respectfully requests
“Stop the use of pesticides that are implicated in bee deaths until an ERMA reassessment finds that they do not pose a risk to bee health.”
“It is argued that, unlike older pesticides that evaporate or disperse shortly after application, neonicotinoids incorporate themselves into the plant’s tissues and emits toxins from its roots, leaves, stems, pollen, and nectar.”
Other related articles:

My new book is available on Amazon: