Cleansing Diets

Detox Cleanse at Home. Fasting Free

The fasting free cleansing diet which is first on the list here is actually very easy to do.  You don’t starve.  You can detox while you enjoy your food just the same.  You will find that it is quite fun to do.  It is just a matter of getting organized and  getting in the necessary foods which are going to sustain you over this two week period of cleansing.

Cancer Prevention: Cleansing diets are important to keep good health.  Cancer does not develop in a body which is kept clean of waste. Accumulated waste is the main factor in people getting degenerative disease like cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and parkinson’s disease. If you are unlucky enough to have been exposed to large amounts of toxic herbicides and pesticides and industrial chemicals, then you will have a harder job to eliminate the accumulated poisons, and cancer and other disease will be harder to cure through elimination processes. But it can be done.  And should be done.

In a fairly normal healthy body, it is good to fast occasionally to give the liver a rest and let it, , and the kidneys, expel the poisons from the body. This happens best when no food is taken, but there are various diets which work just as well, though they take longer to have a thorough cleansing effect. If you are deficient in vitamins and minerals, a complete fast is not recommended – a juice diet or one of the modified diets is best to follow in this case. This is the idea in Dr Max Gerson’s cancer-recovery diet, which focussed on elimination but with massive amounts of nutrients given in the way of fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Don’t forget that enema which Max Gerson and Walter Last and other healers have emphasized is essential to eliminate those poisons quickly – imperative if you have a life-threatening disease like cancer.

Modified Diet Regime

Follow this for two weeks. It is important during this period of cleansing that you have no bread, butter, eggs, meat, chicken or fish. The only cheese which is allowed is preservative-free cottage cheese which is available from all good health food stores.

Milk is allowed, but if you have an allergy to cow’s milk, then use goat’s milk or goat’s milk yoghurt if that agrees with you. There is an alternative of a cup of pea soup which can be used instead of using dairy milk.

1)  The Fasting-Free Home Detox-Cleanse


  1. A large glass of freshly juiced fruit juice or carrot or celery juice.
  2. Or a plate of sweet fruits such as banana, dates, grapes, figs, prunes, melon, paw paw, apple, peaches, nectarines – in any combination.
  3. A few nuts or almonds, and a glass of goat’s milk. This can be taken with either of number one or two of this list.
  4. A lightly cooked boiled egg on its own without bread.

This breakfast is a nutritive one which is good for cleansing. It is also a good maintenance diet for those who wich to lose weight. Plenty of enzymes are supplied in the juices and sweet fruits which are rich in vitamins and minerals. Good amounts of protein are supplied in this diet, which nourish the tissues and rebuild them without building fat. Wheat-breads and buns are the thing which cause fat to build up, in my experience. Do without wheat products and processed sugar, and you are half way there.


  1. A salad of carrots, celery, cabbage, raisins with olive oil dressing.
  2. Two or three lightly cooked vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, string beans, beetroot, asparagus, carrots. Keep potatoes out for the meantime.
  3. Make sure that the quantity of salad material is more than the cooked food.


  1. Salad of vegetables or soaked dates, prunes, raisins with fresh sweet fruits like mango or paw paw and bananas. Simple plain olive oil dressing can be added.
  2. Glass of goat’s milk or yoghurt or cottage cheese. You can have this with the salad in number one.
  3. Two mashed bananas for desert, or a plate of sliced fresh peaches or grapes.
  4. If goat’s milk or dairy milk is no good for you, then have one cup of pea soup: Make this in advance, as it takes a while to cook. You can leave it in the fridge so that you have it available at mealtimes for a few days. Remember that this diet is best if you stick to it for two weeks. So prepare yourself in advance.

It is a good idea with this diet to take a herbal laxative last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Do not use anything other than a herbal laxative. One tablespoon of castor oil could be taken EVERY THIRD DAY instead of taking a herbal laxative every morning and evening. Chemical laxatives are very damaging in the long run, so avoid these.

This diet is a really good cleanser. It is one which most people can do. You don’t deprive yourself of the experience of eating food with this diet – it is very good for people who cannot sustain juice fasts. The results are just about as good as a juice fast, but it takes a little longer to work because its action is more mild.

2)   The Olive Oil Fasting-Free Detox Diet

Two weeks is the recommended time to continue this diet, but even one week will do much to clear the system of toxins, dissolve mucous build-up, and help to dissolve gall stones.  You can alternate it with the above modified diet if you wish – one week on the above modified diet, and one week on the olive oil regime.


  • 1/2 cup of cold pressed olive oil or cold pressed soya oil mixed with 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice. If you don’t have lemons, then grapefruit juice can be used instead, or 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with one tablespoon of water.
  • Swallow down the mixture of olive oil and lemon juice, or the alternatives above.  Eat nothing at all until lunchtime.  Avoid all tea and coffee.  But herb teas can be drunk freely during the course of the morning to wash away old bile.  They help to negate poisons.   Mint and peppermint are especially good for this.  Chamomile tea is another good one.  These herbal teas benefit the liver and gall bladder and aid the elimination process.


  • Eat a large salad with olive oil or some other good quality cold pressed oil on it.  If you are still hungry then eat more salad, or some fresh fruit such as banana, an apple, or some dates.


  • Eat another large salad with an avocado in it.  Use a variety of vegetables to get a range of nutrients.  Grated beetroot, grated carrot, kale, spinach, lettuce, chopped chives, parsley, avocado.
  • If you do not use avocado, you can have one baked potato with the salad.
  • Have two cooked green vegetables with the meal:  Broccoli, spinach or silver beet, green string beans or broad beans

That’s it.  This diet can be done at any time, and for as long as you feel like following it.  Dr Jarvis recommends the olive oil and lemon juice treatment in his book “Folk Medicine’.  He recommends it for gall stones and for preventing the formation of gall stones.He stipulates that the olive oil and lemon juice must be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.  This is because the treatment is not effective in removing toxins or in dissolving gall stones if there is food present.  Food will dilute the effect of the olive oil cleanse.

Also be careful not to use meats, cooked eggs, bread, cheese of milk while on this diet.  The smallest amount of these things will spoil the efficacy of it.  Food yeast may be used if you are doing the diet for a few weeks.  Food yeast will provide you with B Vitamins and prevent a deficiency of B Vitamins occurring.

Walter Last believed in two raw egg yolks being taken a day, and I find that this is very beneficial.  Raw egg yolk is easy to digest and it does not impair the cleansing effect of diets such as this.  Raw egg yolk contains many nutrients, including protein, fats, lecithin, vitamins and minerals including iron.  It is a great food for building up the body’s vitality.  The egg yolk must be taken without the white, and it must be uncooked.  It can be added to an olive oil dressing to make aioli, or it can be mixed with fruit juice.

Gall Bladder Stones Treatment

Gall Stones Treatment. Natural Remedy.

Should You Get Your Gall Bladder Out?

Keep your gall bladder if you can. Unless it is absolutely necessary, then gall bladder removal should not be considered.   Some people may need to have their gall bladder removed, but I have met so many people who, at the first sign of gall stones, have rushed to the doctor to get the gall bladder removed.

Gall bladder operations are very common, and I think that the reason that many doctors and patients go in for gall bladder removals is because they do not realize that there are treatments which work for removing gall stones. If you have been advised to get your gall bladder out, and you do not have anything else wrong with you, such as a cancerous condition, then you should get a second opinion from another doctor.  Go also to an alternative health practitioner such as an ayurvedic healer, a naturopath,  herbalist, acupuncturist  or chinese medicinal healer for advice.

The thing is, that there are many different alternative treatments for gall stones.  Unless it is absolutely necessary to get your gall bladder out, then it obviously might be worth a try to eliminate those gall stones naturally, so that you can keep your gall bladder.

Some of the more well known treatments for breaking up gall stones and eliminating gall stones are:

  • Castor oil treatment
  • Olive oil and lemon juice
  • Epsom salts
  • Fasting on juices using  fresh organic  vegetables and fruits helps to eliminate gall stones and break them up.  Herbs such as dandelion leaves and root will help to prevent stones from forming, and also help to break up existing stones.

Prevent Gall Stones From Forming:

  • Drink plenty of good water.  Don’t drink too much coffee and tea.
  • The Diet should be at least 50% fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Keep the diet alkaline with plenty of cooked greens, and raw salads.
  • Avoid fried food.  Use olive oil and other ‘good’ uncooked oils on salads.
  • Go easy on acid-forming foods such as dairy produce, meats, wheat products, especially bread.
  • Eat Brown Rice instead of Bread: Use brown rice as a substitute for all those wheat products.
  • You will not only lose weight and keep trim, but you will protect your gall bladder, your liver, your heart, kidneys and brain.
  • Drink plenty of dandelion root coffee instead of too much ceylon tea and coffee.  Dandelion root and dandelion leaves help to break up gall bladder stones.

The Treatments:

Olive Oil and Lemon Juice: This is a very old remedy which many natural healers have used, as well as those doctors who have an alternative approach to medicine.  Dr Max Gerson, Dr Walter Last,  and Dr Wagner are some of the many doctors who have adopted alternative methods of healing in their medical practices. Dr Wagner discusses the olive oil and lemon juice treatment in his book ‘How To Stay Out of The Doctor’s Office’.  Walter Last also used this treatment.

Castor Oil Treatment

This treatment was made famous by Dr Gerson, but it actually has been in use for centuries as a method of getting rid of gall stones.

Max Gerson’s method was to take two tablespoons of castor oil every second day for the treatment of cancer.  However, castor oil for simple gall stone treatment does not need continuous treatment such as this.  One weekly dose of a tablespoonful is probably a sensible dose.  In Victorian times, a weekly dose of castor oil was almost mandatory, to ‘fix what’s wrong with you’.

Ask your naturopath or your Ayurvedic practitioner about gall stone treatments and taking castor oil as a remedy.

to be continued

Vitamin C for Cancer Patients

Cancer and Vitamin C

Vitamin C  as a Cancer Treatment has been used for decades, in combination with other remedies.

The debate, Is Vitamin C Effective For Treating Cancer? ran tonight, 18 September, 2010, on ‘Sunday’, presented by John Hudson.

The most striking thing, I thought, was the difference between those doctors who were open to the idea of using Vitamin C as part of a cancer treatment, and those doctors who were closed to the idea of Vitamin C having any value, even though they had never tried it.

Someone in the know should really do some research into the psychology behind the closed-minded attitude which many doctors have, and compare it to the psychology of an open-minded and more positive  doctor. I know which of the two I would rather put my faith in.

Incidentally, the two doctors who were open to the use of Vitamin C were both women. The other doctors  who were against the use of Vitamin C  were adamant that Vitamin C was not effective, and trotted out with the usual phrases about there being no research which proves conclusively that Vitamin C is any good, and that it might even do harm, they said.  These are  ridiculous and unintelligent statements, considering their lack of knowledge about Vitamin C use – they haven’t tried it, let alone read about it – and ridiculous too when you consider that chemotherapy and radiation therapy actually harm the healthy cells whilst they are attacking the cancer cells, yet this aspect of conventional therapy was conveniently overlooked in the discussion.

Vitamin C has actually been found to be effective in minimizing the negative side effects of radiation and chemotherapy treatment.

It is an unfair response too, on the part of these negative-thinking doctors, when you consider that  many patients who have been administered Vitamin C  by the hospitals,  are only given it at the last moment, when all else has failed and the patient is very weak:

“See, it didn’t work” they will say when the patient did not recover.  Vitamin C or any other treatment  is not likely to do much good if it is administered just before death..

Other reasons for not giving Vitamin C to cancer patients was that  ‘It might interfere with the chemotherapy and radiation treatments”……”The kidneys might be damaged” they said,  about giving  Vitamin C  to a patient who was soon to die:  Again-  No mention of their  radiation and chemotherapy causing any damage to kidneys or other organs.  At this stage, anyway,  the worry about Vitamin C affecting the kidneys is not a realistic concern. What is wrong with giving Vitamin C a try, if the patient  is about to die, and  all  other ‘treatments’ for cancer are obviously not working?

Vitamin C for Pain Relief: At the very least, high doses of Vitamin C  help reduce pain and suffering: This is a FACT.  This alone, is good enough reason to administer Vitamin C, even if the patient is not expected to live.

Yet still,  these doctors, Professor Shaun Holt and Dr Michael Jameson, seem determined to undermine the benefits of Vitamin C,  publicly stating  that Vitamin C does not have an effect on cancer, and that they will not try it.

Proof That Vitamin C Affects Cancer Cells : This is a hot debate at the moment, because we were told on the news within the past couple of weeks, that New Zealand doctors had proved that there is definitely a link between Vitamin C and cancer, and that Vitamin C does inhibit some cancers, and even reduce others.  However, these reported findings were not discussed on tonight’s ‘Sunday’ programme.

We were fortunate to have the Christchurch hospital specialist who is in charge of the Otago University Research team on the show.  This specialist, who had a well considered and intelligent approach, was convinced that Vitamin C could help save people’s lives, but said that they needed more money for research to work out things like the best dosage, and what other therapies might be complimentary to Vitamin C therapy. She was hopeful that the government might give the university some money for research so that more could be learned about how to use Vitamin C for cancer patients.

Dr Sue Levin supported the use of Vitamin C in hospitals as part of a cancer treatment.  She said Vitamin C was ‘a necessary part of treatment’, but that Vitamin C was not a ‘stand-alone’ treatment.

Research money usually comes from the drug companies, who are not keen to be doing any research into the effects of Vitamin C – I wonder why?

Hospitals Refused To Administer Vitamin C: We had more controversy over the use of Vitamin C recently, when Auckland hospital denied the use of Vitamin C for a patient who had swine flu.  After the man’s family threatened to take legal action if the hospital did not administer Vitamin C, the hospital backed down, gave the vitamin C, and the man recovered.

This case was discussed earlier in the week, on Wednesday, TVNZ  Channel 3: “60 Minutes’ programme.  An Australian doctor, Ian Goodhope, who is a Vitamin C specialist, had much to say on the issue of Vitamin C:  “Anyone who deprives a patient of the use of Vitamin C is guilty of neglect” , he said.  He is promoting the use of Vitamin C for Swine flu, and has had good results on the use of Vitamin C.

It would be good to have Dr Goodhope’s thoughts on the use of Vitamin C for cancer.  He said that there is ‘plenty of research and good material on the use of Vitamin C’ – I know that there is much literature on cancer treatments, and the use of Vitamin C as a complementary therapy:  Dr Gerson used Vitamin C as part of his cancer therapy in the middle of the 20th century, and he has written a famous book about some of his cases and the treatments which he used.

The approach of medical people into the use of Vitamin C is interesting:  Many doctors are still are looking for a ‘cure’ as such.  Vitamin C is a great complementary therapy for cancer, as it is a powerful antioxidant and detoxifyier, but it should never be regarded as being the only thing required to cure someone of cancer.

The important things to consider in really curing someone of cancer are high nutrients in the form of raw foods and juices, and detoxification:  When someone has cancer, detoxification has to be done very speedily, to stop the cancer from growing, and to begin the process of reduction.

Dr Gerson never used such huge doses of Vitamin C for treating cancer, as I recall.  The more important thing is that toxins are cleared quickly form the bowel, in order to beat the cancer.  Vitamin C helps in negating poisons, and in helping to clear the bowel.  However, it is ESSENTIAL that the bowel be cleared quickly in advanced cases of cancer. The two most important tools to get this achieved are castor oil and enemas.

High Fiber Foods  and Maximum Nutrient Value: Raw food and their juices provide maximum nutrition, but also provide large amounts of fiber which is essential in reversing the situation of cancer.

Dr Gerson was adamant that people should NOT have chemotherapy and radiation treatment if they wanted to recover using his method.  Radiation and chemotherapy harm the organs and the cells so much, that dietary and detoxification methods are less likely to achieve a cure if these orthodox treatments have been used first.

In the case of the poor young 20 year old boy, who died from cancer while this programme was being made,  I believe that if he had been able to use the other treatments in the Gerson therapy, namely enemas and castor oil,  he might still be alive today.  It still may have been too late, of course, especially with his having undergone radiation and chemotherapy, but many people who have been abandoned by orthodox medicine because it is believed they have only a short time to live, have recovered when these two extra therapies have been administered.

Organic Insecticides

Organic insecticides Which Really Work

It is important to use non-poisonous insecticides on your pet. Poisonous chemicals which are in many flea killers, ant killers and cockroach products, are partly to blame for the many cancers, arthritis, and nerve and muscular diseases which our pets, and ourselves, are often afflicted with.

Toxic chemicals put an overload on the body’s organs, especially the liver.  Toxic chemicals also affect the heart, kidneys and bladder.  Toxic chemicals can  cause heart palpitations, fluttering of the heart, weakness of the heart, and heart attack.  Toxic chemicals can cause cancer. These affflictions can affect your own state of health, as well as that of your pet.

If the effects of the many toxic chemicals we use in our environment were understood, in food production, and to control weeds and pests, then there would not be a need to take the many drugs such as warfarin and others which are widely distributed to prevent heart attacks and stroke.  We would not have so much cancer about either, if the use of poisonous chemicals in our environment were eliminated.

Cancer Prevention: Using organic insecticides will go a long way to preventing liver damage, cancer, and other degenerative disease.

Protect Your Pets by using  natural products to eradicate or control fleas and other pests in the home. By using organic insecticides on your pets and in your household, you are not only lowering the risk of cancer in  your family and your pets,  but will be contributing to a more healthy environment.  It is important not to support the manufacturers of poisonous products:  by NOT buying their products, we are making a contribution to a healthier poison-free environment.

Weleda Products To Treat Fleas and Other Pests.

One way in which you can help protect  the health of you, your family and your pets is by making organic insecticides at home. I have a post which gives some recipes for organic insecticides.

However, there are a few commercial products which are totally safe to use.  Weleda products are one of the safe brands to buy.  Their herbal and homeopathic combinations are well tried, safe, and effective remedies.  I can really recommend their flea treatment.  Go check out the range of Weleda products – it is ages since I used their flea treatment, but here is how it worked for me:

The Weleda homeopathic flea treatment which I used  cost less than $10 at the time.  Of the liquid, I used only three drops in a pint of water.  This was put into a spray bottle.  I think I shook the bottle a few times with the water and the homeopathic liquid in it, then the potion was ready to use.

We had moved into an old villa which was infested with fleas.  It had been shut up for some time in the summer, and the fleas had had a ball.  If you walked down the hallway and looked down at your legs, you could pick off dozens of fleas.

I sprayed the homeopathic flea lotion around the house in the evening, making sure the hallway, which was worse affected, was done in every corner.

Unbelievable result. By morning, there was not a flea to be found. I have no idea where they went.  They had simply disappeared.  No dead fleas to be found.  We never, in the year that we spent at that house, had a flea problem there again.

Home-Made Lavender Insecticide:

By chance, once, when I was experimenting with herbal essences, and  potions which would work for head lice, I came across a home made remedy which had just as potent an effect as the Weleda homeopathic for fleas.

This was in the summer, just after I had used the Weleda flea treatment, so I had just increased my  knowledge on the making, and the use, of homeopathic remedies.

In the early summer, when the lavender was fresh and clean after the spring rain, I picked a heap of lavender, enough to fill a two pint jar with lavender.  I put hot water over it, added a couple of tablespoons of honey, the juice of a lemon, then screwed the lid on just lightly, so that the fermentation gases could escape, but the insects not get in.

I left the jar for three weeks, sitting on the window sill in the sun.  I shook the jar a little every day, tightening the lid first so that the liquid would not spill, then loosened it again when the jar lay rested on the window sill.

After three weeks, I drained off the liquid, which I poured over another fresh lot of lavender, with a little added honey.   The same procedure was followed.  Three weeks in the sun, shaking lightly every day.  After three weeks, again, the same routine was applied – more fresh lavender, and the last liquid poured over the new lavender.

After the third infusion, I drained the liquid off.  This was by now the colour of purple lavender, and had a very strong, beautiful aroma.

I found, when using this liquid, that it was impossibly strong if it was used neat.  So I had the bright idea, coming from the homeopathic principle, that just a few drops of this may work.

I used three drops only in half a pint of water which was in a spray bottle.  I shook up the bottle and sprayed this over hair lice.  They disappeared, just as the fleas had done with the Weleda treatment.  I used it on our dog, which eradicated her fleas just as effectively.

See another post on making lavender lotion

Home Made Lavender Lotion Insecticide

Homeopathic Rat Treatment:  I have not personally used this potion, but I have seen it on the list of products which Weleda make. It is a few years since I saw this advertised, but my guess is that they still make it.

Preventative Medicine

Preventative Medicine is really what it should all  be about:  far better to prevent a malady of the health rather than wait for it to happen, and then have to seek  drug treatments which are expensive and which, most probably, will not cure the condition anyway.

Just how popular is ‘Preventative Medicine’?  How much do people really care about ‘Preventative Medicine’?

Today is the 30th August 2010, and there are only 11 searches recorded for the day in Google’s search engine for ‘Preventative Medicine’, which is nothing really, considering that there are 177 searches for ‘warfarin’ and 177 for ‘side effects of warfarin’.  Imagine that – 177 people in a day looking up the side effects of warfarin, and only a portion of that – only 11 people all over the world, looking up ‘Preventative Medicine’.

Warfarin in my opinion, is one of the worst modern drugs. It is dished out to people willy nilly, and once you begin taking it, it seems you are on it for life.  I don’t know of ANYONE who has taken warfarin just  for a while until they get better.  Warfarin is a blood thinner.

Now – Calcium Ascorbate is a  natural blood thinner.  So is Garlic a natural blood thinner.  So is Ginger.  So is Cayenne Pepper.  So is grapefruit a natural blood thinner. There are many foods which thin the blood naturally, without having to take Warfarin for life.

One of the bad things about taking Warfarin is that you have to avoid all the naturally occuring blood thinners like grapefruit and other high vitamin C foods. This is not good for the liver or the gall bladder – or anything else, I should imagine.

I know somebody who began taking Warfarin in his early 30’s and has been taking it for almost 40 years.  He has recently had his gall bladder  removed because of cancer, and is now waiting for a liver operation to remove some of the liver, because there is now cancer in his liver.   There was still time  before the last operation for an alternative treatment, if only he had realized, however now that he has entered the cycle of operations which remove  vital organs, or parts of them, his vitality is decreasing rapidly, and so alternative cures would have a hard job revitalizing this man’s body. Also, he has taken Warfarin for so long now that he cannot imagine being able to live at all without it.  He believes his life depends on it.

Why is this?  Why are people not so tuned in to thinking about preventative medicine?

I quote from the 2005  ‘Touch For Health:  The Complete Manual’, written by John Thie, the founder of ‘Touch For Health’,  and his son Matthew Thie.  It is published by DeVorss and Co,  P.O. Box 1389, Camarillo CA 93011-1389:

  • page v of the Introduction reads “…..The Touch for Health book and educational program was my way of providing some simple tools and processes that each of us can use to regain a role and authority in our own care.
  • Today, more than 30 years later, things have by and large gotten worse.  While awareness of these problems has increased, and there is a resurgence of traditional and alternative approaches to healthcare, drug companies have become more aggressive in their advertising, manipulative of research, whether public or private, and there is ever greater emphasis on “conditions” requiring long-term and even life-long medication.  Our profit driven, high-tech medicine, arguably the most advanced crisis care ever developed, has become costly and dangerous, while simpler preventative measures seem to have fallen by the wayside.
  • In fact, the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States.”

These authors give some alarming statistics on the practices of modern American orthodox medcicine. They claim that:

  • “Tens of millions of people unnecessarily take antibiotics, 9 million people are unnecessarily hospitalized, 7.5 million unnecessary medical and surgical procedures are performed, 2.2 million people have adverse drug reactions to prescribed medicines, and 783,936 deaths are caused by conventional medicine each year.

The fact is, that most disease can be prevented.  There are a wide range of alternative health practitioners who can advise on methods to prevent disease becomoing established, and whose methods are effective in treating even more serious disease.  However, preventative medicine is really the key.

The idea is to increase body vitality so that the immune system is strong and your powers of  resistance to disease are working optimally.

Yoga exercise which teaches good breathing,  meditation exercises such as yoga nidra, good diet, positive thinking  including Reiki healing, the Power of Prayer and Spiritual healing, and Music therapy,  are so important in helping to prevent disease.  Acupressure techniques, including  DoIn, Tsubo, Shiatsu, Qi Gong, and the more modern Touch For Health, are all ways in which your Prana, or vital energy can be maximized, and so they are all helpful in restoring health and preventing  disease.

Visiting an Ayurvedic health practitioner, or a Chinese or Tibetan herbalist, or a homeopath are some of the alternatives which can improve the vitality and immunity and prevent a serious disease from setting in.

Our health practitioners, ideally, should recognize the symptoms of a disease early in the piece so that remedial action can be taken, the vitality improved, and a natural recovery is assisted.

Modern medicine, on the other hand, tends to define a disease which people get stuck with, along with the expensive drug which people believe is necessary.

Most people have a reverence and respect for the doctor’s word. The doctor, backed up by the drug company who is making the profit, tells them that they must take a certain drug for a certain condition, and that they will need to keep taking that drug for goodness knows how long.   People  usually don’t know any better,  so they accept treatment without question, and the drug companies like it this way.

Some people like it this way too, as it means they do not have to DO anything about their condition if they believe that a medicine-drug is all that they have to take to manage their disease.  Disease, unless you are unlucky from birth or some unusual  freak event,  often  comes at us  through our own  poor lifestyle choices –  bad living,  poor nutrition and negative thinking.

However, the biggest causes of disease in our modern society are:

Environmental toxins, medical drugs,  poisons and preservatives in our food, and electromagnetic radiation from modern technology such as cell phones and living close to excessively high power sources:  these  all lead to disease.  This is really why alternative therapies  such as detox diets which help you to detoxify chemicals from your body,  and foods and methods which improve your vitality and immune function, are so important in preventing disease.

The authors of ‘Touch For Health’ refer people to the article entitled “Death By Medicine” at