Alternative Therapies For Cancer Do They Work

Alternative Medicine Therapies.

Alternative therapies for cancer – Do they work?

Doctor Max Gerson, Dr Anne Wigmore, and two New Zealand healers, Dr Walter Last and Dr Eva Hill, are some of my favourite alternative cancer therapists.

These doctors have all written books on their methods of natural healing.  They are  all highly qualified medical people who have turned to natural means to cure people of disease.  These people have  cured many, many people over the course of their careers, of cancer, and other degenerative disease, and helped many more to prolong their lives.

One is not to assume, though,  that their methods are infallible:  not everybody survives cancer, whether it is treated by orthodox radiation and chemotherapy, or by alternative means.

Note:  Do see your doctor or health professional if you think you have cancer.  This article is not intended for people who want to do a ‘home cure’, but is intended for information only.

All of these health pratcitioners used detoxification methods with a diet of optimum nutrition in the form of raw food and juices, to help cure their patients.

Raw food and raw vegetable and fruit juice is essential in these alternative therapies.  Raw food, which provides optimum fiber, is cleansing to the bowel. It is also rich in enzymes,  antioxidants, including Vitamin C and other nutrients, all of  which help to heal disease, including cancer.

Dr Max Gerson founded a clinic which is still run today in Mexico.  He originally began in the USA, but was chased out of America by the  FDA, medical authorities and the drug barons, who obviously were threatened by  his astounding success in healing disease without the use of drugs.

The secret is in the elimination of toxins.  Detoxifying the Body through natural means is essential.  Raw foods help with this, but it is important to hurry up the process of detoxification, especially in advanced cases of disease.

Castor Oil Treatment:  The famous components of Dr Max Gerson’s diet, apart from the regular juices and raw salads, and a breakfast of oatmeal porridge with grated raw apple, are castor oil and coffee enemas. Two tablespoonsful of castor oil are taken every second day with a cup of black coffee. This is followed by an enema within five hours. Dr Gerson was convinced that the healing properties of castor oil would help to save many lives.  He began administering this to his patients.  He noticed that for many people this was the answer, but saw that the more debilitated patients often had a major decline in their health on the third day after having taken castor oil, even when they had initially improved.

He put this down to the fact that the castor oil was releasing poisons from the liver too quickly for the intestines to eliminate them:  These poisons   were being reabsorbed into the blood, which was causing poisoning by auto-intoxication.  This was when he had the bright idea of introducing enemas, in combination with regular doses of castor oil every second day, to flush away those poisons in the intestines.

It was the simple enema, in combination with the castor oil which detoxified the liver, which was responsible for his success in turning the condition of cancer around so that it could be beaten.

Miracle Cure of Jacqui Davison.

Jacqui Davison, who survived cancer using the castor oil, enema, and raw foods with juices, also wrote a book on her recovery from cancer.  She had been given up by the medical profession to die.  Her daughter persuaded her to try the Gerson approach.  She agreed to the treatment, fully expecting that she would still die, as she had been given only days to live.  But, day by day, and then week by week, she still was not dying, but was, instead, slowly recovering strength.  She fully overcame the disease:  The ‘side effects’ of the castor oil, enema and high nutrient programme resulted in her growing a new head of hair and a new set of teeth after a year on the diet and detoxification regime.

Jacqui’s success story is no ‘wishy washy’, ‘pie in the sky’ story:  Her story is well documented.  It is a fact that she had been abandoned by the medical authorities.

Dr Anne Wigmore Cured Cancer: Dr Anne Wigmore’s case is interesting. She had been diagnosed with cancer after a growth was discovered.  She had read the Gerson therapy, as I recall, but devised her own method for curing herself of cancer.  The main cleansing tool which she used was wheat grass juice.  She got better, after between 6 months and a year,  using her detoxification method, and raw food later, but when she announced to the medical profession that she had cured herself of the cancer which they said she had, their response was:

  • “Oh, well it couldn’t have been cancer if you’ve  cured it, then”.  So she agreed, this time, to a biopsy which proved there had been cancer growing in her breast. She had been opposed to the knife going in, initially, as she felt that would spread the cancer about her body, but she agreed to this operation so that the medical authories would know for sure that she HAD beaten cancer.

Sure enough, the reults were positive – it was cancer.  But, as she had predicted, the knife cut caused the cancer to start up again, and this time it took her two years to beat the cancer properly.

Macrobiotic Diet As Therapy: I have heard of people who have recovered from cancer and other disease using only a macrobiotic diet, which is not raw food, but high fiber cooked rice and vegetables. I believe it is the elimination of dairy, wheat and sugar in this diet which helps its efficacy, but no doubt the combination of nutritious alkaline foods, eaten with brown rice, has a healing effect.

Then again, recovery using this type of diet, or indeed any type of diet,  will  depend really on the sort of cancer being treated,  how severe the disease is, what resources one has to grow or  buy organic foods and look after oneself, emotional support, and determination with a strong will to live.

Walter Last and Detoxification:  Dr Walter cured many people of disease in the Northland area before he went to Australia in the 1980”s.  He wrote a book called “Heal Thyself”.  His methods were similar to Gerson’s in that the enema was an all-important tool for quickening detoxification. Walter’s diet allowed you to eat millet or cornmeal porridge in the morning.  His maxim was ‘Never eat cooked food on its own without something raw’. Raw food, especially mung bean sprouts,  however, was still the basis of his diet. The  addition of two raw egg yolks a day, with sips of calf liver juice at meal-times  for extra enzymes, vitamins B6 and B12, iron  and other  minerals, were complimentary to  his diet.

Enzyme Rich Calf Liver Broth is another integral part of Walter Last’s diet for recovering from disease. See my post on how to make this.

Freshly Pressed Juices:  These are an integral part of many alternative therapies for cancer, including Walter Last’s approach, Dr Anne Wigmore, and Dr Gerson’s. These healers favoured freshly pressed wheat grass juice, but organic carrot juice, beetroot, celery, apple and other vegetables and fruits were used.  A  glass of fresh  juice was recommended  every hour on Walter’s diet, and also on the Gerson programme.

I don’t know  so much  about the specifics of Dr Eva Hill’s treatments, or if there were any,  except that she used raw foods as the main component:  I have only ever seen one book which she wrote. I must find this book again to refresh my memory on her methods.

When I had a breast lump about twenty years ago, I read Dr Eva Hill’s book, which inspired me so much.  I also had  the books by Dr Gerson, Dr Anne Wigmore, and Walter Last and devoured the information in these as well as  any others I could lay my hands on.  I devised a treatment for myself which was ‘do-able’.

I bought a juicer and proceeded. We were lucky enough to keep a good vegetable garden at the time, which meant I had the added therapy of not only eating plenty of organic fresh vegetables and fruits,  but of being out there in the life-giving garden much of the time.

I took castor oil every second day followed by a cup of black coffee, with an enema about two hours after the castor oil.  I used several enemas a day – from three to five in the beginning of the treatment.  I  had a fresh juice every hour, took  Walter’s calf liver juice at meal-times, had two raw egg yolks a day, ate heaps of sprouts in salads, used olive oil, used enemas, did meditation. After three months, the lump had gone away.  I was elated.  Thinking I was cured,  I began eating other foods again, including a bit of dairy, wheat  and cooked food. To my alarm, the lump began to grow again.  So I went back on the diet and eventually, after several months,  the lump went away for good.

See my other posts on  alternative therapies for cancer:

  • Ridding the Body of Cancer.
  • Cancer/ Programme for Anthony
  • Vitamin C For Cancer Patients
  • Preventative Medicine
  • Why dogs Get Cancer
  • Alternative Therapies for Cancer
  • Uses of Castor Oil

Alternative Therapies on 60 Minutes With Mike McRoberts

Alternative Medicine: Does It Work?

22nd September, 2010.  Last night, on ‘Close-Up’, Channel One TVNZ, we were given what I consider to be a very unfair  and misleading representation of alternative therapies in a documentary presented by Mark Sainsbury.

I really think that the more recent documentaries on  Channel 3: 60 Minutes with Mike McRoberts have given us more valuable information on alternative therapies than any of the recent ‘Close-Up’ docos, but then, 60 Minutes perhaps has more time to prepare, with  only one whole hour of screening  once a week, compared to ‘Close-Up’s half an hour, week-days.

Hocus Pocus: The whole of the  “Close-Up” documentary was very quickly put together, by the look of it, without giving us any examples of people who  have been cured of disease by natural means. The emphasis really lay on the side of orthodox medicine.

The reason why our government is NOT RAISING the drinking age in New Zealand, when, with so many drinking-related car accidents amongst youth,  it obviously would be sensible to do so, was questioned:

“Is our government being held to ransom by liquor barons? we were asked in  the same programme:  Good question.  Great coverage here.

But regarding alternative therapies, and their being dismissed as ‘ridiculous’, I wonder who is being held to ransom on this issue?  Drug companies and the conditioning of doctors were not discussed in this programme.

The documentary  looked briefly at only  three therapies which were administered by ‘alternative’ practitioners.  These were  Reiki healing, Reflexology, and the cupping technique used in Chinese medicine.  It overlooked the fact that many health practitioners will use not just one of these techniques, but several techniques for treatment depending on what the ailment or the sickness is. Diet and detoxification are generally two high on the list.

Combined modalities such as homeopathy, acupuncture, and macrobiotic diets have many successes in treating disease, including cancer.

The Royal Homeopath: The Queen and all the Royal family have  their own  family homeopathic doctor, who has kept them all well for years.   How old was the Queen Mother when she died?  100? 101? She was a fan of homeopathic medicine. No doubt, there would have been occasions when allopathic medicine was used in the Royal household, but homeopathy is the preferred medicine of the Royals.

There are, in fact, six homeopathic hospitals within the National Health Service, and of these, at least one is in London.  This information is to be found in  Dr Andrew Stanway’s book entitled ‘Alternative Medicine’:

  • ‘The Faculty of Homeopathy in London is recognised in law just like all the other learned medical faculties”…….. yet Victoria University  doctor Shaun Holt says homeopathic medicine is not valid because he says there’s nothing to prove that it works.

Just how a doctor from a university such as Victoria Uni in Wellington can remain so ignorant about alternative treatments beats me:  There is  heap of literature on well-documented cases of people who have recovered from degenerative disease, like cancer, using alternative therapies.

Dr Ann Wigmore wrote a book on how she  healed herself of cancer by natural means.  She then proceeded to help thousands of people over the years, healing many of them, in her cancer clinics which she ran in several places – America, and Sydney, Australia.

There is the famous cancer therapy of Dr Max Gerson:  He also wrote extensively about his ‘alternative’ treatments, about 50 odd years ago.

Hocus Pocus was the signage, written in bold red type,  at the top right of the documentary when the alternative therapies were “on”. Is that impartial? Definitely not.  Dr Shaun Holt,  who works at Victoria University, Wellington,  which is hard to believe, considering his  prosaic turn of phrase and his profound ignorance on the subject of alternative therapies,  told us that alternative therapies were ‘a waste of time’, that they were ‘ridiculous’, and that they are ‘wishy washy’.

This Dr Shaun Holt appeared on a programme just two nights ago, on TV One’s “Sunday’ programme.  It is a bit of a worry that TV One drags this uninformed man up twice  in the same week, to damn the use of natural therapies.  Of course, he was against the use of Vitamin C in hopitals, on the ‘Sunday’ programme, and claimed that ‘there is no compelling evidence’ for the use of vitamin C in treating people with cancer.

Wrong, Dr Holt.  I suggest you talk to Dr Goodhope in Melbourne, Australia:  he is a vitamin C specialist who might enlighten you. Dr Goodhope said, on an earlier programme, that he considers it  ” is absolute neglect to refuse Vitamin C for an acute illness,  like swine flu, in the early stages.” I am sure that he would also consider Vitamin C to be  useful in the treatment of cancer.

Get hold of some books by Dr Max Gerson, Dr Ann Wigmore, Walter Last: there are hundreds to choose from, written by qualified people, which recount their successes using ‘alternative’ therapies such as diet and detoxification.

So Shaun Holt says alternative therapies are “just nonsense” and ‘ridiculous’. He dismissed the idea of ‘energy’ being utilized in Reiki healing and said there was no evidence that this type of energy exists.

Dr Holt does not seem to have heard about the ancient Chinese/Tibetan methods of healing – these are recognised by many doctors in the profession today as being totally valid:  the twelve main meridian lines can be equated with the modern nervous system of an individual. Yoga, acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu and other reflexology techniques are based on the science of these meridian lines, which most surely do have a foundation. So Dr Holt’s claim that there is no science behind reflexology is either an outright lie, or just plain ignorance.

People die of cancer and other disease every week, after having gone through the orthodox channels of treatment in the hospitals.   Sadly, Dr John Pollock, a very well-loved and respected man and physician, died this week from cancer. He was only 61 years old.  Orthodox medicine did not save him.

It was encouraging to hear Dr Sue Levin stating on an earlier programme  that Vitamin C  reduces pain, which was one good reason for its use in hospitals.  She said that intravenous Vitamin C has a strong role to play in treating cancer, but that it was not a ‘stand-alone’ treatment.  Combining ‘alternatives’ with orthodox treatment could prove to be interesting.

Of course there is a place for orthodox medicine, but let’s face it:  It does not work for everybody and for every condition.  People still die of cancer under treatment given by the hospital doctors.

To be fair, we should acknowledge that natural therapies do not always work either, but at least they should be given an equal chance as that of orthodox medicine, and not dismissed as ‘just nonsense’ by the likes of Shaun Holt, or as ‘Hocus Pocus’ by ‘Close-Up’.

Natural Ways to Regrow Hair in Children

How To  Regrow Hair in Children: Basically, the condition of the hair is an indicator for the health of the whole body.  In promoting hair regrowth, we have to work on improving the whole body vitality.

1) Regrow Hair Through Diet

If your child has thin hair, or hair which has fallen because of an illness, you really should check with your doctor or naturopath or other health professional as to the cause and possible remedies.

Meanwhile, you can begin a programme of diet which will include many of the foods which help hair growth.

Oatmeal Porridge:  Make porridge every morning.  Porridge is very high in silica and other minerals which are utilized for hair and bone growth, not to mention teeth. Eating oatmeal porridge regularly really helps your skin too.  You will notice the skin becomes smooth and silky when oatmeal porridge is eaten every day.

I like to use pure oat bran, which contains most of the natural goodies in the outer part of the grain.

Add Extra Nourishment: Make your oatmeal porridge up using enough water to make it smooth and not stodgy.  Cook it gently for five minutes or so, depending on what type of oats you are using.

Serve the porridge out – we will assume that we are serving one adult-sized plate here, which you can use part of, or all of, depending on the size and age of your child: Grate one whole apple over the adult sized plate of oatmeal porridge.  Of course, you will use a smaller quantity of everything for a yound child.

Eating raw apple with the porridge helps the digestion of the grain, and provides more roughage to the bowel as well as extra potassiumPotassium in apples,  and other nutrients, will  help with hair growth. Walter Last, a famous healer, was adamant that you eat some raw food with EVERY meal, as this provides enzymes and vitamin C, etc, to help digest the cooked food. The raw apple will aid digestion so that you gain the optimum nutrient value from the food – this will benefit hair growth.

Add one good tablespoon of sesame seeds onto the porridge.

Add one tablespoon of ground sunflower seeds. Grind these up in your blender.  You can make a couple of cupfuls up to last a week or so.

Almonds: If you have some almonds, you can grind three or four of  these up in your blender with the sunflower seeds.

Linseed, or flaxseed is also excellent for the hair.

Sesame seeds alone contain high amounts of calcium and magnesium:  one handful is supposed to contain about 1200mg of calcium and magnesium, which is about as much as you would get in a glass of unadulterated milk.  They contain protein, which is needed for hair growth. They also contain omega 3 fatty acids which help hair growth, brain function, eyesight, the nervous system, and help create a sense of well being.

Sunflower seeds are also high in fatty acids, protein,  vitamin E and other goodies.

Almonds, of course, are a rich source of protein, vitamin E, magnesium and other minerals.

These foods – sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, linseed/flaxseed, and almonds are high octane foods.  They are ideal supplements for the vegeraian diet, or in helping people recover health.

Don’t make the porridge too rich by using too much of these wonderful foods at once.  The amount you use will vary according to the body weight of the child and the state of his or her appetite.

Milk, or just a knob of butter, or some ghee, with a dollop of honey or dark brown sugar, makes this porridge just delectable.  You can use dairy or soy milk if you want, but the sesame, almonds and sunflowers can substitute milk protein if milk is not tolerated.

Green Vegetables. The high calcium greens are the best for hair growth: boccoli,  brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, are all excellent.  Carrots help hair growth as well, and some should be eaten every day for good general health.

If you have access to comfrey, then using a little of this mixed in with your silverbeet or spinach or cabbage will give extra nourishment to the nerves and hair follicles.  Comfrey is very high in silica, which is why it has been called ‘knitbone’ for centuries – it was used to help heal broken bones, which gives you something of an idea as to its healing qualities.

Organic free range meats and poultry and eggs should all be sought, for the sake of the animal as well as for the health of your child. The same applies to dairy milk, if that is what you use.  Organic and freerange – it is worth paying the little bit extra to get the quality and a  kinder product.

Oily Fish such as sardines, mackerel, salmon and tuna are all rich in omega 3 fatty acids and other nutrients, including iodine, which aid the growth of healthy hair.

Egg yolk is high in nutrients which help general good health, including hair growth. Egg yolk contains lecithin which helps your liver and gall bladder to process fats so that your body can use them.  Egg yolks on their own are used in some cancer therapies, when meat is avoided.  Dr Gerson used raw egg yolk in his clinics.  Walter Last used raw egg yolk as a substitute for flesh protein in his treatments for cancer and other disease.

Banana Smoothies for Hair Health: You might try using an egg yolk in your blender to make those banana smoothies. These can be  enriched with a little sesame seeds or sunflower seeds.  You can make these smoothies up using your favourite milk, or, instead, add a few almonds instead of milk.  Fresh orange juice goes will with a dairy-free banana smoothie, although some people would dislike combining an acid fruit with a sweet one.

Pure orange juice is another food which is good for the health including hair regrowth.  It is high in riboflavin, iron, vitamin C and other nutrients.

2) Massage with Olive Oil or Castor Oil. Massaging the scalp regularly with either olive oil or castor oil really helps hair regrowth.  Leaving it on overnight is just the best thing.  But even leaving on for several hours before washing it out with soap and warm water will benefit the hair.

3) Iodine dabbed onto the scalp once or twice a week helps hair growth.  Note:  Use only a very small amount for young children.  One drop every two weeks should be enough for those under five years old.  Check with your naturopath or ayurvedic practitioner or other health professional.

4) Apple Cider Vinegar is just the best thing for helping the hair to grow.  It contains many nutrients which feed the hair follicles, and your nervous system, and the cider vinegar works to keep your scalp at a nice acidic level.  Soaps and shampoos are alkaline, and an alkaline scalp tends to make the hair fall out.

Put apple cider vinegar onto the scalp straight after you have towel dried your child’s  hair.  Massage it well into the damp hair and scalp.  Do not use your iodine treatment on the same day as you apply the cider vinegar.  Put the iodine onto the scalp 8 hours later, or on the following day after washing the hair.

Alternative Therapies for Cancer

Natural Therapies versus Chemotherapy and Radiation:

Are there any  Alternative Therapies for Cancer that really work?

I think that Dr Max Gerson’s book  is still one of the best books around on the subject of healing cancer naturally. In this book, he gives the results of 50 cases which he treated using his methods of detoxifying the body whilst providing maximum nourishment, mainly in the way of raw food and juices.

I have personally found the Gerson therapy to be of great value over the years in treating instances of severe ill health:  I used a combination of treatments which I took from the work of Gerson, Dr Ann Wigmore, Walter Last, Dr Eva Hill and others.  I was never diagnosed as having a definite cancer growth in the breast:  the doctor who wanted to get a biopsy done, more or less on the spot, frightened me into taking charge, finding all these wonderful books, and getting on with detoxification. Actually, this was my only option at the time- Walter Last, who could have helped me, had moved to Australia, and there was nobody to compare with Walter in Auckland.  All the naturopaths that I went to in Auckland were terrified of treating me in case I died, and they got sued.  This is a terrible situation, really – people die all the time under the supervision of doctors, but somehow things are made worse for the naturopath should this happen.

I certainly didn’t want to die of cancer.  I had young children to rear.  I thought that it  was possible that the lump was cancer, as I had been exposed to 245T and other chemicals within four or five years prior to getting sick  this time round.  If it wasn’t cancer, then it wouldn’t matter, as it should heal anyway,  if I followed the ideas in these books.

All these books were written so convincingly, and with such authority, that there was no doubt in my mind that the methods  would work if I persevered.

About five years  after my  miraculous recovery, on Waiheke Island, New Zealand, there was a spate of breast cancer and ovarian cancer which struck at least six women which I knew.  Most of these women were in their 40’s, and one of these women, alas, was only in her 30’s, with two very young children to care for.

There was quite a bit of herbicide spraying going on at the time, and the vineyards, which had suddenly arrived on the scene, were spraying about chemicals quite close to where people were living. You could smell it on the wind most days in the early spring, at the house where I was living in Shelley Beach.

These cancers happened all within a couple of years.  Except for one cancer ‘victim’, they all underwent orthodox chemotherapy and radiation, and except for the one who rejected any medical intervention, they all died within about six months of undergoing treatment.

My friend who opted for a natural death survived for five years after the last of our other friends had died.

She decided to follow what she thought was a ‘natural’ cure, with the addition of a salad with raw carrot added to her midday meal each day.  She was adamant that no castor oil, or enemas, were needed.

I am quite sure that if she had done the whole thing properly, in the way that Dr Gerson would have prescribed, and that of many another healer, I think she may have been alive today.

Still – there is a Divine Plan for all of us, I’m sure, and sometimes even the best of treatments, followed to the letter, have no impact.

It was the same thing with the son of another friend:  Only so much of a ‘natural’ cure were adopted.  All the hard bits, like taking castor oil, and enemas, were left off the list.  Castor oil and enemas were undertaken only during the last few months of life, when it was obvious, after a whole year of  eating extra salad material with no real change to the diet, that eating a bit more salad in the diet was not going to be the cure.  Mind you, this poor lad had an extremely virulent type of cancer which did not have a great prognosis, even by orthodox standards, so it is possible that even the most strict dietary and detoxification regime may not have helped in the long run.  It is also possible that by rejecting the amputation of the affected limb, that he avoided the stress of amputation and actually prolonged his life anyway.

Not everybody who undertakes natural treatment, which generally means raw food, detoxification with enemas and colonics,  or  other alternative therapies for cancer will necessarily survive.

The most important thing  is that you have to really want the cure to work.  You have to want to live.  Some people only do a  ;cure’   half heartedly, I am sure, becuase they are not a hundred per cent sure that they want to live.  Emotional causes get the better of them, and they never really put their heart and soul into it.

Many people have given up, or give up when they hear that they have cancer.  The emotional shock of hearing that you have cancer is just about enough to finish most people off, let alone going in for the arduous, strength sapping,  soul-destroying and demoralizing  sessions of chemotherapy and radiation.  And there again – if you have had chemotherapy and radiation, then your chances of recovering on a natural, alternative therapy are reduced dramatically.  But some people HAVE managed to do this, Jacqui Davison being one of them.

To beat cancer, you have to be very determined and courageous, no matter what treatment you use.

Some people actually do recover from  cancer using orthodox chemotherapy and radiation treatments, of course, although the cases I know of are few and far between.  Three relatives of mine who suffered breast cancer, who all come from agricultural communities, have all undergone orthodox treatment and are still alive five years later to tell the tale.  Another relative has had leukemia and survived because his dear brother donated bone marrow so that he could live.  That was ten years ago.  Recently, he has had colon cancer which he has had operated on.  These are the successes, the people  amongst my family who have survived with orthodox treatments for cancer.  It is not very many.

But the amount of people I know who have accepted orthodox treatment for cancer and have died?  Uncountable.  Some of these people have been elderly, but it makes one wonder – was the whole onslaught of bizarre and distressing treatments justified in being  given  to these elderly people, when they obviously did not have the strength to withstand such violation to the body?

This is not to dissuade you from taking the orthodox approach, though. You just never know what may really be the best thing to work.  One should get the opinions of several different specialists, in different fields of health before making a decision.

One dear cousin who refused orthodox treatment died after a couple of years, from breast and ovarian cancer.  She, like my friend from Waiheke, and others, believed that she was eating a healthy diet, and did not follow any definite plan to recover health, such as the use of enemas and castor oil to detoxify quickly.  She  had the idea that eating salads with her regular meals would do it, with the aid of prayer, of course. This dear cousin, though, had lost her husband two years beforehand.  He had died at round the age of 40 of a heart attack.  She was left on her own, a young woman, utterly grieved, and having to fight the insurance company for the life insurance which her husband had paid into.  The two years of legal battle, I think, was too much, on top of the untimely death and devastating death of her husband:  I don’t think that she really had her heart into recovery.  Incidentally, her husband was driving trucks for a carrying firm in a rural area, and had just finished loading up his truck at the time of death.  The chances are high that he would have been carting agricultural chemicals for part of the week. which would have caused damage to his heart, apart from that caused by lugging the weight of heavy sacks about.

The most important ingredient for recovering from cancer through doing the hard work on an alternative therapy is emotional support.  It is imperative that you have someone close who will encourage you and keep you motivated.  The other essential is that you need a  period of time spent entirely on your own recovery, without having to work.  This means that you need money, or someone who will support you through the healing process.

So – there is no guarantee that you will recover if you follow a ‘natural’ cure. Some people, I believe, just do not understand what is required to prompt the body into reversing the process of cancer.  It takes an enormous amount of effort, in most cases, with special detoxification methods.  But even then, it is not necessarily a given that you will recover and beat the cancer.

However, many, many people HAVE recovered from the disease using alternative therapies for cancer. You really need to think carefully before deciding on what course of action you are going to take, and whether it will be orthodox, or alternative.

Some books to read which can inform you better about different methods  for treating cancer and other degenerative disease are the books  by Dr Max Gerson, Dr Ann Wigmore, Dr Eva Hill, and Jacqui Davison.

More to follow this up later today or tomorrow.

Curing Candida

Candida albicans is a naturally occuring organism which lives in the intestines. When the body becomes too acid, or becomes toxic because of effete matter congested in the bowel, candida albicans can overgrow. This tips the delicate balance of intestinal flora so that the favourable organisms get outnumbered, with candida albicans dominating the field.

See Merrilyn’s post:

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Candida can also take over when the immune system has been shocked. Emotional shock, or environmental shock such as sudden exposure to harmful chemicals, or radiation from  X rays, can weaken the immune system drastically and kill off the organisms which we need in order to digest food properly. On-going radiation such as that emitted from electrical transformers,  cell phones and overhead high tension wires can also kill the beneficial organisms in the bowel as quickly as pesticides and herbicides can and do.

Chemicals in the environment can cause candida overgrowth.

A deficiency of vitamins and minerals can cause candida overgrowth.

An acidic diet with lack of green vegetables and vitamin c rich foods can cause candida.

The symptoms of candida infection are many and varied. You might get one or many of the following: migraines, constipation, loose bowel movements, nausea, dizziness, lethargy, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, sinus trouble, bone pain, nerve pain, arthritic swelling, heart palpitations, insomnia, memory loss, allergies, eczema or depression.

The candida diet is interchangeable with the diet for hypoglycaemia. The idea is to keep the blood sugar regulated without it fluctuating dramatically, hence the accent on avoiding sugar and all foods which have a high sugar content, or are converted to sugars too quickly.

The candida diet is very simple, but you need to exercise a great deal of perseverance in order to get well. This is because, initially, after following the diet for a week or two, you will begin to feel much better. This can cause you to believe you are recovered, which in turn can lead one to lapse on the diet and allow sugars or other problematic foods into the diet. This can set the health back severely, as the candida albicans will race away again at the reintroduction of sugar into the diet. This will result in a rampant candida infection which will require all your best and concentrated efforts to overcome.  The diet therefore is as demanding as that modelled for treating cancer patients -generally, you need to stick at it for at least six months, by which time the immune system  should be much strengthened, and you might be ready to introduce other foods into the diet, like fresh fruit in moderation, and other grains like  barley, oatmeal and rye.


The aims – keep the body alkaline, keep the body detoxifying.To do these things,the bulk of the diet should consist mainly of raw green vegetables. Cooked greens such as broccoli can be added to the diet after an initial cleansing period.

No sugar at all

No alcohol at all

No wheat flour products, including bread. Use brown rice in moderation instead of wheat flour. Eat this with alkaline greens, raw and cooked, and olive oil or butter, plus some protein. Millet and buckwheat may be eaten after you have brought the infection under control by following the alkaline maintenaance diet outlined here. Eat the millet or buckwheat  with oils or butter and almonds.  Don’t forget to eat some salad greens either with the grain, or directly afterward.

Eat a green salad with EVERY meal. Never eat food without something raw. Mung bean sprouts are very good, but must be fresh, as yeasts begin to grow on the sprouts after a few days. Wash them well in salted water before using. Other beans and peas can be sprouted. Eat these with protein foods and butter or a good quality oil like olive oil.

No dairy products, except for butter. Fresh, raw goat’s milk might bo good to use at a later date when you have recovered, but for the meantime, no milks.

Use olive oil, almond oil, avocado oil or butter every day. Candida thrives on a diet which excludes these good quality oils and proteins. Oils and butter slow down the aborption of converted sugars into the bloodstream and nourish the nervous system.

No foods containing yeasts.Vinegar is the main thing to watch out for, as it is in many products. avoid: vinegar, alcohol, soya sauce, tomato sauce, chutneys, vegemite, as all these are made with yeast. Eating any food with yeast in it will cause the candida infection to recur. This includes all breads, unless you make an unleavened bread out of something other than wheat, but this is best left until you have recovered and can more safely experiment.

Keep off fruits until you are better. Raw celery is best used as a substitute for fruits, as it is excellent for treating cnadida. This is because it is very alkaline. It  has an antiseptic effect whilst providing roughage which cleans the walls of the bowel. It is good also for cleansing the blood, strengthening the bones and providing iron.

Protein can be taken from a variety of sources, animal and vegetable. Vegetable proteins include:

Almonds. These are especially good, and some should be eaten every day. Avocados are easy to digest and rich in oil which is needed to combat candida. Make sure they are not over-ripe, as they will be harbouring yeasts which will encourage the candida to grow if they are over-ripe. If chemical poisoning has occurred and your immune system is still very weak, you might need to avoid avodacos for some time.

Sprouted grains and beans. These need to be very freshly sprouted. It is important to rinse them well several times a day. Keep in the fridge once sprouted, and keep no more than two or three days. If you have a rampant candida infection, then you will need to wait before introducing any sprouted grains and beans into the diet. Use plenty of celery in this last case.

Animal protein: Two raw egg yolks can be eaten per day instead of eating meat. These must be from an organic, free-range source. Do not eat the white of the egg, as this can cause mucous problems and is hard to digest.

If you follow the alkaline diet, avoid wheat, dairy foods and sugar COMPLETELY, your colesterol will not be affected by eating just two free range egg YOLKS daily. This  practice is very good for the health, as egg yolk contains lecithin which helps the liver in the absorbtion of fats and is rich in iron, Vitamin E and other goodies.

Lean meat can be used in moderation – several times a week.

Try to eat a small can of sardines once a day and eat the oil with it. This is a good source of iodine and calcium as well as protein, all of which are needed to overcome candida infection.

Eat GARLIC with every meal. This prevents candida from taking over.

SEA SALT can be used dissolved in water and used as a mouth rinse after meals. This inhibits candida growth in the mouth. Just half a teaspoonful in half a cup of water is enough.

ACIDOPHILUS tablets or powder can be used. Avoid taking yoghurt which has acidophilus, as yoghurt is not only a milk product, but is a fermented food which can start candida  infection again.

ENEMAS are very important to help you recover quickly. These are needed, especially in the initial stages of detoxification, as many poisons will be eliminated. These can make you feel worse if they are not taken away quickly from the bowel, as they get reabsorbed through the bowel walls and into the blood. Taking enemas will prevent this type of auto-intoxication.

I had the good fortune to meet Walter Last in 1976, and to gain from his insights. This was after my family and I had been aerial sprayed with 245T in the previous year. After the blackberry surrounding our house had been sprayed by helicopter that day, we grew very sick. When my unborn child arrived, she could barely breathe. She died three months later in the hospital where she was being treated for an unidentified illness, although, strangely enough, she died not directly from the 245T poisoning, but from another kind of poisoning – an overdose of ventalin which a 14 year old nurse aid administered. A test tube full of ventalin syrup was poured down my baby’s throat as I watched, dumbfounded, unable to reach her before the act was done. She suffered heart failure within half an hour which resulted in brain damage. One month later, after we had been whisked away by the authorities to another hospital, more or less to get away from the scene of the crime, I felt, she died.

Six months later, my two year old son and I were no better. I had suffered asthma-like breathing from the time the spraying was done, with enormous fever. My son had chronic eczema. This is when a friend from Whangarei suggested I see Walter Last.

Walter recognized the candida yeast condition, and researched it, long before others began to write about it. He gave me a handout on his findings about the the mysterious organism which he thought was responsible for 60% or 70% of the ailments of the New Zealanders whom he was treating at the time.

The methods outlined above are modelled, more or less, on Walter’s prescription for recovery- including the enema.

At first, I followed Walter’s programme religiously, except for one thing – the ENEMA. I thought it would not make a lot of difference, as long as I was thorough about everything else he advised me to do.  Not so – after initial recovery within the first two or three weeks, I suddenly grew extremely sick. We made the journey back to Walter’s clinic. He did a quick iris diagnosis which took all of about half a minute of gazing into my eye, then he angrily said:

‘You have not been taking the enemas I told you to do. If you don’t do what I tell you to, then don’t bother coming back’, and he thrust an enema kit into my hands, charged me for the kit and the consultation, and sent me packing. There was nothing else to do except use it, as no further help would come from Walter until I did exactly as he said. This was the turning point in my recovery.

EXERCISE  ENJOYMENT AND SUNSHINE  Remember to enjoy the sunshine and the outdoors. You need sunshine on the body for good health. Sun-bathe for about 10 or 15 minutes every day. Sun-bathing is best done before 10AM and after 4PM in the summer. It is important not to get burnt. Take country walks, walks on the beach, walks in the bush. Swimming in sea water is very healing and is especially good for helping to cure candida. Rinse the mouth out with the salt water and rinse the sinus passages while you are swimming. Light jogging or skipping is very good also. Anything which speeds up the heart rate a bit is good – candida tends to thrive in people with low blood pressure. Yoga practice is very good – even if you choose just three or four exercises to do each day.

Breathing exercises are good. Yoga Breath, and also the post on Maximize Your Prana Intake.

Deep relaxation should be practiced every day: read my post on Yoga Nidra