Causes of Cancer Article In NZ Listener 2015 Has Major Omissions

Cancer Is A Political Disease, as Doctor Samuel Epstein famously wrote.

This article about cancer, which featured in this week’s NZ Listener,  May 16-22, 2015, was yet another gloss-over of the real, underlying causes of most cancers.

Remember that book by Samuel B. Epstein, ‘The Politics Of Cancer’?  Epstein’s concerns in the 1970,s or early ’80’s are as relevant today as they were then.

One thing the Listener article had right:  Just because you carry a gene which might increase your chances of getting cancer, carrying the gene does not mean that you need to succumb to the disease.  Most cancers can be prevented through eating the right foods, and living a healthy lifestyle which incorporates regular exercise. You do not need to run out and get a breast cut off to avoid getting cancer, like some well-known film stars have done.

However, if the vegetables, fruit and meat you are buying are devoid of all the main nutrients they are supposed to carry, because of artificial fertilizers ruining natural fertility of the soil, and they are contaminated by the use of various agricultural poisons used in producing them, then diet may not help much in preventing cancer.  For diet to prevent or cure cancer, then it is imperative that a clean, organic source of food be found.

Point One On The Omissions In Listener Article: It failed to mention that the widespread poisoning of the planet by agrichemical giants is the main cause of cancer.  If we don’t get poisoned through agriculture, then the local council might do it for us: Governments and councils all over the world support these companies by allowing these poisons on our parks, in nature reserves, and around our towns on the pavements.

Point Two: It also declined to mention that poverty, or inequal distribution of the world’s wealth, is another major cause of obesity, which in turn goes hand in hand with higher cancer risk, as well as heart disease and diabetes.  This is because vegetables and fresh fruit are expensive, whereas take-away foods such as McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried, are relatively cheap, which is why many poorer families rely on these second-rate choices.  Apart from the obvious high-fat in takeaway foods, they contain high levels of genetically-modified items, such as corn, which are contaminated with glyphosphate and other agrichemicals.

On point one: No matter how good the food you eat, chances are it has been exposed to quantities of glyphosphate poison, found in RoundUp, as well as many other contaminants.

The World Health Organization has recently announced that glyphosphate, an active component in RoundUp weedkiller, ‘probably causes cancer’.

Agrichemical giants have argued for a long time that ‘there is no proof that poisons such as glyphosphate are harmful’, and they have aggressively suppressed information which might alert people as to their health risk.  At last, WHO have come out with an albeit half-hearted attack on glyphosphate and Monsanto’s RoundUp.

The world-wide push for countries to sign the TPPA trade agreement is going to weaken the power of governments further:  It will effectively eradicate our right to free speech, as these chemical giants will rule under USA law, which currently gives them the right to sue if we harm their sales.  This means anybody claiming that these poisons harm your health will be sued, just to shut them up.

The end result of this corruption is that our food will continue to be contaminated by the major seed and herbicide-pesticide manufacturers, and will probably become even more toxic with their increased powers, once they have shut down free speech and any adversaries of their ethics.

Monsanto have been using ‘RoundUp Ready’ seeds for a long time now.  Being so-called ‘Round-Up Ready’ means that the plant has been developed to resist glyphosphate poison.  But it also means that the food, which has come from genetically modified seeds so that it can withstand glyphosphate weed-killer, will be highly contaminated with this poison.  The plant may survive the glyphosphate weedkiller, but it absorbs the poison, and then we ingest it.

75% or more of the world’s corn and soybeans are now thought to be genetically modified seeds which are so-called ‘RoundUp-Ready’, which means they can withstand liberal use of glyphosphate-containing RoundUp poison.

So, so sad to see John Campbell leaving TV3 and his programme ‘Campbell Live’.  This is a political move, as John is the only journalist who deals honestly and helpfully on all manner of political, social and environmental issues, and I bet the National government is overjoyed he has been pushed out. Now we have no one to defend the poor, or the environment, or to keep the politicians honest.

My guess is that, more than anything, TV3 has come under pressure from the government, who  wanted John Campbell quietened down on the serious worries we all have to do with our government and their secret negotiations to sign the TPPA with America, our government’s dubious spy agency, and other things, such as unaffordable housing in Auckland and rocketing house prices.

It has nothing to do with Campbell’s  ratings.  I believe these have been trumped down in the same way that National’s ratings are trumped up – to suit the government.  John Campbell is probably the most loved TV personality ever, and his ratings are still much higher than those of other important programmes run by TV3, or any other station.

A friend of mine told me angrily this week that policital issues should be kept separate from health ones, and that I am wrong to include both.  Funny – I pulled all the obvious political stuff from my health site when it was being hacked regularly, around the time just prior to the election three years ago.

I guessed that the reason was political, and that the National lot were to blame.  My son discovered that the site had definitely been hacked, and that an ad for ‘viagra for sale’ had been  inserted within my articles, along with other examples of sabotage.  One sure way to get your site ruined in its ratings is by sticking ads like this onto it.

Then, just two weeks before this last election, someone invited a response from me, in a comment that they made on my site.  So, for the first time in around three years, I mentioned the National government, whom I had criticized earlier.  I said that my site had been hacked because of my views on the current government, which I consider to be their obliviousness to the urgencies of social issues such as housing, and jobs, their lack of concern for the environment, and their greedy desire to sell off every part of our country for quick profit.

Within an hour of writing this, my whole site was totally blocked.  I was effectively silenced, not able to answer comments, not able to agree with the arguments put forward by Nicki Hager, that the National government had serious bloggers out there to undermine the other parties.  Now I knew how serious this movement to protect the status quo really was – that they have the power to  stop any protesters or dissenters, by de-activating their sites.  And I couldn’t write about it, because my site was down.

The site wasn’t able to be restored until two days AFTER the election, because the ‘WordPress’ help-desk was conveniently shut until then.  Well – Great to see all this stuff printed in ‘The Listener’ on diet, and what foods to eat for keeping healthy and avoiding cancer.  But we, who have long held serious doubts on the belief systems of the medical establishment, knew all this a long, long time ago.

Wake Up New Zealand America’s TPPA Puts Agriculture At Risk

March Against TPPA 7th March 2015

These protest marches against TPPA really are a statement against corporate greed in New Zealand.  The TPPA will serve to profit those huge multi-national corporations, such as Monsanto, Bayer, Du Pont and Syngenta, whilst minimizing our own profit. More for them, and less for us.

The price of food is bound to go up.

Disappointing that the turn-out yesterday to the Nation-wide protest against TPPA was so low.  The marches over the country did not attract anything like the numbers who have protested against ocean oil drilling, or the sale of assets marches.

The low response to the anti TPPA protest is largely because most New Zealanders still do not have a clue about the TPPA.  Many have never heard of it.

And this ignorance is just what is intended by our New Zealand National government, and the drivers for TPPA from America.

How come the public has no knowledge about the TPPA and what it will do to our way of life?

The title is a nebulous one, for a start. ‘TPPA’ has been chosen deliberately to disguise the reality of the proposed movement which will have our rights whittled away.

We have so many abbreviations for this and that in government departments .  SIPS,  WINZ, MAF,  Who cares if there is another one?

But the media – newspapers, TV and radio, have been primed to keep any discussion about TPPA to a minimum.  I did hear that ‘Campbell Live’ ran a good programme about the erosion of rights, and the economic impact for New Zealand.  But nought else on TV, radio or newspaper.

And so, in Hamilton, there were only around 200 demonstrators, by the looks of the photos on Facebook.

And in Auckland, where the protesters usually come out in their thousands to support a just cause, were only 1500 to 2000 at the most.  The low turn-out shows how TPPA means nothing to the average New Zealander.

Not that protesting has had any influence thus far on this government.  The majority of people were against the sale of public assets, and despite many marches of huge numbers, petitions to government, etc, they still charged on ahead to sell off public assets which our predecessors have worked hard for.

New Zealand Growers Will Suffer With TPPA:  Because of TPPA, virtually everybody in agriculture will be at risk of being sued.

Our heritage seeds and trees are all at risk  Because of Monsanto’s huge presence in agriculture, their modified seeds are taking over, which is putting our heritage seeds and trees and plants at risk..  Many old varieties of seed and fruits have died out because of the monopolization of the big agriculture companies.

Expect To Be Sued If You Lose A Heritage Crop Due To a Rogue Patented Variety

Losing our heitage plants is one thing – but having to pay for the contamination and loss of our own crops, because patented rogue seed has taken over our crops, is another.

TPPA will put us under American law, which means any of us can be sued for our crops accidentally being contaminated by genetically modified patented seeds, such as those which Monsanto produce.

In America, some of these big companies are employing people to go around the countryside testing all crops.  If it is found that cross-pollination with their patented varieties has occurred, then you will be fined or sued.

Is This What We Want? Aready, innocent farmers, in America and other countries, are being sued by Monsanto and other agri-giant companies because their seeds, or a cross-pollinated version of them, have been found on the farmer’s property.  This will happen in New Zealand too, if the TPPA comes into force.  We will have to abide by American law which favours these big seed and chemical giants.

The situation is most bizarre and corrupt.  Monsanto, Syngenta and DuPont, among other seed producing corporations, have their seeds virtually all over the world now.  They proliferate naturally, by wind and birds carrying the seeds to other locations, away from their original planting sites.

The farmer who grows his own heritage varieties of seed is not protected at all if his or her crops become contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically altered patented seeds.  The law is on Monsanto and the other big companies’ side.

Freedom Of Speech Will Be A Thing Of The Past: The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, known as The TPPA agreement, will severely curtail our Freedom Of Speech and weaken our human rights.

We will not be allowed to discuss the ill-effects of any poison, such as the glyphosphate-containing RoundUp, or neonicotinoid poisons which cause bee colony collapse disorder, killing bees and other pollinating insects.  Because if we do make a statement against the use of these toxic chemicals, then we stand to be sued by those overseas chemical manufacturers of the said chemical, for loss of sales, loss of revenue.

Such is American law.

They will say ‘there is no proof’ or ‘prove it’.  But without sharing our stories about the ill-effects of toxic chemicals, there will be no body of case studies to examine, and we will be none the wiser, except for the ‘research’ which they tell us to be true.

Other related articles:

Bayer Says Stop Campaign To Save Bees Or We Will Sue

Bee-Killing Insecticides Banned In Europe, But Now Bayer Sues

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder

Nicotinoid Insecticides Kill Bees And Harm Humans

March Against Monsanto Planned New York 23 May 2015

Organic USA Farmers Sue Monsanto For Contamination Of Crops

Here is an interesting document entitled ‘Negotiating Healthy Trade In Australia – Health Impact Assessment of the Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.’  Read about how food labelling could be affected, and how alcohol and tobacco advertisements might be affected to the detriment of the nation’s health.

My new book is available on Amazon:


March Against Monsanto Planned New York 23 May 2015

Why Is Monsanto So Toxic To Farming?

Monsanto’s monopoly of agriculture will see the end of sustainable, self-perpetuating agriculture if we are forced to buy their patented, genetically fucked-up seeds each year.

This article is a follow-up from the previous article,

They, and other big seed and agrichemical companies such as DuPont and Syngenta, will be the richer for monopolizing agriculture, whilst the people will be the poorer for having to pay annually to use their seeds.

We Will All Have To Pay For All Seeds – Reusing last year’s seeds will not be an option unless the tight and punitive control exerted by these big corrupt companies is ended.

The trouble is that genetically modified patented seed is spreading so rapidly throughout the world, there will be no original seeds left before long.  This will mean that Monsanto and such companies will be able to make EVERYBODY pay for ALL seeds, because the legality of the matter allows them to fine people, even when a farmer’s heritage seeds have become accidentally contaminated by patented, genetically modified seed.

Heritage Strains Are Disappearing.

Companies such as Monsanto are putting our Heritage Plants and Seeds at risk:  Heritage seeds are disappearing because of the predominance of Monsanto’s biotech, genetically modified seeds.

Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds are migrating onto organic farms, and non-biotech farms, which have their own seeds.  The result is cross-pollination of Heritage seeds and all other non-biotech seeds. These seeds are genetically changed, which means the original plant is lost.

Monsanto Gaining Stronghold On Agriculture: The ruthless litigious approach towards all competitors, including organic farmers, is resulting in a monopoly of our agricultural system by the Biotech giants Monsanto, DuPont, and other huge corporations.

Monsanto has so far taken 145 farmers to court for what they claim is ‘patent infringement’ of seed usage since 1997.   They have won all 145 cases which has seen them benefit by over 23 million dollars in damages.

The TPPA – Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement is a very real threat to agriculture and to Free Speech in New Zealand, and all the other countries involved.  The TPPA will put us under USA law, which means the big seed and agri-chemical companies will be able to sue anyone here who gets in the way of their profit and domination of the seed industry.  Read more about how it will affect us if it goes ahead:

We need to act now to prevent farmers and householders from being sued if Monsanto seeds have accidentally migrated onto farms or backyards, and to protect the right to grow whatever seeds we choose.

We want to be able to reuse seeds, whether or not they originate from Monsanto’s biotech laboratories.  Monsanto prohibits the saving of seed for the next year’s crop.

Say No To Monsanto’s Harmful RoundUp Weedkiller:  Act now to stop Monsanto and other chemical and seed giants from marketing harmful glyphosphate chemicals such as RoundUp.

Now Monsanto has developed seed strains which are resistant to the effects of RoundUp.  These seeds are marketed as ‘RoundUp Ready’.  Not only do you have a patented seed which you will have to pay for each year, you are encouraged to buy their RoundUp glyphosphate, which is extremely destructive to human health, natural flora and fauna, and especially to bees.

RoundUp and similar toxic weedkillers affect our immune systems very badly.  A weakened immune system can lead to cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, and many other diseases.

It’s immediate effect is on the helpful bacteria in the bowel:  They are destroyed, which means that candida can overtake the ‘good’ bacteria.  Candida infections pave the way to serious disease if you suffer long-standing candida trouble.

If you are being regularly exposed to glyphosphate-RoundUp and such chemicals, which often happens with council spraying programmes, or it is continually in your food supply, then you are at risk of cancer and other diseases, because of the digestive flora being out of balance.

RoundUp can seriously affect your health.

Join in the action against Monsanto and other seed and agrichemical giants by attending this protest.

New York City Free Schools and FoodJustice have organized this huge demonstration against Monsanto.  The date is the 23rd May, 2015.

See the links below for details of this must-not-miss protest against Monsanto.

On the facebook page which advertises the march against Monsanto, the caption reads:

‘They have poisoned the food supply through negligence and undermined the farming system through monopolization.’

Yes, and if I lived in New York, I would be sure to join this march.  I hope New Zealanders get together on the same day to protest against Monsanto’s monopolization of agriculture in NZ, and also against their continued use of the glyphosphate-containing RoundUp weedkiller, which is made by Monsanto.

RoundUp Glyphosphate weedkiller is used by New Zealand municipal authorities all over the country, as well as on dairy farms, orchards, and around market gardens. Our roadways, grass verges, parks, and nature walks are all sprayed with RoundUp to keep the weeds at bay.

Apart from the poisonous aspect of the stuff, it is a crime to be paying Monsanto for tons of RoundUp each year, when the simple weeding of these areas could give unemployed people a very pleasant job.

The European Commission has recently, in January, 2015, banned the use and sale of Glyphosphate weedkillers, which includes Monsanto’s RoundUp.

Glyphosphates, including RoundUp, have been already banned in Holland and Mexico, and other countries are bound to follow the example of these countries.

Glyphosphate-RoundUp has been proven to be destructive to bees as well as humans, yet Monsanto and other agrichemical companies are defending its use vehemently.

Now, typically, the European Commission is being sued by the chemical giants who claim the decision to ban Glyphosphates is ‘unfair’.

Unfair to them, they think, as they will lose huge profits because of this weedkiller being banned.  Doesn’t it remind you of the claims made by cigarette companies of yesteryear, that ‘there is no evidence to support the notion that cigarette smoking harms your health’?

Or about that other famous lie, where even New Zealand doctors told us here that ‘there was no evidence to prove that 2,4,5T was harmful to humans’, after it had been banned elsewhere, and while our fields and dairy lands continued to be poisoned with the stuff.   2,4,5T was used in VietNam war-time of the late 1960’2 and early 70’s with devastating effects – known to soldiers as ‘Agent Orange’.

The only reason 2.4.5.T was left available in NZ for so long was because Dow Chemicals were making the stuff right here in NZ,in New Plymouth.  And therein lies another tale of disastrous consequences.

Extremely selfishly greedy for profit, irresponsible, and downright corrupt, to want to keep marketing poisons such as RoundUp and other harmful agrichemicals, when all evidence proves them to be bad for plants, animals and nature generally.

Support the action against Monsanto and other agressive agriculture chemical giants by joining the march if you can.


My new book is out on Amazon:


Report: Monsanto Released Toxic Chemicals Hundreds of Times Without Giving Proper Notifications

Top Medical Journal, WHO Confirm: Monsanto’s Flagship Product Probably Causes Cancer

Message of Solidarity from Maui, Ground Zero for Monsanto’s GMO Experiments

Monsanto Settles With Wheat Farmers Over GMO Wheat Contamination

Plot Twist: Questioning the Possibility of Monsanto Backing GMO Contamination Case

‘Altered Genes, Twisted Truth:’ Jane Goodall Promotes Attorney’s New Book on the Fallacies of GMO “Safety”

Do You Value Your DNA and Genetic Health? Stay Away from Monsanto Chemicals, Study Says