Bees Killed By Insecticide

New Pesticide is Destroying Hives

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About Neonicotinoid Pesticides:

In an article published just over a week ago, details of research, which proved bees are being threatened because of a new insecticide, were revealed.  This research was done a year ago by the bee department of a US government research project.

Why weren’t these results made public two years ago, when the findings were made?  Most likely because Bayer, the drug and chemical giant who first made the neonicotinoid class of insecticides, does not want to impair its huge profits.  Somehow, they have managed to keep the new revelations under wrap – not that there is anything in these reports which anyone with a bit of commonsense could have deduced for themselves.  But we always need to have the medical or scientific proof before anything is taken seriously, unfortunately.

The neonicotinoid pesticides, which are poured over soils all over the world in astronomical proportions, have produced astronomical proportions of profit for Bayer and the other firms who have jumped onto the bandwagon in manufacturing these pesticides. Without recourse to the newspaper article, I think that the profits were 350 Million POUNDS for last year, just from the sales of the neonicotinoid pesticide.

Neonicotinoid pesticides are a synthetic form of nicotine, which is deadly.  We all know about the effects of nicotine on people.  Nicotine affects the central nervous system, and so it is with the neonicotinoid class of pesticide:  It affects the central nervous system of all insects, including bees.  It affects all animal and human life as well.

Bees are especially vulnerable to pesticides being used on plants.  They take it back to their hives in the pollen which they carry.

The new neonicotinoid pesticides are especially bad for bees.   This class of drug gets into every part of the plant, including the pollen.  Research has shown that even a microscopic amount of pesticide taken back to a hive causes the bees to become vulnerable to sickness.  Neonicotinoids, and other chemicals too, cause the bees’ immune systems to be damaged, which makes them vulnerable to infection.

It is important  not to use these potent chemicals in our gardens, or in commercial agriculture.  Toxic pesticides are ruining the health of all life – humans, animals and bees.  We need bees to ensure that plants get pollinated in order for them to reproduce.  We need bees to help produce  fruit and vegetables.  Without bees, we will not be able to grow food.

When we, ourselves, eat foods which have been sprayed with neonicotinoids and other toxic chemicals, we ingest microscopic amounts of these chemicals into our systems.  The neonicotinoids will have a deleterious effect on our nervous sytems, our immunity, and increase our chances of getting cancer.  it is REALLY important to try and produce food yourself, if not, to buy organically grown food, and, for the sake of the planet and all creatures on it, to spread the knowledge to people that these insecticides are enormously damaging.

Read some of Merrilyn’s related posts on the subject of bees, mysterious viral diseases, and suchlike:

Bees Colony Collapse Disorder

Why Are NZ Kauri Trees Dying?

Can Brodifacoum Poison NZ Be Affecting Health of People And Killing Sea Gulls?

Minimum Dose In Homeopathy Proven As Effective


Causes of Breast Cancer

Causes of Breast Cancer

Many articles will tell you that the causes of breast cancer are unknown. Some doctors will tell you that breast cancer is hereditary. However, there are some  chemicals and some factors which are known to contribute towards people succumbing to breast cancer.


X Ray radiation of the chest area in childhood, or during youth, can cause breast cancer to develop later in a woman’s life.

The women who were exposed to the Hiroshima bomb succumbed more easily to breast cancer, and other cancers,  than women of the same generation who were not irradiated.

Your health can suffer, and your immune system beomome damaged, because of living, or working, too close to electricity transformers, meter boxes, cell phone towers,  overhead power lines, sleeping next to power sources, and over use of  cell phones.

Toxic Chemicals Contaminate Environment

For most people, the main risk factors in getting breast cancer lie in the fact that so many toxic chemicals are widely used in our environments and our homes.

Petro-chemicals can cause breast cancer, and other cancers, to develop.

Organo-chlorides which are  found in many herbicides, and pesticides, are known to have a carcinogen effect, especially in  the forming of breast, ovarian and uterine cancers.

Herbicides, widely used by councils in spraying whole areas at a time, which they will call a spraying  ‘programme’, are a real threat to adults, and even more  to children who often walk these sprayed areas to get to and from school, or to the school bus. Even if we are not actively walking in these areas, the spray drift is affecting all those who live in the area.

Herbicide use in public areas should definitely be banned, for the sake of all. The risk is just too great. Our children may be in fairly good health now, but these poisons will affect the health of many children in later life, and predispose them to cancer and other disease related to  immune disfunction.

Toxins such as Propylene Glycol, Dioxin, which is found in 245T, or Agent Orange, DDT, 24D, Roundup, and many other herbicides and insecticides are all thought to increase cancer risk. Some of these chemicals are now banned, such as DDT. However, DDT  still remains in the soils where it was used, and these residues still find their way into our food chain.

245T, which is now banned, was known to affect the genetic structure of humans. This has resulted in deformities of children, who may be at risk of having deformed children themselves, since 245T affects the genes.

We who protested against the use of 245T, or ‘agent orange’ in the 1970’s were told by government authorities in New Zealand that it was not proven that this chemical caused cancer, or deformities, or anything else, and so its use would be continued here.

Actually, the effects of 2,4,5,T and 2,4,D, WERE known – the effects of using ‘Agent Orange’ , a combination of the two chemicals, in Viet Nam proved how harmful it was. It was banned in all other western countries long before New Zealand banned it, because Dow chemicals  (Ivan Watkins Dow) were making the stuff here, at New Plymouth, New Zealand.

After aerial spraying over our house and stream which was our water source, I became very ill.  I was around six months pregnant at the time.  Friends advised to go and see the local doctor in the Hokianga, so that my case should be recorded as being caused by 2,4,5,T.  Hopefully, we thought, a register of all ill-health related to 2,4,5,T was being kept.

But, instead of recording my ill-health as the after-math of aerial 2,4,5,T spraying, the doctor told me I was imagining I was ill.  I was a hypochondriac, he said, because there was no proof that 2,4,5,T caused any harm to human beings.  He failed to record my case of 2,4,5,T related symptoms – breathing difficulties, asthma-like symptoms, feeling nauseous all the time, bone pains, and having literally no energy to do the simplest task.

Six months later, my baby had died.  And around four or five years later, I had a breast lump which my doctor advised to have biopsied.

Instead of trusting any more medical people, or scientists, I decided to cure the thing myself.  This was when I discovered, first, Walter Last, the Whangarei healer, and then the Dr Gerson therapy for cancer.  Both these healers, in their own way, helped me recover.

Common sense must prevail. Don’t wait for chemicals to be banned after they have wreaked havoc in the environment, and killed people.  Avoid them NOW, and protect your children’s health, as well as your own.

Harmful Chemicals in Personal Care Products

Many harmful chemicals are used in cosmetics and personal care products, and even baby products. Dioxin is one chemical which is still to be found in some under-arm deodorants, among other cosmetic products.

The chemical list of carcenogens is extensive and lengthy. The simple  message is that you should avoid ALL the chemicals that you can. Learn how to live without them. Learn how to manage weeds and insects by natural means. If you can’t, then learn how to live with the weeds instead, as they will most likely benefit your health, whereas  toxic herbicides won’t.

Toxic Chemicals are in Our Clothing Fabrics

These days, much of our clothing, including our underwear,  is made cheaply in China, and this means that very often, the fabrics are synthetic, petroleum-based products. These synthetic fabrics contain many chemicals which adversely affect the health.  Often, cheap dyes are used in clothing made in China: Many of the dyes used to dye fabric and leather contain excessive amounts of formaldehyde, which is a carcenogen. These chemicals are readily absorbed through the pores of your skin, and into your body, where they can be stored. These stored chemicals are a potential risk in getting cancer.

The Bra Restricts Blood and Lymph

The Wearing of the bra in order to keep a perfect shape might contribute towards some women developing breast cancer. It is thought that the wearing of a tight bra around the whole of the chest and breast area could contribute to cancerous conditions setting in, because the bra restricts the blood and energy flow. The bra stops the lymph from travelling freely about the body, locking it in around the breast area. This means that drainage of waste products from the chest area will be blocked, because the lymph cannot carry them away efficiently.

The Contraceptive Pill or Injection

Contraceptives interfere with your body’s hormone production and regulation, which is why the contraceptive is a risk factor in getting cancer. It also robs the body of certain nutrients, which is another negative factor. There are many  other medications which  can contribute towards cancer and other degenerative disease, but the contraceptive  pill or injection probably poses the biggest threat, as it is taken long term, and this  means that your hormonal system is continually being interfered with, long term.

Innoculations Lower Your Immunity:

Innoculations for diseases like  influenza, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria and the like,  actually reduce your immunity. They might protect you against one outbreak of flu, or some other disease, but at the risk of getting more severe diseases in later life. Children who have had the range of injections for various diseases in childhood will have an immune system which is severly weakened, which will predispose them to immune function diseases like cancer, including  breast cancer, arthritis, and  multiple sclerosis, in later years.

Personally, after my eldest child was affected adversely by a series of injections in childhood, I refused to take part in this innoculation charade. There are other options, like homeopathy, vitamin therapy, acupuncture, and herbal medecine which prevent diseases and work cures. However, there is a place for everything: get advice from your doctor or homeopath  before you decide NOT to go for that innoculation which everybody is racing to get.

Alcohol, Marijuana, and Cigarettes

Women who drink more than two glasses of alcohol per day are twice as likely to get breast cancer, or some other form of cancer, than women who rarely drink. Marijuana smokers, and cigarette smokers, also double their chances of getting breast cancer, and other cancers, including lung cancer.

Nutritional Deficiencies Can Cause Cancer

Give yourself and your family a diet which is high in all the necessary nutrients. Ensure that you eat plenty of foods which are rich in  Iodine and Calcium. These are both essential to good health and to preventing cancer. Make sure that every meal contains plenty of Roughage . Roughage is the other essential factor in preventing cancer.

Remember the three  cancer preventers – Roughage – Iodine – Calcium.

Avoid Processed Foods which have Chemical Additives

Processed foods contain many chemicals which are hazardous to the health, especially if you eat a lot of this food. These chemicals build up in the body, until one day – boomph – some disease ‘hits’ you, like breast cancer. Detoxifying diets, or the castor oil treatment taken once a week, are ways in which you can reduce the toxins in your body, to help prevent cancer.

Other Things to Do to Prevent Breast Cancer

Give up smoking. Limit, or give up alcohol. Give up all drugs unless it is a medication which your life depends on.

You can remove your bra when you get home from work. You can make sure that it is made of cotton, rather than a synthetic material, and that it is not too tight.

Well wash that new bra before beginning to wear it.

Try to wear cotton fabrics rather than anything synthetic. This is especially  important for fabrics which touch the skin. Again, well wash any new item of clothing before you begin to wear it.

You can take measures to detoxify the body, so that any toxic residues which have built up in your body get eliminated over time. Days on the apple diet, or the castor oil cleanse used once a week, will help your body to detoxify. You can help your children’s health by giving them mainly apples to eat on certain days of the week, as this will help them to detoxify as well.

You can throw out all the chemicals – all the herbicides and insecticides which you have about your house. You can check your make-up. Throw out all dubious products. Give up hair dye and nail polish – these contribute to cancer.

Read merrilyn’s article on ‘household chemical reactions’ for more information on chemicals which cause cancer and other disease.

Household Chemical Reactions

Toxic Chemicals in the Home:

There are many household chemicals which are very poisonous.  Household chemical reactions are not uncommon, as there are  not only many invisible toxic chemicals in the environment, but those  to be found  in many products you have around the house, from cleaning products to that face cream you smear on your face daily.

There are many household chemicals which could cause reactions: 884 different toxic chemicals have been found in personal care products alone.

Here are some of the most common household chemicals which you would be best to avoid using, whether they be found in cleaners or make-up, or products designed for your baby:


Even if you avoid using products which contain harmful chemicals, it is difficult to avoid contaminating your environment with this chemical, as we shall see. This insidious chemical is found in many products which we use every day in the bathroom or the kitchen. Propylene glycol is used in many toothpastes, face creams, shampoos, conditioners, ice cream, and BABY PRODUCTS.

Propylene glycol  is commonly known as industrial anti-freeze. It is one of the most corrosive chemicals known. It is to be found in the mechanic’s workshop, and sometimes in the garages of the home handy-man, as it is used in brake fluid, degreasers and anti-freeze products .

Petrol stations are the worst place for picking this chemical up, as it gets spilt about when people top up their brake fluid, or use anti-freeze.  Propylene glycol is carried about from place to place very easily, as the greasy quality of anti-freeze and brake fluid makes it easily transferrable. You get a coating of it on the soles of your shoes as you fill up your car with petrol, and walk over to the check-out to pay your bill. The coating on your shoes then  gets transferred to your car floor, and then to  floor of the house when you return home.

This is one very good reason for removing your shoes at the door, before you enter your house, or that of anyone elses.

In a chemical analysis which I read about, it was found that propylene glycol was the most common chemical to be found on the floor of well-trodden public places, such as pubs, or railway stations. It was commonly found in the carpets of most households. You can see how easily propylene glycol can get onto your skin, or onto your food, simply because there is a film of it on the floor of your house which has been  tramped in from the street.

Propyelene glycol, or ‘anti-freeze’ is  known as a humectant, which means that it is capable of attracting water. This is the reason it is used in cosmetics, because it keeps your skin moisturized. This is why it is used in baby products, as it works to ‘protect’ your baby’s skin from nappy rash.

So- there is a danger to health if you regularly  apply  face creams to your skin, or use nappy-rash creams or moisturisers on your baby: you will absorb small amounts of propylene glycol through the pores of the  skin. The stuff then finds places to store itself in the body, most commonly in the liver.

Propylene glycol, or anti-freeze has very bad  side effects.  In my view, this chemical is possibly more to blame  than plastics are, for the many conditions of ill health which afflict so many people today.

Propylene glycol is an  extremely corrosive substance, it eats away at your nervous system, and weakens the walls of the veins, capilliaries and arteries. Breathing the fumes from brake fluid is just about as damaging to your throat and lungs as is smoking. It is extremely irritating to the eyes. It will increase blood pressure and cause heart palpitations. This is because the body sets off alarm bells in order to try and shunt the blood around more quickly in order to rid it of the toxins eroding its pathways. This increases the liklihood of stroke and heart disease.

It has an immediate effect on the pituitary gland, which controls the hormonal production of the various centers in the body’s glandular system. The  result of exposure to propylene glycol – a disfunction of the pituitary gland,  could be the reason so many people have a problem with obesity and depression today.

Remember that whilst  the application of a nappy-rash cream will protect against nappyrash, your baby will be absorbing propylene glycol directly into its body through the pores of the skin. This could cause problems such as anxiety, or excessive crying.  Propylene glycol upsets the digestion and ruins the beneficial bacteria in the bowel. This, alone, can cause a crying baby. This toxin also  causes, from my own experience, breathing problems, asthma-like symptoms,  sinus trouble, ear ache and poor memory.  If you are not the sensitive type which suffers these reactions,  toxic chemicals  in your body are still a potential hazard to your health, as they will lie dormant, building up over time only to take the body by storm later in life:  serious immune deficiency diseases  such as arthritis, osteoporosis,  multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, or cancer could be the outcome.

Some warnings on the use of Propylene glycol state that ‘prolonged and repeated contact with the skin may cause irritation, skin rash, and dermatitis’, however, these are the least of the health concerns regarding propylene glycol, or brake fluid. It is extremely damaging to the immune system and to the nervous system.

A relative of mine who worked as a mechanic for years, changing brake fluid for people as part of his job, became very ill with ‘M.E.’  and acute depression. His immune system shut down completely, and it took several years before he was well enough to work again. His health practitioner blamed it on the brake fluid, the propylene glycol.

Of course, the amounts he was getting splashed onto his skin and onto his clothes was far more than what your baby will absorb through use of a nappy-rash cream. However, this chemical IS absorbed through the skin, and if you use the cream on a daily basis, then your baby’s health will be affected, in the long run. You just cannot tell what a ‘safe’ dose will be. It could cause early cancer in the child’s life, or the child may be prone to arthritis, or multiple sclerosis later in life, if he/she is continually exposed to this, and other, chemicals during its childhood.

It is important to avoid this chemical: avoid those commercial products which contain it, and take measures to avoid  the contamination of your home and environment by removing shoes at the door. Be careful to wash the hands  well after going downtown for petrol, or even shopping.


This is another chemical to watch out for. It is probable that you will have reactions to this household chemical, not realizing where the root of the problem may lie: It is found in many products commonly used about the house. Many cosmetic products: nail varnish, lipsticks, face creams and conditioners, have formaldehyde added, because it is a very convenient and cheap preservative.  It is found in many house paints and varnishes. It is found in many cleaning products, including some soap powders. It is found in some commercial dyes, such as leather-tanning dye, and clothing dyes.

Formaldehyde, like the propylene glycol in brake fluid and other products, is easily absorbed through the pores of the skin.

Formaldehyde is a carcenogen. However, the immediate effect one notices after exposure to this chemical is loss of memory, disorientation and confusion.

I have personal experience with the effects of formaldehyde poiisoning: This chemical was fairly new to the medical profession when I was a girl. It was regarded as the latest wonderful invention, as it  immediately sterilized medical equipment upon contact.  In the 1950’s, when I had my appendix removed after peritonitis, a jar of formaldehyde was kept beside the bed to sterilize the thermometer. The thermometer sat in this fluid day by day, until the nurse came around to take temperatures, at which point the thermometer was simply flicked a few times, then put straight into your mouth. I noticed some alarming and frightening reactions after each thermometer reading: it was obvious the stuff in the jar, which had the most distinctive and sickening smell, was causing a general blanking out of the brain, then  memory loss , disorientation and confusion once my brain ‘came to’ again.

I consider myself lucky: many nurses who used formaldehyde regularly in the 1950’s suffered such  extreme memory loss that they had to give up nursing.

If you use products which contain formaldehyde on a daily basis, you might not  associate your poor memory, or lack of motivation, with the source, because the poisoning will occur gradually, over a period of time.  But there is no doubt about it – formaldehyde directly affects the brain and its memory function. It also causes cancer.

Being a painter of buildings, or boats, is probably the most hazardous of occupations where formldehyde is concerned. But glamorous women who use nail polish all the time are also at great risk of getting cancer, or suffering memory loss in the interim. Formaldehyde is absorbed through the nail tissue on your fingers and toes. This has been proven by doctors who analysed Jacqui Davison’s cancer in the 1980’s:  the source of the cancer had come from the big toe, and the big toes were the only toes which she kept continually painted with nail varnish.


The  American Red Cross did a study in 2008, at the request of the Environmental Working Group.  The blood from the umbilical cord of newborn babies was analysed. These are the facts from a leaflet entitled ‘The Scandal of this Generation’ which was recently  given to me by a promoter of  ‘New-ways’ products:

287 compounds were found which had MILTIPLE toxic effects:

134 were found to cause cancer

151 were found which are known to cause birth defects

154  were found to disrupt hormone production

186 caused infertility

130 were known to affect the immune system

158 were known to be neurotoxins

Even if you do not perceive an immediate reaction from using products with these harmful chemicals in them, it is advisable to avoid them if you want to protect your health and the health of your children in the long term. Below is a list of some of the most common  toxic ingredients  used in household products and cosmetics:

Di-ethanol-amine, used as a foaming agent, reacts with nitrates in babies’ drinking bottles. The chemical forms the compound  NDEA – nitrosodiethanolamine, which has long been recognized as a cancer causing agent. Apparently, in 1980 the FDA announced that about 42% of all cosmetic products were contaminated with this compound.  Germany banned the use  Di-ethanol-amine, which forms DEA/NDEA. Dr Samuel S. Epstein M.D. who wrote the books  ‘The Politics of Cancer’ and ‘Unreasonable Risk’ discusses this ingredient.

Dioxin, Sodium Laureth Sulphate, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, PEG-12 (polyethylene glycol-12), Sodium Monofluorophosphate, Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate, and Sodium Saccharin are other very dangerous chemicals widely used in personal care products, and other household products.

Causes of Memory Loss

How To Reverse Memory Loss

Toxic Chemicals, Alcohol, Marijuana, Microwaves, Toxic Dentures, And Some Medications Can Cause Candida

Candida Can Cause Memory Loss:  Too often people say that the cause of memory loss is a genetic thing, especially when it is related to Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.  But while we accept that some people have a propensity for afflictions of the brain, and memory loss, as with cancer and other degenerative diseases, much can be done, in my experience, to avoid or avert these conditions in most people, even when there is a genetic weakness.

Candida Infection

A weakened immune system can result in candida, which can cause memory loss.

It is easy to cure candida: The main thing is to starve it of the foods it thrives on, and avoid all those environmental contaminants which encourage it. Periods of detoxification, as in fasting on raw foods, castor oil occasionally, an alkaline diet, avoidance of all toxic herbicides, pesticides and other substances, and a healthy environment is the way to recover your health and naturally improve your memory.

Heavy metal poisoning, asbestos, addiction to alcohol and other drugs, vaccinations and some medications, as well as agricultural chemicals such as RoundUp’s glyphosate, all have the potential to weaken the immune system and incline people to candida infection.

Any of these things, given enough exposure, tend to upset the functioning of the bowel flora, and kill off the very organisms which are there to help digest our food and protect us from sickness.

One incident which caused severe memory loss, and a near physical breakdown, was the poisoning which occurred after I cleared a property of asbestos and toxic ash after a fire. I began to collapse with heavy metals, formaldehyde, and asbestos dust poisoning my system. Lead is one heavy metal which is known to severely affect nervous system, brain function and memory, and combined with all the other poisons in this toxic ash, it  very nearly caused my death. I guessed that if I wasn’t to die of heavy metal poisoning, then I might die of candida.

Candida took over my digestive system to the extent that eating a grain of sugar, or a drop of fruit juice caused an immediate visible reaction in the mouth, which became white with thrush. As long as I did not eat anything which fed the organism, then I was OK. But there was very little food which was safe during this time. Raw lettuce, for instance, was no good, as there are multiple little organisms on lettuce which cause the lettuce to decompose fairly quickly. As my immune system was so incredibly weakened, I had no resistance to the yeasts on lettuce, or the sugars in sweet vegetables such as carrots, or apples, which caused immediate candida overgrowth.

It took a very long while to rid myself of the poisons which were making me ill, and to build up resistance again, but I managed a recovery with castor oil, and a diet which allowed only raw celery and tuna fish in oil, and calcium ascorbate vitamin C. I followed this regime religiously for six months, after which time I was able to eat cooked vegetables again.  After this initial healing period, I still had to follow a strict modified diet using both cooked and raw vegetables, tuna fish in oil, and continue to use castor oil for cleansing at least once a week.

Gradually, memory and physical health was restored.


Seven years after this, the oppressive effect of Saturn was upon me again. I suffered a period of chronic depression, probably related to the asbestos, lead, mercury poisoning, as well as my children leaving home. This time I became addicted to alcohol.  Candida loves alcohol. After three years of drinking and isolation, I had virtually no memory,  had forgotten how to speak in coherent sentences, could not recognize familiar faces or voices,  and had forgotten how to perform many simple tasks.

It was imperative that I stop drinking. I joined the local Alcoholic Anonymous group, and began to pay attention to diet, intellectual, and social factors. It took one year for the nervous tremors to stop, and several more years for memory, speech and eyesight to recover normal function.


It is probable that vaccinations in childhood play a part in people’s immunity being low and too readily succumbing to candida and other infections throughout life. I believe that childhood vaccinations, as well as flu vaccinations,  could also be one cause of mental deterioration and memory loss in less than old people because of their influence on the digestive and immune systems.

Childhood vaccinations could even predispose us to cancer, obesity, alcoholism, and other addictions later on in life.  See my website article:

My generation was the recipient of numerous nationwide school vaccinations and innocculations in the 1950’s and 1960’s.  It is no wonder, to me, that so many of my peers have died so young of cancer, and heart and breathing problems, addictions, and that most of us still living have chronic short-term memory loss.


Avoid Exposure To Radiation And Electromagnetic Energies:  As stated in the article entitled ‘Improve Your Eyesight Naturally, electromagnetic radiation from cell phone towers, ‘smart’ electricity meters, and electricity transformers, can harm brain function very dramatically.

These vibrations and radiations affect the central nervous system, which runs on its own series of electrical impulses. The nervous system’s energy circuit is very sensitive to the stronger rays from things like cell phone towers and electricity meter boxes, and the result of prolonged exposure is that the organs suffer. The brain, eyes, ears and heart, which are all connected to the nervous system,  are especially vulnerable to these toxic energies.


These radiations and electromagnetic fields can also cause candida, as they have the ability to kill off the ‘good’ bacteria in the bowel, to the advantage of the ‘bad’ bacteria and other parasites.

Anti Candida Diet Improves General Health And Memory

Important: If you feel at all unwell whilst you try this anti-candida diet, then quit the diet and go back to see your health adviser. However, it can be rather trying at the beginning of the diet, as the candida yeast will demand those sugars and foods which feed it, especially when you are starving it of these items. If you can resist the temptation to eat those foods which candida loves, then after a week or so on the diet, your candida infection should be more or less under control.

The best way to combat candida and rebuild your immune system is to starve it of all sugars for a while. This means adopting a very radical approach which involves more than being gluten-free. You need to cut out all wheat flour products – no bread,cake or pastries, as these are all converted to sugar too quickly: wheat flour, and many other flours, can cause the candida to thrive whilst your immune system is poorly functioning.  Cut out sweets, including all sweet drinks, juices, fruit and honey for a time. Dairy products are also best avoided; the lactose in milk, including soy milk, also feeds candida. All leafy greens are just great, as are most vegetables, but cut down on those potatoes and kumara, or sweet potato, and carrots for a while, as these carbohydrates are converted to sugar very quickly in the digestive system, and this gives the candida plenty to thrive on.

Brown rice is generally good; however, if your condition is chronic, then you will need to exclude all grains until you improve. Taking olive oil, rice bran oil or some other good quality cooking oil with your brown rice, and poured over your salads and cooked greens, helps slow down the process of sugar conversion in the body: it is nourishing, and inhibits the candida, because candida doesn’t like oils.  Taking garlic with your brown rice and oil also helps inhibit candida overgrowth. Use garlic and oil at every meal until you are better. Even after you are better, good oils,garlic, brown rice, salads, and cooked greens should form the bulk of the diet to avoid getting a candida imbalance which causes memory loss.

Protein and Vegetable Oils: A protein-rich diet, and the use of good quality oils such as virgin olive oil, is very effective in combating candida infection. Candida does not thrive in protein-rich diets, and vegetable oils. You must have adequate protein in the diet – candida sufferers are often on vegetarian or low-protein diets where grains are used to substitute real protein. Try to eat protein at every meal. Oily types of fish are just the very best – salmon, mullet, sardines, tuna, but free range eggs, almonds, free range chicken and beef, are all good sources. Nuts are sometimes best left until you begin to recover, but you can experiment with these after you have given yourself a week or so without, to see what their effect is. Once you have followed this anti-candida diet for a few days, you can recognize what foods are best to avoid when you try them again, as you usually get symptoms of candida fairly soon after eating them.

Avoid taking protein foods such as soy bean tofu, soy bean miso, and cheese, as these are all fermented foods which encourage candida.

Eat salad foods at every meal. Celery is very effective in helping to combat candida, as it has plenty of roughage to cleanse the bowel. It is a very alkaline food which makes for a healthy body and immune system. It also has an antiseptic effect which inhibits candida and other bacteria. Celery is a great cleanser and helps to build healthy blood, whilst being excellent for the brain. Sprouts are a great food, but you have to be careful with these as yeast begins to grow on the sprouts while they are germinating: they must be washed well – I think these are best left out until you have recovered somewhat. Lettuce must also be washed well. Avoid tomatoes for a while – they are just too sweet. Avocado is best avoided for the first few few weeks until you have strengthened your immune system, as they begin to ferment very quickly and therefore feed the candida if they are overripe.

The other thing which you must starve the candida of is any food or drink which contains YEAST. Candida is a yeast, and it gets a huge boost when you feed it things like alcohol, or vinegar, or sauces, or even vegetarian products like soy bean miso, tofu,or  soy sauce: all these are fermented. Just a taste of another yeast really sets off the candida growing again. Mushrooms need to be avoided, as the yeast on mushrooms encourages candida overgrowth in your intestines.

If you suspect that candida albicans might be the cause of your memory loss, then the above suggestions should be helpful. Remember to eat enough while you are on this diet.  There is absolutely no need to go hungry. Have a salad ready, maybe with boiled eggs or fish added to it, and some brown rice, already cooked, which you have put in the fridge. You can snack on these super healthy foods, throw a few almonds in with cooked broccoli or spinach, throw on a bit of olive oil, a taste of garlic, and you are ready to go.

Avoiding all yeast foods and sugars will help your memory loss if candida, or sluggish bowels, is the problem. The bulk of salad foods, cooked greens and brown rice which you eat with your protein will provide good roughage to get your bowels clear of effete matter, get them functioning normally again and provide the very best nutrients to feed your body and your brain.

Calcium Ascorbate, or Ester C are the non-acidic Vitamin C types you should look for in treating candida. These are the most effective of all  available supplements which counteract candida albicans, and thus they are helpful in  restoring your memory. They also help keep an alkaline state in the body which is another  important factor in treating candida. Do not use the ordinary, sour tasting Vitamin C, as this does not help candida, but actually feeds it. Calcium ascorbate in doses of 1000mg can be taken once, or twice, or even three times a day to combat candida and help your memory grow strong. Cut the dose back after a few days, once the bowels have been cleared.

Acidophilus: This is the name of one of the beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Acidophilus helps keep the candida in check, so it is very useful in tackling the cause of your memory loss. Having a healthy amount of acidophilus in your bowel also helps you to process your food more efficiently, thus more nutrients are provided to the brain, helping to counteract memory loss. It is important to find a product which is suitable for candida sufferers, though. Make sure there are no added sugars or lactose added to the acidophilus which you buy. Otherwise it is best to do without

Epsom Salts For Magnesium:  This is very helpful in clearing out the bowel of toxins.  The extra magnesium can also boost your brain function.  Take a dose several times a week, or as needed.

Bowel Cleanse or Colonic Cleanse: It is a good idea to go to a colonic clinic to get this professionally done at first. After that, you can learn how to use an enema so that you can clean out your system regularly. This is especially important in the beginning of treatment, when toxins will be released from the liver because of the healthy change of diet you have implemented. Washing out the colon is an important measure to take in getting rid of all the gunk in your bowel: keeping the bowel clean is a priority in helping to build a good memory.

Candida does affect very many people, and most people, given the quantity of processed food which we all consume, have sluggish and clogged bowels. These things are probably the most common causes of memory loss, so the above dietary and cleansing suggestions  really are worth a try.

Some other causes of memory loss are:

Emotional exhaustion, lack of sleep, anxiety, and depression: these can all contribute to a state of memory loss. Good nutrition, such as the basic wheatless anti-candida diet outlined above, should help most people with these conditions. Also, Yoga Nidra, deep relaxation and yoga breathing are useful in minimizing these negative mental states. See the chapter at the end of the book on how to practice Yoga Nidra.

Radiation from cell phone towers, cell phone use, electrical transformers which are too close to your house, overhead power lines near your house, radio transmitters, even TV aerials above your sleeping space, can all affect your memory and your nervous system generally. Having a radio close to your head at night will interfere with your brain patterns and affect your memory: I read once that Paul Simon won’t sleep with a radio or a TV anywhere near his bedroom, even if it they are not going. He recognizes the negative effect radio and TV waves have on the brain and memory function.

Alcohol and marijuana addiction: the effect of both these drugs is well known to be deleterious to the physical health, and to the mental health. Marijuana has a potent weakening effect on memory.


Allergy to denture plastic or acrylic:   Many people are sensitive to  plastic materials: these materials, which are prolific in our environment, are one major cause of memory loss in my experience. Unfortunately, many people wear plastic in their mouths, in the fabric of their denture. This plastic starts to break down after a couple of years or so, and chemicals from the plastic denture are absorbed into the body. This affects the brain and is one of the probable  causes of memory loss in people who have dentures.  Also, candida yeasts and other bacteria can thrive in the denture plastic, especially when it becomes older, and these bacteria also cause  memory loss.  Read the article on Dentures which appears just before this article.

Lack of certain essential elements in the diet such as iron, B vitamins, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, Vitamin A,Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, iodine, silica, manganese, selenium to name a few of the important ones.  These are all essential to keeping a well functioning memory and a healthy brain.







Prevent Cancer

CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS. – Keeping a clean environment, of course,  is extremely important. Toxic working and home environments should be avoided. The use of anything toxic  in the house, garden and work place  such as fly sprays, herbicides, fungicides and other chemicals should  never be used.

Merrilyn’s book on Amazon has more information on the subject of avoiding and treating cancer:

Many things which people use about the house and garden are used in good faith that they won’t hurt the user. Rat poison  is a good example. This is extremely toxic and contaminates the area in which it is laid even if it is not physically spread about. But rats and mice will spread it about anyway, which adds to the problem of contamination of food and clothing. This contamination is likely to upset the heart and blood pressure, apart from setting off other patterns of ill health.  People often leave rat poison lying about in a hidden place, just in case rats or mice enter the house, but this practice should not be continued. An example follows:

Recently, my son and I moved my gear, mainly boxes of books, records and music, out of storage where it has been now for several years. But since the items stored have been exposed to fumigation treatment and the laying of rat bait at the door of a previous storage unit, they were contaminated. Handling the boxes with bare hands caused absorption of these chemicals through the skin, which caused distressing reactions, including intense bone pain in the hands and up the arms, dizziness, vomitting and an ongoing painful headache. All the  food stored, even unopened cans of food, had to be thrown out.

Chemicals  which will deter insects for a long period, and rat poison, can  contaminate foods without touching them. This is because the vibration of the chemical is so strong that something of its aura changes the quality of the items nearby it. Everything in the vicinity is affected: foods, clothing, furnishings, your own body and that of your children and pets.

Imagine then, what effect a hidden pot of rat poison will be doing quietly to the health of you, your family, your pets, even if it is not opened.

For this reason,  no chemicals, household cleaners, even soaps, should ever be stored near food. Even cans of food will be affected by the storage of non-food items nearby. Affected foods, when eaten, can seriously undermine your health, because you are taking in the quality of the poison with it.

If rats and mice get into the poison, then there is an invisible trail of the stuff around on  the rat circuit inside the house. You and your poor bare-footed pet will be walking through this and spreading it around. Your pet will absorb poison straight through the skin on its paws.

Pet collars and sprays to deter fleas on cats and dogs are another hazard to the health of your pet, you and your family. The poor pet is likely to get cancer, or kidney failure, heart disease or arthritis because of the continual wearing of these collars. And every time you touch the collar, or the spot which has the flea deterent on it, you will be contaminating yourself and spreading the poison about to contaminate others. It gets into your food, and is absorbed through the skin of you and your pet.

If you must paint the house, or varnish floors, try to use a non-toxic product and you should still wear protective gear, including a mask. The family are best housed somewhere else if painting is being undertaken. Our health is already being tested by the numerous poisons in our environment – senseless to add anything to it which we can avoid or do without.

COSMETICS – These are best left alone. There are very few brands which don’t contain anything harmful such as petrochemicals, preservatives and colourings. Don’t be fooled just because the item says “With Vitamin E”, or “Aloe vera”, because, in most cases, a host of harmful chemicals  will also be added to the combination.  The “Weleda” brand, who also make homeopathic medecines, is one to be highly recommended. Their products are all made organically in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand,  and contain no petrochemicals or other harmful agents. I will post up any other reliable products on this site as they come to my attention.

NEVER USE HAIR DYE OR HAIR-SPRAY OR NAIL POLISH. These chemicals get stored in the liver, affect liver function, and lead to cancerous conditions, arthritis and other degenerative disease. Jacqui Davison who recovered from melanoma using Dr Gerson’s therapy, attributed her cancer mainly to the use of hair dye and nail polish.

ADEQUATE NUTRITION – The most important factor is ROUGHAGE. We need adequate fibre in our diets for our bowels to remain clean so that unhealthy organisms and toxins are not harboured there. Clean intestines also mean that you gain more nutrition from the food which you eat.This means that plenty of raw and cooked vegetables and fruits and whole grains such as brown rice should form the bulk of the diet. An adequate amount of protein, eggs, fish, nuts, pulses, should go with it. Meat eating should be moderate if it is eaten at all, and should not be eaten on a daily basis, as it putrifies in the bowel. So does cheese and  most other dairy products. This is why  vegetables, fruits and grains should form the bulk of the diet.

AVOID PROCESSED WHEAT FLOUR AND SUGAR. Use brown rice to replace bread eating. This has more fibre  and so is digested more cleanly. Brown rice is far  is more nutritious than wheat  flour. Even white rice has been used in the treatment of disease, but brown is preferable because of its higher nutritional value and higher fibre.

Use brown wheat flour if you must use flour, but try to minimise the intake of wheat.

It is best that our vitamin and mineral intake comes from the food we eat. But added vitamin and mineral supplements can aid immune function, prevent cancer and other degenerative disease, and enhance the quality and length of life. ANTIOXIDANTS, mainly Vitamins A, C and E are extremely important in counteracting “free radicals” and the effects of modern living. Vitamin E is reputed to be the king of the antioxidants, with Vitamin C next in line, and Vitamin A in 3rd place. These have been shown to be active in preventing cancer, and in reducing cancer growth.  Selenium, Zinc and Manganese are also important. Studies in Turkey have shown that a deficiency of zinc can lead to prostate cancer.

VITAMIN C – This is found in all vegetables and fruits, but much is destroyed with cooking. Raw fruits are the best way to get your vitamin C. All the berries, cranberries, blackberries, boysenberries, strawberries, raspberries, are especially high in Vitamin C.

Citrus fruits are very high, but not everybody can tolerate these – lemon juice in water is a good cleanser, rich in Vitamin C,  and is not usually problematic to people who can’t tolerate other citrus.

Grapes are a great  alkaline fruit to aid digestion and provide Vitamin C and iron. Most people can eat these in any amounts. The grape diet is an excellent one for cleansing the body of toxins. All you do is eat only grapes, as many and as often as you like, for one or several days. (Get some advice on this if you are on medication of any sort or have a heart condition)  Apples and stone fruits are all contain Vitamin C. Grated apple is another good cleanser. Pineapple, mango and paw paw are all good sources of Vitamin C.

Kiwifruit is extremely high in Vitamin C and is another excellent cleanser for the bowel. A meal taken entirely of Kiwifruit will cure an attack of constipation without any need to take a laxative. Eat a bulk of the fruit at one sitting every day until the problem is cured. This doesn’t usually take more than a day, but persist in the treatment if you don’t get results that soon.

Broccoli is high in fibre and still retains some of its Vitamin C after cooking. It is also high in iron and has been shown to help prevent cancer.

All the above fruits and vegetables, eaten plentifully and on a daily basis, will provide you with enough ROUGHAGE  and Vitamin C to help you prevent cancer and other disease.

CALCIUM ASCORBATE POWDER can be used as an extra antioxidant. 500mg twice daily is recommended by some practitioners. But 1000mg twice a day is the dose I used when treating myself for severe chemical and metal poisoning. I used this amount also when I was treating myself for a breast lump, along with a diet of predominantly raw food and the Gerson enema treatment. However, if you are healthy and are eating plenty of the above fruits and vegetables, you should not really need to take extra Vitamin C unless you are detoxifying or have some illness.

EXERCISE and ENJOYMENT of life are important factors in avoiding cancer. Dwelling on unhappy thoughts are very bad for the health, as we all know. Make the effort to do nice things with the family and friends. Appreciate the people who love you.

DEEP RELAXATION – YOGA NIDRA- is very beneficial for the health. It can help you with emotional problems so that you do not fall prey to disease, and improve the quality and enjoyment of your life.

See my post on YOGA NIDRA