Calcium Ascorbate for Varicose Veins

Calcium Ascorbate is a Healer.

Calcium ascorbate for Varicose Veins: Calcium Ascorbate has the power to draw poisons out from the body.  Vitamin C  is an antioxidant and has a healing effect on the tissues of the body:  Calcium ascorbate is one of the best ways to take megadoses of vitamin C for the purposes of healing, as this is a non-acidic form which is soothing on the gut.  Ester C is another type of non-acidic vitamin C which you can use to help heal varicose veins and other conditions.

The antioxidant and healing effects  of Vitamin C, especially when used in non-acidic form such as calcium ascorbate and ester C,  make  Vitamin C  one of the most valuable vitamins in helping to cure any disease.

Calcium ascorbate for varicose veins is highly recommended.  It will help to dissolve build-ups of calcium deposits and other matter in the veins.  It can help to reduce blood clots, and will help to thin the blood.  It will help to heal the walls of the veins and arteries and make them strong.  It will help in the assimilation of your food so that you gain the optimum nutrition from the food which you eat.

Of course, you must ask your doctor or health professional if you are sick or have varicose veins.  Professional advice must be sought, especially  if you are already taking medications or treatments of any kind, to see if Vitamin C is suitable for you to use.

Some medications thin the blood, and these must not be taken in combination with vitamin C, as Vitamin C also thins the blood. This brings to mind the question of whether warfarin is necessary at all to thin people’s blood:  this is derived from rat poison, and has many negative side effects.

Vitamin C such as calcium ascorbate,  garlic, ginger, cayenne pepper and fresh fruit and vegetables are some of the natural things which  thin the blood.  This is why doctors often tell people who are taking warfarin and suchlike drugs,  to avoid these items.   But in an alternative treatment these drugs  would not be used at all:  high doses of calcium ascorbate or some other vitamin C would be presecribed in combination with some other treatments, including a specially   designed  diet whose objective is to thin the blood, if that is what is necessary.

However, if you are not taking medications, then Vitamin C in the form of calcium ascorbate powder, or ester C, is  generally speaking one of the most safe vitamins which you can use.  It is not dangerous to use, and we hope that it will always be available to us for purchase at local supermarkets and health stores, so that we can help our own condition of health without having to go to a doctor for a prescription.  And without having to pay double the price to a drug company who might be capitalizing on the product.

Risk of Using Rat Poison

Read merrilyn’s  ‘Organic Rat Poison’ for a homemade rat poison idea.  This post gives some organic solutions to  the problem of rats and mice.

About a week ago I saw a commercial pest eradication van leaving our hotel grounds in Glenfield. I hadn’t seen the driver at work, so I wasn’t sure what he was up to. Was it going to be a fumigation of our rooms, or was he here to lay poison for rats. Either way, I thought it would mean trouble. After a few days I could taste poison  around the hotel. My vision was affected. For days it was blurred and my eyes bloodshot and burning. I had terrible pain in the heart when lying down. This, for me, is  always a symptom of  chemical poisoning, usually rat poison. I had a serious headache, nausea and a runny nose. I also had several days with diaorrhea, brought on by the intestinal flora being upset and the acidophillus being killed off. My joints seemed frozen when I went to do my piano playing jobs. My mental function was also impaired. I could tell because piano pieces that I normally play well were a struggle to perform. The slowed up mental state and the frozen nature of my fingers and arms really was a big concern.

The poison  seemed to be everywhere – in the kitchen, and even out in the garden. I did my yoga-breathing exercise on the lawn- actually to alleviate the severe depression which had hit me this week. But yoga on the lawn, rather than improve the state of depression, was more effective in pin-pointing the reason for the depression which had come on for no apparent reason: No doubt now – this was for sure a chemically-induced state of depression due to  rat poison. I could taste it on my clothes.I could smell it on my hands. Touching my face after doing the yoga on the lawn caused a burning sensation on the face. Then I realized there were plastic containers which contained rat poison, in the garden, all about the property. One was situated only about 20 feet away from where I had been lying on the lawn for yoga exercises. I had seen a dead rat lying a few feet away from one rat-poison recepticle near the kitchen.

I showered and changed all my clothes immediately, although they were fresh just before doing the yoga. Now they were contaminated. I kept them apart from anything else I might touch or wear. Shoes were the vehicle for the transportation of the pesticide right through the hotel. After realizing this, I removed these before entering my room to avoid contaminating the carpet and everything in the room. Many people live here and walk to and fro the kitchen and other facilities, so before long, traces of the poison had been tramped all over the premises. Only a trace is needed for depression to set in.

I took care not to walk near the rubbish collection area – that seemed to be one of the worst places affected by the poison. I could taste it strongly in this area. Either there was more bait put around this area which I could not see, or rats were carrying the stuff here when they came about their inspections for the night.

Cats must surely be affected as they walk bare-foot over this territory. Birds must be afftected also, as they eat worms off the grass.

My guess is that many people have been suffering depression in our hotel this week. I have noticed that the mood generally hasn’t been as jolly as it usually is.

Now, about five days after putting up this post, I am sure the rodent man has put insecticide around the utility areas as well, which compounds the rat poison problem. These days, unfortunately, poisoning such as this is quite common in New Zealand;  Warehouses, shops, storage facilities, hotels, and other places of accommodation often use drastic methods  to kill insects and this outside method to kill rodents and insects as well.

I encountered  poisoning  such as this when I was in Australia, but at the time, New Zealand definately seemed cleaner and ‘greener’ as far as rodent killer and domestic insecticides went.  However, sadly, I think many Aucklanders  have become increasingly more like the Aussies in their widespread use of rat poison and ant and cockroach killer. We are conditioned by advertising on television and  the very existence of these chemical killer companies. The ‘spray and walk away’ approach teaches us to be generally uncaring and insensitive to our surroundings, our environment, and all the creatures who live in it. As I write this, people are hacking  out beautiful gardens and lopping down trees around Auckland to make less work for themselves and control nature, completely oblivious to the fact that the birds’ habitat is being destroyed and the wonderful colour of a garden is turned to dust. This kind of attitude seems to go hand in hand with toxic chemical usage.
Wellington, by comparison, seems to value its gardens and surroundings. While I was living in Wellington over a three year period, I never encountered problems with toxic chemicals. The cooler climate has something to do with it, but Wellingtonians do seem to be a more gentle, milder-natured lot who just love their city and its surroundings.

Just how one can educate people into respecting the beautiful environment we have here in Auckland, to take care of the gardens, instead of cutting them all out, for the benefit of all;  into not using poisons such as rat and ant and cockroach killers because of  detrimental effect on bird, animal and human life, is something which cannot be achieved in a day. Where are you, Helen Clarke?

Prevent Cancer

CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS. – Keeping a clean environment, of course,  is extremely important. Toxic working and home environments should be avoided. The use of anything toxic  in the house, garden and work place  such as fly sprays, herbicides, fungicides and other chemicals should  never be used.

Merrilyn’s book on Amazon has more information on the subject of avoiding and treating cancer:

Many things which people use about the house and garden are used in good faith that they won’t hurt the user. Rat poison  is a good example. This is extremely toxic and contaminates the area in which it is laid even if it is not physically spread about. But rats and mice will spread it about anyway, which adds to the problem of contamination of food and clothing. This contamination is likely to upset the heart and blood pressure, apart from setting off other patterns of ill health.  People often leave rat poison lying about in a hidden place, just in case rats or mice enter the house, but this practice should not be continued. An example follows:

Recently, my son and I moved my gear, mainly boxes of books, records and music, out of storage where it has been now for several years. But since the items stored have been exposed to fumigation treatment and the laying of rat bait at the door of a previous storage unit, they were contaminated. Handling the boxes with bare hands caused absorption of these chemicals through the skin, which caused distressing reactions, including intense bone pain in the hands and up the arms, dizziness, vomitting and an ongoing painful headache. All the  food stored, even unopened cans of food, had to be thrown out.

Chemicals  which will deter insects for a long period, and rat poison, can  contaminate foods without touching them. This is because the vibration of the chemical is so strong that something of its aura changes the quality of the items nearby it. Everything in the vicinity is affected: foods, clothing, furnishings, your own body and that of your children and pets.

Imagine then, what effect a hidden pot of rat poison will be doing quietly to the health of you, your family, your pets, even if it is not opened.

For this reason,  no chemicals, household cleaners, even soaps, should ever be stored near food. Even cans of food will be affected by the storage of non-food items nearby. Affected foods, when eaten, can seriously undermine your health, because you are taking in the quality of the poison with it.

If rats and mice get into the poison, then there is an invisible trail of the stuff around on  the rat circuit inside the house. You and your poor bare-footed pet will be walking through this and spreading it around. Your pet will absorb poison straight through the skin on its paws.

Pet collars and sprays to deter fleas on cats and dogs are another hazard to the health of your pet, you and your family. The poor pet is likely to get cancer, or kidney failure, heart disease or arthritis because of the continual wearing of these collars. And every time you touch the collar, or the spot which has the flea deterent on it, you will be contaminating yourself and spreading the poison about to contaminate others. It gets into your food, and is absorbed through the skin of you and your pet.

If you must paint the house, or varnish floors, try to use a non-toxic product and you should still wear protective gear, including a mask. The family are best housed somewhere else if painting is being undertaken. Our health is already being tested by the numerous poisons in our environment – senseless to add anything to it which we can avoid or do without.

COSMETICS – These are best left alone. There are very few brands which don’t contain anything harmful such as petrochemicals, preservatives and colourings. Don’t be fooled just because the item says “With Vitamin E”, or “Aloe vera”, because, in most cases, a host of harmful chemicals  will also be added to the combination.  The “Weleda” brand, who also make homeopathic medecines, is one to be highly recommended. Their products are all made organically in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand,  and contain no petrochemicals or other harmful agents. I will post up any other reliable products on this site as they come to my attention.

NEVER USE HAIR DYE OR HAIR-SPRAY OR NAIL POLISH. These chemicals get stored in the liver, affect liver function, and lead to cancerous conditions, arthritis and other degenerative disease. Jacqui Davison who recovered from melanoma using Dr Gerson’s therapy, attributed her cancer mainly to the use of hair dye and nail polish.

ADEQUATE NUTRITION – The most important factor is ROUGHAGE. We need adequate fibre in our diets for our bowels to remain clean so that unhealthy organisms and toxins are not harboured there. Clean intestines also mean that you gain more nutrition from the food which you eat.This means that plenty of raw and cooked vegetables and fruits and whole grains such as brown rice should form the bulk of the diet. An adequate amount of protein, eggs, fish, nuts, pulses, should go with it. Meat eating should be moderate if it is eaten at all, and should not be eaten on a daily basis, as it putrifies in the bowel. So does cheese and  most other dairy products. This is why  vegetables, fruits and grains should form the bulk of the diet.

AVOID PROCESSED WHEAT FLOUR AND SUGAR. Use brown rice to replace bread eating. This has more fibre  and so is digested more cleanly. Brown rice is far  is more nutritious than wheat  flour. Even white rice has been used in the treatment of disease, but brown is preferable because of its higher nutritional value and higher fibre.

Use brown wheat flour if you must use flour, but try to minimise the intake of wheat.

It is best that our vitamin and mineral intake comes from the food we eat. But added vitamin and mineral supplements can aid immune function, prevent cancer and other degenerative disease, and enhance the quality and length of life. ANTIOXIDANTS, mainly Vitamins A, C and E are extremely important in counteracting “free radicals” and the effects of modern living. Vitamin E is reputed to be the king of the antioxidants, with Vitamin C next in line, and Vitamin A in 3rd place. These have been shown to be active in preventing cancer, and in reducing cancer growth.  Selenium, Zinc and Manganese are also important. Studies in Turkey have shown that a deficiency of zinc can lead to prostate cancer.

VITAMIN C – This is found in all vegetables and fruits, but much is destroyed with cooking. Raw fruits are the best way to get your vitamin C. All the berries, cranberries, blackberries, boysenberries, strawberries, raspberries, are especially high in Vitamin C.

Citrus fruits are very high, but not everybody can tolerate these – lemon juice in water is a good cleanser, rich in Vitamin C,  and is not usually problematic to people who can’t tolerate other citrus.

Grapes are a great  alkaline fruit to aid digestion and provide Vitamin C and iron. Most people can eat these in any amounts. The grape diet is an excellent one for cleansing the body of toxins. All you do is eat only grapes, as many and as often as you like, for one or several days. (Get some advice on this if you are on medication of any sort or have a heart condition)  Apples and stone fruits are all contain Vitamin C. Grated apple is another good cleanser. Pineapple, mango and paw paw are all good sources of Vitamin C.

Kiwifruit is extremely high in Vitamin C and is another excellent cleanser for the bowel. A meal taken entirely of Kiwifruit will cure an attack of constipation without any need to take a laxative. Eat a bulk of the fruit at one sitting every day until the problem is cured. This doesn’t usually take more than a day, but persist in the treatment if you don’t get results that soon.

Broccoli is high in fibre and still retains some of its Vitamin C after cooking. It is also high in iron and has been shown to help prevent cancer.

All the above fruits and vegetables, eaten plentifully and on a daily basis, will provide you with enough ROUGHAGE  and Vitamin C to help you prevent cancer and other disease.

CALCIUM ASCORBATE POWDER can be used as an extra antioxidant. 500mg twice daily is recommended by some practitioners. But 1000mg twice a day is the dose I used when treating myself for severe chemical and metal poisoning. I used this amount also when I was treating myself for a breast lump, along with a diet of predominantly raw food and the Gerson enema treatment. However, if you are healthy and are eating plenty of the above fruits and vegetables, you should not really need to take extra Vitamin C unless you are detoxifying or have some illness.

EXERCISE and ENJOYMENT of life are important factors in avoiding cancer. Dwelling on unhappy thoughts are very bad for the health, as we all know. Make the effort to do nice things with the family and friends. Appreciate the people who love you.

DEEP RELAXATION – YOGA NIDRA- is very beneficial for the health. It can help you with emotional problems so that you do not fall prey to disease, and improve the quality and enjoyment of your life.

See my post on YOGA NIDRA