How Does Homeopathy Work?

Homeopathic Medicine:

“Like-Treats-Like” and “The Minimum Dose”:  These are the two main principles of Homeopathic Medicine.

A Few Facts About Homeopathy In Britain: In 1977 there were six Homeopathic HOSPITALS operating in the United Kingdom under the auspices of the National Health Service.  These hospitals all ran out-patient departments where people could get homeopathic treatment.  The Royal Family have their own Homeopathic Physician and do not use allopathic medicine if they can avoid it.  The Queen Mother, who lived beyond a 100 years, used Homeopathic medicine all her life.

Homeopathy has a long tradition in India, where it has been incorporated into treatments by many Ayurvedic medicine practitioners.  Much new research into homeopathic medicine is done in India, and many of the best text-books,  used in Homeopathy Colleges throughout the world, are printed and published in India.

Homeopathy works.  It is a wonder-medicine. Around 200 years ago, a  physician from Leipzig, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, discovered the principles of  homeopathy, and the secret of ‘the minimum dose’.   He observed how a dose of  Cinchona bark GAVE him the symptoms of Malaria, and that these symptoms were negated when he gave himself the minimum dose of Cinchona bark in a homeopathic, specially diluted, preparation. Actually,  Quinine is derived from Cinchona bark, the same substance  used in allopathic medicine to treat malaria.  But the interesting thing about the homeopathic medicine for malaria, is that the same substance used in allopathic medicine, Cinchona, will work in homeopathic dilution, both to prevent and treat malaria.

These dilutions of the original substance mean that the body does not have to process the original raw material, which can sometimes be harmful to the body:  but it can benefit from the properties of the plant which remain behind in the dilution, and which are easily assimilated by the body.

So – Homeopathy can heal diseases.  It can also prevent them.  Here is an example:  Dr Hahnemann discovered that homeopathic  Belladonna, in the minimum dose,  worked specifically as a preventative of Scarlet Fever, as well as a treatment.  Belladonna is poisonous in its original plant state, and will bring on symptoms similar to scarlet fever:  But in the homeopathic dilutions, this very same plant will REVERSE the symptoms of scarlet fever. There are many other homeopathic remedies  which can be used to counteract and prevent infectious diseases:  Thus homeopathy can substitute vaccination.

There are  Homeopathic remedies which can heal bruises, and which will act as pain relievers for emotional and physical complaints,  specific homeopathic remedies for specific infectious diseases,  specific homeopathic remedies  which act as prophylactics, to prevent illnesses occurring, remedies which can be taken to counteract the bad effects of prescription medicines and vaccinations, and remedies to negate the effect of  environmental pollutants.

Childhood Infectious Diseases and Other Complaints: There are  Homeopathic remedies  for each of  all the childhood diseases, such as mumps, chicken pox, scarlet fever, and many more.  Homeopathic Ledum is one  remedy to counteract tetanus, to save your child from having yet another vaccination .

Each homeopathic remedy is capable  also of fixing a multitude of complaints which often seem unrelated to the main health complaint.  There are general  emotional and physical symptoms which go with each remedy, and if you have several of these general symptoms which belong to a  particular remedy, that will be the remedy to take for your condition.  That remedy, if it has been chosen correctly,  will also cure the other side issues which accompany the main complaint, such as irritability, intolerance of other people,  or anger, depression, or crying for no reason,  or not sleeping, or sleeping too much, or lack of appetite,  or too much appetite, and many more.   The right remedy will fix any symptoms such as these, whilst it will cure the main condition.

So Homeopathy is a wholistic medicine – It looks at the whole body to assess all the  physical and emotional symptoms, not just the apparent disease.  Generally speaking, after the condition and the accompanying symptoms have been alleviated or cured, there is no need for on-going treatment, a situation which allopathic medicine seems to thrive on.

Now most antibiotics and allopathic medicines are not capable of doing this, of fixing all the complaints together, with one medicine.  These unique qualities of Homeopathic prescribing make it a real threat to many doctors and to drug companies, who fear that, if Homeopathy ‘takes off’, that it might impact on their pharmaceutical sales, and the amount of visits a doctor might expect from his patients.

So just how does a Homeopathic remedy work?   One concept put forward by the British Homeopathy Association  comes close to explaining the phenomenon of how homeopathy can possibly work in microscopic doses, so small, that the original element cannot be detected in many cases.  This concept is that water has memory – It remembers the influences of the past, and can remember the influences of the substances which have infused it, such as are used in the original substances of  homeopathic medicine.

Modern science, I think because of ulterior motives,  has resisted explaining the workings of Homeopathy.  True, it is  difficult to explain just how  it works, since Homeopathy contains such tiny  amounts of the original healing substance.  This healing substance often cannot be detected at all  in the final potency.  This is one point which opponents of Homeopathy  use in their attempts to discredit Homeopathy.  The other is that Homeopathy uses ‘like to treat like’, which is said to confound the medical profession. Yet, they already know about these principles, as we shall see.

Why not accept the phenomena as fact?  There are instances in allopathic medicine of ‘like treating like’, and also of ‘the minimum dose.  “What are those examples”, you may ask.  Well – X-ray ‘therapy’ is one instance of the  ‘like treating like’  principle.   The radiation in X-rays is known to cause cancer, yet,  this treatment is used to TREAT people with cancer in conventional allopathic medicine.   Another example is the instance of using Digitalis as a heart medicine – This remedy,  in allopathic medicine, incorporates the ‘like treats like’ principle, as well as ‘the minimum dose’ principle, just as in Homeopathic medicine:   Digitalis will kill you of heart attack if it is taken fresh from the plant, yet in a minimum dose, the digitalis  in microscopic amount will help to prevent heart attack.  This is the same principle which  explains the workings of Homeopathic medicine, the ‘principle of the minimum dose’.

People accept X-rays as a fact, yet we cannot see them.  It takes a leap of the imagination to accept that an X-ray zapp, which we cannot see,  might cure you of thyroid cancer, or breast cancer, or cancer of the testicles, yet people put their faith in the doctor’s hands every day and line up for this treatment.  Which often does not work.  People very often die just the same.  But nevertheless, X-ray treatment, which we know will kill good healthy cells at the same time  that it kills cancer cells, is widely accepted as a treatment for cancer.  Surely this defies logic?  Yet Homeopathic medicine is shoved behind the door because some doctors say that it is not logical.

So why this ‘set’ against Homeopathy?  There is one doctor in New Zealand right now who really hates his colleagues using Homeopathy at all.  He has written articles for the paper about it, probably egged on by the drug companies,  and is trying to get these Homepathic-friendly doctors banned from prescribing Homeopathic medicines.  This surely is a crime, because Homeopathy is a safer alternative to using most prescription medicines.  There are never any cases of ‘medical misadventure’ which are reported daily in allopathic medicine, where wrong medicines have been given, some resulting in death.

Homeopathy is a far safer option to antibiotics, vaccinations and many other prescription medicines.   It is wrong to deprive people of safe alternative treatments which DO work, such as Vitamin C therapy, and Homeopathy.


Facts On Vitamin C

Vitamin C Boosts The Immune System

Vitamin C is essential for good health, and for preventing disease. Important Note: If you are on prescription medicine of any kind, then you should ask your doctor whether Vitamin C is good for you to use.  This is because some medications do not work with Vitamin C.  Also, Vitamin C is a natural blood thinner, so if you are already taking a blood thinning medicine, such as Warfarin,  then Vitamin C could be dangerous for you, as it could cause excessive blood thinning, combined with your medication.

Vitamin C is found in fresh fruits and vegetables, and many dried fruits as well.   It helps rebuild tissue, oxygenates the cells, removes poisons, and prevents disease from attacking the body.  Taking ample amounts of Vitamin C in the diet each day will help to protect you against illness.

Vitamin C is a natural Antioxidant. Other important vitamins which are antioxidants are Vitamin E, and Beta-carotene, a form of Vitamin A.  These antioxidants have the power to negate and remove poisons from the body.  Vitamin C’s antioxidant qualities mean that it counteract the effects of ‘free radicals’.  ‘Free radicals’ is the term given to the effects of poisons such as car exhaust pollution,  cigarette smoke, radiation, herbicides and pesticides, food additives and other poisons.  Over time, ‘free radicals’ can cause cancer and clog the arteries.

Vitamin C To Avoid Stroke and Heart Attack. So – Vitamin C helps to avoid heart attack and stroke by naturally thinning the blood, and by removing ‘free radicals’ from the blood.  It also helps to protect the heart and arteries by keeping the arteries clean and free from plaque build-ups. Vitamin C is also helpful in reducing high cholesterol (some types), and in maintaining a balanced blood pressure.

Vitamin C Acts as a Mild Sedative: A dose of around 1000mg of calcium ascorbate powder, taken just before bed-time, will help to relax the nerves and the brain, and to induce sleep. Calcium ascorbate Vitamin C is a non-acidic type of Vitamin C which is tolerated better by most people than the standard ascorbic acid type.  Ester C is another non-acidic Vitamin C which I have found very good for sensitive stomachs, and for people with candida.  Vitamin C  calcium ascorbate works also works as a mild anti-depressant for some people.  It has this effect, partly, I think, because of its action in removing toxins from the liver and intestines.  Once the bulk of these toxins are gone, many people find that their depression is gone also.

Vitamin C is an  Anti-biotic, an Anti-Histamine,  an Anti-Viral, and an Anti-Fungal medicine.

Vitamin C in megadoses Is An Alternative Treatment For Cancer.

Vitamin C is a Cure For Constipation: Take 1000mg of  Calcium Ascorbate Vitamin C with a large glass of water every 4 hours until you go to the toilet.  Then try taking 1000mg per day with that important large glass of water:  This will act as a preventative for constipation if you still have trouble.

Fasting on Fruits and Vegetables To Up Vitamin C: An abundance of Vitamin C in the diet helps you to stay healthy and boosts the immune system.  Fasting for one day a week on only fresh raw fruits and vegeatbles and their juices is a good way to get that extra Vitamin C into the body, and cleanse out toxins.  Vitamin C enhances the health and goes a long way to preventing and treating illnesses of many kinds. Fresh fruits and vegetables, or their juices, and plenty of salad material, should form part of the daily diet for everyone, as these things are rich in Vitamin C. These foods help to prevent you from getting sick.  People who have cancer and other serious illnesses often use cleansing raw fruit and vegetable diets for a time, until their condition has improved.

Vitamin C For Chemical Poisoning: Vitamin C can help to reduce the build-up of toxins in the body, so that degenerative disease, such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, may be avoided or averted. A daily dose of 1000mg Vitamin C can be taken to keep those free radicals away. If you are suffering some kind of toxic poisoning, then you need to see a professional health therapist so that the correct remedial dose may be given.

In cases of chronic poisoning, say metallic poisoning from lead or mercury, or poisoning from agricultural chemicals, then high doses of Vitamin C may need to be given intravenously to promptly counteract the poisoning effects. In these cases, anything from 50 to 100 grams might be used intravenously. You need to see a doctor or naturopath to have intravenous Vitamin C administered.

Case Of Chemical Poisoning Cured With Oral Vitamin C Calcium Ascorbate:I have had experience of severe chemical poisoning myself.  This poisoning occurred because of handling broken asbestos roofing, and clearing toxic ash, including lead and mercury from paints and plastics,  from a section which I had bought.  I used 1000mg of calcium ascorbate vitamin C powder to counteract the effects of having all those toxins in my bloodstream. I used this orally, taking it several times a day whenever necessary.  If there was a danger of imminent collapse,  I also used garlic, an antioxidant, and another antioxidant called  kawakawa, which is a native bush plant of New Zealand.

So, in combination with the Vitamin C treatment, I used my Celery and Tuna diet to detox, and also these herbal medicines: garlic and kawa kawa.  I chewed several cloves of raw garlic to avert the attacks of racing heart and collapse, and  munched up a couple of kawa kawa leaves from the bush once or twice a day, if they were needed.  All I could eat for many months was raw celery and tinned tuna fish in oil.  After about six months there was considerable improvement, but I still had to follow a strict diet and use the calcium ascorbate vitamin C on a daily basis for quite a long time.

Homeopathic Preparation Helped To Restore Health: After about 9 months, when I had improved quite a bit, I discovered the Weleda Homeopathic preparation which had Thuja occidentalis, eucalyptus, and some other remedies in it.  This was marvellous and acted as a tonic, increasing appetite and vitality hugely.

Vitamin C is anti-bacterial, so it is a natural anti-biotic. Vitamin C is anti-fungal. Vitamin C is anti-viral, which gives it the capacity to kill many viral infections.

Vitamin C kills the Swine Flu virus. Large amounts of Vitamin C taken intravenously, around 50 to 100 grams per day, depending on body weight, are needed to combat Swine Flu.  Of course this needs to be administered by a doctor or suitably qualified person. Many people have survived due to intravenous Vitamin C being given to treat Swine Flu, and there are many case studies which you can examine which support this claim.

Vitamin C For Infectious Disease: The work of Professor Ian Brighthope in Australia, and Dr Cathcart at the Hale Clinic in America, prove that Vitamin C is efficacious in treating infectious disease. Dr Cathcart has kept records of people who visited his clinic for a monthly shot of Vitamin C.  This was taken as a preventative medicine, a prophylactic, for the flu and any other infectious diseases which might be around.  After a year of keeping records, Dr Cathcart found that not one of his Vitamin C patients  had gotten the flu virus, despite there being a so-called flu ‘epidemic’ in the area.

So – Vitamin C Works As A Preventative For Flu.

Vitamin C is a Prophylactic For Flu, and is also a Prophylactic of other infectious diseases. There are many reports which indicate that Vitamin C, given in large enough doses during times of epidemics, will decrease children’s risk of contracting diseases such as chicken pox, measles, mumps, and whooping cough.  Vitamin C in large enough doses has been shown to minimize the effects of these illnesses if a child already has succumbed to an infection.

So Vitamin C can be used as a Preventative Medicine, instead of vaccination. However, you need to get professional advice on this.  If your child is sick, or anyone has the flu or another illness, then you need to seek medical help.

Read some of Merrilyn’s other related posts on using Vitamin C for treating cancer, etc.

Garlic For Treatment of Infections

Herbs For Healing: Garlic

Allium sativum, or Garlic, has been used for thousands of years as a healing medicine, as well as a food condiment.  It has a history as long as your arm, and in the last century much has been recorded about its use.   It is listed in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia as an effective treatment for sinusitis, common cold, and upper respiratory tract infections.  However, Garlic is also useful for many other infections and conditions.

Garlic is a powerful anti-oxidant which has the ability to neutralize toxins in the body and strengthen the immune system.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Louis Pasteur discovered the antibiotic effect of garlic, or allium sativum.  Since then, garlic has been widely used in the treatment of infection: Albert Schweitzer used garlic in Africa to treat amoebic  dysentery and cholera.  Garlic was reportedly used  on wounds during the first and second world wars as a preventative of gangrene.

Garlic has recently been found to be effective in treating ‘untreatable’ illnesses such as AIDS, which is a viral infection resulting from a suppressed immune system.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFS, is another difficult illness which is helped by garlic. There are many viruses and conditions  which do not respond to prescription antibiotics and other allopathic medicines, but which will often respond to Garlic, allium sativum.

The active ingredients of Garlic are its sulphur-containing compounds. The most important of these is thought to be Allicin. It also contains diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide, which are also sulphur-containing anti-viral substances.  Allicin causes the strong odour in Garlic:  Since this is the most potent anti-viral ingredient in Garlic, it is thought that using Garlic fresh is better than using deodorized capsules.

Garlic is capable of helping difficult viral conditions such as herpes simplex, coxsackie viruses, rhinovirus, influenza B, and Candida albicans.  The healing compounds in garlic inhibit the growth of staphylococcus, streptocuccus, bacillus, Brucella and Vibrio, which covers all these illnesses.  It is also useful for treating childhood illnesses such as chicken pox, mumps and measles. 

In herbal medicine Garlic is  made more effective  for the treatment of some conditions when it is used in combination with other herbs, and other modalities. One of the herbs it is often used in conjunction with is Echinacea. Echinacea and Garlic together make a powerful anti-viral and immune-enhancing  medicine.

List Of Common Childhood Illnesses and Vaccination Alternatives

Common Childhood Infectious Diseases

These listed childhood illnesses are common amongst children under the age of ten.  In fact, the earlier that children get these infectious diseases, the less likely they are to suffer complications and adverse side effects.  My mother always thought that it was best if we were exposed to these illnesses at an early age, and she made no effort to protect us against getting them, as we were never so sick if we had them young.  And, once you had the virus, your immune system was made strong naturally, through combatting the disease, and so we never had a recurrence.

The common childhood illnesses came just once.  We welcomed getting the common infections  such as Mumps, Chicken Pox and Measles as a child,  because if you escaped getting these diseases as a youngster, then you could expect to have an incredibly strong and debilitating dose of the disease if you got it when you were an adult.

Should I Vaccinate My Child Or Not? This is a serious question, and it should be carefully considered before charging ahead with vaccination.  One good alternative is Homeopathy.  Consult your Doctor, your Homeopath, your Ayurvedic medicine practitioner, or another health professional to help you decide.

These days, vaccinations, or immunisations,  have complicated things.  Children’s immune systems are weakened by having these innoculations, and immune systems become lazy  when they are repeatedly bombarded with vaccination bugs.  Also, having the vaccination does not necessarily mean that your child will be protected from the disease.  I have heard of many instances, where the child has had a severe infection straight after having the vaccination for it:  The vaccination actually brings on the condition in some people.

The List of Common Childhood Diseases is as Follows. I have listed some Homeopathic alternatives which are worth consideration in the treatment of these illnesses.  Homeopathy is a safe, more natural method  of combatting these illness than vaccination.  Homeopathic Treatment will not cause long-lasting damage to the immune system.

Chicken Pox:  This has red spots which turn to blisters.  The ‘pox’ begins on the trunk, like Scarlet Fever, and then spreads to the face and limbs.  Its incubation period is between 17-21 days after coming into contact with the virus.  Isolation is recommended for around two or three weeks after the onset of the infection, which is when you can expect the scabs to come off the sores, and the skin to heal.  The Chicken Pox is an itchy infection, and children should be discouraged from scratching themselves, as this will make things worse.

Diphtheria:  This is characterized by a sore throat, like Scarlet Fever.  It also has a coated tongue, like Scarlet Fever in its early development.  Bad breath, sickness and choking, and difficulty breathing are symptoms of Diphtheria.  Its incubation period is between 1-5 days after contact.  The isolation period recommended in the old household medical books is about 6 weeks.   Your doctor will advise you on this.

‘German’ Measles:  This is characterized initially by a cold in the nose with a sore throat.  After two days of these symptoms, an irregular rash appears over the body.  Swollen glands, sore neck, and conjunctivitis may be present.  The incubation period for German measles is anything between 2 to 4 weeks.  The isolation period for German Measles is given as  3 weeks in the old text books.  It is important to prevent expectant mothers from coming into contact with the German Measles, as it could have serious consequences.

‘English’ Measles: This type of Measles was more mild than the German variety.  It is characterized by  a rash which appears in small areas of pink patches, after about the 4th or 5th day of being exposed to the disease.   The pink patches grow gradually larger and spread over the body.   Other characteristics are a feverish cold with a runny nose, which usually develops after the rash has appeared.   The eyes become irritated and red.  Small white spots appear inside the mouth on the cheeks.  Isolation should be for about two weeks after the onset of Measles.

Mumps: This condition also affects the throat to begin with.  The throat is sore and there will be difficulty in chewing and swallowing, resulting in loss of appetite.   Other symptoms are likely to be:  Swollen neck glands, pain under the ear, and sore inner ear. The Incubation Period may be between two to four weeks after coming into contact with the disease.  A period of around 4 weeks isolation for Mumps is recommended

Scarlet Fever: Of course you should see your doctor.  But  Homeopathic Belladonna has been proven to be effective in preventing Scarlet Fever in times of an epidemic.  It can also help alleviate the symptoms, and quicken the recovery,  if your child should succumb to this disease.  This illness is characterized by a sore throat in the initial stages.  The tongue starts off white and furry, but changes to a bright red after a couple of days.   Temperature, fever, vomiting, pains in the stomach are symptoms of this disease.  The red rash, which appears within 24 hours of the onset of the disease,  appears first on the trunk of the body, then spreads to the limbs, and finally, to the face.  This rash is made up of tiny red spots.  The Incubation period is between 2 to 5 days.  Isolation is recommended for around 2 weeks after the rash first appears.

Whooping Cough:  This is another of the Childhood infectious diseases.  It often begins like flu,  with a head cold and running nose with the eyes red and streaming.  Loss of appetite and vomiting may accompany the condition   However, the condition is much more serious than simple flu.  Young children, and babies especially, can ‘go down’ very quickly with whooping cough. Babies can easily die of Whooping Cough, so it is important to have treatment handy, and to head for the doctor if you suspect Whooping Cough.   Whooping Cough can come on very suddenly, in the wee small hours of the night when most doctors surgeries are closed.   Your child suddenly finds it difficult to breathe, and makes a wheezing, whooping sound as he or she fights to breath in, and this frightens the life out of you. Of course, you MUST see a doctor, or another health professional such as a homeopathic doctor, or get to the hospital immediately.  But as soon as the alarm has been set off, and you realize that your child has whooping cough, then you can immediately start giving them Homeopathic Drosera. By the time you get to the hospital, you might find that the Drosera has already worked, and that there is no need for further medication. The disease often ends as quickly as it began, with Drosera.   I used the Homeopathic Remedy Drosera for these occasions, and it never failed me.  Drosera is one of those magic Prophylactic remedies for Whooping Cough, which means that it is a preventative of the disease.  Because it is a Prophylactic, you can give your child several doses of this, over several days, the minute that you realize there is a Whooping Cough epidemic around.  Taking Homeopathic Drosera as a preventative can mean that your children may avoid getting Whooping Cough in times of an epidemic.  Keep it in your medicine cupboard, to use in times of emergency, and for the periods when the Whooping Cough virus is going around the schools.

Alternatives To Vaccination In New Zealand

The Pressure Is On For Children To Be Vaccinated in New Zealand.

Vaccination in New Zealand should not become compulsory.

Recently, many children were banned from Oratia Primary School because they had not been vaccinated. Around a fifth of the school children have not have vaccinations, because their parents believe that vaccinations may be harmful. The fact that the children were not vaccinated was described as a ‘life-style choice’, which I think is a bit derogatory, since it implies that the parents might be lazy, or might be doing absolutely nothing to substitute the vaccine.  This is not the case, I am sure that you will find.  Many of these parents will be using the Homeopathic alternatives. Many  of these parents will have seriously examined the statistics on drug and vaccine use, and these statistics are not always convincing in the favour of vaccines and other medications.

These children at Oratia, who have not had vaccinations, have been forbidden to return to school until some time in July, which means they will have had around 6 weeks off school because of the school ruling.

Vaccination, called ‘Immunisation’, is something which really should be questioned. (Read merrilyn’s later posts – one entitled Vaccination Linked To Obesity New Study Suggests)

Personally, I  think that vaccination or immunisation of any kind seriously undermines the immune system, giving the individual a higher risk of chronic disease later in life.  I decided to avoid all innoculations, vaccines, and immunisations for my four children, because my eldest became suddenly very sick after being given the standard measles mumps whooping cough innoculations. He was also exposed to 245T, but that was at a later date, after the adverse reaction to the immunisation injection.  After having an injection at 3 months old, he experienced general swelling, eczema, digestive problems, and spent days, if not weeks, crying from the discomfort.  He became very restless at night.  By the time he seemed to have recovered, he was almost 6 months old – time for the second shot of vaccination.  The same problems occurred all over again.  After the second dose, at 6 months, I decided I would not be bullied any more into giving any of my children innoculations or vaccinations of any kind.  I would use Homeopathic medicine, and Vitamins and Minerals, and Colour Therapy, and Diet, to combat all ills instead.

Find Out About The Alternatives To Vaccination:  Homeopathy offers alternatives to vaccination. Personally, I found Homeopathic Remedies to be very effective in combatting childhood illnesses and infections.  I did not even use Tetanus shots for my children, as I discovered that there are several good remedies for Tetanus.  The remedy which I used instead of a Tetanus shot was homeopathic Ledum.  And I discovered several homeopathic remedies which were effective for Whooping cough: Sometimes we had Whooping Cough epidemics, and it was necessary to have some remedy to counteract this.  The Homeopathic remedy which I found most effective in preventing Whooping Cough was  Homeopathic Drosera.

I recommend people to read Susan K. Claridge’s book “Investigate Before You Vaccinate:  Making an informed decision about vaccination in New Zealand”. This well researched manual is by  Susan K. Claridge.  This book is published by “The Immunisation Awareness Society Inc.”, P.O. Box 56-048, Dominion Road, Auckland, New Zealand.

Vaccination is NOT Immunisation:  Just because you have had a vaccination for a disease, you are not necessarily going to be protected from succumbing to that disease.  Sometimes people get an exceptionally strong dose of the disease soon after they have had the ‘immunisation’, or vaccination shot.

Vaccinations Weaken Your Immunity:

Vaccinations, or ‘Immunisations’ may give you a higher risk of getting cancer, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, arthritis, and other serious chronic afflictions in later life.

Vaccinations May Cause Brain Damage In Some Cases: Many parents believe that their children have been brain damaged after having had vaccinations. Asperges Syndrome has presented itself in some children, after they have had vaccinations.  A leading doctor in America wrote papers on his findings in the 1990’s, which the Lancet, and other medical journals published.  However, just lately, there has been a big push by drug companies, and many doctors, for vaccinations to become accepted world wide.  And so a new study  which supports immunisation has been done, most likely by doctors working for the drug companies who want their drug and immunisation sales to increase, and this study has been published by the Lancet. This recent ‘research’  refutes the claims of the 1990’s  doctors who reported that immunisation was a danger to children’s health.

The Fact Is That If You Suppress The Common Infections, Such As Mumps, Measles, and Chicken Pox, Other Diseases Will Rise Up To Take Their Place.

Measles and Mumps Have a Purpose:

It is a natural course of events for children to succumb to the common infections such as measles and mumps and chicken pox when they are little.  My Mum always used to say that these infections were never as bad if a child caught them under the age of five., whereas after the age of five, the children were often quite sick.

Most children survive these illnesses without any complications or adverse effects, however, a few children do suffer complications because of measles, chicken pox or mumps.  But for most children, their immune systems became stronger through having these illnesses, and so their  strengthened immune systems are made strong enough to prevent them from ever having these illnesses again in the life.

Do not accept what the Drug Companies and Most Doctors Tell You Without Question: How many times have things been promoted by drug companies, given out willy nilly by doctors, only to have it revealed later that the product has been found to be harmful in some way?  At this stage, these harmful  drugs are removed from the market.  The same thing happens with chemicals.  Ivan Watkins Dow happily told us in New Zealand that there was no proof that 245T was harmful to people, and so they continued to make it here in New Zealand, and sold to farmers here,  even after the rest of the world had banned the stuff.

While there is money to be made from selling chemicals, drugs, including vaccination or innoculation material, you simply cannot believe that what the medical authorities tell us about immunisation.  So called research is being done every day by drug companies, in an attempt to sell their stuff to the world.  Drug companies would just love to have vaccination made compulsory all over the world, as this would mean huge riches for them.

I believe that the drive for Immunisation, for people to be vaccinated world-wide, is not so much because drug companies really believe that all illnesses will be eradicated by vaccination, but because they see the potential profit in having world-wide sales.

Immunisation is an easy thing to sell. Only, you cannot wipe out all illnesses through vaccination: By eradicating the common childhood infections, other, even worse conditions will  probably arise.  So  while people continue to believe that vaccination is the answer to illness, the drug companies will still have a ready market, because even if they succeed in making their vaccinations mandatory,  there will be plenty of cancer victims around for them to sell their cancer products to in the years to come.