Homeopathy Vits and Colour For Measles Mumps Chicken Pox

Alternatives To Vaccination:  Homeopathy

A mother and her children who use homeopathy instead of vaccination
A mother and her children who use homeopathy instead of vaccination

Of course, you must take your child to see a doctor or homeopath or naturopath  if you suspect an illness.  But here are some remedies which could support any treatments your health professional may give.

Homeopathic remedies work well when the right ones are given.  With the help of a homeopath you can work out the right remedy for your child to help with the common childhood illnesses. The information given below might be useful in an emergency situation, and to help if you choose not to vaccinate your child.

First of all – It is a healthy thing for children to get measles, mumps and chicken pox.  Getting these illnesses strengthens the child’s immune system, and a strong immune system will help prevent them getting serious diseases such as cancer later in life.

Sometimes we hear about a child who suffers secondary afflictions from the childhood illnesses, and sometimes, they die.  But these cases are not the norm, and we always hear about naturopathic cures which have failed, or the child who was not vaccinated and died, but hardly ever about the failures of modern medicine, yet there are plenty of them, to be sure.

People often get the very sickness which they have been vaccinated for, and some have died after vaccinations. There is even a term for doctor-caused, drug-caused, or hospital caused illness, which is Iatrogenic illness.

There are so many accidental ways in which you can undermine your immune system, but vaccination is one which you can definitely rule out, by not doing it.

As long as the child has been properly nourished before getting sick, and is nurtured during these illnesses, then the child will do well to recover  with the help of homeopathy and vitamin treatment.

Measles, mumps, chicken pox, and, in fact, all the common childhood illnesses, can be dealt with effectively and safely with the use of homeopathy and/or vitamins and blue lighting.

And it is very interesting to note that even UNICEF has finally recognized the value of Vitamin A in treating measles.  In 2013 Unicef gave out quantities of Vitamin A for an epidemic of measles in Syria.

I think that it is only a matter of time, and homeopathy will again be used to combat outbreaks of measles, mumps and chicken-pox in such places, and hopefully at home.  Antibiotics are losing their efficacy nowadays, and some diseases cannot be treated with antibiotics.

Over 100 years ago, homeopathy was very popular in Europe and America.  It had been used successfully in Moravia to stem an outbreak of cholera, which did much to popularize homeopathy as a medicine in the UK and America.  Homeopathic hospitals and teaching schools were set up in many places.  As the drug companies in America got stronger, they grouped together to oust homeopathy from the medical establishment, and so homeopathic hospitals were shut down, and homeopaths and all other alternative practices discredited.

My children were not vaccinated ever again, after my eldest child became ill following vaccination injections at the age of 3 months, and again at 6 months.  When I saw how feverish and puffy and distressed he became after those two injections, with eczema breakouts, it was clear to me that these innoculations or vaccines were causing more harm than good.

After each vaccination injection, his sleeping pattern became disrupted so that he only cat-napped for a wee while, and he would waken with stomach pain which caused him to become very restless and to cry for hours.  He had been a so-called ‘good’ baby before that first injection.

After the first injection at 3 months, it took around two or three months before his system had settled down again, by which time he was due for the second injection.  And after which injection, the same scenario followed.

And so I endeavoured to seriously study homeopathy and natural medicine, so that we could treat the common illnesses ourselves, without having to go to the doctor and take unknown antibiotics or other drugs for the common childhood illnesses which happened to be doing the rounds.

Colour Therapy For Fever:   Blue light left on in the bedroom at night, in conjuntion with a homeopathic remedy,  brought childhood fevers down within a couple of hours.  I always kept a couple of blue light bulbs on hand, in case of sudden fevers and infections.

I discovered Homeopathy to be a safe alternative to vaccinations and effective in treating all manner of infections.

I also found Vitamin therapy to be effective for Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Croup etc,

Vitamin C and A, in higher than normal doses, are helpful to prevent or reduce the severity of symptoms of the common childhood diseases.  Vitamins C and A both quicken the healing process with measles, mumps or chicken-pox.

These two vitamins can be taken before your child gets sick, when an outbreak of these childhood illnesses is about:  They will do much to prevent or minimize the effects of the illnesses should your child succumb.

Vitamin C  For Measles Mumps Chicken Pox– Best in the form of calcium ascorbate, or Ester C, which are non-acidic – These can be given safely in larger doses when treating an illness.  Give every half an hour for around six doses.

As a preventative, an adult can take 1000mg several times a day – between 4000mg and 9000mg of calcium ascorbate in doses of 1000mg each.  For a child around 7 to 12, half this dose – 500mg of calcium ascorbate, several times a day – more often, and larger doses if treating an illness.

For children younger than 5, give just a quarter of a tablet, around 250mg per dose.

The patient should drink plenty of water, or hot lemon drinks.  These promote the good effect of the Vitamin C.

Vitamin A For Measles Mumps Chicken Pox:

With Vitamin A you need to be careful with the dose, and not continue it too long, since it is accumulative.  At the onset of the illness, you could use roughly twice the recommended amount for a child, but only for around three doses over 16 hours, by which time you should see an improvement.  Then stop giving the Vitamin A for two days.  Continue with the normal recommended dose after that.

Homeopathy works just as well, as a prophylactic, or as a means to minimize the severity of these diseases.  You need to study the remedies a little, so that the best remedy is chosen.

Here are some remedies which have been recommended by well-known homeopath W.A. Dewey who wrote ‘Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics’, published by B.Jain Publishers, New Delhi, Reprint 1996.

I used some of these remedies with great success in treating childhood illnesses.

Homeopathy For Measles

Aconite: Great for the sudden onset of any illness.  In measles use when there is fever and restlessness, can’t stand the light, coryza and a croupy cough.

Arsen Alb:  This is a prophylactic for many illnesses, including flu and measles.  A wonderful remedy, both prophylactic and curative.  It can be used in measles if the patient has deteriorated with diarrhoea, great weakness, delirium and restlessness.

Bryonia:  A good chest remedy. It can be helpful in measles in the second stage of the illness if the lungs have become badly affected. Rash is slow to come out. Cough is dry and accompanied by pain in the chest and limbs, and overall aches.

Drosera:  This is a favourite of mine.  It is an excellent remedy for Whooping Cough and Croup in children and in adults.  It is a prophylactic for whooping cough.  Drosera caused a quick recovery of these illnesses many times when these infections were raging in Auckland.  It is a great measles remedy when there is a cough like whooping cough or croup.

Euphrasia:  Another remedy for profuse mucous discharge. Eyes red and swollen and watery. Dry cough with maybe hoarseness.  Throbbing headache which lessens when the spots come out.

Gelsemium:  Dewey considers this remedy very important in measles.  For high fever with chilliness and croupy dry cough.  Patient wants to be left alone.  He says it is great for the second part of the illness when the spots appear, because gelsemium has a distinct effect on the skin.

Pulsatilla: W.A Dewey recommends this remedy for the later stages of the disease.  Usually there is little fever with Pulsatilla, but a lot of running nose and discharges. Mucous build up might cause earache, which is common with this remedy. The eyes might be gluey and sticky. A dry cough at night but better during the day. Mucous in the digestive system and diarrhoea with earache, a dry cough and little fever could indicate Pulsatilla.

Homeopathy For Mumps:

Belladonna is an important homeopathic remedy for Mumps. W.A. Dewey rates it as number one.  Use at the onset of the illness, when the glands are swollen , red and hot.  They hurt when pressed.  Pains are usually worse on the right side,  extending up to the ear, but not always.

Homeopathic Belladonna is also useful for the second stage of mumps, when headache and delirium may follow.


This is another highly recommended remedy for mumps.

W.A. Dewey refers to it in his book, ‘Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics’.  It has a great effect on the salivary glands, and it is often used in the second stage of mumps, when the fever has come down a bit, but with much salivation, smelly breath and sores coming out.


This is recommended by W.A. Dewey for both boys and girls, for complications arising from mumps, such as orchitic or mammary gland or ovarian problems.  Symptoms for this remedy include a thickly coated tongue, dry mouth, and pain increasing in the evenings.

Rhus Tox:

This can be used for left-sided mumps, when there are dark red or purplish swellings.  Lachesis is another remedy for left-sided mumps.

With Rhus Tox, the limbs ache.  The patient is very restless and symptoms worsen after dark.

Dr Dewey indicates it for erysipelatous inflammation and typhoid conditions.

W.A. Dewey lists some other more obscure but useful remedies for Mumps:

Pilocarpine muriate 3x for when the parotid gland is affected.

Conium for very hard swellings.  Conium is well-known for its ability to soften and reduce tumours of any kind.

Clematis and Aurum for young males with orchitic complications.

Pulsatilla for metastases of ovaries in females.

Chicken Pox Remedies:  W.A. Dewey’s book does not cover specifics for chicken pox.

I have listed those recommended for the disease which are listed in Miranda Castro’s book ‘The Complete Homeopathy Handbook’, published by Macmillan London Limited, 1990.

Aconite:  This is the first remedy to use, according to M. Castro.  Others to consider are Ant. crud, Ant. tart., Belladonna, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox and Sulphur.

Rhus Tox and Sulphur:  Either of these can be used to relieve intense itching.

Antimon Tart:  A good remedy for bringing out the rash.

Mercurius-s:  Recommended for when the rash is suppurating and sore.

My new book is available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Cancer-And-Good-Health-Notebook-ebook/dp/B01DHMH6DG/ref=zg_bsnr_157202011_15