Anti Cancer Homeopathic Remedies

Natural Remedies For Cancer:  Homeopathy Can Help Prevent Cancer

Homeopathy is a powerful medicine. It is an amazing science which rationalists cannot explain, as it works on the principle of ‘like heals like’, and on the principle of the ‘minimum dose’, which many people cannot fathom.

Actually, there are some treatments acceped in allopathic medicine which use the ‘ like to treat like’ principle, but the use of microscopic doses of a substance to heal a condition, or prevent one occurring, is peculiar to homeopathy, and this is the thing which sceptics  just cannot get their heads around.  But – homeopathy does work, and many medical doctors around the world have undergone study in homeopathic medicine in order to become proficient at prescribing homeopathics for their patients. Homeopathy is studied as a science and widely used in India:  many developments in the proving of new remedies have come from studies done in India.

Many doctors have found homeopathy to be invaluable as a preventative medicine, and in obtaining actual cures for many of their patients. Often, when allopathic medicine has failed to work in effecting a cure, homeopathy has brought people back to total health.

The Queen Mother was a great fan opf homeopathic medicine.  She lived beyond a hundred years.  The Royal family have their own Royal Homeopath, which  is, I think, a wonderful endorsement for homeopathic medicine.

The Homeopathic text entitled “Indications of Miasm”, by Dr. Harimohan Choudhury, B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, reprint  1999, gives detailed advice on the use of homeopathic medicine for cancer.  Dr Choudhury also has chapters in this book on the different miasms, and the treatments for the diseases which come under those categories.

Below are listed some of the homeopathic remedies which Dr Choudhury suggests as anti-cancer remedies.  I must point out, though, that unless you have knowledge and experience with the use of homeopathic medicine, it will be difficult to find the right remedy for one’s own treatment.  Just taking one ‘out of the box’ will probably not work.  You do need to see an experienced homeopathic practitioner so that the correct remedy for your condition may be ascertained.  It is important that the right remedy be chosen.  Every remedy has different symptoms which correspond to a physical, mental and enotional condition.  The physical, mental, emotional, digestive and spiritual characteristics of the individual need to be assessed for every individual case,  before considering the range of homeopathic remedies available.

It must be remembered that a homeopathic remedy just on its own is not enough to combat cancer.  Appropriate treatment of any serious disease would include good nutrition, plenty of rest, and periods of fasting. With these prerequisites, the right homeopathic treatment could very well effect a cure, or at least make the patient more comfortable for the duration of his or her life.

Dr Choudhury recommends fasting once a week for cancer patients; proper rest and recreation, which would include a period of 30 minutes rest daily after lunch; regular time for going to bed; regular pleasant walks each day; and the confidence and belief that you will be cured.

He recommends avoiding overuse of salt, sugar and fat, especially fatty meats. Not too much spicy food should be taken, and nor should meals be too large.

All cosmetics which contain any chemicals should be avoided.  And, of course, one should really ensure that one does not come into contact with pesticides, herbicides, or insecticides.  In short, avoid contact with chemicals in the domestic environment, and avoid food which has any preservative or colouring or flavour added.

The A Grade Anti Cancer Homeopathics which Dr Harimohan Choudhury lists are:  Argentum. n., Arsenicum. alb., Arsenicum. iod., Asafoetida., Aurum. met., Aurum. mur. nat., Bismuth., Bromine., Calc. ars.,, Carbo. an., Carcinosin, Card. m., Carb. sulph., Carb. veg., Chelidonium.,  Cholesterinum, Cinnamonium, Condu., Conium., Echinacea, Hoang-n., Hydrastis, Iodine, Iscador, which comes from mistletoe, , Kreosote, Lachesis, Lapis alb., Lycopodium, Mag. m., Medo, Mercurius. s., Nitric . acid  (NOTE – ONLY IN HOMEOPATHIC PREPARATION, WHICH IS A MICOROSCOPIC DOSE, DILUTED SEVERAL TIMES AND SUCCUSSED – YOU WOULD NOT USE ANY OF THESE REMEDIES ‘STRAIGHT’ – THEY MUST BE PREPARED BY HOMEOPATHIC SUPPLIERS)., Ornithog., Phosphorous., Phytolacca.,  Rad. br., Scirrhinum., Sempervinum, Secale. c., Silicea, Stron. c., Syph., Tarentula Hisp.,., Thuja., Thapsi., Visc. alb., X-Ray

The B Grade Anti Cancer  Homeopathics which Dr Harimohan Choudhoury recommends are:  Aconite r., Alumn., Apis., Ambra, Anthrac, Ant. chlorid, Arg. m., Aster. Aur. ars., Aur. mur., Bufo., Cadmium., Calcarea. carb., Calc. s., China.., Cist. c., Cleam., Crot.h., fuligo lign., Galium., Geran. m., Graphites., Hammamelis., Ignatia., Iris. v., Kali c., Kali. ars., Kali. bi., Kali. iod., Kali. chl., Kali. cy., Kali. p., Kali. s., Morph., Murex, Muri ac., Merc, iod. fl., Mat.c., Mat. cacodylate., Nat. m., Plumbum. iod., Psorin., Rab.b., Rubi., Ruta., Scrofularia., Sepia, Spongia., Staphisagria., Sulphur., Zincum.

Many of these same remedies are recommended for the treatment of tumours in other texts.  In the book ‘Practical Homeoathic Therapeutics”, by W.A.Dewey, Reprint Edition 1996, New Delphi, B.Jain Publishers, PVT Ltd, we find a list of remedies which compares to that of Dr Harimohan Choudhury’s above.  The remedies which Dr W.A.Dewey considers to be most important of these would seem to be the following:

Arsenicum, Calcarea fluor., Carbo an., Conium, and Hydrastis.

However, he also includes Baryta carb., Baryta iod., Bromine, Carbo veg., Carbolic acid, Cedron, Cicuta, Cundurango, Cuprum, Heda lava, Iodine, Kali sulph., Lapis alb., Morphine, Phosphorous, Phytolacca, Plumbum, radium, Silicea, and Thuja.

Homeopathics for Gluten Sensitivity

Homeopathic Remedies

If you have celiac disease, or gluten sensitivity, or suspect that you might, then it could be very worth your while going to visit a reputable homeopath.

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Homeopathy has helped many people who have digestive problems, including wheat sensitivity and gluten sensitivity.

Vaccinations have, and still do, cause allergic reactions in some people, with on-going sensitivity to certain foods as the result.  Vaccinations are problematic for many people.  They are thought to be responsible, in part, for the problem of obesity in the young, for arthritis and cancer conditions in some people, and alzheimer’s in the elderly and the not-so-young.

These are very good reasons to explore the alternatives to vaccination, such as homeopathic and herbal remedies.  For example – Homeopathic Thuja is one very good medicine which can help reduce or negate the bad effects of vaccinations.  This might be one remedy to try if you are suffering allergies, and gluten sensitivity.  Best to consult with your homeopath about this.

While homeopathic self diagnosis is ok for common complaints such as colds and flu, where you can safely administer your own medicine in most cases, you  do really need to see a professional homeopath for complex conditions such as gluten sensitivity,  as it is important to have just the right remedy if you wish to effect a cure.

I would like to point interested readers to a fairly new book on homeopathic medicine entitled “The New Materia Medica’.  This is by Dr Colin Griffith, MCH, RSHom., published by Watkins Publishing, London, 2007. Dr  Colin Griffith studied at the College of Homeopathy and is a founding member of the Guild of Homeopaths.  He has lectured in America, Canada, Japan and Greece and lectures on a regular basis at the Centre for Homeopathic Education, Regent’s College, London.

His books ‘Companion to Homeopathy’ and ‘The Practical handbook of Homeopathy’ are highly regarded in the profession.

In ‘The New Materia Medica’, “The Future of Homeopathy”,  Colin discusses many new remedies for many different health complaints and temperaments.  There is a small section which mentions several remedies which might be useful in treating gluten sensitivity. Of course, not everybody with gluten sensitivity can be ‘cured’ or even helped with homeopathy, but some people have made a full recovery with professional homeopathic help.

Dr Griffith has done much research into the new remedy ‘Okoubaka‘.  In his book, he compares Okoubaka  to other known remedies and gives some combinations which he has found successful.

I include these suggested remedies in this post with the idea that they might be of interest to practitioners, if they are not already aware of their potential in helping gluten sensitive people. Page 414 gives the following information:

Lycopodium:  This can be useful when allergy symptoms are manifested in the intestines, liver, nasal passages and the lungs.  Depression resulting from gluten toxicity can also benefit from Lycopodium.

Kali-bich:  Dr Griffith says that this remedy rivals Okaubaka in that it has ‘yellowness and stickiness of its discharges’, except that the symptoms of wheat and gluten aaggravation is not so severe, and the patient is not so ‘ungrounded and agitated’ as is the Okoubaka patient.

Med-am:  This remedy can support the progress of Okoubaka when the patient has succumbed to the ‘sycotic miasm’.  Med-am covers a similar range of mental and emotional symptoms, but it is not usually associated with toxicity from chemical poisoning or gluten reaction.

Pulsatilla:  This is more for patients with no thirst and for warmer blooded individuals than Okoubaka. Okoubaka and Pulsatilla people tend to lack motivation, but Pulsatilla is characterized by meekness.

Thuja:  This can have discharges and also have poor motivation.  Insecurity and putting on a brave act go with this remedy.

Sulphur:  Okoubaka could be used after Sulphur when indicated.

Alternative Therapies on 60 Minutes With Mike McRoberts

Alternative Medicine: Does It Work?

22nd September, 2010.  Last night, on ‘Close-Up’, Channel One TVNZ, we were given what I consider to be a very unfair  and misleading representation of alternative therapies in a documentary presented by Mark Sainsbury.

I really think that the more recent documentaries on  Channel 3: 60 Minutes with Mike McRoberts have given us more valuable information on alternative therapies than any of the recent ‘Close-Up’ docos, but then, 60 Minutes perhaps has more time to prepare, with  only one whole hour of screening  once a week, compared to ‘Close-Up’s half an hour, week-days.

Hocus Pocus: The whole of the  “Close-Up” documentary was very quickly put together, by the look of it, without giving us any examples of people who  have been cured of disease by natural means. The emphasis really lay on the side of orthodox medicine.

The reason why our government is NOT RAISING the drinking age in New Zealand, when, with so many drinking-related car accidents amongst youth,  it obviously would be sensible to do so, was questioned:

“Is our government being held to ransom by liquor barons? we were asked in  the same programme:  Good question.  Great coverage here.

But regarding alternative therapies, and their being dismissed as ‘ridiculous’, I wonder who is being held to ransom on this issue?  Drug companies and the conditioning of doctors were not discussed in this programme.

The documentary  looked briefly at only  three therapies which were administered by ‘alternative’ practitioners.  These were  Reiki healing, Reflexology, and the cupping technique used in Chinese medicine.  It overlooked the fact that many health practitioners will use not just one of these techniques, but several techniques for treatment depending on what the ailment or the sickness is. Diet and detoxification are generally two high on the list.

Combined modalities such as homeopathy, acupuncture, and macrobiotic diets have many successes in treating disease, including cancer.

The Royal Homeopath: The Queen and all the Royal family have  their own  family homeopathic doctor, who has kept them all well for years.   How old was the Queen Mother when she died?  100? 101? She was a fan of homeopathic medicine. No doubt, there would have been occasions when allopathic medicine was used in the Royal household, but homeopathy is the preferred medicine of the Royals.

There are, in fact, six homeopathic hospitals within the National Health Service, and of these, at least one is in London.  This information is to be found in  Dr Andrew Stanway’s book entitled ‘Alternative Medicine’:

  • ‘The Faculty of Homeopathy in London is recognised in law just like all the other learned medical faculties”…….. yet Victoria University  doctor Shaun Holt says homeopathic medicine is not valid because he says there’s nothing to prove that it works.

Just how a doctor from a university such as Victoria Uni in Wellington can remain so ignorant about alternative treatments beats me:  There is  heap of literature on well-documented cases of people who have recovered from degenerative disease, like cancer, using alternative therapies.

Dr Ann Wigmore wrote a book on how she  healed herself of cancer by natural means.  She then proceeded to help thousands of people over the years, healing many of them, in her cancer clinics which she ran in several places – America, and Sydney, Australia.

There is the famous cancer therapy of Dr Max Gerson:  He also wrote extensively about his ‘alternative’ treatments, about 50 odd years ago.

Hocus Pocus was the signage, written in bold red type,  at the top right of the documentary when the alternative therapies were “on”. Is that impartial? Definitely not.  Dr Shaun Holt,  who works at Victoria University, Wellington,  which is hard to believe, considering his  prosaic turn of phrase and his profound ignorance on the subject of alternative therapies,  told us that alternative therapies were ‘a waste of time’, that they were ‘ridiculous’, and that they are ‘wishy washy’.

This Dr Shaun Holt appeared on a programme just two nights ago, on TV One’s “Sunday’ programme.  It is a bit of a worry that TV One drags this uninformed man up twice  in the same week, to damn the use of natural therapies.  Of course, he was against the use of Vitamin C in hopitals, on the ‘Sunday’ programme, and claimed that ‘there is no compelling evidence’ for the use of vitamin C in treating people with cancer.

Wrong, Dr Holt.  I suggest you talk to Dr Goodhope in Melbourne, Australia:  he is a vitamin C specialist who might enlighten you. Dr Goodhope said, on an earlier programme, that he considers it  ” is absolute neglect to refuse Vitamin C for an acute illness,  like swine flu, in the early stages.” I am sure that he would also consider Vitamin C to be  useful in the treatment of cancer.

Get hold of some books by Dr Max Gerson, Dr Ann Wigmore, Walter Last: there are hundreds to choose from, written by qualified people, which recount their successes using ‘alternative’ therapies such as diet and detoxification.

So Shaun Holt says alternative therapies are “just nonsense” and ‘ridiculous’. He dismissed the idea of ‘energy’ being utilized in Reiki healing and said there was no evidence that this type of energy exists.

Dr Holt does not seem to have heard about the ancient Chinese/Tibetan methods of healing – these are recognised by many doctors in the profession today as being totally valid:  the twelve main meridian lines can be equated with the modern nervous system of an individual. Yoga, acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu and other reflexology techniques are based on the science of these meridian lines, which most surely do have a foundation. So Dr Holt’s claim that there is no science behind reflexology is either an outright lie, or just plain ignorance.

People die of cancer and other disease every week, after having gone through the orthodox channels of treatment in the hospitals.   Sadly, Dr John Pollock, a very well-loved and respected man and physician, died this week from cancer. He was only 61 years old.  Orthodox medicine did not save him.

It was encouraging to hear Dr Sue Levin stating on an earlier programme  that Vitamin C  reduces pain, which was one good reason for its use in hospitals.  She said that intravenous Vitamin C has a strong role to play in treating cancer, but that it was not a ‘stand-alone’ treatment.  Combining ‘alternatives’ with orthodox treatment could prove to be interesting.

Of course there is a place for orthodox medicine, but let’s face it:  It does not work for everybody and for every condition.  People still die of cancer under treatment given by the hospital doctors.

To be fair, we should acknowledge that natural therapies do not always work either, but at least they should be given an equal chance as that of orthodox medicine, and not dismissed as ‘just nonsense’ by the likes of Shaun Holt, or as ‘Hocus Pocus’ by ‘Close-Up’.