Help Irritable Bowels

How To  Help Irritable Bowel Syndrome
A Gluten Free Diet:

  • Avoid all wheat such as bread and pasta, and all foods which contain gluten. Avoid barley and rye also, as these contain gluten.

Avoiding gluten means avoiding many commercially prepared products such as baked beans and cornflakes, unless the product specifically tells you that it is gluten free. Wheat is used to thicken baked beans, and corn flakes are often flavoured with malt which contains gluten.

  • Omit dairy foods from the diet as well, except for butter, unless you have a reason for avoiding butter. Instead of using dairy products, use coconut milk and cream in your cooking, and prepare home-made nut and seed milks for use on porridge, for cooking, and in smoothies.
  • Do not use processed foods such as margarine.
  • Avoid all food which has preservatives in it.
  • Avoid all sugar, dairy milk and cheese, wheat, and fermented foods.  Candida is often the cause of irritable bowel syndrome, and sugar, dairy products,  yeasts and even gluten in wheat can feed candida overgrowth. It is important to avoid sugar for a time, as well as wheat.
  • Do not use artificial sweeteners to replace that sugar.  Sorbitol and mannitol are damaging to the liver and kidneys.

It is really important to avoid all yeast, as in bread and alcohol,  sugar, and all condiments such as tomato sauce, oyster sauce, or soy sauce, as these all contain yeast ferment:  Vinegar is a fermented food, and this must be avoided, at least until you have recovered.
Alcohol is a sugar food as well as a yeast food:  Quit alcohol.
Quit smoking, if you are a smoker.

  • Cook Your Own Food: It is best to prepare all your meals at home.  This way, you can be sure that no preservatives, no gluten, dairy or sugar or yeast products will end up in your food.
  • Adopt a High Fiber, Alkaline Diet.  Use more green vegetables in the diet, both raw and cooked.  Sprout mung beans and alfalfa so that you have them on hand to use daily.  Use brown rice as a wheat substitute.  You can use meat, chicken and fish in moderation.  Freerange eggs are good.  Try to procure organic free range meats and eggs.  Sunflower seeds and sesame seeds will provide extra protein and calcium.
  • Use Ginger as a Medicine: Half a teaspoon of powdered ginger  roots taken each day can help irritable bowel syndrome. This can be added to honey, or made into ginger tea.
  • Freshly grated ginger root can also be used to make a tea.  Use half a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger to a cup of hot water.  Let this sit for ten minutes, then drink the tea before your meal.
  • Peppermint Tea, fennel tea, chamomile and hops are also helpful to sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome.  You can experiment with these to see which of these work best for you.
  • Garlic helps to combat candida:  Add garlic to your cooking, and add crushed raw garlic to your oil salad dressing.  Do not use garlic if it causes tummy upsets.
  • Cut down on your coffee drinking:  Caffeine in coffee can over- excite the system, including the bowel.  Caffeine also interferes with the balance of intestinal flora, which causes candida to proliferate in the bowel.:  This can be a cause of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • It is a good idea to have a professional colonic cleanse at a colonic irrigation clinic.  Home enemas are also good, if you know how to use them, but getting a thorough cleanse done professionally cannot be beaten.  Sometimes irritable bowel syndrome occurs simply because of congestion in pockets of the bowel.  This does not stop bowel movements entirely, but causes a partial blockage where toxins gather.  Water colonics can get rid of this toxic material so easily.  You might find that your bowel settles down after the effete matter has been removed from it.

Gentle massage of the tummy with olive oil can help.  End with three clockwise circles around the outside of the solar plexus area.

Ginger Roots In Folk Medicine

Ginger Roots In Folk Medicine

Zingiber officinale

The ginger family, Zingiberacea, has been used in folk medicine all over the world for many centuries.  Ginger roots are carminative, rubefacient and stimulative., and as such have a role to play in preventative medicine.

The roots, leaves, shoots, and influorescence of the ginger plant can all be used in healing, but ginger roots are the part of the plant which is the most potent.  Ginger roots are the parts mostly used in folk medicine.

Ginger as a Digestive Aid:  Ginger roots have a fine reputation as a digestive tonic. The therapeutic compounds in ginger, camphene, phellandrene, zingiberene and zingerone give ginger rubefacient, or counterirritant and carminative properties.  These compounds in ginger also help break down fats and therefore aid the body in its digestion of fats.

Ginger For Nausea: Ginger tea can be helpful in alleviating travel sickness, or motiion sickness. It can be used to counteract morning sickness in pregnancy, although some herbalists advise pregnant women to avoid using ginger.

Ginger In Ayurvedic Medicine:  Ginger roots have been used to treat cholera, anorexia and inflamed liver in traditional ayurvedic medicine.

Ginger Is a Respiratory Medicine In China: Ginger tea has long been used in China for treating coughs, colds and flu. The Chinese regard Ginger as a lung and kidney strengthening medicine: Its helpful action on the kidneys, and its ability to help dissipate poisons from the body has earned ginger the reputation of being a hangover medicine. Ginger helps headache which often comes from a hangover or from over indulgence in rich foods.

Ginger To Help Circulation Problems: Ginger-oil massage is a traditional treatment in Japan, where it is used for massaging sore joints as well as spinal stiffness, and for promoting good circulation.

Pain Relief: Ginger is useful in treating painful joints, as it helps to draw the blood to the area, stimulating circulation, which helps remove toxins and alleviate pain.

Sinus congestion can be relieved by either taking a ginger inhalation, or by using a ginger compress. Kidney problems, menstrual cramps and rheumatic and arthritic pain and gout can also be helped by using a ginger compress over the affected area.

Ginger For Ear Ache:  Ear ache can be relieved by plugging the ear with cotton wool which has been soaked in diluted ginger-oil or a strong infusion of ginger tea. If you are using ginger oil, then you use must dilute the essential oil in olive oil – one drop of essential oil in about two teaspoons of olive oil. A few drops of this mixure may be put into the ear. Or you can soak a cotton wool pad in this diluted ginger oil and place in the ear. Garlic oil, or freshly pressed garlic juice, can be used in the same way for helping ear ache: Dilute the garlic oil in a little olive oil before putting in the ear.

A ginger footbath is a good invigorating tonic for the whole body, as this increases circulation.

Varicose veins can be helped by using a ginger footbath.

Ginger Footbath For Varicose Veins

Ginger Footbath to Increase Circulation
Ginger has many health benefits:  One main one is that ginger helps increase circulation.  This means that the ginger footbath will have a helpful effect on many conditions, such as arthritis, rheumatism, heart troubles, and varicose veins.

There are many ways to take ginger for improving the circulation and improve your digestion:  You can include ginger root or powdered ginger in your diet.  Another very good way to treat circulation and help varicose veins, as a complement to a good diet rich in alkaline greens, is by soaking the feet in a prepared ginger footbath.

Soaking the feet in a ginger footbath will help to improve the circulation in your whole body, as well as in the legs.  It is a relaxing therapy which gives your body a chance to absorb iodine and other minerals from the sea salt.

How To Make A Sea Salt and Ginger Footbath
Simply put two heaped teaspoons of powdered ginger, or chopped ginger roots, into a bucket or a large bowl which is big enough for your feet to fit in.
Add one desertspoon of sea salt.
Pour over three pints of hot water. Make sure the water is not too hot.
Test with your hand to see that the temperature is comfortably warm. Bath temperature is about right.

Now To Soak The Feet: Sit yourself down by the prepared ginger and sea-salt footbath. Place the feet in the warm footbath.
Splash some of the ginger and sea salt water up over the legs and pat them gently.
Soak the feet for about five minutes, or until you feel you have had enough.

You can keep the ginger and salt water for one more use if you choose.  This is a good idea if you wish to give the feet another treatment within four hours or so.  You can simply add a jug full of boiling water to the cold water.

For best results, try to soak the feet morning and night in the ginger and sea salt foot bath.  This will be beneficial to your circulation, your heart, and your varicose veins.  It will also help regulate your  blood pressure and cholesterol levels.  It will help to reduce pain, help to alleviate stress, and be conducive to a good night’s sleep, if you soak the feet each  night.

Homeopathic Hamamelis For Varicose Veins:

It is always best to seek professional help from a homeopath if you have varicose veins.  But here is a suggestion if you cannot immediately see a homeopath for your trouble.

Homeopathic Hamamelis isan excellent treatment to help alleviate the pain and pressure of varicose veins.  Hamamelis is an astringent which can help reduce swellings and tumours and swollen veins.  It can be used after pregnancy to help heal distended veins on the legs.

Take a few drops of Homeopathic Hamamelis 30c three times a day for a week.  Then stop for a week.  Continue for another week after that.  Continue this routine for a couple of months.

Another possible remedy which could be useful for varicose veins is Aristolochia Clematis.  I am not familiar with this remedy, but James H. Stephenson M.D. recommends it in his book ‘Helping Yourself With Homeopathic Remedies’. Published by Parker Publishing Company, Great Britain, 1976.


Ginger Inhalation For Colds and Flu

The Aromatic Ginger Plant
Edible Species: Zingiber officinale; Zingiberaceae mioga; Zingiberaceae serumbet
Family: Zingiberaceae
Aromatic ginger is also known as Jiang in Chinese medicine.

THE AROMATIC GINGER RHIZOME, OR GINGER ROOT, has many culinary and medicinal uses. Ginger roots are well known for their healthful properties. Ginger has a world-wide reputation in medicine: Ginger is used in the ayurvedic medicine tradition, as well as in Chinese medicine and western herbal medicine..
Ginger roots can be used fresh, or in powdered form, or as crystallized ginger root.

ESSENTIAL OIL OF GINGER may be used in inhalations or as embrocation for arthritic and rheumatic pain, but this must be used conservatively: One drop only of essential oil, added to about a tablespoon of carrier oil such as olive oil, is all you need to make an embrocation oil for external use. Wash your hand carefully after using the essential oil: You don’t want to touch your eye area with any of this on your hands, as it will burn your eyes.

Powdered Ginger, or fresh ginger roots can be used for this inhalation. Ginger inhalation can be a useful complement to other treatments for helping colds, flu, and lung infections. It works as a decongestant to help relieve the sinuses and lungs. Simply put a heaped teaspoonful of ginger powder into a bowl. If you are using fresh ginger, then grate about two teaspoons of ginger roots.
Pour over a pint of boiling water. Let stand for a minute to cool slightly, then put a towel over your head, covering the bowl as well. Keep the head up about 18 inches away from the water. This is about the length of your lower arm from the fingertips to the elbow. It is important not to get too close to the boiling water, as this will burn the delicate membranes of the sinuses and lungs. 18 inches is fine. Keep the head over the bowl at this distance away from the hot water, for about five minutes, or until you feel you have had enough. The inhalation treatment can be repeated often during the day or night, which might be necessary for chronic infections. Do see your doctor or naturopath or similar if you or any of your family have a severe infection.
ALTERNATIVE INHALATION WITH ESSENTIAL OIL: If you have essential oil of ginger, then you can use ONE DROP ONLY OF THE ESSENTIAL OIL in the bowl for inhalation. Follow the instructions as for powdered ginger inhalation above.

GINGER TEA can help to relieve a fever and promote sweating, as well as promote circulation.
The roots, shoots and leaves can all be eaten either raw or cooked.
Because ginger root helps circulation, it is a good herb for people to use who have varicose veins, or sluggish circulation with cold hands and feet. Ginger can help to lower high blood pressure, prevent heart attacks, and lower cholesterol. Ginger, like garlic, is a natural blood thinner.
Ginger roots can be used to treat nausea: Note – Caution needs to be exercised during pregnancy. Only small amounts should be used for morning sickness, and it should be used for a limited time only.
It is used in cooking: Fresh ginger root is a much used spice in oriental cooking. It is used to flavour many sweets, biscuits and deserts, and is used in some beverages, such as ginger beer.

Health Benefits Of Ginger

Ginger is one of the most popular of the culinary spices. It is an extremely versatile spice, with uses in recipes which range from a curry ingredient of the East to gingernut biscuits in the West.

GINGER ROOTS are also valued for their many and variousl medicinal uses and are materia medica of the Ayurvedic science of health. Ginger root is related to the spices cardamom and turmeric and has similar health benefits as these two spices.However, ginger has to be the most popular of the spices because of its wide ranging uses.

THE USE OF GINGER ROOT in the kitchen, and as a healing herb, like turmeric and cardamom, dates back at least 5000 years.
The active ingredients of ginger which give it its flavour and medicinal properties are gingerol and shogaol. These compounds make ginger an effective fungicide and antibiotic-like medicine. Gingerol and shogaol also help to negate the effects of some poisons. These compounds have a very beneficial effect on the stomach and the digestive process.

The chemical compounds found in ginger roots do not affect the beneficial prostaglandin chemicals which serve to strengthen the lining of the stomach. This is why ginger has such an uncontested reputation for treating all those discomforts of the stomach such as indigestion, nausea, morning sickness, motion sickness, heartburn, peptic ulcers, and flatulence and wind. It is also a treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. Ginger is also effective in many cases, of preventing migraines and severe headaches.
Ginger roots are best used as a prophylactic for these conditions, rather than wait for the conditions to strike. This means that ginger taken regularly, either in the cooking or as ginger tea, is the best way to prevent stomach complaints and migraines.

Ginger has many other uses as a healing herb: It can be used to ease arthritic pain, to improve circulation, to reduce blood clots and thus lower the risk of heart attack. Ginger lowers the blood pressure and lowers cholesterol. Ginger thins the blood which helps to prevent blood clots. Ginger can be used as a pain reliever for toothache, vertigo, as an antispasmodic to relieve menstrual cramps, for sore throats, to promote sweating when needed, such as in a treatment for the common cold and flu.

Ginger can be used as a dry powdered ginger, taken in a capsule, as freshly chopped root, or taken in a preserved form as in crystallized ginger. Ginger tea can be made from either the fresh root or from powdered ginger.