Electromagnetic Sensitivity

We are all sensitive the the effects of electromagnetic fields.  Some people are fortunate enough to recognise the effects of an electromagnetic field immediately they enter it. If the electromagnetic field is a strong one, then they might straight away get palpitations, or tingling up the arms, or  a darting pain in the scalp, or bone ache in the limbs.

They might experience a sudden rise in temprerature, similar to a hot flush. Or they might feel nauseous, have stomach cramps, or get a nose bleed.  They might suffer vertigo, dizziness, and a feeling that their life force is draining away, as if it is being sucked into the earth. Perhaps a little like you might imagine dying to be.

Other people might not experience any of these electromagnetic sensitivity symptoms in such a dramatic way.

However, people do indeed still suffer ill health because of electromagnetic vibrations and radiation when they are exposed to these conditions over a  period of time.

People who live close to strong power sources such as cell phone towers, electrical high tension wires, and radio and television transmitters, or who use cell phones a lot, or who work in highly intense, electrically charged environments, will be seriously undermining their health, in the short term and the long term. 

It is well known that a higher electrical force is cabable of interfering with the current of a less potent electrical force. This has been illustrated  for me with two electrical appliances,  my cell phone versus my CD player:  When a text was received on  the phone, which was on the charger, sitting near the CD player,  this caused the CD player, which was playing a disc, to malfunction.  It would not play, and had to be reset for the disc to play.  Another text came in, and the same thing happened.  The CD lost its train of thought and could not sustain the energy to play the CD.    It is the same with your own sensitive electromagnetic field, your aura – whenever you come into contact with an electrical force which is stronger than your own electrical currents, your aura will be undermined.  This is one major cause of  memory loss and depression, as well as physical sickness such as candida, cancer and arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and other disease.

In Chinese medicine, the weakening of the auric body is equated to loss of Qi. or CHI. Qi is the vital force within us which gives us life, vitality, and optimism.  Healthy Qi levels keep us from getting sick.

Henry McGrath has written a book entitled ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine:  Approaches to Cancer’.  This is published by Singing Dragon, of London and Philadelphia.   Author Henry McGrath mentions a study done in Japan, where it was found that electromagnetic disturbance had increased the chances of children getting leukaemia.  He also mentions that cell phone usage has led to brain tumours.

In another study, in 1929, Gustav Freiherr von Pohl linked the 42 cancer patients in the town of Vilbisburg to negative energies caused by electromagnetic forces which came from underground water courses and natural stress lines in the earth.  He found that all the cancer patients lived within close proximity to electromagnetic forces.