Intravenous Vitamin C as Chemotherapy

Breast Cancer:  Alternative Treatment

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I have just come across another imortant book which backs the idea that cancer can be treated naturally.  This book is a testimony to the powerful effects of using intravenous vitamin C as chemotherapy to treat cancer:  Pam Stevens is living proof that this treatment can work.

This book is a 2007 edition of a book called ‘Breast Cancer’,  ‘Why Women Are Dying Needlessly’, by Pam Stevens who is a New Zealand woman. On the front cover, it says also:  “A must read for every New Zealand  woman.”  This is published by PMS Publications, 92 Albany Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

In this wonderfully informative  book on breast cancer, Pam describes the conventional treatments which she used to begin with, how the cancer, which was particularly invasive and aggressive,  continued to grow, and goes on to describe how she finally managed to  beat the cancer with intravenous vitamin C as chemotherapy, as well as her multivitamins.

She attributes her survival in the first stages of the disease, after the surgery, and during the time she was taking Tamoxifen, to the fact that she had put herself on high quality mineral and vitamin supplements.

As stated earlier, Pam had a very invasive and aggressive type of breast cancer.  Even so,  she  decided not to have the lymph nodes removed with the breast,  as she had read that sometimes this was not necessary. She also refused chemotherapy and radiation treatment because of their reputed harmful effects on the body.  She had read that radiation is one known cause of cancer, and was dubious about the side effects of chemotherapy as well.

Doctor Anne Wigmore wrote about the dangers of radiation treatment and chemotherapy in her book which told of her natural method of cancer cure. Dr Max Gerson, in the 1950’s recognized that radiation therapy and chemotherapy dramatically reduced the chances of recovery in his patients:  He had observed that cancer patients  who had had  these  treatments did not recover, whereas  the people with cancer who had avoided these treatments had a very good chance of recovery using his alternative treatment for cancer.

Dr Anne Wigmore had  refused to have either radiation or chemotherapy and decided to treat her own breast cancer through diet and detoxification. Doctor Anne Wigmore, like Pam Stevens,  also lived to tell the tale about her recovery from cancer using natural means:  Dr Anne Wigmore  did not use intravenous vitamin C as chemotherapy, but instead used copious amounts of wheat grass juice and other antioxidant vegetables and fruits, which  contain large amounts of Vitamin C and antioxidants.

Merrilyn’s new book is out on Amazon:

Pam Stevens was prescribed Tamoxifen, which she took for a year after the operation.   She had been prescribed Tamoxifen as an alternative to chemotherapy, and had gratefully accepted it as an alternative at the time.  However, she suffered very distressing side effects during the year that she took this medication, which included eye problems.  After reading a list of  the side effects of Tamoxifen, she decided to stop taking it:

Side Effects of Tamoxifen:

Tamoxifen can cause strokes, blood clots in the lungs, unusual bleeding, poor vision,  and depression, along with a myriad of other health complaints.

Tamoxifen Can Cause Cancer: However, the worst effects of Tamoxifen are that it  can cause liver cancer, and also cancer of the ovaries, cancer of the uterus, and cancer of the breast………So this medicine which is being used to treat most cases of breast cancer can actually CAUSE cancer too.  Like radiation.

Multivitamins Helped: During the period of taking Tamoxifen, and after she stopped taking it, Pam was still taking her high grade multivitamin supplements.

Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy: Pam’s discovery of Vitamin C therapy for cancer was the thing which saved her life.  Intravenous Vitamin C as chemotherapy has resulted in a cure of her cancer without the use of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or drugs.

She began taking 30 grams, which is 30,000mg of ascorbate.  I think that this was taken twice weekly, as the increased dose she describes was taken twice weekly.

The Vitamin C  was increased very soon to 50,000mg of ascorbate, taken twice weekly.This was kept up for a year, then the dose was reduced to a single weekly dose.  Pam describes how her blood plasma dropped after five weeks of the lowered dose, so the Vitamin C was slightly increased again to compensate.

Even after only five months of the intravenous Vitamin C treatment, Pam was showing marked signs of improvement.  The secondary growths which had been observed on her bones had completely gone when a whole body bone scan was taken.  However, the Vitamin C was increased again when a new lump was noticed on her chest wall.  This increased dose was 75000mg.  Apparently, according to Pam, the desired blood plasma reading is 400 mg/dl and that recommendation for the therapeutic dose was what she tried to achieve.

Pam reports that others in the clinic she attended were recovering using the intravenous Vitamin C, but that those who had chemotherapy or radiation therapy, were not doing so well.  Dr Max Gerson refused to treat people with his alternative cancer methods if they had had chemotherapy or radiation.

Why Isn’t Vitamin C Given As a Standard Treatment For Cancer?

Pam asks this question in her book and discusses things like drug companies making profit from the medicines which are marketed to treat disease.  She discusses the awareness programmes for cancer which are promoted by drug compnies, and questions why these drugs are being used to the exclusion of other treatments which work, such as Intravenous Vitamin C as Chemotherapy.

The very same drug companies who are marketing cancer causing drugs such as Tamoxifen are often behind the ‘cancer awareness’ programmes.

Pam had ceased taking Tamoxifen after a year because of side effects she was experiencing, and she did not think that it was improving  her health.  Note:  Tamoxifen has been declared a carcenogen by The World Health organisation, along with about 70 other chemicals, a quarter of which are used in pharmaceuticals.  This was back in 1996, but still Tamoxifen continues to be used.

Pam eventually  totally recovered  by taking intravenous Vitamin C as chemotherapy over a period of at least a year.

Mammograms Can Cause Cancer: Pam discusses the issue of mammograms and points out that they increase the radiation which is accumulated in the body.  Radiation is known to cause cancer.  She also believes that the squeezing process which occurs during a mammogram is harmful, especially to someone who may have cancer, as the squeezing of the mammary glands could actually spread the cancer about and transfer it to other sites.

To give you some more ideas on alternative treatments for cancer, read my post:

Diet And Detox For Cancer Programme for Anthony

Ayurvedic Gall Stone Treatment

Ayurvedic Gall Stone Treatment

How to Use the Olive Oil Flush For Gall Stones

See your doctor if you think you may have gall stones. If you are experiencing pain in the stomach, then you certainly should see your doctor, because an emergency measure such as an operation might be needed.

However, we must remind ourselves that ‘ prevention is better than cure’. If your diet is a good one, then you should not develop gall stones or kedney stones. If you do a cleanse on a regular basis, then any stones which might develop will be eliminated before they get to be a problem.

Keep The Diet Alkaline:  The best diet for good health is one which has plenty of fiber, plenty of alkaline greens, both raw and cooked, and preferably rice and other gluten free grains instead of wheat. Meat is best taken in moderation, and always with raw food.

Best Foods To Avoid:  Dairy products, except for butter, are best taken only occasionally if at all. Also try to avoid wheat and sugar. Dairy products, wheat and sugar are best eliminated from the diet completely if you are trying to recover from serious degenerative disease, and also during the period of treatment if you were to treat gall stones naturally, under the guidance of a health practitioner.

Here is a recipe for a gall stone treatment. It serves as a liver flush and will help to wash out stones from the gall bladder. This treatment comes from an Ayurvedic manual.

Castor Oil assists the elimination of gall stones:  Use a Castor Oil pack to begin with, as this will help to loosen the gall stones. Preferably, leave the castor oil pack  on overnight, for three consecutive nights.  At the very  least, use the castor oil pack for several hours each day, on three consecutive days before the treatment.

How To Detox with Olive Oil:

The Olive Oil Treatment:

Mix 8 oz olive oil, 4 oz lemon juice, 1 chopped clove of garlic, and ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper.

Whisk all together and drink the whole lot at 6 am.

Do not eat any food until midday, however, if you wish to take something, then unsweetened lemon drinks can be taken until noon.

Yoga exercise assists in the elimination of stones:  Ayurvedic treatment suggests that you do yoga exercise to help release those gall stones: The bow pose, peacock, spinal twist all help to empty out the gall bladder and help elimination through the intestines.  Obviously, then, if you practice these postures on a regular basis, even without the olive treatment, you will be helping to prevent large stones from forming:  Yoga helps to prevent gall stones.

Toxic Dentures


Toxins in Dental Plastic Plates

The Cost of Dental Treatment:  Are Dentures a Good Option?

My, oh my, how I wish I had listened to Walter Last when I began following his dietary and detoxification measures:  This was when  I was very young, in my mid 20’s, and I had only just found Walter and his diet.  At that stage, I was simply following his advice in the hope that the diet would help me to recover from 245T poisoning which had resulted in a breakdown of health, especially after my daughter, who was exposed to the chemical in the womb, had died.

I had not read anything at all, at this stage, about  the possible  remarkable effects of the diet which Walter Last proposed,  on teeth.

I told Walter that I was thinking of having all my teeth removed, because we could not afford treatment.

What I know now was that an inadequate diet, with no dental care, and chemical poisoning to boot,  had caused my teeth to suffer badly.  Excessive alcohol abuse in my teens had also not helped the condition of my teeth.

Walter said I should just continue with the diet, and use herbs such as prickly ash on the teeth in the meantime.  He assured me that things would get better.

But I did not listen:  I had all my teeth extracted within several months of having my third child, just after beginning Walter’s treatment,  mainly to save expense.

I have paid dearly for this mad move.  Since this time, I have read a lot more and have learned about the successes of people like Jaqui Davison, who grew new teeth as she strived to beat cancer through diet and detoxification.  I have used a similar programme to Dr Gerson’s and Walter Last’s to cure myself of a breast lump, and someone else of serious gum disease, which would have otherwise cost her the price of her house to fix, had she followed her dental specialist’s advice, which was to subject herself to a removal and scraping operation on each tooth.

New Dentures Have Only Lasted a Year

Dentures, for me, have a limited life. There has been no obvious external need to have a new denture at all these past few years:  there has been no problem with the way they fit, the way they look, or the way they work in chewing food.  The problem for me is the poisons in the plastic.  Toxins in the plastic begin to be released as the plastic becomes older, and this causes major health problems, simply because the physical body is being ‘fed’ a constant supply of denture toxins.  Consequently,  I have needed new dentures every three years or so.

Taking antioxidants such as Vitamin C, or ginger, cinnamon, or garlic, are not so good to take when you have plastic in your mouth, because these items, which all work to help remove poisons from the body, also have an effect on the plastic fabric of the denture.  They cause poisons in the plastic to be released more readily, so you end up with toxic poisoning from the plastic if you use these products often.

Herbicides, Pesticides, Parabens, Affect Denture Plastic:

Coming into contact with herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals such as those parabens and propyl  “things” in cosmetics,  cause the teeth to behave in an extremely toxic way, as these chemicals get absorbed into the plastic, where they intensify the already toxic nature of the denture plastic.

Apple Moth Eradication Programme in Auckland:  When MAF were spraying Aucklanders with their ‘apple moth’ spray around the years 2001-2005, I was more ill than most people, because this spray accumulated in the plastic of the dentures, and I simply could not get rid of it.  This affected my whole health, including memory and even the ability to speak.

Just how and why the Labour Government could justify using this spray all over the city for such an extended period beats me.  I am still curious as to their motives for using this spray which had an extremely deleterious effect on the health of so many people:  I am sure there had to be some manipulation of facts by chemical and drug companies, and monetary gain to be had by these companies.   The spraying programme did not eradicate the apple moth anyway.  It had the effect of getting large amounts of the population going to the doctor for all sorts of mysterious illnesses.  Around this time, I had to throw away the current dentures which were only two or three years old, because they became toxic due to toxicity resulting from the apple moth spraying programme.  This is just one cost which was not reimbursed by MAF and their doctors:  The other was that I had to suddenly quit living in the city, give away my piano teaching business and all household appliances like fridge, washing machine, etc, and escape to the countryside.

About six or seven years ago, I found a new dental technician whom I thought had the answer for me. I paid $2,500 and a bit more at the time to get a fantastic new set of dentures which looked really good and were almost as good as my original teeth in their chewing function.  An expensive type of clear nylon fabric was used, with porcelain teeth, to minimize the amount of plastic in the mouth.

However, these teeth only lasted about three years before the health issues began again.  By the time two more years had passed, there was no doubt at all that the dentures were undermining my health dramatically:  Suddenly, one day, I could not stand them in the mouth any longer, as they were causing erosion of the mouth and lip tissues.  My digestion was affected equally badly – it felt as if the same bleeding was occurring throughout the body.  I took the teeth out, and recovered within a few days.  I could not wear those teeth again, as every time I used them, the same symptoms would occur.

Health Problems From Dentures

Poisoning Symptoms which I experience from these dental plate toxins are:

Breathing difficulty, breathlessness when walking quickly, amnesia, loss of memory similar to alzheimer’s, pains in the joints which develop into a weakness and paralysis if I continue to wear the denture, ear ache, sinusitis, eczema, and poor vision.

Now – I have just turned 61.  People, and doctors too, will say “You can expect these things to happen when you get older’.  But – I have been experiencing the same symptoms because of denture plastic all my life.  Every time, when the dentures are done away with, my health gets better.  New dentures then, except for one lot which were made of especially toxic plastic, work well for several years before they begin to break down and cause problems with health again.

New Dentures This Time Have Only Lasted One Year:

A year ago, the same old thing happened with the previous denture:  suddenly, there was no doubt at all about the bad effect of the denture on my health.  So I got a new set made at the cost of $3,000.

Unfortunately, I think the life of this plate was reduced dramatically because the dentist mucked up the first moulding of the teeth.  I had to return a few months later to get the matter put right:  This meant that the teeth had to be heated up to be remoulded again, and I am sure that it was this heating process which has caused the leeching of plastic chemicals into my stomach.  This ability to reuse this modern plastic by heating it up is exactly why dentists use this material:  If they get the first moulding wrong, then they do not need to throw away the teeth to make a new one, they simply heat the plastic up and remould the teeth.  This, I believe, is very bad for the health, and the reason why I have had to throw these dentures away:………..

Alas, 13 months later, the teeth have suddenly become toxic.  The taste of glue with what I guess must be formaldehyde, or similar, is very strong.  No amount of cleaning, or leaving them out for several days, changes anything.  The taste of glue through my mouth is unbearable.  It now causes terrible stomach pains, has killed off the ‘good’ bacteria in my digestive system, causes blurred vision, earache, dizziness, depression, chronic eczema, and pains in the joints and arms with a feeling of imminent paralysis.

I think that the denture plastic, apart from having been ruined by being heated up at the dentists to be remoulded, also reacted to my using a quantity of tea tree oil which I put on my hair and on my skin recently. Ironically, this was used to try and clear a sudden attack of eczema, which most probably was caused by formaldehyde, parabens or whatever, which was coming from the denture plastic.

I have found that tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil and other such strong embrocations get absorbed into the denture plastic which cause it to erode more quickly.  I have noticed this other years – that the teeth, which I was already becoming doubtful about  with regard to their effect on my health, were made infinitely worse once tea tree or eucalyptus oil had been used.

So – let this be a warning to all those people who consider that having false teeth might be a cheaper way to go:  It has not been cheaper for me having dentures.  If several sets only were needed during a life time, and they were not made of toxic material, then dentures would be a fine thing.

But dentures, I believe, are VERY BAD for the health.  The plastic in dentures could be one reason why so many people suffer alzheimer’s at an early age.  We absorb too much plastic poison from other products in our environment, like having milk in plastic, plastic wrapping over meats and cheese, etc – but having plastic in your mouth has to be the very worst thing, because you are constantly absorbing a certain amount of poisons from the plastic into your system.

What I want to now is – why can I not get a plate made which is not made of plastic – something like the hard old thing which the soldiers in the second world war were fitted with?  My Dad had this plate for years – he might still be wearing the same one. I think that the material  in these old plates was better for the health because it  was made of a material which did not break down easily.  Even if it WAS plastic, it was certainly a harder type than the soft malleable plastic which is used today by dental technicians.  They use this soft plastic because it is easy to mould:  It can be heated and reshaped if the first imprint is not a good fit.  But this soft plastic is a hazard to the health.

Help Prevent Kidney Stones

Causes of Kidney Stones:

‘How To Stay Out Of The Doctor’s Office’, written by Dr Wagner and Sylvia Goldfarb,  lists three types of kidney stones:

  • 1) The type which is formed from too much oxalic acid in the urine is the most common type. According to Dr Wagner and Sylvia Goldfarb who wrote this book, oxalic acid is found in silver beet, spinach, chard, kale, rhubarb, tea, nuts, and dairy products. Lack of Vitamin B 6 can cause the body to build up oxalic acid.
  • 2) Stones can be formed from uric acid.
  • 3) Stones can be formed from excess cystine: This type of stone can form if the diet is too high in protein, usually too much flesh protein such as beef pork and mutton.

See Your Doctor Or Health Professional: Pain in the lower back can be a symptom of kidney stones. This can be very painful, and even dangerous, if a kidney stone blocks the ureter on its way to the bladder. Dr Wagner says that a kidney stone can take from 15 minutes to 6 weeks to pass through the system, providing it does not block the filtration mechanism. A large stone which may take a few weeks to pass through might cause kidney and bladder infections. You must see a doctor if you are having back pain.

Obviously, the best thing is prevention rather than wait for an emergency. Prevention could keep you out of the doctor’s office.

What You Can Do To Help Prevent Kidney Stones From Forming:

The main cause of kidney stones is insufficient magnesium in the diet.

Magnesium helps to process calcium in the body, so that the calcium  in your food can be utilized properly. Insufficient magnesium means that you have too much unprocessed calcium in the body. Some of this unprocessed calcium gets excreted by the kidneys, which do not always efficiently dispose this calcium, and this leads to a build up in the kidneys. This build up causes kidney stones.

Magnesium is found in green leafy vegetables: Silver beet and spinach actually have a high magnesium content, but because of the high oxalic acid in these vegetables, it is best to include greens such as broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, green beans, lettuce and mung bean sprouts in the meal. Small amounts of silver beet and spinach are ok in my opinion, as long as plenty of other greens, especially a large salad with lettuce and mung beans, is eaten at the meal.  Also, taking extra calcium foods like sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, or dairy products if you can digest these, helps prevent oxalic acid from depleting the body of calcium.

Keep the diet alkaline: Try to have two or three of these green vegetables with the daily cooked meal. Cooked green vegetables and raw salads provide you with plenty of magnesium to process the calcium in the body. Green vegetables and salad stuff like mung bean sprouts and lettuce, keep the body alkaline. Make a large salad at least once a day using mung bean sprouts. Add to your mung bean salad two or three of any of the following: lettuce, grated carrot, grated beetroot, spring onion, avocado, chopped celery, or a little  chopped spinach. These are all alkaline foods which provide good fiber for the intestines.

Adequate Protein in the Diet: Too much protein is no good, but insufficient protein can cause kidney stones also. Albumin is needed in the body, but excess amounts are created in the body when the diet is poor in protein, and this causes calcium build up in the kidneys.

Vitamin D  is necessary to process calcium properly. Not enough Vitamin D means that your body is likely to be deficient in calcium absorption, and this leads to weak bones and teeth, apart from the formation of kidney stones. Vitamin D helps prevention of kidney stones because of its effect on calcium, however, Dr Wagner warns against megadoses of Vitamin D, as this can also cause calcium build up in the kidneys.

The type of kidney stones which are formed by a build up of cystine is usually a hereditary condition where protein is not digested properly.

Avoid Antacids: Dr Wagner advises against the use of antacids, especially when you get older. Antacids mean that you are getting extra calcium carbonate which is difficult to absorb. Antacids can cause kidney stones. Many other medications can cause kidney stones.  I feel that warfarin should be studied properly in this regard – I have a friend who has been taking warfarin since his mid 30’s – he has recently had his gall bladder removed because it had cancer, and is currently undergoing surgery for removal of part of his liver.  He has been taking warfarin for 30 odd years.

Walter Last on Wheat Bread:  Avoid Wheat.

The diet of Walter’s which I followed many years ago did not allow wheat at all, and in fact, did not allow yeast foods either.  Wheat substitutes such as  rice and rice flour, besan flour, or chick pea flour,  corn meal, arrowroot, tapioca flour, potato flour, soy flour, are all gluten free, and these really are better than wheat for the health and for regenerating the body.  They are more nutritious and do not have that problematic gluten.

Not Too Much Milk: Walter Last advised against using milk at all, and his is the diet which I prefer for treating serious disease and for regenerating the health of the organs.

Dr Wagner also  is wary of milk, and advises that milk should not be over-used.  One reason that he gives is that milk is fortified with Vitamin D: While you need some Vitamin D for good health and to prevent kidney stones forming, too much Vitamin D can also cause the formation of kidney stones, because it causes too much calcium to enter the system. If this is not needed in the body, then the kidneys will have to deal with it. He says that the Vitamin D added to milk is a synthetic form, which causes other problems. Also, milk is high in phosphorous, and this is not helpful to the absorption of calcium anyway:  This was part of Walter Last’s reasoning for not using milk, but also that milk is mucous forming.

Mucous forming foods are best avoided if one wishes to avoid kidney and gall bladder stones from forming. Walter also said that pasteurized milk is no good for the digestion, as it is not easily digested once it has been heated.  And milk in tea, he said, was the worst thing out for the health, because the tannin in the tea renders the protein in the milk indigestible.  This undigested protein causes problems in the intestines, with build up of toxins.  Tea is best drunk black if it is to be imbibed.

Avoid Sugar and Yeast Foods: This was recommended generally by Walter Last.  Along with wheat, these foods are best left out of the diet whilst you are healing yourself of any serious disease.  It makes sense then, to avoid them if you are trying to prevent disease such as kidney stones. Eat these foods only in moderation to help prevent kidney stones.

Foods To Help Prevent Kidney Stones: Dr Wagner recommends asparagus, bananas, parsley, watercress, garlic, celery, cucumber, papaya, or paw paw, and horseradish as being the best foods for preventing kidney stones.  He states that these particular foods are especially good for getting the liver function working optimally.

Mung Bean Sprouts: I think mung bean sprouts in salads are especially good for the liver also.  Eating large salads made up of mung bean sprouts, with other raw vegetables, helps liver function and provides your body with easily digested protein food which is rich in digestive enzymes.

Cranberry Juice For Kidneys:  He recommends drinking cranberry juice, as this has an antiseptic effect on the kidneys and intestines. Pears are also good, as these can help relieve inflammatory conditions such as nephritis. Watermelon is also a good kidney and bladder medicine which aids the general health.

Drink Plenty of Water: Dr Wagner recommends that at least two quarts of distilled water are drunk each day. The urine should be clear and pale, and not yellow or brown.

Vitamins and Minerals to Help Prevent Kidney Stones:

Note: You need professional advice before taking any of these. This list with its dosages is adapted from Dr Wagner’s ‘How To Stay Out of the Doctor’s Office’ and is meant for information only.

Walter Last’s famous treatment for disease did not specify many vitamins and minerals – he believes in getting your nutrients from your food,  with  juices taken, such as beetroot, carrot, celery and apple.  The  emphasis is  on raw food  in Walter’s diet, such as mung beans and alfalfa sprouts.  He also used calf liver broth, taken in sips with carrot juice,  for very debilitated people, or for people who had a life threatening illness.  This provides Vitamin B6 and B12, iron, and digestive enzymes. If your diet is mainly vegetarian, then calf liver broth is a good idea as a nutritional supplement.

Vitamin B6 acts as a mild diuretic which is beneficial for the kidneys. 100Mg taken 3 times a day.

B6 is assimilated better with the help of Magnesium citrate 400mg twic a day, and Vitamin B2, 100mg also taken twice a day.

Beta carotene helps prevent kidney stones from forming. 25,000 IU per day – this could be taken naturally in a couple of large glasses of organic carrot juice instead of taking a supplement.

Fish oil also helps prevent stones from forming – 25,000 IU per day. This also could be taken through eating a portion of fish each day. Dr Wagner suggests that the bones in sardines might cause kidney stones, but I have found, as Walter Last recommended, that eating a can of sardines several times a week does not cause kidney stones to form if the diet is rich in alkaline greens and raw foods such as mung beans, lettuce, celery and carrots.

Dr Wagner recommends that phosphorous be taken daily, as per the instructions on the label- this helps prevent kidney stones from forming.

Vitamin C, 1000mg taken three times a day is helpful. I know that some people have dissolved small kidney stones through taking this much Vitamin C on a daily basis. It has also been used in various cancer treatments to good effect. The best type is non-acidic Vitamin C, calcium ascorbate. This keeps the body alkaline and prevents acidity of any kind.

Lecithin can be taken daily. This helps the gall bladder process fats and helps the health of the kidneys. 1200 mg can be taken 6 times a day. Walter Last uses lecithin as a food supplement in his recovery programmes. Lecithin helps the liver and the general health.

Vitamin E is a useful vitamin which can help clear up kidney problems. 400 IU of Vitamin E daily is recommended by Dr Wagner.  Vitamin E can be found in good quality vegetable oils such as  olive oil, peanut oil, grape seed oil,  avocado, nuts and seeds.

Zinc is recommended – 30 mg twice a day of Zinc picolinate.  Onions and garlic, leeks and chives, are all quite high in zinc.

Herbs to Benefit Kidneys as recommended by Dr Wagner:

Ginger, Marshmallow, parsey, uva ursi, comfrey, dandelion root, corn silk, shepherd’s purse

Best Herbs For Cancer

Herbs For Treating Cancer

Note:  This article is meant for information only.  It is not intended that you follow any ideas mentioned here as a substitute for getting professional advice from a doctor or a health professional.  You must get professional advice if you have something wrong with you, or you suspect cancer.

Cancer Treatment Herbs are usually used in conjunction with specific therapies. A dietary regime which is high in cleansing and nutritious raw foods are eaten along with their freshly pressed juices. Serious and stringent regular detoxification practices are followed so that detoxifiction occurs as quickly as possible. This last measure is extremely imortant: This is because, even a highly nutritious diet of mainly raw foods is not enough on its own to beat some cancers.

The next thing to consider is that cancer patients respond better to ‘natural’ alternative treatments when the body has not been exposed to chemotherapy and radiation treatment. This is because chemotherapy and radiation severely undermine the health of the cells and the organs. Some people have undertaken, and had success with, natural therapies such as the Gerson therapy after having radiation and chemotherapy treatment. But Dr Max Gerson thought that a cure was almost impossible to effect using his alternative cancer treatment, if a person had had standard chemotherapy and radiation.

I have to dig up my copy of Dr Gerson’s book: It is currently packed away in my son’s garage, but I will procure it for reference very soon. Then I can give you the specifics of his treatments in detail.

Castor Oil Treatments is one of the main-stays of Dr Gerson’s therapy for cancer and other degenerative disease. This, of course, is an herbal treatments which has been used as a healing and detoxification medicine for centuries.

Dr Gerson arrived at a dose of 2 tablespoons of castor oil every second day as a standard treatment for all of his cancer patients. This was followed by another herbal medicine – coffee. One cup of black coffee, made from proper fresh coffee grounds, was taken right away with the castor oil. This increased the efficacy of the castor oil in cleaning out the gall bladder and liver, as well as the intestines.

Raw, freshly pressed vegetable juices are taken every hour on the Gerson therapy, and also on Ann Wigmore’s cancer diet. Walter Last also used raw juices in his treatments for curing degenerative disease and other illnesses.

Porridge made with Oats: Oats are high in silica and are an excellent invalid’s food. Oatmeal porridge provides good bulk in the morning, so that the intestines can do their work. This is an important part of the Gerson diet, and is in fact the only cooked food that you eat for quite a while. The porridge is eaten without dairy milk or sugar. The rest of the diet is raw food and juices.

Walter Last uses dates in his recovery diets. These are used to replace sugar in the diet. Dates are rich in Vitamin B, iron, chromium which helps process sugars, and other nutrients.

Iscador, which comes from Mistletoe, has been used by many cancer therapists with good results. Of course, for most people, no herb on its own will do thetrick in beating cancer: Herbs must be taken in conjunction with the special diet and detoxification as discussed above. But iscador looks very promising, from what I have read. It has been used by some homeopathic doctors, someof whom have been connected to the Rudolph Steiner movement.

All herbs which benefit the liver and aid detoxification are beneficial for people who are using natural methods for reducing and curing cancer.

Dandelion herb is very beneficial for the liver.  The root is valuable as a liver healing herb, but the green part of the plant is also effective in cleansing the liver.

The Neem Tree has been proven as an herb which can reduce the size of tumours. This plant is common in Ayurvedic medicine.  It is referred to in one herbal which I have, where it is recommended as an anti-tumour agent.  The leaves of the plant are used.

To be continued……..