Max Gerson’s Cancer Book Effects of Radiation on Health

Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation

A Cancer Therapy – Results of Fifty Cases, by Dr Max Gerson, M.D.

This book was first published in 1958. My edition is the 3rd edition, published in 1977, Copyright by Charlotte Gerson Straus, who is the daughter of Dr Max Gerson.

I have only recently unpacked this book. It has been boxed up with most of my books for several years, for the period of my stay and study in Wellington, at Victoria University, where I completed a B.A. in art history and music.

It is really good to have this book on hand again, so that I can quote from one of the masters of alternative cancer therapy.

This book is one everybody interested in avoiding cancer should read. It gives the details of how Dr Max Gerson healed many people of terminal cancer with his alternative methods. In reading his accounts, and his reasons for the treatments he gives, one gains insights into how cancer develops, as well as an understanding of what has to be done in order to prevent cancer.

Radiation Is A Peril To Man: We are all worried about the effects of the radiation coming from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. This will affect the environment world wide. People’s health will suffer as a consequence of this radioactive fall-out coming from Fukushima.

Chapter XIII of Max Gerson’s book is especially relevant to our topic. This chapter is entitled: Scientists Term Radiation A Peril To Future Of Man.

Radiation Has A Cumulative Effect: Dr Max Gerson tells us that American people were, at the time of writing this book, using up a third of their ‘safe’ dose of radiation with the X Rays that they were getting at their dentist’s and doctor’s surgeries. This was announced by the American Committee on Genetics, who, after discovering this fact, urged the medical profession to reduce the X Rays given, unless they were of absolute necessity. They also asked for medical records to be kept, so that radiation levels could be monitored. This is because RADIATION IS CUMULATIVE.

Every time you have an X Ray, you are adding to the radiation stored in your body……….:The effect of radiation is cumulative, it is said, no matter how long the period over which it is experienced”, says Max Gerson.

The American Committee on Genetics had six committees which “studied the radiation problem in the fields of genetics, pathology, meteorology, oceanography, fisheries-agriculture and food supplies, and disposal and dispersal of radio-active wastes……”……And this latter item, ‘the disposal and dispersal of radio-active wastes” is another matter of very grave and serious concern, with all the numerous nuclear power stations cropping up all over the world.

In Pathological Effects: The committee on pathology, chaired by Dr Shields Warren, “concluded in agreement with geneticists that RADIATION, NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE DOSE, SHORTENS LIFE IN SOME DEGREE”.

This information was published on June 13, 1956, in ‘The New York Times’. The author of the article was Anthony Leviero, and its subject is the survey of a report held in the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., entitled “Biological Effects Of Atomic Radiation”.

In simple terms, the crucial finding was that RADIATION DAMAGE INEVITABLY RESULTS FROM EXPOSURE, NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE DOSE” – page 86 Gerson.

Max Gerson goes on to quote the report , saying that “Radiation causes mutation or harmful changes in the genes or germ cells of the reproductive organs. Damage manifests itself in shortening of the life span, reduces ability to produce children, and sometimes, but not often”, he says, “produces deformed or freakish children”.

The report states something else which is quite worrying: …Thus for the general population, and in the long run, a little radiation to a lot of people is as harmful as a lot of radiation to a few, since the total number of mutant genes can abe the same in the two cases”.

The report says that it will be difficult to identify radiation damage in future generations, meaning that it could be difficult to prove in some cases. However, genetic studies were made in the populations of Hiroshima and Nagasake, after these Japanese cities were destroyed by the American atomic bombs which were dropped there in World War II.

We now know that tremendous suffering was caused in these areas, not just by the bombs going off and killing people, and destroying these cities, but because of the slow deaths which many suffered afterward. Cancers of many types, especially bone cancers, lung cancers, and other mysterious degenerative diseases, infertility, and birth defects, have all resulted in Hiroshima and Nagasake.

Now the poor people near the nuclear power plant at Fukushima, and all people down wind of this plant, will suffer long term ill health, with shortened life expectancy, on top of the trauma they have already experienced as a result of these devastating earthquakes and tsunamis.

Benefits of the Common Cold

Colds Help You Detoxify

In Dr Eva Hill’s book, “Why Be Scared of Cancer”, 1979, she says

“Instead of looking for that elusive cure for that hated episode, (the common cold), the Medical Scientists should learn to recognize it as nature’s first line of defence.

To do this, it is necessary for them to open their eyes and forget most of what they have been taught and have never questioned.” (page 11)

“Why Be Scared of Cancer”, published by G.W.Moore, Auckland, New Zealand, 1979, is an introduction to the causes of cancer and the ways in which this disease can be avoided, or helped, and possibly cured, if you have it.

Cancer Prevention: Dr Eva Hill tells us that the common cold should be welcomed, once or twice a year, as this is nature’s way of naturally eliminating toxins out of the body, and getting rid of poisons out of the body surely helps to avoid getting cancer. Of course, other infections such as the flu also help the body to purify. Detoxification and Diet are the two ways to prevent and cure cancer.

Antibiotics and other medications, preservatives in food, growth hormones in food, herbicides and pesticides, and radiation; all these things inhibit the body’s capacity to manifest a good, healthy infection. Taking medication to stop a cold also stumps the body’s attempt to rid itself of toxins naturally.

Of course, getting colds all the time is no good. If you get colds frequently, then this shows that your immune system is weakened. This can be because of lack of nutrients in the diet, and not enough vital raw food.

A trauma, or shock to the system can leave the immune system weakened, causing you to succumb to colds too often. And chemicals in your environment or diet might also cause your body’s defences to work overtime.

Supplements of zinc, iodine via kelp or spirulina, halibut liver oil, vitamin B and vitamin C all help to improve the body’s resistance to overcome a cold quickly.

And, of course, garlic is just the best thing, with ginger being a good runner up.

You cannot beat those lemon drinks with ginger and honey, or cinnamon, turmeric,  or garlic, to help move a cold along.

Do try and beat your colds naturally, through these wonderful foods and spices. This will benefit your health and help to prevent degenerative disease such as cancer and multiple sclerosis, or arthritis.

Taking medications to stop a cold in its tracks is the worst thing you can do, as the toxins in the body will stay there, building up over time so that you may fall prey to serious disease.

The Three Day Fast: One way in which you can bring about a cold or some other clearing infection is to fast on raw foods, or drink only fruit or vegetable juice every hour. A three day fast works wonders in promoting a mini-infection so that toxins can be released from the body. Strong people may even be able to sustain a water fast for three days. But fresh juice, or fruit every hour, is just as good in its cleansing effect.

Medical Causes of Death

Food Matters Documentary:

This documentary has been around for a while, but I have only just had the opportunity of viewing it.  This is a really great video:  Everyone would benefit from seeing it, in my opinion.  Fantastic to have these clever medical people promoting raw food and ‘natural’ cures through diet and detoxification.

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Angus commented recently:

So you believe that patients admitted to hospital run a significant risk of actual harm?
I have seen figures of 50,000 per year touted around. I believe this refers to the US and is actually a corruption of a study of admissions over a ten or more year period back in the fifties. Of course, the paper has been swamped by repetitions of more recent assertions that it represents an annual death toll- a number which would be noted, surely by the media on a more daily basis:
“News in today, there were another 120 deaths by stuff-ups in hospitals around the country today, just as there were yesterday and all last week… Lawyers have never had it so good…”
Let me know when you are aware that admission to a public hospital involves care by a team of doctors, nurses and auxilliary staff from pathology, physio, occupational therapies, admin, all of whom (Believe me) are happy to find fault with poor behaviour or practice… And correct it.
I’ll ask my next patient whether they’d like a homeopathic anaesthetic when I’m on my next shift. And I’ll see if I get deregistered for suggesting a homeopathic dose of antibiotics prior to the surgeon’s incision.
Shall let you know the outcome…

BTW, I was working in ICU during the H1N1 outbreak and saw some pretty hairy stuff. It really obliterated some lungs for a while necessitating use of ECMO, Prone ventilation and High frequency oscillatory ventilation amongst other techniques. As well as the viral insult, these patients were dealing with MODS and secondary VAPs.
At what stage would you like to see the homeopath introduced? I think that it would be wonderful to have one attend at any stage to see just how far out of their depth they would really be in such a situation.

Submitted on 2013/06/18 at 5:47 am | In reply to Angus.  Merrilyn says:

Accidents DO happen. We can never know just how many people suffer iatrogenic illness. But iatrogenic illnesses and deaths certainly do occur from time to time.

Only a year ago or so my cousin came back from Australia to have a cancerous portion of his bowel removed. Guess what? The surgeon removed the TOP part of his bowel, when it was the BOTTOM part of the bowel which should have been removed. The mistake was discovered just as he was waking up. So he was shot back into the operating theatre to have the bottom part removed. Too late to put back the good, top part of the bowel the surgeon had mistakenly cut out.
This ‘accident’ was, like many, not reported as negligent practice. Many such-like mistakes go unrecorded, because people are too nice to complain.

My own daughter was initially made sick from aerial drops of 245T -same ingredients as Agent Orange which contains Dieldrin – We were intensively sprayed in a country area while I was pregnant. This made us all very sick. After she was born, when her breathing was so bad, and she was so ill, doctors guessed she might have had cystic fibrosis, but this was never confirmed.

Anyhow, interesting to note that the actual CAUSE of her death was an overdose of Ventolin done by a young nurse at the hospital we were staying in. This caused heart failure and brain damage almost immediately after a whole test-tube full of ventolin was poured down her throat. I saw it happen. We eventually took her off life support after a month because there was no improvement. We had to let her die.

Interesting to note too, that I went to the doctor after the spraying, because my own health had suddenly become so bad, with asthma-like symptoms among other things. I wanted the doctor to note that the spraying had made me and my young son sick, so that our symptoms from 245T poisoning were recorded. My hopes were to get the stuff banned.
The doctor told me that there was nothing wrong with 245T – no record of it causing illness in humans – and that my illness was all in my imagination. What an ignorant doctor – the stuff was already banned overseas at that stage, but NZ was still manufacturing it.
This should give you some idea about the influence the chemical and pharmaceutical industries have on our society, how lies are told, and how rules are bent so that they can continue to profit where they can.”

In the documentary “Food Matters”, Doctor  Ian Brighthope, Dr Victor Zeines, Dr Andrew Saul and other eminent physicians have important things to say about drug marketing, drug dependence, and that good nutrition is what is really needed for people to get well.

Professor Brighthope is a Vitamin C specialist, and Dr Victor Zeines is a holistic dentist, which gives you some idea about the professional aptitudes of the doctors who present information on “Food Matters”.

Adverse Reaction to Medical Drugs
Prescription drugs certainly do have their place in today’s medicine. However, alternative treatments, which incorporate raw foods as the healing catalyst, need to be promoted so that people really can improve their health. There really should be no need for dependence on prescription drugs, and when they are used,  they need to be used with caution, as the following details indicate:

Iatrogenic Illness:  An iotrogenic illness is an illness which has been caused by a doctor or an administered pharmaceutical drug. Thousands of people die in America each year of iotrogenic illness.

Death Due To Prescription Drugs: Adverse drug reactions kill more people in Britain annually than car accidents.  Recent statistics, taken from the documentary “Food Matters” indicate that 10,000 people die annually from prescription medicine in Britain, while 3,500 people die annually from road accidents.
This is incredible.  Why are we not warned about this?  We have plenty of advertisements on our New Zealand television to try and prevent road deaths, but there are none to warn us about the dangers of taking prescription medicine.  And yet prescription medicine kills  almost three times as many people as road accidents.
This mysterious silence is because of the vested interests of the drug company giants.
Adverse drug reactions in Britain, resulting in death, are even higher than the death rates for prostate cancer:  Prostate cancer kills 9,000 people a year in Britain, whereas death resulting from an adverse drug reaction is 10,000 people a year.
Prescription Drugs can help some people, however, they are not the answer for everybody:  They should not be regarded  by the majority as a long term solution to a medical problem.
Prescription medicine is best taken in the short term, when no other alternative readily presents itself.  Long term medication almost always results in side effects of one sort or another, which are often worse than the original condition which the medication was first prescribed for.  Death can, and has, resulted from adverse side effects to prescription drugs.
The medical specialists who feature on the documentary “Food Matters” stress the importance of natural, raw food in counteracting disease –  They promote raw, organic foods for preventing disease, and  for curing it.  51% of your food should be eaten raw, according to these doctors.

The aim  of the documentary “Food Matters” is to educate us into the wiles of the drug companies, and their manipulations of the medical system.  These alternative  doctor who feature on “Food Matters”s are providing us with the obvious, natural, healthy alternative to long term medication: food.
One  of these doctors who will seem familiar to New Zealanders and Australians is Professor Brighthope. He is an Australian doctor, a vitamin C specialist, who has was interviewed on  New Zealand’s ’60 minutes’  recently, and in another  New Zealand documentary,  in relation to Vitamin C being effective in treating swine flu.
People have the opportunity of improving their general health so that the body stands a chance of fighting off a diseased condition. Eating 51% raw food, as the doctors on “Food Matters” recommend, will help prevent you from getting the same thing again.
Even when prescription medicine is resorted to in an emergency, for the short term, hopefully, diet and detoxification should be taken seriously, for the long term, so that the body and the immune system become stronger.
The doctors on ‘Food Matters’ all stress the importance of diet and detoxification in averting disease.
This documentary gives an enlightening discussion on just how and why we have lost faith in our body’s ability to heal itself: Promotions by drug companies serve to seduce the public into thinking that they need to have medical drugs to survive.  Drug companies make enormous profits from keeping people on prescription drugs, and so they have a vested interest in coaxing us to be drug dependent.
They have a big influence on doctors and all the medical profession. Even the medical journals are funded by drug companies’ advertisements.  Drug companies are rich and powerful, so that they can afford to monitor and manipulate much of the drug research going on.
Recently, findings from research done two years ago have shown that 3/4 of the people taking cholesterol lowering drugs in America are taking them unnecessarily.  This is 30 million people a year, out of the 40 million people who are on prescription medicine to lower their cholesterol.

Painkillers Can Cause Stroke and Heart Disease

Painkillers Increase The Risk Of Stroke And Heart Attack

One is best to avoid taking any drugs at all, unless it is absolutely necessary.  Look to the alternatives before beginning taking these life-threatening drugs.  These drugs are marketed without proper research being done BEFORE they go on sale, as has been proved by the many people who have suffered side effects, including death, from taking these medications.

An article giving the results of recent research, which points to health risk in using popular painkillers,  was published in the New Zealand Herald on Friday, January 14, 2011.

The article revealed that several of these commonly used painkillers have already been taken off the shelves:  Vioxx caused some deaths from cardiovascular disease.  This was proved subsequently, after people were already using the drug. Too late for some people.

Likewise,, Prexige was also withdrawn, because it was found to cause liver toxicity.

116,000 patients took part in the Swiss studies whose results have confirmed that long-term use of some painkillers gives a significant increase in the risk of stoke and heart disease.  The results come from 31 ‘randomized, controlled trials in various countries’.

‘British Medical Journal’ published an article by University of Bern researchers.  They said:

‘little evidence exists to suggest that any of the investigated drugs are safe in cardiovascular terms.  Naproxen seemed less harmful……Cardiovascular risk needs to be taken into account when prescribing any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).”

The seven drugs studied in the Swiss trials are:

Naproxen – often sold under different brand names, including Naproxyn and Naxen.

Ibuprofen – sometimes known as Nurofen, or Brufen.

Diclofenac – or Voltarin, or Cataflan.

Celecoxib, also known as Celebrex.

Etoricoxib, also known as Arcoxia

Rofecoxib, also known as Vioxx. :  This was withdrawn from sale in 2004.

Lumiracoxib, also known as Prexige:  This was also withdrawn from sale in New Zealand, in 2007.  It has since been withdrawn from other countries also.

People with arthritis are often prescribed painkillers such as these.  Be aware that you are increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Bees Killed By Insecticide

New Pesticide is Destroying Hives

Read also:

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About Neonicotinoid Pesticides:

In an article published just over a week ago, details of research, which proved bees are being threatened because of a new insecticide, were revealed.  This research was done a year ago by the bee department of a US government research project.

Why weren’t these results made public two years ago, when the findings were made?  Most likely because Bayer, the drug and chemical giant who first made the neonicotinoid class of insecticides, does not want to impair its huge profits.  Somehow, they have managed to keep the new revelations under wrap – not that there is anything in these reports which anyone with a bit of commonsense could have deduced for themselves.  But we always need to have the medical or scientific proof before anything is taken seriously, unfortunately.

The neonicotinoid pesticides, which are poured over soils all over the world in astronomical proportions, have produced astronomical proportions of profit for Bayer and the other firms who have jumped onto the bandwagon in manufacturing these pesticides. Without recourse to the newspaper article, I think that the profits were 350 Million POUNDS for last year, just from the sales of the neonicotinoid pesticide.

Neonicotinoid pesticides are a synthetic form of nicotine, which is deadly.  We all know about the effects of nicotine on people.  Nicotine affects the central nervous system, and so it is with the neonicotinoid class of pesticide:  It affects the central nervous system of all insects, including bees.  It affects all animal and human life as well.

Bees are especially vulnerable to pesticides being used on plants.  They take it back to their hives in the pollen which they carry.

The new neonicotinoid pesticides are especially bad for bees.   This class of drug gets into every part of the plant, including the pollen.  Research has shown that even a microscopic amount of pesticide taken back to a hive causes the bees to become vulnerable to sickness.  Neonicotinoids, and other chemicals too, cause the bees’ immune systems to be damaged, which makes them vulnerable to infection.

It is important  not to use these potent chemicals in our gardens, or in commercial agriculture.  Toxic pesticides are ruining the health of all life – humans, animals and bees.  We need bees to ensure that plants get pollinated in order for them to reproduce.  We need bees to help produce  fruit and vegetables.  Without bees, we will not be able to grow food.

When we, ourselves, eat foods which have been sprayed with neonicotinoids and other toxic chemicals, we ingest microscopic amounts of these chemicals into our systems.  The neonicotinoids will have a deleterious effect on our nervous sytems, our immunity, and increase our chances of getting cancer.  it is REALLY important to try and produce food yourself, if not, to buy organically grown food, and, for the sake of the planet and all creatures on it, to spread the knowledge to people that these insecticides are enormously damaging.

Read some of Merrilyn’s related posts on the subject of bees, mysterious viral diseases, and suchlike:

Bees Colony Collapse Disorder

Why Are NZ Kauri Trees Dying?

Can Brodifacoum Poison NZ Be Affecting Health of People And Killing Sea Gulls?

Minimum Dose In Homeopathy Proven As Effective