What Are The Symptoms Of Scarlet Fever?

How To Identify Scarlet Fever:

Scarlet Fever is an acute infectious disease which is mainly spread by coughing and sneezing.  The germ Streptococcus scarlatinae, which first affects the throat, is carried from the infected person, in air-borne droplets of water as they talk, sneeze or cough.  The germ is in the saliva, and this can be passed on, not just through coughing and sneezing, but through the sick person touching other people, or by touching books, clothes, eating and drinking vessels,  and food, and toys which have been handled by the patient.

The outbreak of Scarlet Fever in Hong Kong recently has caused people to wonder about the symptoms of the disease, and how best to treat it.

The Hong Kong variety of Scarlet Fever is not responding to the usual orthodox methods of treatment, such as penicillin and other antibiotics:  I have put up several posts on alternative treatment for Scarlet Fever, which may prove to be useful for some people. These posts appear directly before this one.  The most important preventative treatment to have handy is the Homeopathic Belladonna Remedy.

If You Think That Your Child May Have Scarlet Fever: Of course, it is best to have a Doctor or some other health professional look at your child, rather than make a diagnosis yourself.  Always take your child to a health professional if they are sick.  Children are vulnerable to the infection up to the age of about 15.  Children seem more vulnerable around the age of four or five.

Learn Now About Scarlet Fever: However, being forewarned can often mean that you are forearmed, and so it is sensible to learn something about the illness, and its treatments, before the actual event occurs.  Then, you can rush your child off to the doctor if you have assessed the infection is serious.  If there is Scarlet Fever in the area, then you would begin Preventative treatment immediately,  with that famous Prophylactic, the Homeopathic  Belladonna  Remedy.  You would begin taking this preventative medicine BEFORE your child gets sick.

The Common Symptoms Of Scarlet Fever:  How To Identify Scarlet Fever:  The following are the common symptoms.

Sore Throat – This is one of the first symptoms to appear.  The throat is sore well before the rash comes out.  The child finds it difficult to swallow and refuses food.

Temperature Will Rise

There may be Fever – Perhaps delirium as well.

Vomiting– Perhaps with pain in the stomach.

Tongue – White-coated tongue to begin with.   This changes to bright red after a day or two, known as ‘the strawberry tongue”.

Rash and Red Spots Fine red spots develop on the trunk of the body within 24 hours of the sore throat developing. This rash of fine red spots then moves to the limbs – legs and arms.  The rash moves to the face last, after the chest area and limbs are affected.

Pallor around the mouth – very white, perhaps grey-blue colour.  This may be evident at the beginning of the illness, but the pallor becomes more distinct when the rash on the body appears.

Peeling Of Skin Shows That The Infection Is Over: These symptoms of Scarlet Fever all start to abate after a few days.  The fever goes down, the rash turns from red to a brown colour, and it starts to fade. The skin affected by  rash begins to peel off, like sunburn, and at this stage the child is nolonger infectious.

Incubation Time: The common type of Scarlet Fever was thought to have had an incubation period of from 2 to 5 days after contact with an infected person.  The new strain of Hong Kong Scarlet Fever may vary a little in its incubation time.

Isolation Period Recommended: In the old family medical books, an isolation period of from 12 to 14 days was recommended, taken from the time the rash first appeared on the body.

Treatment: It is good to do everything possible to get your child better quickly.  It is important to bring the fever down with plenty of fluids, as there is a possibility that the heart could be affected from the Scarlet Fever toxins if the child is delicate.  A speedy recovery is important.  This is where your Vitamin C, Halibut oil capsules, and Belladonna, or some other Homeopathic Remedy, will help to speed up recovery.  Blue lighting while the patient is in fever, will help to bring the fever down, along with those lemon and ginger drinks.

Plenty of Hot Lemon and Ginger Drinks are helpful, perhaps with honey if you have it.  Fluids will help to dilute the toxins and prevent the kidneys and heart  from suffering.  Nephritis may develop in the kidneys if not enough liquids are taken.  A  light but nourishing diet while recovering from Scarlet Fever will help the kidneys to recover.

Plenty of Bed Rest is recommended.  Convalescence should not be hurried, as the patient will need time to recover strength again.  The patient should be kept warm.


Linden Tree Tea To Soothe Nerves

Linden Tree

The Botanical Name of the Linden Tree is  Tilia cordata. The Linden Tree is also known as Tiglio.

The flowers of the Linden Tree  are beautiful – lemon-cream in colour, and highly fragrant.  Many poems and songs have been written about the lovely Linden tree with its alluring fragrance and welcome shade.

Linden Tree flowers contain a valuable  essential oil.  Linden Tree flowers have been used for centuries to make a soothing herbal tea to calm frayed nerves. Linden Tea, and the essential oil,  have a mild sedative effect, and calm the emotions.

The main active ingredient in Linden Tree flower oil is farnesol.  This substance, as well as the flavanoids, gallic and catechnic tannins present in Linden Tree flowers, make the essential oil also very useful in the making of cosmetics.

Aubrey Hampton discusses the use of Linden Flower essential oil in his book called “What’s in Your Cosmetics?” In this book, he discusses both natural and synethetic ingredients, and of course, Linden Flowers are one of the healthful,  non-toxic, natural ingredients which are used in the making of some cosmetics.

Test Purity Of Water With Lovage Herb

Lovage Essential Oil

Levisticum officinale is the Botanical name of Lovage. Lovage is a sweet smelling and calming herb.  It has several common Folk names, some of which are:   Old English Lovage, Smellage, Smallage, and Maggi Herb.

All parts of Lovage contain medicinal properties.  The  volatile oil  of Lovage contains some well known substances which are used in cosmetics, such as:  angelic acid, phthalides, glucoside, gum and resins.

Lovage oil also contains Ligulin which is a colourant, and it is this Ligulin colourant which is the magic ingredient in our water-purity test.  I discovered this water test in Aubrey Hampton’s wonderful book “What’s In Your Cosmetics?”  This book was published in 1995 by Organica Press, Florida, USA.

Aubrey says that he uses Lovage Oil to test the purity of water.  He recommends dropping just one drop of lovage oil into the water to be tested.  The Ligulin component will cause the water to turn a bright crimson red if the water is pure.  If the water is impure at all, then the red will turn to blue.

I have not tried this formula out, but I should think that you would use only a small amount of water – say a quarter of a cup full.  Otherwise the Ligulin in the Lovage Oil may be too diluted to have an effect at all.

Of course, it will be necessary to purchase a pure essential oil of Lovage.  Any synthetic equivalent will not do.  But having purchased your Pure Essential Oil of Lovage, you could entertain your children with this  water-testing experiment.

Show them how it works yourself by dropping one drop into various types of water:  Try sea water to see what happens.  Try the  water from a near-by stream.  Try tap water, try rain water,  and try bottled water. Use the same volume of water for each experiment so that you can judge the colour differences.

Note:   Do not give the Lovage Oil to your children to play with, as Essential Oils can be very potent and should be kept away from children and guarded carefully.

Lovage  is used in Folk Medicine as a diuretic, a stomachic and an expectorant.  It is a common flavour enhancer in foods and drinks.  Because of its soothing and non-irritating effect, it is useful as a de-sensitizing agent for certain skin conditions.  It is supposed to be good for acne.

Its ability to soothe the skin make Lovage a valued cosmetic component.

Medicinal Uses Of Sunflower Oil

The Sunflower:  Marigold Of Peru

Other names for the Sunflower are:  Sola indianus,  and  Chrysanthemum peruvianum. The Sunflower has been used for thousands of years as a food and as a medicine in South America.

Sunflower oil has cleansing properties:  It is  both a diuretic and an expectorant, which are both cleansing functions.

Sunflower seeds are very rich in  protein and in essential fatty acids. These nutrients are essential for the good health of the nerves, brain and eyes, and for the general health.  More than half a sunflower seed is made up of the valuable and highly nutritive Sunflower oil.

Other important health-giving substances in Sunflower oil are:  Helianthitanic acid, inulin, levulin, and Vitamin E.  This makes Sunflower oil a valuable ingredient in the diet as well as a useful and nourishing oil to use on the skin.  It is used in many face creams, lotions, soaps,  and as a massage oil base.

In folk medicine, an infusion of  Sunflower seeds has been used as a remedy for whooping cough.  According to Aubrey Hampton, in “What’s In Your Cosmetics?”,  Organica Press, Florida, 1995,  sunflower seeds have  been successfully used in Russia to treat cases of malaria.

The nutritious oil in sunflower seeds has a comforting and soothing effect on the nerves, and this  soothing and relaxing effect gives sunflower seed oil a somewhat mild aphrodisiac effect.  Sunflower seeds are also helpful in increasing fertility.

Sunflower seeds are rich in protein, and calcium, as are sesame seeds.  Calcium, protein and fatty acids are helpful in calming the brain before sleep.  Eat a handful or two at bed-time to ensure a comfortable, easy sleep.  To get the maximum value from the sunflower seed, it is best to grind up a cupful in your blender.  Grind the seeds without water, until they have formed a coarse-to-fine powder.  Take a good tablespoon of this at bed-time as a calcium supplement for the benefit of the brain, the nerves, and a good night’s sleep.

Alternatives To Vaccination In New Zealand

The Pressure Is On For Children To Be Vaccinated in New Zealand.

Vaccination in New Zealand should not become compulsory.

Recently, many children were banned from Oratia Primary School because they had not been vaccinated. Around a fifth of the school children have not have vaccinations, because their parents believe that vaccinations may be harmful. The fact that the children were not vaccinated was described as a ‘life-style choice’, which I think is a bit derogatory, since it implies that the parents might be lazy, or might be doing absolutely nothing to substitute the vaccine.  This is not the case, I am sure that you will find.  Many of these parents will be using the Homeopathic alternatives. Many  of these parents will have seriously examined the statistics on drug and vaccine use, and these statistics are not always convincing in the favour of vaccines and other medications.

These children at Oratia, who have not had vaccinations, have been forbidden to return to school until some time in July, which means they will have had around 6 weeks off school because of the school ruling.

Vaccination, called ‘Immunisation’, is something which really should be questioned. (Read merrilyn’s later posts – one entitled Vaccination Linked To Obesity New Study Suggests)

Personally, I  think that vaccination or immunisation of any kind seriously undermines the immune system, giving the individual a higher risk of chronic disease later in life.  I decided to avoid all innoculations, vaccines, and immunisations for my four children, because my eldest became suddenly very sick after being given the standard measles mumps whooping cough innoculations. He was also exposed to 245T, but that was at a later date, after the adverse reaction to the immunisation injection.  After having an injection at 3 months old, he experienced general swelling, eczema, digestive problems, and spent days, if not weeks, crying from the discomfort.  He became very restless at night.  By the time he seemed to have recovered, he was almost 6 months old – time for the second shot of vaccination.  The same problems occurred all over again.  After the second dose, at 6 months, I decided I would not be bullied any more into giving any of my children innoculations or vaccinations of any kind.  I would use Homeopathic medicine, and Vitamins and Minerals, and Colour Therapy, and Diet, to combat all ills instead.

Find Out About The Alternatives To Vaccination:  Homeopathy offers alternatives to vaccination. Personally, I found Homeopathic Remedies to be very effective in combatting childhood illnesses and infections.  I did not even use Tetanus shots for my children, as I discovered that there are several good remedies for Tetanus.  The remedy which I used instead of a Tetanus shot was homeopathic Ledum.  And I discovered several homeopathic remedies which were effective for Whooping cough: Sometimes we had Whooping Cough epidemics, and it was necessary to have some remedy to counteract this.  The Homeopathic remedy which I found most effective in preventing Whooping Cough was  Homeopathic Drosera.

I recommend people to read Susan K. Claridge’s book “Investigate Before You Vaccinate:  Making an informed decision about vaccination in New Zealand”. This well researched manual is by  Susan K. Claridge.  This book is published by “The Immunisation Awareness Society Inc.”, P.O. Box 56-048, Dominion Road, Auckland, New Zealand.

Vaccination is NOT Immunisation:  Just because you have had a vaccination for a disease, you are not necessarily going to be protected from succumbing to that disease.  Sometimes people get an exceptionally strong dose of the disease soon after they have had the ‘immunisation’, or vaccination shot.

Vaccinations Weaken Your Immunity:

Vaccinations, or ‘Immunisations’ may give you a higher risk of getting cancer, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, arthritis, and other serious chronic afflictions in later life.

Vaccinations May Cause Brain Damage In Some Cases: Many parents believe that their children have been brain damaged after having had vaccinations. Asperges Syndrome has presented itself in some children, after they have had vaccinations.  A leading doctor in America wrote papers on his findings in the 1990’s, which the Lancet, and other medical journals published.  However, just lately, there has been a big push by drug companies, and many doctors, for vaccinations to become accepted world wide.  And so a new study  which supports immunisation has been done, most likely by doctors working for the drug companies who want their drug and immunisation sales to increase, and this study has been published by the Lancet. This recent ‘research’  refutes the claims of the 1990’s  doctors who reported that immunisation was a danger to children’s health.

The Fact Is That If You Suppress The Common Infections, Such As Mumps, Measles, and Chicken Pox, Other Diseases Will Rise Up To Take Their Place.

Measles and Mumps Have a Purpose:

It is a natural course of events for children to succumb to the common infections such as measles and mumps and chicken pox when they are little.  My Mum always used to say that these infections were never as bad if a child caught them under the age of five., whereas after the age of five, the children were often quite sick.

Most children survive these illnesses without any complications or adverse effects, however, a few children do suffer complications because of measles, chicken pox or mumps.  But for most children, their immune systems became stronger through having these illnesses, and so their  strengthened immune systems are made strong enough to prevent them from ever having these illnesses again in the life.

Do not accept what the Drug Companies and Most Doctors Tell You Without Question: How many times have things been promoted by drug companies, given out willy nilly by doctors, only to have it revealed later that the product has been found to be harmful in some way?  At this stage, these harmful  drugs are removed from the market.  The same thing happens with chemicals.  Ivan Watkins Dow happily told us in New Zealand that there was no proof that 245T was harmful to people, and so they continued to make it here in New Zealand, and sold to farmers here,  even after the rest of the world had banned the stuff.

While there is money to be made from selling chemicals, drugs, including vaccination or innoculation material, you simply cannot believe that what the medical authorities tell us about immunisation.  So called research is being done every day by drug companies, in an attempt to sell their stuff to the world.  Drug companies would just love to have vaccination made compulsory all over the world, as this would mean huge riches for them.

I believe that the drive for Immunisation, for people to be vaccinated world-wide, is not so much because drug companies really believe that all illnesses will be eradicated by vaccination, but because they see the potential profit in having world-wide sales.

Immunisation is an easy thing to sell. Only, you cannot wipe out all illnesses through vaccination: By eradicating the common childhood infections, other, even worse conditions will  probably arise.  So  while people continue to believe that vaccination is the answer to illness, the drug companies will still have a ready market, because even if they succeed in making their vaccinations mandatory,  there will be plenty of cancer victims around for them to sell their cancer products to in the years to come.