Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Royal Patronage of Homeopathy: King George VI and Queen Mary  were great patrons of Homeopathy.  They named one of their horses Hypericum, which is the name of a well known homeopathic remedy.  King George VI’s  ‘Hypericum’ hit the headlines by winning the ‘1000 Guinea Race’ in 1946. The Royals are still great patrons of homeopathy, to which they owe their good health and longevity:   Queen Elizabeth II has her own homeopathic physician.

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Homeopathic medicine became accepted in Britain soon after Dr Samuel Hahnemann founded it in 1799.   Homeopathic medicine  there became very popular due to the work of one eminent physician who came from the upper class.  This was Dr Florian Quin:  He introduced homeopathy to many of his colleagues, and to his society friends, which included the Royal family.  Although Queen Victoria did not use homeopathy, the Royals before her, and after her reign, have all endorsed the use of homeopathy as a safe alternative medicine.

Dr Quin  met Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathic medicine,  after he had graduated from his medical studies.  He became converted to Homeopathic medicine in the early 1820’s,  and studied Hahnemann’s theories and remedies in depth.  He worked as a physician  in Moravia, a geographical region of Czechoslovakia, where he had success using Camphor for a cholera epidemic.  His successes inspired him to return to Britain, to introduce homeopathy to the upper classes, and to the King and Queen of Great Britain.

Note:  Read Merrilyn’s later post from 23 February 2013, entitled:  UN Refuses Compensation To Haiti For Cholera.  The cholera epidemic of 2012 could have been prevented and treated largely with the use of Homeopathic Camphor.  This is a safe and inexpensive alternative to giving people vaccinations for Cholera.

Drug companies fear homeopathy: Homeopathy was never given a chance to gain ground in America, despite there being plenty of interest:  The American Institute of Homeopathy was founded in 1844, but the New York State Medical Society immediately reacted by calling homeopathy ‘quackery’, and they set out to undermine it.  Drug companies collaborated with the American Medical Association to have the teachings of Hahnemann discredited, just when homeopathic medicine was becoming very popular.  They manipulated the press to prevent homeopathic medicine from competing with their pharmaceuticals.  They achieved this by banning any literature on homeopathic treatments and research, which had the effect of keeping the public ignorant about homeopathic successes.  No research documents were allowed to be published in any medical journals. Doesn’t that sound familiar?   In the USA, in 1910, Homeopathy was pronounced to be legally unprofessional and unscientific.  Many homeopathic institutions closed down, and homeopathy there fell into decline.

This pressure from the drug companies and the American Medical Association,  forced the  Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia to abandon homeopathic medicine and adopt the ways of allopathic treatment instead. This happened in the 1920’s, when pharmaceutical companies were gaining much power, with a stronghold on the medical and drug-watch organizations.

Homeopathy is not the only modality to  suffer from the pressures of the medical associations and the drug giants.  Many other alternative therapists have been driven out of America, or had their practices closed down, because their brand of therapy is declared to be ‘quackery’ by the jealous drug giants.  Dr Max Gerson, who formulated a successful alternative treatment for cancer, was closed down by the American medical authorities, with the backing of the drug companies.  He escaped to Mexico, where he established a very successful clinic, despite the attempts of the AMA to stop him from practicing his alternative therapies.  His treatments have cured many people of cancer, and are still used today in many health practices.

Homeopathy Opponents Getting Stroppy Now:  There is a very worrying movement at the present time to restrict  or ban homeopathic medicine  in Britain, where homeopathy has been used and widely accepted for over 170 years now.  This movement to discredit and ban homeopathy has its proponents also in New Zealand, Australia, and other more remote places of the world.

I have just read about a demonstration which took place outside Booth’s the chemist, in London, on 30th January, 2010,  which was supposed ‘to bring awareness that homeopathic medicines have nothing in them’. This statement in itself is highly suggestive of ‘quackery’ and the placebo, those words ‘nothing in them’ having been carefully chosen deliberately, to draw a negative emotional response from the uneducated of the public.

Homeopathic ‘nothing in them’ remedies effect cures in animals, as well as people.  This is fact, and an argument which explodes  the myth that homeopathy is effective only as a placebo. Homeopathy is NOT a placebo:  The correct remedy will cure even infectious diseases, in animals, or people.  And it is quite certain that these medical and drug people who oppose homeopathy have never ever seen an experienced  homeopath to have their case taken, and the correct remedy applied.  They will never have followed a case through from beginning to end, to see what progress has been made.  They do not want homeopathy to be given a fair trial at all, as a fair trial might convert people to homeopathy from allopathic medicine, once they were enlightened as to the  astounding healing qualities of homeopathy. And so they conveniently brand it ‘quackery’, or ‘totally crazy’, as one such uneducated and closed-minded doctor in New Zealand has voiced.

This movement against homeopathy wants to see doctors banned from prescribing homeopathic medicines, and Booth’s, and all other homeopathic chemists,  prohibited from  issuing homeopathic medicines.

This demonstration against homeopathy which took place outside Booth’s the chemist in London, is, no doubt, part of a very well-organized movement which is  driven by the drug companies.  The pharmaceutical giants see homeopathy as competition for their prescription drugs.  If they succeed in getting homeopathic pharmacies stopped from issuing homeopathic medicines, then homeopathic medicine will cease to exist, as without the chemists, we will have no remedies to use.

Homeopathy has been used successfully by homeopathic physicians to treat illnesses of many kinds, including infectious epidemics.  Dr Quin used the homeopathic remedy Camphor to treat an outbreak of Cholera.  Homeopathic remedies can counteract tetanus.  Homeopathic Belladonna can counteract, and prevent, Scarlet fever.  Homeopathic remedies can counteract and prevent many other infectious diseases, removing any need to vaccinate. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of recorded successes from the use of Homeopathic prescribing, but these successes are not reported to the public.  In America, any writing on homeopathic research, or  writings on how homeopathy could be used effectively, were banned from medical magazines and papers.

Homeopathy is under threat today, as is Herbal medicine, and Vitamin therapy, by the same powers which tried to discredit it a century ago.  Now, the suffocating and tenacious arms of the drug giants and their collaborating doctors are reaching out, not just all over America:  they are extending to Britain and the rest of the world  to devour the likes of Booth’s, the homeopathic chemist, so that they have a world-wide monopoly on all medicines.

The reason they wish to discredit homeopathy is not that they believe homeopathy to be a placebo with ‘nothing in it’.  No, the reason they want to have homeopathy banned is because Homeopathy is a threat to their empire, especially now that we have the internet.  Controversial  topics  such as ‘does homeopathy work?’ , and the answer: YES HOMEOPATHY DOES WORK,  cannot be kept secret any more.  The drug giants and their collaborating doctors are now desperate to have homeopathy banned,  because it is such a good, safe, cheap, and readily available  alternative to allopathic medicine, and the world is finding out about it as fast as the internet can convey the message.

Sources:  ‘Australian Sourcebook of Natural Health’ by Nevill Drury, 1981 and 1985, published by Pitman’s,  Wellington,  New Zealand.

‘History of Homeopathy in Britain’, by Peter Morrell. Online document.


How Does Homeopathy Work?

Homeopathic Medicine:

“Like-Treats-Like” and “The Minimum Dose”:  These are the two main principles of Homeopathic Medicine.

A Few Facts About Homeopathy In Britain: In 1977 there were six Homeopathic HOSPITALS operating in the United Kingdom under the auspices of the National Health Service.  These hospitals all ran out-patient departments where people could get homeopathic treatment.  The Royal Family have their own Homeopathic Physician and do not use allopathic medicine if they can avoid it.  The Queen Mother, who lived beyond a 100 years, used Homeopathic medicine all her life.

Homeopathy has a long tradition in India, where it has been incorporated into treatments by many Ayurvedic medicine practitioners.  Much new research into homeopathic medicine is done in India, and many of the best text-books,  used in Homeopathy Colleges throughout the world, are printed and published in India.

Homeopathy works.  It is a wonder-medicine. Around 200 years ago, a  physician from Leipzig, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, discovered the principles of  homeopathy, and the secret of ‘the minimum dose’.   He observed how a dose of  Cinchona bark GAVE him the symptoms of Malaria, and that these symptoms were negated when he gave himself the minimum dose of Cinchona bark in a homeopathic, specially diluted, preparation. Actually,  Quinine is derived from Cinchona bark, the same substance  used in allopathic medicine to treat malaria.  But the interesting thing about the homeopathic medicine for malaria, is that the same substance used in allopathic medicine, Cinchona, will work in homeopathic dilution, both to prevent and treat malaria.

These dilutions of the original substance mean that the body does not have to process the original raw material, which can sometimes be harmful to the body:  but it can benefit from the properties of the plant which remain behind in the dilution, and which are easily assimilated by the body.

So – Homeopathy can heal diseases.  It can also prevent them.  Here is an example:  Dr Hahnemann discovered that homeopathic  Belladonna, in the minimum dose,  worked specifically as a preventative of Scarlet Fever, as well as a treatment.  Belladonna is poisonous in its original plant state, and will bring on symptoms similar to scarlet fever:  But in the homeopathic dilutions, this very same plant will REVERSE the symptoms of scarlet fever. There are many other homeopathic remedies  which can be used to counteract and prevent infectious diseases:  Thus homeopathy can substitute vaccination.

There are  Homeopathic remedies which can heal bruises, and which will act as pain relievers for emotional and physical complaints,  specific homeopathic remedies for specific infectious diseases,  specific homeopathic remedies  which act as prophylactics, to prevent illnesses occurring, remedies which can be taken to counteract the bad effects of prescription medicines and vaccinations, and remedies to negate the effect of  environmental pollutants.

Childhood Infectious Diseases and Other Complaints: There are  Homeopathic remedies  for each of  all the childhood diseases, such as mumps, chicken pox, scarlet fever, and many more.  Homeopathic Ledum is one  remedy to counteract tetanus, to save your child from having yet another vaccination .

Each homeopathic remedy is capable  also of fixing a multitude of complaints which often seem unrelated to the main health complaint.  There are general  emotional and physical symptoms which go with each remedy, and if you have several of these general symptoms which belong to a  particular remedy, that will be the remedy to take for your condition.  That remedy, if it has been chosen correctly,  will also cure the other side issues which accompany the main complaint, such as irritability, intolerance of other people,  or anger, depression, or crying for no reason,  or not sleeping, or sleeping too much, or lack of appetite,  or too much appetite, and many more.   The right remedy will fix any symptoms such as these, whilst it will cure the main condition.

So Homeopathy is a wholistic medicine – It looks at the whole body to assess all the  physical and emotional symptoms, not just the apparent disease.  Generally speaking, after the condition and the accompanying symptoms have been alleviated or cured, there is no need for on-going treatment, a situation which allopathic medicine seems to thrive on.

Now most antibiotics and allopathic medicines are not capable of doing this, of fixing all the complaints together, with one medicine.  These unique qualities of Homeopathic prescribing make it a real threat to many doctors and to drug companies, who fear that, if Homeopathy ‘takes off’, that it might impact on their pharmaceutical sales, and the amount of visits a doctor might expect from his patients.

So just how does a Homeopathic remedy work?   One concept put forward by the British Homeopathy Association  comes close to explaining the phenomenon of how homeopathy can possibly work in microscopic doses, so small, that the original element cannot be detected in many cases.  This concept is that water has memory – It remembers the influences of the past, and can remember the influences of the substances which have infused it, such as are used in the original substances of  homeopathic medicine.

Modern science, I think because of ulterior motives,  has resisted explaining the workings of Homeopathy.  True, it is  difficult to explain just how  it works, since Homeopathy contains such tiny  amounts of the original healing substance.  This healing substance often cannot be detected at all  in the final potency.  This is one point which opponents of Homeopathy  use in their attempts to discredit Homeopathy.  The other is that Homeopathy uses ‘like to treat like’, which is said to confound the medical profession. Yet, they already know about these principles, as we shall see.

Why not accept the phenomena as fact?  There are instances in allopathic medicine of ‘like treating like’, and also of ‘the minimum dose.  “What are those examples”, you may ask.  Well – X-ray ‘therapy’ is one instance of the  ‘like treating like’  principle.   The radiation in X-rays is known to cause cancer, yet,  this treatment is used to TREAT people with cancer in conventional allopathic medicine.   Another example is the instance of using Digitalis as a heart medicine – This remedy,  in allopathic medicine, incorporates the ‘like treats like’ principle, as well as ‘the minimum dose’ principle, just as in Homeopathic medicine:   Digitalis will kill you of heart attack if it is taken fresh from the plant, yet in a minimum dose, the digitalis  in microscopic amount will help to prevent heart attack.  This is the same principle which  explains the workings of Homeopathic medicine, the ‘principle of the minimum dose’.

People accept X-rays as a fact, yet we cannot see them.  It takes a leap of the imagination to accept that an X-ray zapp, which we cannot see,  might cure you of thyroid cancer, or breast cancer, or cancer of the testicles, yet people put their faith in the doctor’s hands every day and line up for this treatment.  Which often does not work.  People very often die just the same.  But nevertheless, X-ray treatment, which we know will kill good healthy cells at the same time  that it kills cancer cells, is widely accepted as a treatment for cancer.  Surely this defies logic?  Yet Homeopathic medicine is shoved behind the door because some doctors say that it is not logical.

So why this ‘set’ against Homeopathy?  There is one doctor in New Zealand right now who really hates his colleagues using Homeopathy at all.  He has written articles for the paper about it, probably egged on by the drug companies,  and is trying to get these Homepathic-friendly doctors banned from prescribing Homeopathic medicines.  This surely is a crime, because Homeopathy is a safer alternative to using most prescription medicines.  There are never any cases of ‘medical misadventure’ which are reported daily in allopathic medicine, where wrong medicines have been given, some resulting in death.

Homeopathy is a far safer option to antibiotics, vaccinations and many other prescription medicines.   It is wrong to deprive people of safe alternative treatments which DO work, such as Vitamin C therapy, and Homeopathy.


Herbal Remedy And Homeopathic Treatment For Boils

Ginger and Turmeric Poultice for Boils: This is an Ayurvedic  home remedy to draw out impurities from under the skin.  It is recommended for boils  by Ayurvedic Doctor Vasant Lad in the book “New Choices In Natural Healing”, but if could also be good for drawing out any impurities from under the skin, including  blemishes and splinters.  This book, “New Choices In Natural Healing”, is edited by Bill Gottlieb from ‘Prevention’ magazine and published by Rodale Press, Pennsylvania, 1995.

To make the ginger and turmeric poultice, you combine a half teaspoon of ginger powder with half a teaspoon of turmeric.  A little warm water is added, just enough to make an appliable paste.  The location of the boil is to be rubbed with the paste, and and then covered with gauze.  Wrap up the area with a bandage if possible, and leave for half an your.  Then unwrap, and rinse off.  The whole process may be repeated until the boil, or the splinter, is drawn out.

Turmeric is a strong dye which is used to dye fabric, so make sure not to wear your good clothes when using this remedy.  Your skin will be coloured yellow-orange for a time, but this will fade with each wash and be gone  after a couple of weeks.

Homeopathic Prevention and Remedies For Boils:

Dr John H. Clarke who wrote “The Prescriber” homeopathic handbook,  recommends Arnica 3, 8h. for when there is a tendency to boils, to help prevent them.  Sulphur 3, 6h. is another useful remedy to help prevent boils from forming.   Sulphur is a cleansing remedy, which makes it good for the prevention of boils.

Dr John Clarke recommends Sulphur 3, 6h to be taken for a time if boils keep appearing.  Belladonna 3, 2h. is a good remedy to use if the boil has already begun to form.

Dr Clarke mentions Echinacea *, gtt. v. 4h. if there is a low fever with the boil, and Anthrac. 30-200, 6h if there is a succession of boils.  Of course all these remedies need to be made up by a homeopathic pharmacist.  But the 6C, 12C, or 30C potencies of the above remedies will also work, but more slowly than John Clarke’s recommendations.

Homeopathic Silica can be used to boost the immune system, to help prevent boils.  John Clarke gives Silica 3, gr. v. 6h. to treat the boil at the later end of treatment.  Phytolacca is a good remedy to use if boils occur after an illness with fever.

Food Poisoning Home Remedies and Homeopathy

Natural Remedies for Food Poisoning:

These remedies may prove helpful, however, you must see your doctor or health professional if symptoms don’t improve after 24 hours.

Vitamin C: This is a powerful antidote to many poisons. In Australia, Vitamin C in megadoses has even been used to treat people with snake bite, when the hospital was too far away to save the patient’s life. In this instance, though, the dose was extremely large – around 1000mg every five minutes, until the symptoms subsided, or until the patient could get medical attention.  Carrying a pottle of Vitamin C  in 1000mg tablets could just save a person’s life when tramping through the outback in Australia.  It can keep people alive until they can get medical help.

Vitamin C is an antidote for  mild food poisoning:  For an adult of average build, take  a dose of 1000mg of Vitamin C with a large glass of water.  This might be enough to alleviate the symptoms.  If it does not improve symptoms,  take  a further 1000mg every hour for around two to four hours, so that you take between 2000mg and 4000mg in divided doses for the day. This should be enough to counteract the effects of poisoning and to kill the microbes which have caused it. I prefer calcium ascorbate which is a non-acidic variety of Vitamin C.  Ester C is another non-acidic option.

The following day, if you are still feeling queasy, you could take a further 1000mg of Vitamin C.  If no better – see your doctor.

Eating Dry Bread: This can help in some mild cases of food poisoning.  No other food is taken, just the dry bread.

Apple Cider Vinegar to Antidote Food Poisoning: This has been used to treat mild cases of food poisoning.  Put one tablespoon of pure apple cider vinegar into a glass.  Fill the glass with water.  Sip this frequently over a period of around two hours.  If necessary, and you feel that the apple cider vinegar is working, repeat the dose again, with one tablespoon of cider vinegar to a glass of water. Apple Cider vinegar has an antibiotic effect and can help to ward off food poisoning microbes.

Lemon Juice To Antidote Food Poisoning: Use the juice of a whole lemon in a glass of water and sip frequently, as in the instructions for the Apple cider vinegar remedy. Lemon juice acts as a mild antibiotic and kills many microbes.

Ginger Tea:  This can work to avert food poisoning. Make the tea fairly strong.  You can use either dried ginger powder, about a rounded teaspoon full,  or  around a tablespoon of fresh, chopped  ginger roots which have been infused in boiling water.  The dose can be repeated a few hours later if needed.

Homeopathy To Treat Food Poisoning:

Arsenicum album can help some cases of food poisoning. A 6C or 12 C potency of Arsen. alb.can be used frequently as needed, until the symptoms subside. Follow the instructions on the bottle for frequency of dose.  A 30C potency would require only one dose, and then another 12 hours later if needed.

Other Homeopathic remedies which may be useful in counteracting food poisoning are Veratrum album and Carbo vegetabilis.  Similar doses as for Arsen. alb would be used.


Hair Loss Male Multivitamins

Diet Is Related To Hair Loss:

Conventional treatment of male hair loss in the past has been with topically applied preparations  such as Minoxidil. But this is an expensive treatment which also has some bad side effects, as it is absorbed through the pores of the scalp and into the blood.  One  bad effect is that it can lower the blood pressure.

Rather than using chemicals to encourage hair growth, it is better to use Dietary measures, with Multivitamins,  Homeopathy, Herbs, and  Massage.   These things will naturally enhance your good health and help to prevent hair loss.

Multivitamins can help the condition of hair loss in males.  But with those additional vitamins, it is important to consider the diet.  Multivitamins will be much more effective when the diet is corrected.

How diet affects hair growth: To give you an example – In Japan, before World War II, men rarely became bald. The Japanese diet before the war was traditional:  It was an alkaline  macrobiotic diet based around rice, which included an abundance of sea-foods  and vegetables.  Only small amounts of animal products were used, and acid-forming wheat products and dairy products were almost unheard of.

After the war,  the Japanese diet became more Westernized according to “New Choices in Natural Healing”, edited by Bill Gottlieb from ‘Prevention’ magazine,  and published by Rodale Press, Pennsylvania, 1995.   More animal foods, meats, fats and milks, and sugar, and wheat products, were introduced, and people began to eat less of the healthy nourishing traditional foods.

It has been observed by researchers that balding began to occur in Japanese men after the second World War.  This is when the Japanese diet became more acidic, and less nourishing. It is also possible that the effects of radiation from the dreadful nuclear bomb at Hiroshima might have affected the health of people all over the country, resulting in male hair loss.

Some researchers think that diets high in animal meats and other products raise testosterone levels in men, and that this is the main physiological reason for men going bald.  However, I think that the general acidity of the Western diet, and its lack of nutrients, is related to hair loss in  both men and women.

Importance Of Iodine, Zinc and Selenium  For Hair Growth: These two minerals are very important for the health of the hair. The Japanese macro-biotic diet  contains plenty of fresh and dried sea-weeds and fish, and these foods are very high in iodine,  zinc, and other nutrients.  If your hair is balding, then supplements of zinc, iodine and selenium could be taken to supplement a good nourishing diet.

The Macro-biotic diet is very alkaline. Alkaline diets encourage hair growth.   It also is high in roughage, which is an important factor in keeping the bowels healthy and avoiding auto-intoxication. Keeping the bowels clean and functioning properly is going to help your hair growth, as this will help the absorption of important minerals and vitamins.  A diet which includes mainly rice, soy bean products such as tofu,  fish, sea weed and vegetables is a healthy, alkaline diet which is rich in nutrients.  This is very healthy for the hair and for the general health.

The Western diet, which often includes bread, cakes, meat and dairy products, is more acid forming and is not so good for the general health. It also encourages sluggish bowels, which is not good for the health. Special effort needs to be made to get the diet more alkaline and more nutritious.  Excluding bread and wheat, sugar, and dairy foods and replacing these foods with more rice, vegetables, fish, and fish oils, will help your hair growth.

Acidophilus Can Help Hair Growth: A daily addition of acidophilus in the diet can enormously benefit the  digestion, and the utilization of vitamins and minerals.  This, in turn, will help those  vital hair-growth nutrients to get to the hair follicles.

Taking a Handful of Ground Sesame Seeds:  This amount of sesame seeds will supply more calcium than a cup of milk.  The sesame seeds will provide essential fatty acids for the benefit of your general health, your nerves, and your hair growth.  Sesame oil is used in Ayurvedic medicine to help promote hair growth.

Too Much Salt Can Cause Hair Loss. For most people, salt in moderation is a good thing.  However, some people will salt their food no matter how much salt has gone into the cooking of it.  This excessive use of salt should be avoided.

Tea Coffee Alcohol: Cut down on stimulating drinks such as coffee and tea and alcohol.  These do not help hair growth.

Eliminate the Use Of Toxic Chemicals For Good: These are very bad for the general health.  Agricultural chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides can cause cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, sterility, and make your hair fall out.

Vaccinations and over-use of Antibiotics and other medications  may trigger hair loss.

Vitamins For Stress:  Male hair loss has often been attributed to stress. A lack of the important nutrients which help you to deal with stress can effect hair loss.  These most essential stress-nutrients which are needed to counteract male hair loss are Zinc, Iodine, and Vitamin C and Vitamin E, Vitamin B complex. Selenium is also recommended in small amounts.  Vitamin C is an underestimated vitamin for treating hair loss, I feel, as Vitamin C is a great reliever of stress,  It also negates and removes toxins from the body, which in themselves create stress.  Taking 1000mg once or twice a day will help relieve stress.  A 1000mg of calcium ascorbate taken just before going to bed will help you to sleep better.

List of Multivitamins for Male Hair Loss:

Iodine: The recommended amount of Iodine, as given by Dr Wagner and Sylvia Goldfarb, Australian doctors, is:   150 mg daily.  They say that this amount of Iodine is beneficial for increasing the amount of thyroxin in the thyroid gland.  A deficiency of Iodine in the diet causes the thyroid gland to under-produce thyroxin, and this, in turn, causes hair thinning and hair loss.  Of course, if you were in Japan and eating that beautiful macrobiotic diet which included fish and sea-foods which were gathered before the Fukushima nuclear disaster, then you would probably not need that extra Iodine in your diet.  But getting enough Iodine from radiation-free sources will be a problem for people for quite some time, now that the radiation has leaked, and is being dumped, into the sea.  Sea food will be contaminated everywhere, to some extent.

Liquid Iodine for Hair Growth:  Iodine may be applied directly to the scalp a couple of times a week.  Use only one or two finger-dabs – no more than 2 drops – and rub this into the scalp.  It does not matter if the Iodine does not reach everywhere on the scalp, as when you wash your hair, this will get diluted and get distributed all over the scalp.

Besides Iodine, Dr Wagner and Sylvia Goldfarb also recommend the following Vitamins as being important for hair loss and balding:

Vitamin E – 400 I.U. daily.

Wheat germ oil, which also contains Vitamin E –  One teaspoon daily, or 4 capsules daily.

Beta carotene Vitamin A:  50,000 I.U. daily,

Biotin, 5 mg daily:  Dr Wagner and Sylvia Goldfarb  say that Biotin is an essential supplement,  because hair follicles are made up mostly of biotin and cysteine.

L-Cysteine, taken twice daily in 500mg doses can help prevent hair loss.  Dr Wanger says that 3000mg of Vitamin C should be taken as well as the Cysteine, to prevent kidney stones from forming.  He recommends three times the amount of Vitamin C to the amound of Cysteine take.

They recommend 50 mg of Manganese, to be taken twice daily.

Fatty acids should be included from foods or a supplement.  One of the best food sources of the fatty acids are from ground sesame, almonds, and sunflower seeds.

Zinc: Interesting that they do not mention Zinc in their list – I am sure that this mineral has accidentally been omitted from their list, as most people need extra Zinc:  New Zealand soils are especially low in Zinc.  Eating plenty of onions and garlic will help to up your Zinc intake.  Onions and garlic have a high content of Zinc.

Vitamins For Restoring Hair Colour: Dr Wagner and Sylvia Goldfarb recommend taking a B complex, 50mg, twice a day; with PABA twice a day, 300mg each dose; Pantothenic acid, 300 mg twice daily; and Folic acid, taken once a day in a 5mg dose.

Selenium to Restore Hair Colour:  Some experts in nutritional medicine recommend Selenium to restore hair colour, but this one is not included in Dr Wagner’s list.  Of course, there are many different routes which will arrive at the same destination:  It  might not be necessary to include Selenium if you are taking all the other supplements which Dr Wagner and Sylvia Goldfarb suggest – this is because their list of recommended supplements might actually enhance your absorption of other minerals and vitamins, making it unnecessary to supplement selenium, and other more obscure minerals,  in your multivitamins.

Dr Wagner’s and Sylvia Goldfarb’s wonderful book is entitled: “How To Stay Out Of The Doctor’s Office:  An Encyclopedia For Alternative Healing”.  It was published by the National Library of Australia.  No date.

Homeopathy Which Can Help Reduce Hair Loss: Dr  John H. Clarke recommends Arnica 1,8h for baldness; Kali carb 6,6h for falling hair with dryness;  6,gtt.ii.6h for falling off;  Depressing emotions with falling hair, Phos. ac. 1, 6h;  Nit. ac. 30,8h if falling hair occurs with humid eruptions of the scalp, with a sensitive scalp; Bryonia 1, 8h. if the hair is very greasy.

Herbs To Help Hair Growth:  Taken internally as teas, or added to meals –  cayenne and ginger, because these both increase the circulation to the hair follicles.   Horsetail, nettles and comfrey teas are all good because they are high in silica, which aids hair growth.

Improve the Circulation with Walking, Swimming or other Light Exercise. This will help hair growth, and will also help to disperse excess electro-magnetic energy from the body.  Radiation, and electro-magnetic energy is thought to be a major reason for hair loss and baldness in men.   Men who work in offices, or with electronic equipment are especially vulnerable.  Walking, especially bare-feet, takes this excess magnetic energy out of the body,  reduces tension, and results in better health.

Yoga inverted postures can help the circulation to the head and the hair follicles.  Ask your doctor or health practitioner before you do those head-stands, though.  If you have a heart defect, or blood pressure problems, or you are taking medication of any kind, then yoga headstands and other inverted postures may not be good for you.

Essential Oils Can Be Rubbed into the Scalp To Help Hair Growth: Lavender, Rosemary,  Cajeput, Eucalyptus, Cedar, Thyme, Marjoram, Basil, can all be used externally on the scalp.  Use only one or two drops to about a tablespoonful of almond or grapeseed oil.