Protest Stop Deep Sea Oil In New Zealand Waters 29 March 2015

New Zealand Environment At Risk

Join the march on the 29th March to stop deep sea oil corporations in NZ.  This very important march is to take place in Auckland at noon, leaving from Britomart downtown by the ferry buildings.

New Zealand’s waters are about to be opened up to overseas corporations by the current national government.  Our beautiful, clean, green environment is about to be raped and pillaged by these mega giant companies, who do not care a damn about the damage they cause.  History shows their reluctance to take responsibility when accidents occur.  And even with the best of intentions, and financial input, you cannot expect that the environment will ever fully recover again after a major oil spill.  All those dead birds and fish cannot be brought back to life, and nor can the people who have died of cancers and other diseases linked to oil.

There are very toxic chemicals in oil which cause cancers and other degenerative disease.

The Gulf of Mexico is still suffering.  Many people have died of strange illnesses and cancers after the massive spillage there.  Millions of sea creatures and birds have died as a result of this accident.

For all their assurances that technology prevents such accidents, oil spillages are still going on.

Ocean drilling for oil is an exceedingly risky process, and so it should be stopped everywhere in the world wherever it can, and most especially in New Zealand.

New Zealand has such a small area, which makes it particularly vulnerable in the event of an oil spill or any disaster of a chemical nature.

New Zealand Oil Spills:

Tauranga is still recovering environmentally and economically from the oil spill of two years ago, when the ship Rena went aground and spilt masses of oil into the sea.

And we hear that over at the OMV’s floating oil storage facility in Taranaki, on the 23rd of February, just over a week ago, another oil spill has occurred 70 kilometres out from the Taranaki coastline. This has apparently put 300 litres into the sea, but I suspect that this figure vastly underestimates the actual amount.  This is the fifth oil spill in this area over a five year period.

My new book is available on Amazon:

Can Black Walnut Cure Cancer Or Mend Tooth Enamel?

Natural Remedies

Black Walnut is antiviral, antifungal, and antibiotic. It is one of the most powerful of the natural alternative remedies known to reverse cancer.

Dr Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. uses Black Walnut in her herbal recipe which she believes has the capacity to cure all cancers. This herbal recipe, which consists of just three herbs, and its effectiveness in treating cancer. is outlined in her book entitled “The Cure For All Cancers”.

The three herbs in her combination are Black Walnut, Wormwood, and Cloves.

Of course, a restorative diet and a helpful lifestyle must accompany this herbal cure, if it is to work.  And certain chemicals must be avoided at all cost, to ensure recovery.

This is how the good doctor recommends you take the Black Walnut combination:

1) Procedure for using the Black Walnut Tincture –

First Day of treatment – One drop of black walnut is taken four times during the day

just for the first day. It can be taken at anytime, morning or afternoon.  Just divide the doses up so that they are spaced at least an hour apart. Dr Hulga says to take on an empty stomach, or half an hour before meal-times. Put it into any drink, except for coffee or tea or alcohol of course.

Second Day of treatment – The dose is increased – Two drops of black walnut is taken four times during the day.

Third Day of Treatment – The dose is increased – Three drops of black walnut is taken four times during the day.

Keep on increasing the dose by one drop per day, taken four times daily as above, until you have reached 20 drops of black walnut taken four times during the day.  You must do this gradually, increasing by one drop per day.  Do not be tempted to take a short cut and wham your body with a big dose of black walnut.  Don’t know what will happen – it won’t kill you, but it is not the way to go.

When you get up to 20 drops per day, you reduce the dose.  You keep taking 20 drops in one

go, one dose of 20 drops, but you use it only once a day.

From now on – One dose of 20 drops of black walnut tincture  from now on for three months.

2) Procedure for using the Wormwood combination capsules – keep on using the Black Walnut as outlined above.  As well, use the Wormwood as follows:

First Day of Treatment – Take just one capsule of Wormwood with a glass of water before the evening meal.

Second Day of Treatment – Double the dose to just two capsules before the evening meal.

Third Day of Treatment – Increase the dose to just one dose of three capsules before the evening meal.

Keep on increasing the dose by one capsule per day, but still taking just the one dose of the Wormwood treatment each day, before the evening meal.  Keep adding a capsule each day until you are up to 14 capsules taken in the one dose before tea.

Take the 14 capsules for just two more days, one dose of 14 capsules each day before tea.

Then REDUCE the dose to just 14 capsules taken twice a week.  Leave a few days before taking the second dose of 14, and only take the Wormwood twice a week at 14 capsules on each of those two days.

For more details on her recipe, and the procedure which must be followed for using it in the treatment of cancer, go to:

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

Black Walnut is also known as a restorative for tooth enamel, and as a treatment for Lupus.

The natural, organic iodine contained in the husks of the walnut make it especially effective in killing microbes which attack tooth enamel.

My new book is available on Amazon:



No Antibiotics For Chikungunya Virus In Samoa So Try Homeopathy

Homeopathy To The Rescue, I Say

Arsen. alb is a preventative for flu, and it could be of great value to the All Blacks when they head off to Samoa in July.

The New Zealand All Blacks are apparently very worried that they have to play a match in Apia, Samoa, on the 8th July, 2015.

Their main worry is not just the Samoan team, but the threat of the debilitating Chikungunya virus, which causes ‘fever, joint pain, headaches, muscle pain, joint swelling and rashes’, according to the Weekend Herald, Saturday, February 21, 2015.

The Chikungunya virus has infected over 4000 people since November – just a three or four month period.

There is no antibiotic available to prevent or treat the illness.  No treatment means that the New Zealand All Blacks could become stricken with the virus, and this could lead to a big loss of the Samoan match

The bigger concern is that the virus will severely lower their fitness levels just 77 days before their World Cup start in London, when they play Argentina in London.

Use Homeopathic Arsen. alb as a Prophylactic

My advice to the New Zealand All Blacks:  Arm yourselves each with a bottle of 30X Homeopathic Arsen alb.  Begin taking it BEFORE you get to Samoa.  Start the treatment around three days before you leave New Zealand.  Five drops every three hours of the day for around five doses each day.  Keep this up when you get to Samoa, and continue taking the remedy until you leave for home.

Use Vitamin C As Well, To Prevent And Minimize Effects Of Chikungunya.

Vitamin C in megadoses works as an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal medicine.  Use calcium ascorbate, which is an acid-neutralized form of the vitamin.  Take between 2000mg to 4000mg daily as a prophylactic, and step up the dose if you get the virus.

If you feel you are succumbing to the virus, take around 6000mg to 8000mg in the one day. Take tablets of 1000mg or 2000mg at a time.

You can take the Vitamin C treatment on the same days you take the homeopathic Arsen. alb., but take each one by themselves, at least 10 minutes apart.

My new book is available on Amazon:

Lupus Cured With Detox Chelation Therapy

Natural Remedies For Lupus

Without radiation, without surgery, without chemotherapy:

Lupus can, and has, been cured through natural treatments, without chemotherapy drugs or surgery.  This will be the focus of this post.

Lupus disease can mysteriously appear in individuals whose families have no history of the disease.  The case discussed in this article proves how toxins in the blood can cause the disease to arise.

I have already written an extensive post on how Lupus can be treated naturally:  For ideas on natural treatments, which include natural ways of detoxification, take a look at this post for further reading

Some homeopathic  practitioners have written that they have cured Lupus through a combination  of various homeopathic remedies and diet. Homeopathic medicine can help to rid the body of the harmful chemicals it is withholding:  These toxins can cause sicknesses of many kinds, including Lupus.

Some of the remedies used by these homeopathic writers are mentioned in my above article.

Heary Metal Poisoning Caused Lupus: 

The account of the woman who recovered from Lupus, after she was treated for heavy metal poisoning, is one of the most interesting, because it proves the point that chemical poisoning can indeed cause Lupus.

Her account also proves that people can be cured of Lupus.

This patient had declined all conventional therapies to treat her Lupus, such as radiation, chemotherapy and surgery.  She was still seeking some alternative to these orthodox practices, when:

By accident, she happened to be tested for heavy metal poisoning when she went for standard blood tests for her Lupus condition.  The blood tests for Lupus do not usually include metal poisoning, so it was wonderfully fortuitous that the so-called error was made to check her blood for heavy metals.

When the tests came back, it was clear that she had extremely high levels of mercury and lead in her blood.  She was retested to make sure the results were correct.  Yes, they were correct.  She had dangerous levels of these heavy metals pumping around her veins.

So she sought out a doctor who would address this issue.  She was subsequently given chelation therapy, which is a method of detoxification to remove harmful chemicals and heavy metals from the blood.

After an extensive year-long course of chelation treatment to rid her body of the heavy metals, namely Plasmapheresis and Ozone therapy, she was found to be cured of Lupus disease.

You can read the account of her history on this link:

Cured Lupus Without Chemotherapy or Surgery

Note:  Oxygenating herbs are very useful for treating Lupus naturally.

Herbs For Treating Lupus:

Black Walnut, Juglans nigra, is noted in Louise Tenney’s book as being an herb for treating Lupus.  Black walnut is a great oxygenator of the blood, whilst possessing strong antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitical properties.

The outer green husk of the Black Walnut is rich in organic iodine, which is a powerful antiseptic.

Taheebo, Pau d’Arco, Tabebuia avellanedae, is another great antiviral, antibiotic herb for reducing Lupus symptoms.  Louise Tenney says that it is used successfully in some South American hospitals for treating cancer.  It is rich in iron and acts as a tonic to boost the immune system.

Vitamin C in the form of calcium ascorbate or Ester C, has the ability to kill off Lupus.  You can take the tablets 1000mg per tablet.  Dose would need to be high – between 4000mg to 10,000mg per day, depending on bowel tolerance.

Intravenous Vitamin C in the correct dose for body weight would be the best way to treat the disease, in my opinion.  Intravenous Vitamin C is an effective treatment for many kinds of cancer.

You need to see your alternative health therapist or doctor to arrange for a treatment of intravenous Vitamin C for the treatment of Lupus.

My new book is available on Amazon:

Home Made Anti Wrinkle Face Cream Recipe

Natural Remedy To Help Prevent Wrinkles and Nourish the Skin:

Here is a lovely face cream which you can make yourself.  It is free of harmful chemicals and honestly rich in vitamin E and other beneficial nutrients which will help reduce those wrinkles on the face.  Very good for the neck and hands too.

This is a standard formula for making cold creams.  You can use the oils of your choice, and, for example,  replace safflower oil for the avocado oil if you wish.  But try to obtain the extra good nourishing oils such as avocado, almond and/or apricot kernel oil if you can.

Apricot and almond kernels, or peach kernels, contain a lot of antioxidant Vitamin B17, known as laetrile, which has been found to be of great benefit in healing degenerative diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, and other conditions. Including oils extracted from any of these fruit kernels will also be highly beneficial for helping to heal and maintain lovely skin.

Avocado oil contains good amounts of the anti-oxidant vitamins A, B, D and E.  These are essential for helping to grow healthy skin tissue.  Avocado oil is a fantastic skin treatment, as the oil medium lubricates the skin and distributes the vitamins evenly over the skin tissue at the same time.

Witchhazel is an age-old skin cosmetic.  It is well-known for its skin-whitening effects and ability to remove blemishes on the face.

Witchhazel water is made from the Hamamelis virginica tree, which is a beautiful yellow-flowered, sweet-smelling tree. As a lotion, it is strongly astringent and has antiseptic properties which make it useful for treating cuts and bruises, bites and stings, piles and things such as bleeding gums.

Recipe For Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream:

In a couble boiler put:

10 grammes of either almond or apricot kernel oil.

20 grammes of avocado or safflower oil

one and a half teaspoons of lanolin (the organic kind which comes from sheep’s wool)

5 grammes of pure beeswax

Heat all up gently until temperature reaches 60C and the beeswax is melted.

In another, smaller, saucepan, gently heat up 35mls of either rosewater or witchhazel water. When the temperature of the chosen water has reached 60C, same as the oils, take both off the heat and gradually beat in the rosewater or witchhazel water into the oil mixture.

Keep beating until mixture is smooth and creamy.

Finally, add 5 drops of your favourite essential oil, and one small teaspoon of liquid honey.

Rose oil, or ylang ylang, or lavender, or patchouli, are what I would choose from.

Beat the honey and essential oil well in.

Then put into a clean, DRY storage jar with a good fitting lid.

Keep in the fridge if you can.  Otherwise, store in a cool, dark place.

Use up the cream within three or four months.  Because it does not have added preservatives, it will not keep as long as commercial face creams do.

The vitamin content, lanolin and beeswax, will all help to preserve your face cream for a while.

Vitamin E is a well known natural preservative.

Beeswax and honey have strong antibacterial, antiviral, and antibiotic properties – These qualities make them good for skin health as well as being a natural preservative for your cream.

Make sure you take the cream out with a clean, dry spoon or spatula each time.

See Merrilyn’s new book on Amazon: