Candida Outbreak NZ May Relate Fukushima Nuclear Contamination

Cancica Albicans can be caused by Chemicals, Radiation, and Electromagnetic forces.

I have had several interesting letters of late to do with radiation from Fukushima and how it might be affecting health here in New Zealand.  You can read these letters in the COMMENTS under  my post entitled  ‘What foods can I eat to avoid radiation’.  Ange has submitted several letters worth reading, as they contain good information.

Funnily enough, this week I have had a sudden attack of Candida, which manifests itself in my stomach.  Stomach aches and cramps and skin problems are the early signs of Candida for me.  I haven’t had this for quite a while.  I usually get it when the neighbours spray poisonous chemicals around the garden, to kill weeds and insects.  It usually lasts for a couple of weeks, until I have cleansed the toxins out of my system, then my health returns to normal.

Insecticide, fungicide as well as herbicide were actually sprayed around my house environment several weeks ago, which made me very sick.  The stuff was close to my door where the gardeners had washed out their spraying gear,  and I could not escape the fumes at night.  I was very ill for around a week, and felt on the verge of collapse. So the current candida could be an aftermath of this.

I also have bought plastic containers to store household gear including books.  Plastics really disagree with me, and I find that having these, or cardboard boxes, in the room where I am sleeping causes candida  and restless sleep quite soon after they are introduced.  The plastic containers are actually in my storeroom, but this is still a bit close for my comfort, and I plan to put these into a garage soon.

However, a friend of mine has also suddenly ”come down’ with chronic candida.   She went to a naturopath to get diagnosed on a machine, which gave her a definite result of candida.  The naturopath said that it was a common problem right at the moment, and that many people had come to her recently with candida problems.  In my friend’s case, she is also suffering the aftereffects of Brodifacoum poisoning which the council did on Shakespear Park on the Whangaparaoa Peninsula last year.  30 tonnes of Brodifacoum were reported to have been aerially dropped on the Peninsula, in three divided spreadings of 10 tonne each.  After the event of Brodifacoum poisoning at Shakespear Park, 10,000 native sea gulls were reported dead along the nearby coast, and at Maraetai, which is not very far away as the ‘crow flies’.  These deaths were said to be a result of storms at sea, but I feel sure they had something to do with the Brodifacoum pellets which were dropped by air all around the park. Anyway – the point is that this Brodifacoum is a very potent poison which is used to kill rats and other rodents, and which is banned in many countries.  This stuff alone would be enough to affect your health and give you candida for a start, along with other illnesses, if you live within a few kilometres of where the poison was dropped.

Interesting that the council assured us that the poison would only be dropped on the park side of the fence, and not on the beach side of the fence, yet they organized for workers to walk along the beach to pick up any stray bits of Brodifacoum bait after the aerially drop had been done.  If the stuff had fallen on the beach at all, there was a chance it could be picked up so that sea gulls did not eat it – but if the stuff fell a few more metres away and into the sea, it could not be recovered by people at all.  Which would mean that sea-gulls would possibly eat it.

I believe that radioactive fallout could have also contributed to this recent outbreak of candida albicans in Whangaparaoa-Orewa,  New Zealand.  My guess is that many people in other countries miles and miles away from Japan will be affected by the radiation chemicals coming from Japan, and that this will be manifested first of all with classic candida symptoms, or ‘yeast’ problems.

Poisonous chemicals themselves cause the natural intestinal flora to ‘go hay-wire’, causing the ‘bad’ bacteria to proliferate so that they destroy many of the ‘good’ bacteria in the digestive system.  When we get too many of the  candida albicans variety we suffer ‘yeast’ symptoms which can range from headaches to diarrhoea to constipation to bone pain, nerve pain, stomach pain, depression, skin disorders and the like.  Arthritic symptoms are common with people who have on-going yeast-candida problems.

The other reason why the nuclear disaster in Japan last year could have made the candida problem worse, is that the extra heat from the explosions there, and from the nuclear reactors themselves, will be contributing to a higher-than-usual air temperature globally.  Global warming, generally speaking, is contributing to people succumbing to yeast problems, as well as a diet too rich in sugars, wheat flour, gluten, and fermented foods.

It only takes a fraction of a degree in temperature, higher or lower, for the regular, simple organisms to change their normal patterns of behaviour, and for new varieties of bacteria and other organisms to develop and proliferate.  Our bodies are not used to the new conditions which global warming, and insecticides, herbicides, and food preservatives, etc, are imposing on our immune systems.  Our bodies have to adapt to these new, strange conditions, such as the effects of radiation.  One of the very first signs of disruption in the way the body functions, is the candida problem, as this is one of the organisms which thrives in these new, toxic environment. Agricultural and household chemicals, radiation from cell phones, electricity transformers, micro-waves, TV aerials, radiation from Fukushima, are all factors which will be contributing to the prevalence of candida-related illnesses.

I have just read a report from  the NZ Herald, Thursday 23 March 2012, which indicates  that the radioactive contamination from Fukushima  has been poisoning the environment for the past year since the earthquake-tsunami in Japan.  This article is entitled:

‘Fukushima contamination detected 640km away in Pacific Ocean’.

This report is no surprise to me.  The report on radiation, which is from Salt Lake City, states that the Pacific Ocean has  radiation ‘readings of up to 1000 times more than previous levels, scientists reported’.  The article goes on to diffuse the impact of the news, with Ken Buesseler of the Woods Hale Oceanographic Institution assuring us that the cesium-137 levels are far below levels which are considered to be  harmful.  Yeh, right.  Your guess is as good as mine, except that I think I would prefer to follow my own instincts, which tell me that any amount of radioactive contamination in the sea and air is going to be a bad thing.  And 1000 times more than before sounds to me like quite a lot more.

Candida is a naturally occurring organism which lives in the digestive tract.  When our diets and environments are healthy, then Candida is no problem, and it lives in harmony with the ‘good’ bacteria in the bowel.

However, there are some things which  interfere dramatically with the natural balance of the bowel flora, and this causes sickness.  Radioactive contamination is one of them.  Radiation and electromagnetic forces from electrical transformers, cell phones and towers, and satellites, etc,,  and environmental pollutants such as pesticides, herbicides and radioactive contaminants cause a reduction of the beneficial bowel flora.  When  these negative conditions prevail, the beneficial bacteria are destroyed in great numbers, which  gives the opportunity for  the rogue  yeast, Candida Albicans, to gain  ground and proliferate.

This causes the yeast Candida to over-run the body, instead of it remaining in a healthy balance with the other bacteria in the intestines.

Candida, if left untreated,  can cause arthritis, poor eye-sight,  poor brain function, cancer, alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, parkinsons’s disease, and many other conditions.

Foods To  Avoid To Treat Candida:

The way to treat it is to lay off all yeast foods for a start.  Avoid all wheat products, especially bread.  Gluten is bad for candida.  No vinegars, and no  sauces, as these mostly contain vinegar, which is bad for candida.  No yoghurt. Avoid all alcohol. As well, you should avoid sugar, avoid honey  and very sweet fruits, until you are better.

Green vegetables which are alkaline rather than acid foods, good oils and butter, and all protein foods, including meats, fish and eggs, are considered to be good for most people in treating candida.  When protein is deficient in the diet, and too many carbohydrates such as bread are used instead, this can lead to candida.  So make sure you have a balanced diet, plenty of protein, plenty of greens, and eat plentiful amounts of raw celery.  This is very good for curing candida, as it helps to detoxify the whole system, and it is one of the most alkaline foods available to us.

Garlic is very good for curing overgrowth of candida.  So is calcium ascorbate, an alkaline form of Vitamin C.  NZ kawakawa is especially good.  You can eat 2 leaves per day as a  herbal supplement to help get the candida under control.  Avoid eating too many potatoes or sweet potato and kumara and carrots – Potatoes have a lot of starch which turns to sugar readily – bad for candida – and carrots are very sweet, which also feeds the candida.

Fasting for a few days on fresh raw greens and boiled water can be effective in getting the candida under control.

Castor oil every second day for a week or so will eliminate the candida very quickly.  Castor oil does not seem to affect the beneficial bacteria, which is helpful.  The same goes for epsom salts which is high in magnesium.  This can eliminate the candida very quickly without affecting the beneficial bacteria. You can take a desertspoonful in about half a pint of warm water first thing in the morning or last thing at night.  Take this every second day until you have gotten over the worst of the candida attack.  This should take only several days.  Then you can reduce the dose to once or twice a week, as a preventative measure.

Calcium ascorbate does the same – gets rid of the unwanted poisons and candida, without harming the good bacteria in the intestinal flora.  An adult can take between 1000mg to 3000mg per day  until you feel better from the attack of candida, then lower the dose to a maintenance dose of between 500mg to 1000mg per day.

If you are really desperate, then the occasional dose of aspirin can help.  Two tablets used on those rare occasions when the infection is rife can do wonders. Aspirin should not be taken daily, though, as it weakens the vital organs, especially the kidneys,  when used too often. Salt is another inhibitor of candida, but of course you should not consume too much salt. If you are not on a sodium free diet, then a wee sprinkle of iodized salt could be used on meals just until the infection has passed.  Iodine is another good thing to help get candida under control, as are the B vitamins.  Use a small dab or two of iodine on the soles of the feet, or on the scalp, twice a week. Take a Vitamin B complex which is yeast-free.

Natural Insecticides Derris and Pyrethrum Not Always Safe

Beware as  these organic insecticides often have added chemicals.   Pyrethrum and Derris dust are advertised as being  ‘natural herbal’ insecticides, but this is sometimes misleading. Piperonyl butoxide is one of the chemicals which is sometimes added to pyrethrum.  Piperonyl butoxide is a synergistic chemical which makes the pyrethrum compounds more active, but this is a toxic poison.

And remember that herbal insecticides are likely, too, to affect the bees if it is sprayed on flowering plants.  So do not put any insecticide around flowering plants.

Many toxic chemicals are added to household pyrethrum sprays which are used to kill flies, spiders and ants in the house.  These spray-can  aerosol insecticides are very bad for the environment.  These poisons are potentially carcenogenic, and are weakening to the immune system.  Breathing these fumes weakens the lungs and may cause asthma and other breathing ailments to set in.  It is a bad thing that many people in the ‘civilized’ world have this mind-set about killing all insects in the house, as these insects are valuable to plant life.   Many of these insects are food in themselves for birds and animals. They all have a purpose and a right to live anyway, and we do not have the right, really, to go about killing these insects just for the sake of it.  The Buddhist approach is the one which we should be adopting:  The aim is not to kill any form of life at any time, for any reason.  Sometimes it is necessary to kill animals, or insects, but we need to be mindful about what we are doing.  It is best to save all creatures if it is at all possible.

Derris dust, which is derived from a plant, and is a natural insecticide, usually has chemicals added to it as well.  Both Derris dust and Pyrethrum are capable of killing bees,  ladybirds and butterflies or hoverflies, which is one disadvantage of using these ‘natural’ insecticides in the garden.  We should all be making a concerted effort to stop using any chemicals, herbicides and pesticides, which kill bees and other garden-friendly insects. .  Bee numbers, as well as those of  ants and many other pollinating insects, are declining because of the poisons used in agriculture and in household gardens.  Long-lasting potent chemical, which can be planted in the garden to kill ants and other insects, are promoted by the chemical companies:  These are VERY POISONOUS,  and are very bad for the environment.  It is an especially bad concept to kill all garden insects just because you can. You interfere with the natural food chain by doing so, and deprive a bird or another insect of its food in the process.

Killing all our pollinating insects is a very serious state of affairs for mankind, as many of our food crops are reliant upon bees, ants, spiders,  moths and other insects to pollinate our foods for us. The added chemicals are probably responsible for these ‘natural’ products killing bees.  Apparently, Derris and Pyrethrum preparations are also toxic to frogs and toads, and to tortoises and fish, so their use must be avoided near waterways and ponds.   Do not use  these  ‘natural’ insecticides anywhere near your fish pond or your tortoise tank.  In fact, it is better to use less harmful alternative methods to keep those insects at bay, rather than use derris or pyrethrum products.

Use Marigolds Instead of Pyrethrum and Derris Insecticides:  Marigolds are the heaven-sent deterrent to unwanted pests. Companion planting Marigolds amongst your tomatoes and cabbages, your potatoes and beans, is a far better solution to controlling garden pests than using derris dust or pyrethrum preparations.  Marigolds are a natural insecticide which will not harm bees or moths. It does not directly kill the troublesome insects, but instead it repels and discourages them.   Marigolds  will help to deter those unwanted garden insects such as white butterfly,  and wire worm in potatoes, but they are helpful in encouraging those other insects which are beneficial for the pollination of plants.  Bees love marigolds.

Home Made Lavender Lotion Insecticide

Meditate To Help The World/Maharish Mahesh Yogi

Credo For Meditation

The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the founder of the Transcendental Meditation technique.  Meditation can help you on your path of self-discovery and self-fulfillment. It can also help the wider community, the environment, and effect global situations for the better.

“TM – How To Find Peace Of Mind Through Meditation” is a book by Martin Ebon, published by Signet USA in 1975.  Martin begins the book with “A Credo For Meditation” by the Maharish Mahesh Yogi, and I want to talk about the wonderful meaning in this Credo.

The essence of it is that if Meditation was practiced twice a day by only one per cent of the population, that would be enough to change things for the better.  One per cent of the population meditating in every country of the world will bring about Peace.  The Maharishi says in the Credo:

“A good time for the world is coming; now a few people in any country will be able to change the destiny of their nation for all good.  One per cent of the people in any country can herald the dawn of the new age for the whole nation by devoting only 15 minutes of their time, twice a day.

It is in the hands of a few individuals in every country today to change the direction of time and guide the destiny of their nation for all harmony, happiness, and progress.

It is my joy to invite everyone to come into the light of the knowledge and experience that the Science of Creative Intelligence provides and enjoy participating in this global awakening to herald the Age of Enlightenment.”

I take the liberty to quote this Credo from the opening page of Martin Ebon’s book:  These are the words of wisdom from the master of Transcendental Meditation himself, and I think that it is valuable for people to read his prayer in his original words.

So – we must get on with it and begin practicing Meditation on a regular basis, if we are not already doing that.  It is necessary, for world Peace and Harmony, for us as individuals, to make a conscious effort to bring about change.  When many of us bring to mind this need for Peace and Harmony, this concerted effort has great power in that it changes the vibrations around us.  This change in vibration has an effect on the invisible ether which covers the whole world, and so all minds are effected by it for the good.

Bio Dynamic Farming May Get Rid Of Radiation In Soil

Organic Solution To heal Radiation In the Soil

Peter Bacchus, who is a bio dynamic scientist, was in Switzerland just after a nuclear disaster.  I am not sure if it was the Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster, or the earlier nuclear disaster  at Chernobyl.   He wrote in to merrilyn’s blog  with the following information a couple of weeks ago. Go to the ‘Comments’ on merrilyn’s site to see Peter’s letter.

Peter said that a very tiny little report was put in the Swiss paper, on the back page, in tiny little print, which told of the varying degrees of radiation from day to day, following the Fukushima (?) nuclear disaster.  It seems that Governments all over the world have been minimizing the effects of the latest Japanese nuclear disaster, or, indeed, any nuclear disaster.  The workmen who died  in Chernobyl, trying to clear up the nuclear mess for the rest of the world, were given a memorial service only a few weeks ago, 20 years after the disastrous nuclear event which resulted in their lives being lost, as well as those of many others.

Peter said that sensitive people in Switzerland  got flu-like symptoms from the radiation in the atmosphere.

Silica Negates Effects of Radiation: Peter gives an encouraging story about nettles being used to help negate the effects of radiation in the soil.   Nettles (Urtica dioica) are very rich in Silica, a mineral which is essential for good health.  Cows refused to eat some areas of grass after the nuclear fallout had contaminated it.  Cut nettles – Urtica Dioica, were put beside the grass. The cows then munched up the nettles, along with the grass, quite happily.

Bio-dynamic Recipe for Revitalizing The Soil:  After the radiation had affected the soil noticeably, a special bio-dynamic manure was made to help reduce the effects of radiation in the soil.  This included crushed egg-shells, which are also high in Calcium and Silica, plus crushed Basaltic Rock.

Now, this is all particularly interesting, because nettles are extremely high in Silica, which helps the body to assimilate Calcium and make strong bones and teeth.  Silica also helps brain power, and is essential for maintaining a strong nervous system, as well as maintaining the immune system.

Sodium Bicarbonate To Detoxify Soil and People:

Bicarbonate of soda, or Baking Soda, has been recommended by some people to Help To Detoxify Humans and Animals After Radiation Exposure.

Sodium bicarbonate has also been used to negate radiation chemicals in soils, after the soil has been exposed to these poisons.  Sodium bicarbonate, the same stuff which is used in cooking to make cakes and muffins rise, is extremely useful in helping to normalize soils after poisoning, because its highly absorbent nature gives it the ability to draw out chemicals from the soil. Baking soda, or bicarbonate of soda, helps to reduce acidity in both soil, and human and animal life.

Max Gerson’s Cancer Book Effects of Radiation on Health

Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation

A Cancer Therapy – Results of Fifty Cases, by Dr Max Gerson, M.D.

This book was first published in 1958. My edition is the 3rd edition, published in 1977, Copyright by Charlotte Gerson Straus, who is the daughter of Dr Max Gerson.

I have only recently unpacked this book. It has been boxed up with most of my books for several years, for the period of my stay and study in Wellington, at Victoria University, where I completed a B.A. in art history and music.

It is really good to have this book on hand again, so that I can quote from one of the masters of alternative cancer therapy.

This book is one everybody interested in avoiding cancer should read. It gives the details of how Dr Max Gerson healed many people of terminal cancer with his alternative methods. In reading his accounts, and his reasons for the treatments he gives, one gains insights into how cancer develops, as well as an understanding of what has to be done in order to prevent cancer.

Radiation Is A Peril To Man: We are all worried about the effects of the radiation coming from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. This will affect the environment world wide. People’s health will suffer as a consequence of this radioactive fall-out coming from Fukushima.

Chapter XIII of Max Gerson’s book is especially relevant to our topic. This chapter is entitled: Scientists Term Radiation A Peril To Future Of Man.

Radiation Has A Cumulative Effect: Dr Max Gerson tells us that American people were, at the time of writing this book, using up a third of their ‘safe’ dose of radiation with the X Rays that they were getting at their dentist’s and doctor’s surgeries. This was announced by the American Committee on Genetics, who, after discovering this fact, urged the medical profession to reduce the X Rays given, unless they were of absolute necessity. They also asked for medical records to be kept, so that radiation levels could be monitored. This is because RADIATION IS CUMULATIVE.

Every time you have an X Ray, you are adding to the radiation stored in your body……….:The effect of radiation is cumulative, it is said, no matter how long the period over which it is experienced”, says Max Gerson.

The American Committee on Genetics had six committees which “studied the radiation problem in the fields of genetics, pathology, meteorology, oceanography, fisheries-agriculture and food supplies, and disposal and dispersal of radio-active wastes……”……And this latter item, ‘the disposal and dispersal of radio-active wastes” is another matter of very grave and serious concern, with all the numerous nuclear power stations cropping up all over the world.

In Pathological Effects: The committee on pathology, chaired by Dr Shields Warren, “concluded in agreement with geneticists that RADIATION, NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE DOSE, SHORTENS LIFE IN SOME DEGREE”.

This information was published on June 13, 1956, in ‘The New York Times’. The author of the article was Anthony Leviero, and its subject is the survey of a report held in the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., entitled “Biological Effects Of Atomic Radiation”.

In simple terms, the crucial finding was that RADIATION DAMAGE INEVITABLY RESULTS FROM EXPOSURE, NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE DOSE” – page 86 Gerson.

Max Gerson goes on to quote the report , saying that “Radiation causes mutation or harmful changes in the genes or germ cells of the reproductive organs. Damage manifests itself in shortening of the life span, reduces ability to produce children, and sometimes, but not often”, he says, “produces deformed or freakish children”.

The report states something else which is quite worrying: …Thus for the general population, and in the long run, a little radiation to a lot of people is as harmful as a lot of radiation to a few, since the total number of mutant genes can abe the same in the two cases”.

The report says that it will be difficult to identify radiation damage in future generations, meaning that it could be difficult to prove in some cases. However, genetic studies were made in the populations of Hiroshima and Nagasake, after these Japanese cities were destroyed by the American atomic bombs which were dropped there in World War II.

We now know that tremendous suffering was caused in these areas, not just by the bombs going off and killing people, and destroying these cities, but because of the slow deaths which many suffered afterward. Cancers of many types, especially bone cancers, lung cancers, and other mysterious degenerative diseases, infertility, and birth defects, have all resulted in Hiroshima and Nagasake.

Now the poor people near the nuclear power plant at Fukushima, and all people down wind of this plant, will suffer long term ill health, with shortened life expectancy, on top of the trauma they have already experienced as a result of these devastating earthquakes and tsunamis.