Bio Dynamic Farming May Get Rid Of Radiation In Soil

Organic Solution To heal Radiation In the Soil

Peter Bacchus, who is a bio dynamic scientist, was in Switzerland just after a nuclear disaster.  I am not sure if it was the Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster, or the earlier nuclear disaster  at Chernobyl.   He wrote in to merrilyn’s blog  with the following information a couple of weeks ago. Go to the ‘Comments’ on merrilyn’s site to see Peter’s letter.

Peter said that a very tiny little report was put in the Swiss paper, on the back page, in tiny little print, which told of the varying degrees of radiation from day to day, following the Fukushima (?) nuclear disaster.  It seems that Governments all over the world have been minimizing the effects of the latest Japanese nuclear disaster, or, indeed, any nuclear disaster.  The workmen who died  in Chernobyl, trying to clear up the nuclear mess for the rest of the world, were given a memorial service only a few weeks ago, 20 years after the disastrous nuclear event which resulted in their lives being lost, as well as those of many others.

Peter said that sensitive people in Switzerland  got flu-like symptoms from the radiation in the atmosphere.

Silica Negates Effects of Radiation: Peter gives an encouraging story about nettles being used to help negate the effects of radiation in the soil.   Nettles (Urtica dioica) are very rich in Silica, a mineral which is essential for good health.  Cows refused to eat some areas of grass after the nuclear fallout had contaminated it.  Cut nettles – Urtica Dioica, were put beside the grass. The cows then munched up the nettles, along with the grass, quite happily.

Bio-dynamic Recipe for Revitalizing The Soil:  After the radiation had affected the soil noticeably, a special bio-dynamic manure was made to help reduce the effects of radiation in the soil.  This included crushed egg-shells, which are also high in Calcium and Silica, plus crushed Basaltic Rock.

Now, this is all particularly interesting, because nettles are extremely high in Silica, which helps the body to assimilate Calcium and make strong bones and teeth.  Silica also helps brain power, and is essential for maintaining a strong nervous system, as well as maintaining the immune system.

Sodium Bicarbonate To Detoxify Soil and People:

Bicarbonate of soda, or Baking Soda, has been recommended by some people to Help To Detoxify Humans and Animals After Radiation Exposure.

Sodium bicarbonate has also been used to negate radiation chemicals in soils, after the soil has been exposed to these poisons.  Sodium bicarbonate, the same stuff which is used in cooking to make cakes and muffins rise, is extremely useful in helping to normalize soils after poisoning, because its highly absorbent nature gives it the ability to draw out chemicals from the soil. Baking soda, or bicarbonate of soda, helps to reduce acidity in both soil, and human and animal life.