Environment and Health Issue: The herbicide RoundUp, which is made by the agrichemical and seed giant Monsanto, contains glyphosate: Now glyphosate is named by the World Health Organization as being a possible cause of cancer.
For many years glyphosate has been insistently marketed as a ‘safe’ product, despite the bad reactions many of us have to it. This status is changing. The World Health Organization recently, in March, 2015, declared that glyphosate ‘probably’ causes cancer. The fear of being sued by the companies who manufacture the weedkiller is probably the reason for their seemingly indecisive statement, which is conveniently diluted to placate the big chemical giants, in my opinion.
The following excerpt is quoted from Andrew Porterfield, July 24th, 2015, ‘Genetic Literacy Project’. (geneticliteracyproject.org)
‘In March, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC, issued a statement (also published in The Lancet) that reclassified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans”. It was a surprise to some in the scientific community because every major regulatory agency had determined that glyphosate, an herbicide often paired with genetically modified crops, was not carcinogenic.’