Vitamins for Celiacs

Celiac Disease causes  problems in the digestion which leads to malabsorption of essential vitamins and minerals. Celiacs usually suffer from a condition of inflammation in the bowel, which causes nutritional deficiencies, and this condition leads to celiacs being  malnourished:   Weight loss, anaemia, and depression are just some of the symptoms which may accompany the celiac disease.

Cancer and Osteoporoosies and Osteomalacia are conditions which celiac sufferers are inclined to get, because their bodies do not assimilate calcium and other vitamins and minerals  as well as other healthy people do.  It was found in recent research conducted with  celiac patients,  that assimilation of  nutrients increased when gluten was removed from the diet completely.  Removing gluten increased the absorption of  essential nutrients in food and in supplements,  and lowered the  risk of cancer, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and other disease.  The celiac sufferers had the same incidence of cancer as the rest of the population once gluten was removed. This information comes from “The Natural Pharmacy’, whose address I have given below.

First and Foremost, to ensure that your vitmamin supplements are having the maximum effect,  it is important to eliminate the problematic foods from the diet.   These are wheat, rye and barley, which contain the gluten which is undigestible to celiac sufferers.   In research done recently, 95% of celiac sufferers improved  and became  symptom free, over a period of several months,   once they had removed the problematic gluten from their diets.  That means that all wheat, and products which include wheat, and  barley and rye ,  must be avoided completely. Being totally gluten free is essential in treating the condition of celiac disease.

You should check out your candida status with your doctor or health professional.  Candida needs a special diet devoid of wheat, barley, rye, dairy products, all sugars including fruit, fermented food, fruit juces, alcohol, vinegars,  and yeast products, until you have recovered.  If you have not been diagnosed with celiac disease, it might be that you have candida overgrowth.

So it is important to replace the nutrients which are deficient.

Calcium: It is essential to eat plenty of calcium-rich foods.  Calcium helps to protect the body against cancer, osteoporosis, osteomalacia,  and other disease, as well as keeping the teeth, bones and nails strong.  Diseases which are related to calcium deficiency, cancer, osteoporosis, and osteomalacia, are conditions which celiac sufferers are inclined to get, so it is very important to ensure that the diet has adequate calcium.

Most people  need about 1200mg of calcium a day, but people with the celiac condition need at least twice this amount.  Women need slightly more than this amount to account for the loss in menstruation, and growing children and teenagers also need slightly  more.   One handful of sesame seeds contains about 1200mg of calcium, and a teaspoon of dolomite powder contains about twice this.

Natural Sources of Calcium: Dolomite powder, Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, sardines, bone broth, broccoli and the other brassicas which include cabbage and kale, coconut and coconut milk.   If your condition tolerates the use of dairy products and soy milk products, then of course these are excellent calcium sources too.  Look up merrilyn’s recipe for natural home-made calcium supplement under the post ‘Best Calcium Supplements’.

Make Home Made Calcium and Magnesium Tonic:  I have a post  entitled Best Calcium Supplement which tells you how to make an entirely natural calcium and magnesium tonic out of egg shells and cider vinegar.  With this calcium supplement, you do not need to take a commercially made supplement.

Vitamin B6 is especially recommended by health practitioners and doctors for the treatment of depression of celiac sufferers.   ‘The Natural Pharmacy’,  a Healthnotes Publication, Three Rivers Press, New York, 2006,  reports favourable results from people using vitamin B6 for depression.

As well as calcium and magnesium supplements, and vitamin B6, some other supplements which might be useful are

Vitamin A

Vitamin B complex (to compliment the B6 taken additionally)

Vitamin C:  Calcium Ascorbate powder, or Ester C, both forms of vitamin C which are non acidic.  You can take anywhere from between 1000mg to 3000mg a day, depending upon the severity of your condition. This is probably one of the most important supplements to take, as it makes the body alkaline rather than acid, helps the absorption of calcium and other nutrients, and works as an anti oxidant. It neutralizes toxins in the body and helps with their elimination.

Vitamin K

Digestive enzymes

Folic Acid

Iodine from eating  Kelp, Agar agar, Fish, or dabbing Iodine on the soles of the feet or the scalp once a week.




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