Antibiotic Fucidic Acid Linked To New Strain Of MRSA Superbug

Natural Remedies As Alternatives To Antibiotics

Common infections such as impetigo, also known as ‘school sores’ could once be treated quite simply with gentian violet until around 2000, when the drug companies suddenly insisted that this remedy be removed from the chemist shops, or pharmacies, in New Zealand and Australia.

Drug companies had realized how much money they would make if this inexpensive, long-lasting  and harmless remedy was made unavailable to the general public, and their more expensive, short-life products marketed in its place.

Their reason for taking it off the shelves was that it could be ‘misused’, which could make it ‘dangerous’, they said.  Ridiculous.  Gentian violet has been used for perhaps hundreds of years.  It is very effective, and perfectly safe to use as a remedy for all sorts of skin complaints.

No-one has ever died from ‘misusing’ Gentian Violet.

If we had been allowed to continue using Gentian Violet instead of antibiotic remedies such as Fucidic Acid, then the untreatable superbugs such as the MRSA might not have surged to the extent that they have.

The removal of gentian violet from the shelves of the chemist shops happened alongside a co-ordinated promotion for other pharmaceutical preparations.  It was a hard-sell campaign for marketing new pharmaceutical preparations for skin diseases.

It did not matter what pharmacies or chemist shop you tried, these New Zealand and Australian pharmacies all tried to sell you other, much more expensive remedies than the good old gentian violet.

Note:  Disappointing to see that alongside the article in the NZ Herald which told us about the new strain of untreatable disease, CAUSED by an antibiotic, was a wee promotion for another type of antibiotic, namely one which is being used as a vaccination for pneumococcal disease.

About the NZ Herald Article on Wednesday, March 18th, 2015:  Who made the decision to put that plug for another vaccination there, in the same outlined space which warned about the dangers of antibiotics (vaccinations are antibiotics).  This vaccination plug really weakens the message of the article on its left, which warns about the imminent life-threatening dangers of antibiotic use.  That is why this wee promotion blog for vaccinations was placed next to the warning article – to suit the medical profession and drug manufacturers.

Don’t you see that there will be a danger with THIS vaccination antibiotic too?

All vaccination antibiotics will eventually have a similar effect to Fucidic acid:  All antibiotics, including vaccination/immunization antibiotics, will eventually weaken the immunity of the population, which will make people more susceptible to infections all over again.

Antibiotic vaccinations and immunizations might wipe out some types of infections, but this phenomenon  will encourage other, more virulent types of infections to occur.

AND – Just because the incidence of pneumococcal disease has fallen since the vaccination was added to the range of antibiotics given in 2008, New Zealand, does not necessarily mean the vaccination is having an effect:  These viruses and bacterial infections have natural cycles where they are more virulent, cycles which create an epidemic.

All that the drug companies, and their medical partners in subterfuge, need to do to convince the populace that their vaccines are working, is to measure the incidence of the said disease in its off-peak period.

My new book is available on Amazon:

Read the post before this one, which gives more detail on the research findings of Fucidic acid:

Antibiotic Causing Untreatable New Hospital Super-Bug In NZ


Antibiotic Causing Untreatable New Hospital Super-Bug In NZ

Alternatives To Vaccination

It surely is about time that the medical authorities, instead of discrediting alternative, natural remedies in order to keep dominant in the market place, begin serious study of Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine,  and Vitamin C and A therapy.

When given in correct dosage, these are all safe, proven and effective alternatives to vaccination and antibiotic treatment in the treating of diseae.

The latest scare is the emergence of a new strain of MRSA staphylococcus aureus, a hospital superbug which is resistant to all antibiotics.

Dr Deborah Williamson, a clinical microbiologist from Otago University is reported as saying in NZ Herald, Wed, March 18th, 2015, that the antibiotic ointment Fusidic acid is to blame for the new, untreatable superbug, and that Fusidic acid has also caused a rise in bacterial infections which no longer respond to the medication.

Dr Williamson was attending the Australian Society for Infectious Diseases conference being held in Auckland on Wednesday, 18th March, 2015, where she was to present her research findings on the alarming effects of overuse of antibiotics.

She is reported as saying that, because of resistance to antibiotics, common infections and injuries could ‘once again kill’.

The link of Fusidic acid antibiotic to the new superbug should be an easy lesson for people to absorb:  The example of Fusidic acid will not be an isolated one.

ANY antibiotic, such as those given for simple infections, or immunizations, or vaccinations, could actually cause other types of untreatable viruses and bacterial infections to arise.  This has been the argument for many years of those promoting the safer alternatives to vaccination.

Over the last two or three years there have been many cases reported where antibiotics have proved  ineffective and useless for treating serious epidemics.  Modern illnesses are just not responding to conventional antibiotic treatments as they used to.

Ebola is the most frightening of these untreatable-by-antibiotics diseases.  But there are others which also pose a threat to human life:

Swine Flu was a big scare three years ago.  No antibiotic would work to cure the disease, but still the hospitals in Australia and New Zealand were reluctant to use Vitamin C intravenous therapy, despite there being much research to show that Vitamin C therapy would work, if given early enough.

Even though life-support had been removed from a patient dying from Swine Flu at an Auckland hospital, doctors still refused point blank to allow the family to organize intravenous injections of Vitamin C.

The reason for the ban on Vitamin C?  Because the drug companies are worried it might be better than their orthodox drugs, and so they take great pains to disallow Vitamin C therapy in our hospitals.

The reality was that, in several hospitals here in NZ and Australia, hospitals would rather let their patients die, rather than give them the chance with Vitamin C.

This Swine Flu victim at the Auckland hospital was very fortunate that he had an assertive family who insisted that Vitamin C intravenous injections be given.  They threatened to sue the hospital if the man died before Vitamin C was administered.

And so, very luckily, he was given megadoses of Vitamin C and survived to tell the tale.

There are people the world over who keep excellent health through alternative medicine.  They do without vaccinations or antibiotics and use Homeopathy, or Herbs, or Vitamin C instead. There are many tried and true alternatives to conventional medicines which can cure or prevent  threatening viruses or infections.

My new book is available on Amazon:

Read how herbicides such as RoundUp can affect antibiotics

This article is continued on this link:

Antibiotic Fucidic Acid Linked To New Strain Of MRSA Superbug