Shop-Bought Comfrey Is Ruined Medicinally, And Is Inedible

Natural Remedy Gone Wrong

The old, traditional comfrey with a broad leaf was a great healer, and it was edible.  Recently, I have tried eating a shop-bought, genetically modified comfrey, which I now have in my garden, adding a small leaf of it to a mound of silver-beet, just as I used to do in the old days.  It gave me a mild stomach-ache for several days.

This new comfrey is dry, compared to the old, healing comfrey, which dripped with silica-rich mucilage when you broke off a stem.  Modern comfrey has almost no silica-containing mucilage.

Shop-bought comfrey is recommended by plant shops as a companion plant to fruit trees, especially apple trees, and for this purpose, modern comfrey will still be useful, since the roots help break up clay soils, and bring up nutrients for the apple roots to feed on.  Shop-bought comfrey is still not as good for this purpose as the tradional comfrey, though, because of the devitalized nature of this modern comfrey.

In the 1990’s, traditional, healing comfrey was banned in New Zealand and all over the western world where the reign of the big agri-chemical companies over agriculture was taking off.  These giants began to get governments on board with this comfrey ban, and also their campaign for promoting Round-Up, which contains glyphosate, a probable cancer-causer, according to WHO. Councils all over the world have been encouraged to erradicate comfrey, and use this toxic herbicide, which, conveniently for Monsanto, works alongside their genetically modified plants and seeds without destroying them.

I heard on Radio NZ National news two weeks ago that the amount of glyphosate found in our foods has increased 500 times since 1994, which was when Monsanto’s RoundUp-Ready seeds were introduced into agriculture.

The reason comfrey was banned, our health authorities said, was that comfrey had caused cancer in pigs, due to the high allantoin content, a cell-proliferant.  I wonder – did the researchers feed only comfrey to pigs over several months in order to make them sick?  Or did they invent this pig cancer as a reason to rid the world of one of its most powerful healing remedies?

This allantoin, which has been removed in genetically modified comfrey, is the magic ingredient in traditional comfrey which made comfrey an excellent remedy for burns, abrasions, bruises, intestinal irritations, cancer, arthritis, asthma, or just about any complaint you could think of.

Traditional comfrey is also very high in silica, which is another great healing agent.

But modern, shop-bought comfrey was genetically modified to deliberately remove the healing allantoin, and also the high silica content, a  project which I am sure the pharmaceutical companies would have supported.  Nowadays, medicinal comfrey can only be bought through medical-pharmaceutical channels.

Modern, genetically modified comfrey is marketed as an improved species because it does not self-seed and spread. which the old comfrey was inclined to do. although, really, it never was a problem in my gardens.

Soil and Health did an article on this subject of this genetically modified comfrey in the early 2000’s, when suddenly we found that comfrey was available once more in the plant shops.  They found that the allantoin had been removed, and that the silica content had been greatly reduced.

Banning comfrey was a very clever move, in order to gain the market for a comfrey which people were duped into believing was still a healing plant, and one which now would not spread.  But modern comfrey has sadly been ruined as far as any medicinal use goes.

Banning comfrey for a few years, and getting government agencies to destroy any comfrey growing in wild places, and forbidding people to have it in their gardens, meant that the old, traditional,  healing comfrey died out, leaving the market path open for whatever clever and unscrupulous agriculture corporation was responsible, to introduce their ‘better’ variety of comfrey. and make us pay for it.

I also suspect, and I really hope I am wrong, that the genetically modified comfrey has been bred to cross-pollinate with natural, traditional comfrey and dominate it, so that the new plant will be the genetically modified variety.  I was sure I had traditional comfrey in my garden, but now all the plants look the same.  They are a genetically modified variety.

I would advise not to eat comfrey any more, unless you are sure you have the tradional, broad-leafed, healing comfrey.  I am sure that the agri-companies have stepped up an ingredient in genetically modified comfrey to make it inedible.

And as far as using shop-bought comfrey as a healing herb, I think you might just as well use grass.  Although the agri-chemical companies have been tampering with this also for many years.

Breast Swelling Linked To Glyphosate Helped By Mustard Poultice

Natural Remedy

Caution:  This remedy, which uses food-grade ‘Hot English’ mustard, may not work for some people and in fact may cause blistering.  Ask your doctor or health practitioner before trying it.

I have found this remedy to be hugely effective in reducing pain and swelling in the breast, which I think has recurred because of glyphosate overload in my system.  Many years ago, after being sprayed with 2,4,5,T,  I had a lump in the same spot as that which has been bothering me again recently.  I got rid of the problem 35 or so years ago by following the Gerson therapy which uses castor oil, enemas and copious quantities of raw foods and juices.

This time, to reduce swelling and pain, I took between 6000-10,000mg of Vitamin C over a few days as well as Homeopathic Phytolacca, which is a marvellous remedy made from the common ‘Pokeroot’.  I will continue to take Phytolacca for the next three months.

But the thing I found brought immediate relief from the pain was a poultice made from ‘Pams’ ‘Hot English Mustard’ paste.  This has a combination of mustard flour, turmeric, cardamon, white pepper, sugar, vinegar, salt, worcester sauce, water and a stabilizer, 415.

I spread around a tablespoon of the paste over a small piece of pure cotton cloth.  I used a liberal amount of paste.  Then I placed the cotton with the mustard paste on it directly over the sore spot on the breast.  This was held in place by putting a bra over the top.

The poultice was left on for around three hours the first day.  This produced a redness on the outside of the breast.  But the relief from pain was incredible. I washed off any residue of mustard on the skin with cold water and applied Hypercal lotion to the skin.  This has a cooling effect.

Next day, I again used the poultice, rinsing off the old mustard and applying plenty of fresh mustard paste to the damp cotton cloth.  This time, I left it on for a longer perioed – around five hours.  It had dried a little by the time I took it off, so it peeled off a little like a plaster, seemingly taking a lot of the pain and swelling away with it.  There was not so much redness on the skin the second time.  Again, I bathed the skin with cool water.

This treatment was followed for one more day, then I gave it a rest for a day or two.  However, I will resume the poultices for a few consecutive days each week, and continue with the poultice treatment, the Vitamin C in maintenance doses, and the homeopathic Phytolacca for as long as it takes to completely cure the problem.  I expect that this will take around three months or so.

As well as the above treatments, I have eliminated even organic dairy products from my diet, with the exception of butter, cut out all yeast foods such as bread, and am limiting grains.  More sprouted grains, raw and cooked apples, sardines, carrots and greens for me.

I am also aiming at buying 90% organic foods from now on.  I am sure this breast lump has recurred because of glyphosate (and other chemicals too) which seems to be increasing in all unorganic fruits, vegetables, and grains too.

The ‘RoundUp Ready’, genetically engineered Monsanto crops are causing major havoc with our health, in my experience.  The trouble is that these GE plants, of which we now have wheat, corn, and God knows what else, are designed to withstand any amount of spraying with toxic glyphosate combinations such as Monsanto’s ‘RoundUp’ – which, incidentally, is now being marketed under a new name in New Zealand.

That these GE crops are sprayed regularly with glyphosate sprays means that our food contains ever-increasing amounts of glyphosate, along with other chemicals.  Glyphosate is poisoning the soil itself, so foods grown in contaminated soil will absorb quantities of glyphosate, even without more applications of glyphosate sprays.  We are now being poisoned to a degree which cannot be fathomed.

Root vegetables, such as potatoes, are very problematic for the health, because they absorb glyphosate and other sprays put on the soil from above.  So even if you have a heritage potato, it will be poisoned if glyphosate, etc, is sprayed anywhere near it.  I bought 10kg of potatoes recently.  I cannot eat these, as they have high amounts of chemicals in them.  They made me feel ill after eating several meals which incorporated them.  Perhaps one meal of them might have been OK, but to eat up 10kg of contaminated potatoes over the next few months would have spelt disaster for my health.  So I shared them out with my neighbours who do not believe my assertion that we should be eating only organic potatoes.

I am sure that glyphosate, especially, is to blame for my intolerance to the sun these days.  I have noticed that when I get sunstroke, which is several times each summer, I have  either walked down country lanes or even city streets which have been heavily sprayed with glyphosate weedkiller,  or gardened in soil which has, at some time, had weedkiller poured around it,  or eaten unorganic foods which I have felt had unacceptable amounts of toxins in them.


Soya Can Help Prevent Cancer And Heart Disease

Natural Remedies

Cancer Prevention:  Soya Beans have enormous health benefits.  They contain plenty of fibre and rich amounts of cancer-preventing phyto-chemicals.   They also have good amounts of Co-Enzyme Q10. These factors have all been shown to reduce the risk of breast, colon and prostate cancers, as well as heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

Eating soya foods on a daily basis is also a preventative for obesity, osteroporosis, and for lowering cholesterol levels.

Soya oil is one of the richest foods in Co-Enzyme Q10.  It has 9.2 milligrams per 100 grammes.

Amount Of Soy Needed To Help Prevent Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease:

25 grammes of soya each day is the recommended amount to give you the necessary phyto-oestrogens and co-Q10 to prevent or treat breast cancer, or prostate cancer.  Two and a quarter cups of soya milk each day, which is one pint, will give you 25 grammes of soy protein.

Of course, if you were using other soya products such as tofu, or tempeh, then you would use a lesser amount of soya milk on those days.

The benefits of soya have long been known to the Japanese, where soy is eaten as the main source of protein.  Soy protein is the ideal substitute for meat, as it contains all eight of the essential amino acids needed for a complete protein.

People in Japan have a lower incidence of all the above-mentioned cancers due to their exceptionally healthy diet. This includes soya products, fish, seaweeds, greens and fermented foods. These are all mineral and vitamin rich foods.  The problematic foods of the West, wheat, sugar and dairy products, are not consumed widely in Japan, which accounts for the healthier condition of the average Japanese person. This may not always be the case, unfortunately, as reports indicate that the traditional diet is gradually becoming eroded with these unhealthy items which contribute to illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity and cancer in the UK and USA.

Organic, GE-Free, GMO-Free Soya Beans

Try to avoid buying soya products which are genetically modified.  Monsanto developed the ‘RoundUp Ready’ soya bean seed which is resistant to the glyphosphate-containing RoundUp weedkiller.  This means that the soya bean will survive the weedkiller, but the weedkiller chemicals will penetrate the bean, making it a threat to health.  All GMO seeds should be avoided.  Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds are proliferating all over the world, and farmers whose crops are accidentally cross-pollinated with Monsanto’s seeds are being sued for what is essentially Monsanto’s big ‘mistake’.  A mistake which is very profitable to them. Read more:

“the World Health Organization has declared that glyphosate, the
active ingredient in Roundup, “probably” causes cancer in people.” And
therefore we suggest GMO Free/Organic Soy products.

Other Sources Of Information:
Ballentine, Rudolph, M.D.,’Diet and Nutrition, a holistic
approach’, published by The Himalayan International Institute of Yoga
Science, 1978.
Glenville, Marilyn, ‘Natural Alternatives To Dieting’, published by
Kyle Cathie Limited, London, 1999.
Holford, Patrick, & Burne, Jerome,’Food Is Better Than Medicine’,

Natural Remedies

Culpeper says of Sage that it ’causes the hair to become black’.

Garden sage has many therapeutic uses.

In the garden, its flowers provide medicine and nectar for the bees, as well as a herbal tonic to the neighbouring plants.

It is well-known as an aid to oral hygiene.  It has strong antiseptic qualities and is supposed to whiten tooth enamel.

Sage is still used today in some tooth-pastes.  It is reputedly one effective remedy for bleeding gums,  and improving gum health:  The crushed fresh leaves are massaged several times a day onto the gums and teeth.

The tea is gargled to relieve sore throats, colds and flu,  and ulcers in the mouth.

It can be effective to reduce fevers, and has been used in the past for thyphoid fever. (see ‘Herbal Remedies  and Homeopathy’ published by Geddes and Grosset.)

It is a valuable nerve medicine, and is a useful stomach remedy for improving a weak appetite.

Natural Herbal Hair Dye and Tonic:  Sage can help restore healthy hair and improve the colour.

Strong sage tea encourages hair growth and darkens the hair, if it is used on a regular basis. Many herbalists describe it in their writings:  see John Heinerman’s ‘Encyclopedia of Fruits Vegetables and Herbs’.

Rosemary is another wonderful herb which can help hair growth, but it does not have such a darkening effect on the hair, as sage does.

Recipe For Sage Hair Dye:  Here is a simple, natural hair dye and tonic which you can try.  It is perfectly safe to use, as it does not contain any harmful additives such as you might find in commercial dyes for darkening the hair.

Take two cups of fresh sage leaves and put into a stainless steel saucepan.

Add one cup of dry black tea leaves

Add half a cup of cider vinegar and eight cups of water.

Simmer very gently, with no lid, for one hour on a very low heat.  You should have around half the original quantity of liquid left at the end of an hour.  If you need to add a little more water, make sure you do so well before you finish simmering the brew.  If you add more water at the end of the simmering, then your mixture will not keep so well.

Take off the heat after an hour of simmering.  Set aside to cool.

Once your sage mixture has cooled properly, strain it off.

To the liquid remaining add the same amount of vodka.

Put into a bottle with a screw-top lid and store in a cool place.

Massage around a tablespoonful of the sage infusion into the hair each day.  Use more or less, depending on how much hair you need to cover.

Massage the sage tonic well into the roots of the hair as well, so that it feeds the scalp and hair follicles.  Massaging the scalp with the sage tonic will help the hair to grow again.

The oils in the sage leaves will put a natural shine to the hair.

Once the hair is sufficiently darkened, which may take several weeks, you can reduce the amount of applications each week.  Once or twice a week may be enough to maintain the darker colour.

Sage is really very good for the hair in so many ways.

Alternative Sage Tonic Without Alcohol:  You could make up your sage tea without the alcohol if you wish.  Only, remember that your mixture will not keep for longer than a week, and it must be kept in the fridge.  You could make up a lesser amount, enough to last a week, and then make up a fresh brew of tea for the following week.

My new book is available on Amazon:

March Against Monsanto Planned New York 23 May 2015

Why Is Monsanto So Toxic To Farming?

Monsanto’s monopoly of agriculture will see the end of sustainable, self-perpetuating agriculture if we are forced to buy their patented, genetically fucked-up seeds each year.

This article is a follow-up from the previous article,

Organic USA Farmers Sue Monsanto For Contamination Of Crops

They, and other big seed and agrichemical companies such as DuPont and Syngenta, will be the richer for monopolizing agriculture, whilst the people will be the poorer for having to pay annually to use their seeds.

We Will All Have To Pay For All Seeds – Reusing last year’s seeds will not be an option unless the tight and punitive control exerted by these big corrupt companies is ended.

The trouble is that genetically modified patented seed is spreading so rapidly throughout the world, there will be no original seeds left before long.  This will mean that Monsanto and such companies will be able to make EVERYBODY pay for ALL seeds, because the legality of the matter allows them to fine people, even when a farmer’s heritage seeds have become accidentally contaminated by patented, genetically modified seed.

Heritage Strains Are Disappearing.

Companies such as Monsanto are putting our Heritage Plants and Seeds at risk:  Heritage seeds are disappearing because of the predominance of Monsanto’s biotech, genetically modified seeds.

Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds are migrating onto organic farms, and non-biotech farms, which have their own seeds.  The result is cross-pollination of Heritage seeds and all other non-biotech seeds. These seeds are genetically changed, which means the original plant is lost.

Monsanto Gaining Stronghold On Agriculture: The ruthless litigious approach towards all competitors, including organic farmers, is resulting in a monopoly of our agricultural system by the Biotech giants Monsanto, DuPont, and other huge corporations.

Monsanto has so far taken 145 farmers to court for what they claim is ‘patent infringement’ of seed usage since 1997.   They have won all 145 cases which has seen them benefit by over 23 million dollars in damages.

The TPPA – Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement is a very real threat to agriculture and to Free Speech in New Zealand, and all the other countries involved.  The TPPA will put us under USA law, which means the big seed and agri-chemical companies will be able to sue anyone here who gets in the way of their profit and domination of the seed industry.  Read more about how it will affect us if it goes ahead:

We need to act now to prevent farmers and householders from being sued if Monsanto seeds have accidentally migrated onto farms or backyards, and to protect the right to grow whatever seeds we choose.

We want to be able to reuse seeds, whether or not they originate from Monsanto’s biotech laboratories.  Monsanto prohibits the saving of seed for the next year’s crop.

Say No To Monsanto’s Harmful RoundUp Weedkiller:  Act now to stop Monsanto and other chemical and seed giants from marketing harmful glyphosphate chemicals such as RoundUp.

Now Monsanto has developed seed strains which are resistant to the effects of RoundUp.  These seeds are marketed as ‘RoundUp Ready’.  Not only do you have a patented seed which you will have to pay for each year, you are encouraged to buy their RoundUp glyphosphate, which is extremely destructive to human health, natural flora and fauna, and especially to bees.

RoundUp and similar toxic weedkillers affect our immune systems very badly.  A weakened immune system can lead to cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, and many other diseases.

It’s immediate effect is on the helpful bacteria in the bowel:  They are destroyed, which means that candida can overtake the ‘good’ bacteria.  Candida infections pave the way to serious disease if you suffer long-standing candida trouble.

If you are being regularly exposed to glyphosphate-RoundUp and such chemicals, which often happens with council spraying programmes, or it is continually in your food supply, then you are at risk of cancer and other diseases, because of the digestive flora being out of balance.

RoundUp can seriously affect your health.

Join in the action against Monsanto and other seed and agrichemical giants by attending this protest.

New York City Free Schools and FoodJustice have organized this huge demonstration against Monsanto.  The date is the 23rd May, 2015.

See the links below for details of this must-not-miss protest against Monsanto.

On the facebook page which advertises the march against Monsanto, the caption reads:

‘They have poisoned the food supply through negligence and undermined the farming system through monopolization.’

Yes, and if I lived in New York, I would be sure to join this march.  I hope New Zealanders get together on the same day to protest against Monsanto’s monopolization of agriculture in NZ, and also against their continued use of the glyphosphate-containing RoundUp weedkiller, which is made by Monsanto.

RoundUp Glyphosphate weedkiller is used by New Zealand municipal authorities all over the country, as well as on dairy farms, orchards, and around market gardens. Our roadways, grass verges, parks, and nature walks are all sprayed with RoundUp to keep the weeds at bay.

Apart from the poisonous aspect of the stuff, it is a crime to be paying Monsanto for tons of RoundUp each year, when the simple weeding of these areas could give unemployed people a very pleasant job.

The European Commission has recently, in January, 2015, banned the use and sale of Glyphosphate weedkillers, which includes Monsanto’s RoundUp.

Glyphosphates, including RoundUp, have been already banned in Holland and Mexico, and other countries are bound to follow the example of these countries.

Glyphosphate-RoundUp has been proven to be destructive to bees as well as humans, yet Monsanto and other agrichemical companies are defending its use vehemently.

Now, typically, the European Commission is being sued by the chemical giants who claim the decision to ban Glyphosphates is ‘unfair’.

Unfair to them, they think, as they will lose huge profits because of this weedkiller being banned.  Doesn’t it remind you of the claims made by cigarette companies of yesteryear, that ‘there is no evidence to support the notion that cigarette smoking harms your health’?

Or about that other famous lie, where even New Zealand doctors told us here that ‘there was no evidence to prove that 2,4,5T was harmful to humans’, after it had been banned elsewhere, and while our fields and dairy lands continued to be poisoned with the stuff.   2,4,5T was used in VietNam war-time of the late 1960’2 and early 70’s with devastating effects – known to soldiers as ‘Agent Orange’.

The only reason 2.4.5.T was left available in NZ for so long was because Dow Chemicals were making the stuff right here in NZ,in New Plymouth.  And therein lies another tale of disastrous consequences.

Extremely selfishly greedy for profit, irresponsible, and downright corrupt, to want to keep marketing poisons such as RoundUp and other harmful agrichemicals, when all evidence proves them to be bad for plants, animals and nature generally.

Support the action against Monsanto and other agressive agriculture chemical giants by joining the march if you can.


My new book is out on Amazon:


Wake Up New Zealand America’s TPPA Puts Agriculture At Risk

Report: Monsanto Released Toxic Chemicals Hundreds of Times Without Giving Proper Notifications

Top Medical Journal, WHO Confirm: Monsanto’s Flagship Product Probably Causes Cancer

Bee-Killing Insecticides Banned In Europe, But Now Bayer Sues

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder

Nicotinoid Insecticides Kill Bees And Harm Humans

Message of Solidarity from Maui, Ground Zero for Monsanto’s GMO Experiments

Monsanto Settles With Wheat Farmers Over GMO Wheat Contamination

Plot Twist: Questioning the Possibility of Monsanto Backing GMO Contamination Case

‘Altered Genes, Twisted Truth:’ Jane Goodall Promotes Attorney’s New Book on the Fallacies of GMO “Safety”

Do You Value Your DNA and Genetic Health? Stay Away from Monsanto Chemicals, Study Says

Organic USA Farmers Sue Monsanto For Contamination Of Crops

Monsanto Against Sustainable Agriculture.

Monsanto is the biggest corporation of all those corrupt organizations who are attempting to gain control of our food supply for their own profit.

The latest court case is happening right now, with USA farmers sueing Monsanto for contamination of their wheat crops.

A March against Monsanto is planned by NYC Free Schools and Food Justice in USA for the 23rd May, 2015.  The headline reads:

‘They have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the farming system through monopolization.’  See the links below for details.

Monsanto is well-known for its litigious actions: Since 1997, Monsanto have taken 145 people to court over patent infringement, and it has not lost a case yet.

DuPont, the next biggest GM seed producing company after Monsanto, is also on the war-path.  It is been reported that DuPont plans to employ ex-policemen to check on farmers to investigate whether there is any of their GM seed on their properties.

In 2011, a group of around 50 American organic farmers got together to preemptively sue Monsanto before Monsanto could sue them for rogue Monsanto seed found in their fields.

If Monsanto were being reasonable and fair, they would understand that the last thing an organic farmer would want in his paddock is one of Monsanto’s genetically-modified plants, and so they would not ever sue an organic farmer.

Basically, anyone who is not buying these big companies’ genetically modified seed is at risk of attack by the seed giants.

There is money to be made for Monsanto in sueing people, and every time they squash a small farmer, they gain ascendancy in the battle to own and control the world’s food supply.

The organic farmers lost their case against Monsanto in 2011, and again in 2013.  But now, in 2015, a burgeoning group of almost 300,000 organic farmers are once more taking Monsanto to court for contamination of their crops.

Organic famers are not just worried that they might be sued by Monsanto if a trace of GM seed shows up in the farmer’s paddock:

Organic farmers are also concerned that heirloom seed is being genetically changed by Monsanto’s GMO seeds.  Heritage canola seed, which produces the world’s canola oil, has become near-extinct because of contamination by Monsanto’s ‘RoundUp Ready’ variety of canola seed.

All plant varieties are at risk from being genetically changed by Monsanto’s GMO seeds, if Monsanto seed of the same plant type is growing in the area.

Monsanto’s genetically modified seed is becoming dominant, as it invades crops of traditional seeds, changing  seeds forever, and this is putting our food chain at risk.

It was hoped that this lawsuit might take a spoke out of the predatorial giant Monsanto wheel.  Disappointing that  just this week, on Monday 26th January, 2015, the Supreme Court has ruled in favour of Monsanto in yet another case against Monsanto.

But this is not the end of the battle by organic farmers against the threat of Biotech giant Monsanto’s right to sue if they find any of their genetically modified and patented seeds in an organic farmer’s field.

Monsanto currently have the law on their side, which means they have the right to sue for patent infingement against any farmer if their seed is found without the farmer having paid for the patented seed.  This law applies even when the seed has arrived in a field quite naturally, via wind or cross-pollination by insects.

How unjust is that? The law supports this Mafia of agriculture, no matter what.  ‘Pay your dues, or look out. We will kick your arse.’  This is the underlying message given by Monsanto and the other seed giants such as DuPont.

To date, Monsanto have successfully sued to the tune of 23 million dollars against farmers who, they say, have used their patented seed without paying for it.

In March, 2011, a group of 50 farmers sought a legal decision to support them in prohibiting Monsanto from sueing them if Monsanto seeds showed up in their farms.  They lost.  The court decided that the assurance from Monsanto held good – that they would not sue if only small amounts of their product was found on any farm.  This assurance is on their website.  The judge ruled this Monday the 26th January, 2015, that the former ruling was still good enough – that the assurance on the Monsanto website was legally binding.

Andrew Kimball, the lawyer working on behalf of the American ‘Center For Food Safety’ in 2013, said about the decision by the judge, that Monsanto’s website pledge not to sue farmers was sufficient:

Quote from Reuter’s article, address below:  “It is a very bizarre ruling that relies on a paragraph on a website,” he said. “It is a very real threat to American farmers. This is definitely appealable.”

Apart from the worry of being sued by Monsanto if a trace of their seed shows up in your paddock, there is also the worry that Monsanto’s genetically modified seed is becoming dominant, as it invades crops of traditional seeds.

Ethically, it would seem that Monsanto is also at fault because of its genetically-modified corn, cotton and soybean seeds which they have developed to be resistant to the glyphosphate-containing weedkiller, ‘RoundUp’.  These seeds are called ‘RoundUp Ready’.

The bad side effects of using RoundUp is well documented, and for Monsanto to continue its marketing ploys on this harmful glyphosphate, by creating seeds that will withstand the poison, is criminal in itself.

Glyphosphates are very bad for bees and other pollinating insects, and they are a bad thing to get into the food chain because they harm the health of people and animals alike. Some countries have banned the use of Glyphosphate-containing weedkillers such as ‘RoundUp’.  Mexico has already banned it, and Holland has just this year ruled it out at the beginning of 2015.

Send your Monsanto story to  [email protected], or leave a comment on this post.

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