Birch Tree Leaves And Apple Cider Vinegar For Hair Growth

Natural Remedies

Herbal Hair Treatment: Birch And Cider Vinegar Hair Tonic

The medicinal qualities of the Birch Tree are well known.  For rheumatism, arthritis, gout and dropsy, the birch remedy has been much used in the past, according to the old herbalists of yesteryear.

Nelson Coon wrote in his book ‘Using Herbs For Healing’ that salicylic acid is obtained from the Sweet Birch  herb when it is distilled.  Salicylic acid is a component of aspirin, which is often prescribed for rheumatic complaints.  So there is an explanation for why Birch tree remedies have been so much used in the past for treating this and related conditions.

Note:  Salicylic acid is also found in the bark of the White Willow Tree.  This remedy was commonly used to treat headaches, rheumatism, and all sorts of aches and pains before the synthetic form was discovered, namely aspirin.

Read my earlier post on how Birch Tree leaves have been used to treat kidney stones, insomnia, rheumatism, arthritis, dropsy and gout:

Birch Tree Leaves for Kidney Stones

Birch For Hair Growth:  Oil extracted from Birch bark is similar to oil of Wintergreen, which is well-known as a stimulant to encourage hair growth.

Several modern herbalists have written of the value of Birch Tree Leaves in treating baldness.  We find references to its use in treating baldness in the writings of John Lust, who recommended pounding up fresh leaves with your mortar and pestle, and then massaging the juice into the scalp.

Birch Leaf Tea is also a good stimulant for hair growth, and to give the hair a nice shine.

But here is my own method for making a hair tonic which combines cider vinegar and Birch Tree leaves.

Simply pick a good handful of fresh Birch Tree leaves.

Chop the leaves up a little, or bruise them in your mortar and pestle.

Then put them into a jar and cover the leaves with apple cider vinegar of a good quality.

Screw on the lid and leave to infuse in a warm place for two weeks.

Shake the Birch Leaf mixture each day to bring out the nutrients.

After two weeks, strain off the liquid into a bottle which has an air-tight lid.

Use as a tonic on the hair after washing it with your regular shampoo or soap.

Simply massage around two tablespoonsful of the Birch Leaf Tonic into the hair, straight after towelling the hair semi-dry.  Leave the tonic on the hair while it is drying.

The cider vinegar neutralizes the alkaline effect of shampoo or soap, which makes for a healthy scalp.  Cider vinegar also has a helpful effect in that it encourages good circulation to the roots of the hair.

The other benefit to the hair is that the nutrients in the apple cider vinegar, combined with the Birch Tree nutrients will nourish the scalp and help to stimulate new hair growth.

Sage is another wonderful herb for the hair.  See my earlier post on how to use sage as a hair tonic.

My new book is available on Amazon:

Nourishing Oils and Herbal Treatment For Hair Growth and Gloss

Warm Oil Treatment with Herbs For Damaged Hair: This nourishing Oil  treatment, combined with herbs,  is a good one to stimulate hair growth and to add lustre to the hair.  It can be applied once or twice every month to give your hair a boost. This  warm oil treatment takes a little time, but it is well worth the effort.  Any of these vegetable oils may be used in your warm oil hair treatment:  Avocado oil, grape-seed oil, wheatgerm oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, or almond oil.

First of all, wash the hair.  Towel dry.  Now take one cup of your chosen vegetable oil.  Heat it up gently in a saucepan on the stove.  It should be just hot enough so that it is a comfortable temperature when it is applied to the scalp.  Put your finger in first, to make sure it is not too hot before applying to your head.

Part the hair, which should still be damp. Into each parting, dribble a tablespoon of the warmed oil.  Massage into the parting.  Then make another part, and repeat the process.  Continue until all the oil has been used up.  Give the scalp a good gently massage for a few minutes, and make sure the hair is all covered at the same time.

Now – You should have ready your chosen herbs to make a hot infusion for the hair.  Good herbs to use are nettles, comfrey, or rosemary, on their own or in combination, as these are all  high in silica, which helps hair growth; an onion on its own, skin and all, can be used.  Onion has been found to help stimulate hair growth;  a mixture of yarrow, lavender, watercress is also good.

Use 2 cups of your chosen herb, or herbal combination.  If you are using onion, then use one whole onion, chopped up.  Put your herbs into a saucepan and pour 12 cups of  boiling water over them.  Simmer gently for five minutes.  Strain, and let cool for five minutes so that it is a comfortable temperature to apply to the hair: fairly hot, but not burning hot.   Now dip a towel  into the herbal/onion mixture.  The towel should be not too thick and not too big, but just big enough to wrap around the head turban-style.  Wring out the towel and quickly wrap it around the head.  Cover the towel with a plastic bag or a shower cap and leave to cool.  Then heat up your herbal mixture again and soak the towel, wring out, and apply again while still hot.  Keep repeating the hot towel treatment for around an hour, if you are able.  The more heat and herbs, the better.

At the end of the hour, wash out the oil with plain soap, such as sunlight soap. It is best to take a shower to do this, as it will take several applications of soap lather to remove the oil.  Towel the hair dry, then make a rosemary infusion to use as a herbal hair rinse:  Use 2 cups of rosemary spikes with 4 cups of boiling water. Simmer for five minutes, allow to cool, then apply to the hair, massaging in the nourishing rosemary tea to the roots of the hair.  Let dry and brush out.

This is a very good, natural, non-toxic, nourishing oil and herb treatment to use for the benefit of the  hair:  It gives the hair gloss,  and also  feeds the hair follicles on the scalp.

Note:  Comfrey is a ‘miracle herb’, capable of restoring bones, building stong teeth, and aiding in hair growth.  Comfrey is banned in most westernized countries, mainly because of the efforts of  big drug companies, who do not wish us to have available this once-free-to-all healing and medicinal herb.  Join forces to get Comfrey taken off the banned list, so that we may all enjoy its benefits once more.

Herbal Treatments for the Hair

Herbal Hair treatments

Organic Hair Conditioner

This is rich in nutrients which will encourage hair growth, and help your scalp and hair to remain healthy. The combination of oils in this recipe are particularly beneficial to the hair roots, as well as to the hair follicles. 
Mix together: 20 ml almond oil, 20 ml of wheatgerm oil, 20 ml of glycerine, 10 ml apple cider vinegar, 3 drops of rosemary oil, 3 drops of carrot oils,
plus 2 eggs. Apply to hair after shampooing. Leave on for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water.

Rosemary Hair  Rinse
This helps darken the hair and helps keep the scalp free from dandruff.
It also puts a wonderful shine to the hair, and will stimulate hair growth when used regularly. Simmer a cup of fresh rosemary, stalks and all, in a litre of water for half an hour. Cool.  Apply about a half cup to the scalp as a final rinse after washing the hair. Massage well into the scalp.
Keep in the fridge for a week, then make up a fresh lot.

Chamomile Hair Rinse  This is a good rinse for people who have fair hair, as it helps to lighten the hair coloring. The chamomile hair rinse will give your hair shine and provide some nutrients to your scalp, which will benefir your hair roots. There is a certain amount of silica in chamomile. It has a soothing effect on the nerves. Using chamomile as a tea to drink, and as hair rinse will give you a slow-release of those soothing nutrients to your hair roots and your nervous system.

To Make Chamomile Hair Rinse: You can make up a tea as for drinking, and use this on the hair. However,  you will  get the best benefits, as seen in a great shine to the hair, by using  a double  strength mixture of the tea  and applying this externally,  after washing the hair.

Oat-Straw Hair Rinse:  Drinking oat-straw tea is very good for the hair, as oat-straw is especially high in silica. You can also use oat-straw tea as a herbal rinse to use on the hair after washing. To Make Oat Straw Tea:  Put two teaspoons of dried oat-straw in a small saucepan. Add two cups of water and simmer for 10 minutes. Add honey to drink as a tea. Let the mixture cool if you are going to use it as a hair rinse.

See merrilyn’s other  posts about hair health, entitled Regrow Hair; Iodine Scalp Hair Remedy; Best Vitamins for Hair Growth

to be continued tomorrow