Controlling Your Allergies In New Zealand

Toxic Chemicals In The Form of  Vaccinations, Agricultural Herbicides, Pesticides and Artificial Chemical Fertilizers – These are the OBVIOUS reasons that people get allergies.  Yet they are rarely   mentioned in public discussions by doctors and specialists in allergy control. Why is that, you may ask – Well, there is a lot of  money to be made by doctors, specialists, and drug companies, who are likely to give you yet another drug or concoction of some sort, ostensibly to ‘help’ your allergy symptoms.  If the real cause of allergies and other problems such as high or low blood pressure was made known,  – i.e  that the chemicals in our food, medications and environment are the cause of ill health and allergies, there would be no need for around 95% of all medications. The drug companies, and many specialists, would go broke if all toxic chemicals and  vaccinations were outlawed.  Simple as that.


Toxic chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, insecticides and vaccination drugs were not even mentioned on TVNZ Channel One this morning, 9th November 2011, when an allergy specialist from an allergy ‘clinic’ was interviewed just before 9AM on their breakfast programme.  The specialist said that allergies to many things, including pollen, kiwifruit, apples, peanuts and other foods, are on the rise all over the developed world.

Question:  Why is that, he was asked.

Answer:  One hypothesis, the allergy specialist said, is that children, especially, do not develop their immune systems properly, because they are kept in sterile environments when they are young.  This, as we all know, is a factor in people having deficient immune systems.  If you are not exposed to germs in the environment, your immune system does not develop immunity to these germs, and the result is that you have low immunity to things like flu and other infections, and are likely to suffer allergies.

But NO MENTION was made  by the allergy specialist about the methods which are commonly used to get rid of germs, and bugs and weeds, -vaccinations, antibiotics,  herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, and artificial fertilizers  which are widely used in our country and in other  ‘developed’ countries of the western world –  These things, as well as killing off all the helpful germs, actually do damage to your body, to your liver, your brain, and your immune system.  They cause cancer, for a start, as well as allergies.

And no mention on this interview with the allergy specialist about  the  effects of antibiotics, which are pumped into our children via the vaccinations which governments, at the will of the drug companies, are trying to make mandatory world-wide.  Antibiotics, including vaccinations, are harmful to the health and should never be used unless there is an emergency.  Each vaccination and antibiotic that you give your child will be lowering your child’s natural immunity, and causing harm to the liver and immune function.  These chemicals and antibiotics not only cause allergies, they cause  depression, alcoholism, arthritis, cancer, infertility, parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, autism,  and other conditions of ill health, if not now, then later in life.

The allergy specialist went on tho say that ‘ “There are still holes in this argument of sterile environments”, and that this theory  of  environments being too sterile  has not been fully accepted.  Does he not have a brain, or is he being paid bonuses by some  drug company for not mentioning toxic chemicals such as vaccinations, artificial fertilizers,  agricultural and household insecticides and weed killers, etc as being the REAL CAUSE OF ALLERGIES?  The allergy specialist has everything to be gained if  the real cause is kept secret, which is that toxic chemicals in food and environment, and vaccinations, cause allergies:  There is money to be gained by  drug companies, doctors, and  allergy specialists while people continue to get sick from drugs and environmental poisons.

The allergy specialist refrained from stating the obvious – the part of his hypothesis which is missing, actually – and that is that toxic chemicals used in both agriculture and about the house, and medical vaccinations, are the real reason that people are increasingly suffering from allergies.

Antibiotics and Vaccinations  Weaken the Immune System:   Be warned that those vaccinations you give your child will weaken your child’s immune system, making him or her more likely to suffer allergies of various kinds.  The allergy specialist did not mention the vaccinations which are given on a mamoth scale to children in New Zealand and all over the so called ‘developed’ world.

Food Is Contaminated With Toxic Chemicals:  No wonder that the allergy specialist mentioned that in New Zealand, many people suffer allergies from kiwifruit.  Did you know that an antibiotic is currently being used on kiwifruit in New Zealand, in an effort to curb the disease which threatens to wipe out all our kiwifruit orchards?   I have noticed that kiwifruit over the past two years tastes of a chemical which I cannot identify, but which gives me a headache.  Formerly, before this chemical was being used, our kiwifruit was not so toxic.  Now I know that, whatever other chemicals are being used to grow kiwifruit, there is a good dose of the antibiotic Streptomycin in it.  Streptomycin is the antibiotic being sprayed on kiwifruit vines.  So kiwifruit – which should normally be a wonderful food, high in Vitamin C, and cleansing fibre for the intestines, are probably causing more harm than good now, because of the poisons you will be ingesting with every kiwifruit eaten.  Your children will be taking in the antibiotic Streptomycin, as well as many other chemicals – The antibiotic Streptomycin on its own is enough to cause problems with your immune system function, and give you allergies.

Organic Food is Best:  But even organic food will have traces of agricultural chemicals which have been used in the past.  Protecting your organic plants from toxic spray which is being used down the road is always a problem for the organic farmer or agriculturalist.

Vaccinations and Antibiotics are just the worst thing for growing children.  They will predispose your children to allergies, arthritis, cancer, heart problems, and other things later in life.  Evidience of the failure of the vaccination system can be seen in the escalating incidence of glue ear, and complications because of measles, mumps, and other common childhood infections.

I have proved that no vaccinations is best.  After my eldest child, whom I had allowed the plunket nurse to vaccinate, developed terrible eczema, stomach pain, ear trouble, and sleeplessness, I decided that never would I allow any child of mine to be vaccinated again.  My daughter has a year old child who  is  a second generation child of a no-vaccination family.  He is breast fed on demand.  He has had NO ear trouble,  NO allergies, and nor has he had any illness of any kind.  This is nature’s way, given that his environment is chemical free, and he is breast-fed – that he should be immune from infections such as measles, until he is old enough to cope with these infections naturally.  Of course he WILL get measles, mumps, and other infections, but his immune system will naturally beat off these diseases, and strengthen his immunity in the process.

Trouble is that many babies being born in New Zealand are being born to parents who were vaccinated as children.  This means that the parents’ immunity has been interfered with, and so the new baby will not have as strong an immunity as it normally would, if the parents had not been vaccinated.  This is why these epidemics of measles and other childhood diseases have become rampant, and especially virulent.   95% of New Zealanders have apparently been vaccinated.  This means that 95% of the population are likely to have weaker, sickly children who are less able to combat these common childhood illnesses without suffering complications of some kind.  But if mankind is to survive at all, then it is important that we build up the immunity of the next generation.  This will take some skill and extreme care, to get the next generation surviving without the use of antibiotics and vaccinations.  This is where the expertise of a classical homeopath, ayurvedic practitioner, and vitamin therapist will be necessary, if you decide not to immunize or vaccinate your child.  It CAN be done.   I believe all vaccinations and immunizations should be discarded in favour of the homeopathic alternatives, to get our children back to health again.

Natural Remedies To Help Pre Menstrual Tension

Herbs, Homeopathy and Vitamins  For PMT

Pre-Menstrual Tension: Many women suffer from pre-menstrual tension.  According to Russell Setright, who wrote the “Get Well” book in 1990, 70% of women experience the symptoms which are related to pre-menstrual tension.

What Are The Symptoms of Pre Menstrual Tension? The typical symptoms are headache or migraine, mood swings,  anxiety, depression and fatigue.  Other  symptoms which you might experience before the period are: painful and swollen breasts, pain in the stomach, water retention, and cystitis.

Rule Number One: To prevent PMT, or pre-menstrual tension,  make your diet more alkaline.  This means eating more fresh vegetables and fruit, brown rice instead of bread, and eating less of wheat products, sugar and dairy foods.  Celery and alalfa and mung bean sprouts should form part of your daily diet, as these things are very alkaline.   Often, a gluten-free diet helps people with PMT.  Many people are sensitive to gluten in wheat flour and other products, and they do not realize it.  So experiment – do without bread, cake and pastries for a week, and avoid all products which may contain gluten and preservatives or chemicals of any kind.  This just could do the trick.

Supplements To Help Pre Menstrual Tension: For the emotional and mental symptoms, Vitamin B is helpful, especially B6 and B12. Another very helpful supplement is Evening Primrose Oil, which is  useful in calming the nerves, giving a good night’s sleep,  and in counteracting depression.  Evening Primrose Oil has been scientifically proven to alleviate the symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Tension.

Dandelion:  Blood Purifier and  Diuretic Herb: Most herbs  which encourage urine flow are useful in counteracting pre menstrual tension.  This is because toxins are expelled from the body through the urine.  Dandelion helps to remove  toxins, as well as excess water from your system:  If you get swollen legs, or swollen fingers, or a distended stomach before your period, then dandelion can help to reduce this fluid.  Dandelion is a great blood-purifier, which also has a beneficial effect on the liver:  It helps the liver to de-toxify, and  can help prevent gall-stones.  It is rich in many vitamins and minerals.   Dandelion is the herb which is most used in PMT.  Drink dandelion root coffee instead of that real coffee to help PMT.

Alfalfa Tea:  Alfalfa is a great detoxifier of the blood.  It is also highly alkaline which is healthful for the body.  A body which is too acidic can result in pre-menstrual tension.  You can drink up to five or six cups per day.  To make alfalfa tea, simply put a teaspoon of alfalfa seeds into a large cup, and pour on boiling water.  Let cool, to warm, then drink.  You can use the ‘grounds’ for a top-up before taking fresh seeds for another cup.  Again – drink less coffee, and more of the herbal teas such  alfalfa and dandelion root coffee to help pre menstrual tension.

Liquorice, or Licorice, is recommended by Russell Setright:  His dosage is 500mg per day, taken 5 days before the period. Liquorice can help soothe the nerves and detoxify the liver and intestines. However, in my experience,, while I just love liquorice, it has a tendency to lower the blood pressure.  If you are like me, and you have LOW blood pressure anyway, then too much liquorice will further lower your blood pressure, and this can make you feel terrible, and your depression worse.  So go easy on the Liquorice.

It is best to begin taking your supplements seven days prior to the period:  These will help stabilize your system, and aid it in its  natural production of  hormones.  Aldosterone is a hormone which is is linked to the menstrual cycle, and this is secreted seven days prior to the period.

It is best to avoid drinking coffee for AT LEAST  three days prior to the period.  Coffee depletes Vitamin B and other nutrients from the body, so it is good to limit your coffee drinking while you are suffering PMT.

Toxins in the body and the blood are usually the reasons that people get PMT.  Some chemicals which are used as preservatives, and herbicides and pesticides – even plastics – get into our blood-streams and cause havoc with our hormones. It is helpful to many sufferers  of PMT to fast on just fruit and vegetables for three days prior to the period.  This helps to reduce toxins in the body:  Being free of these toxins can have a remarkable effect in the curing of  pre menstrual tension.

Homeopathic Remedies which might be useful for pre-mensrual tension are:  Aconite, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Coffea, Nat. mur, Pulsatilla,  Sepia.  Of course, unless you know your remedies well, you should seek some advice from a health professional who understands Homeopathy.

I would recommend Homeopathic Remedy Coffea if you are especially irritable and cannot sleep, or if  you drink too much coffee.  In Homeopathy, the remedy Coffea comes from Coffee, but it actually has the opposite effect to coffee, in that it is a mild sedative.  Homeopathic Coffea can be helpful in reducing the desire to drink coffee.

One Homeopathic remedy which I have found to be useful in helping to dry up excess fluid in the body is Homeopathic Bryonia.  This can help depression and morbid thoughts too.  It is a useful remedy to have in the house for chest infections and phlegmatic illnesses, as it dries up fluid.   Worth a try if you think this might be suitable for you:  I would take the Bryonia a week before the period is due, and take it for only three days, three doses per day of just a few drops.  If you should feel worse, then stop taking the Bryonia.

Pulsatilla is a good one for PMT if you are excessively weepy and sad.  Again, I would take this about a week before the period, but you could try taking it as soon as you have the pre-menstrual symptoms.

Different remedies work for different people:  The professional Homeopath will take all your symptoms, and consider all sorts of things about you, your day, and your life before deciding on a remedy.  But there are some fairly standard remedies for some conditions which will generally work for most people.

Vitamins for Celiacs

Celiac Disease causes  problems in the digestion which leads to malabsorption of essential vitamins and minerals. Celiacs usually suffer from a condition of inflammation in the bowel, which causes nutritional deficiencies, and this condition leads to celiacs being  malnourished:   Weight loss, anaemia, and depression are just some of the symptoms which may accompany the celiac disease.

Cancer and Osteoporoosies and Osteomalacia are conditions which celiac sufferers are inclined to get, because their bodies do not assimilate calcium and other vitamins and minerals  as well as other healthy people do.  It was found in recent research conducted with  celiac patients,  that assimilation of  nutrients increased when gluten was removed from the diet completely.  Removing gluten increased the absorption of  essential nutrients in food and in supplements,  and lowered the  risk of cancer, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, and other disease.  The celiac sufferers had the same incidence of cancer as the rest of the population once gluten was removed. This information comes from “The Natural Pharmacy’, whose address I have given below.

First and Foremost, to ensure that your vitmamin supplements are having the maximum effect,  it is important to eliminate the problematic foods from the diet.   These are wheat, rye and barley, which contain the gluten which is undigestible to celiac sufferers.   In research done recently, 95% of celiac sufferers improved  and became  symptom free, over a period of several months,   once they had removed the problematic gluten from their diets.  That means that all wheat, and products which include wheat, and  barley and rye ,  must be avoided completely. Being totally gluten free is essential in treating the condition of celiac disease.

You should check out your candida status with your doctor or health professional.  Candida needs a special diet devoid of wheat, barley, rye, dairy products, all sugars including fruit, fermented food, fruit juces, alcohol, vinegars,  and yeast products, until you have recovered.  If you have not been diagnosed with celiac disease, it might be that you have candida overgrowth.

So it is important to replace the nutrients which are deficient.

Calcium: It is essential to eat plenty of calcium-rich foods.  Calcium helps to protect the body against cancer, osteoporosis, osteomalacia,  and other disease, as well as keeping the teeth, bones and nails strong.  Diseases which are related to calcium deficiency, cancer, osteoporosis, and osteomalacia, are conditions which celiac sufferers are inclined to get, so it is very important to ensure that the diet has adequate calcium.

Most people  need about 1200mg of calcium a day, but people with the celiac condition need at least twice this amount.  Women need slightly more than this amount to account for the loss in menstruation, and growing children and teenagers also need slightly  more.   One handful of sesame seeds contains about 1200mg of calcium, and a teaspoon of dolomite powder contains about twice this.

Natural Sources of Calcium: Dolomite powder, Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, sardines, bone broth, broccoli and the other brassicas which include cabbage and kale, coconut and coconut milk.   If your condition tolerates the use of dairy products and soy milk products, then of course these are excellent calcium sources too.  Look up merrilyn’s recipe for natural home-made calcium supplement under the post ‘Best Calcium Supplements’.

Make Home Made Calcium and Magnesium Tonic:  I have a post  entitled Best Calcium Supplement which tells you how to make an entirely natural calcium and magnesium tonic out of egg shells and cider vinegar.  With this calcium supplement, you do not need to take a commercially made supplement.

Vitamin B6 is especially recommended by health practitioners and doctors for the treatment of depression of celiac sufferers.   ‘The Natural Pharmacy’,  a Healthnotes Publication, Three Rivers Press, New York, 2006,  reports favourable results from people using vitamin B6 for depression.

As well as calcium and magnesium supplements, and vitamin B6, some other supplements which might be useful are

Vitamin A

Vitamin B complex (to compliment the B6 taken additionally)

Vitamin C:  Calcium Ascorbate powder, or Ester C, both forms of vitamin C which are non acidic.  You can take anywhere from between 1000mg to 3000mg a day, depending upon the severity of your condition. This is probably one of the most important supplements to take, as it makes the body alkaline rather than acid, helps the absorption of calcium and other nutrients, and works as an anti oxidant. It neutralizes toxins in the body and helps with their elimination.

Vitamin K

Digestive enzymes

Folic Acid

Iodine from eating  Kelp, Agar agar, Fish, or dabbing Iodine on the soles of the feet or the scalp once a week.




Electromagnetic Sensitivity

We are all sensitive the the effects of electromagnetic fields.  Some people are fortunate enough to recognise the effects of an electromagnetic field immediately they enter it. If the electromagnetic field is a strong one, then they might straight away get palpitations, or tingling up the arms, or  a darting pain in the scalp, or bone ache in the limbs.

They might experience a sudden rise in temprerature, similar to a hot flush. Or they might feel nauseous, have stomach cramps, or get a nose bleed.  They might suffer vertigo, dizziness, and a feeling that their life force is draining away, as if it is being sucked into the earth. Perhaps a little like you might imagine dying to be.

Other people might not experience any of these electromagnetic sensitivity symptoms in such a dramatic way.

However, people do indeed still suffer ill health because of electromagnetic vibrations and radiation when they are exposed to these conditions over a  period of time.

People who live close to strong power sources such as cell phone towers, electrical high tension wires, and radio and television transmitters, or who use cell phones a lot, or who work in highly intense, electrically charged environments, will be seriously undermining their health, in the short term and the long term. 

It is well known that a higher electrical force is cabable of interfering with the current of a less potent electrical force. This has been illustrated  for me with two electrical appliances,  my cell phone versus my CD player:  When a text was received on  the phone, which was on the charger, sitting near the CD player,  this caused the CD player, which was playing a disc, to malfunction.  It would not play, and had to be reset for the disc to play.  Another text came in, and the same thing happened.  The CD lost its train of thought and could not sustain the energy to play the CD.    It is the same with your own sensitive electromagnetic field, your aura – whenever you come into contact with an electrical force which is stronger than your own electrical currents, your aura will be undermined.  This is one major cause of  memory loss and depression, as well as physical sickness such as candida, cancer and arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and other disease.

In Chinese medicine, the weakening of the auric body is equated to loss of Qi. or CHI. Qi is the vital force within us which gives us life, vitality, and optimism.  Healthy Qi levels keep us from getting sick.

Henry McGrath has written a book entitled ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine:  Approaches to Cancer’.  This is published by Singing Dragon, of London and Philadelphia.   Author Henry McGrath mentions a study done in Japan, where it was found that electromagnetic disturbance had increased the chances of children getting leukaemia.  He also mentions that cell phone usage has led to brain tumours.

In another study, in 1929, Gustav Freiherr von Pohl linked the 42 cancer patients in the town of Vilbisburg to negative energies caused by electromagnetic forces which came from underground water courses and natural stress lines in the earth.  He found that all the cancer patients lived within close proximity to electromagnetic forces.

Herbal Remedies For Depression

Uplifting Herbal Remedies:

There are many herbal remedies for depression which are easily obtainable, and which have been proven to be effective in treating depression.

It is a good idea to get professional help if you are depressed. Go to your doctor, your acupuncturist, naturopath or health professional for advice. You should discuss the information below with your health professional before beginning any treatment.

First of all – check that you do not have SAD, or seasonal affective disorder. If SAD is the reason you are depressed, then increasing exposure of the body to natural sunlight on a regular basis,  and  supplementing the diet with Vitamin D rich foods, or a supplement,  should help the condition. Deficiencies of sunlight and Vitamin D accompany this type of depression.

Diet For Depression:  The best foods are alkaline greens, fruits and vegetables.  Avoid sugar, preservatives in food, and avoid wheat products and dairy foods except for butter.  Prepare your meals at home fresh.  Eat plenty of salads, brown rice instead of wheat bread and pasta, cooked green vegetables.  Make sure you have enough protein – organic free range eggs and meats and chicken.  If you are vegetarian, then you need to eat plenty of sprouted seeds and grains to get adequate protein and vitamin B.  Vitamin B deficiency, lack of Vitamin D and iron deficiency can lead to depression.

Protein In The Diet:  Choose any of this list to complement your diet:  Egg yolk, Sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, avocado, almonds and nuts.  These are importan additions to the diet if you do not eat any meat or fish.

Gotu Kola (Hydrocotyle asiatica) is a natural stimulant. It is considered to be a helpful herbal remedy for depression. This herb benefits the central nervous system, and brain and hormone function. Gotu kola has been used to treat schizophrenia, epilepsy and memory loss, which are related to brain function. It also helps the body to rid itself of toxins via the kidneys. Gotu kola contains Vitamins A, K, and the mineral magnesium, which is another nervine. Gotu kola is not recommended for expectant mothers, or nursing mothers, though, because of its diuretic effect. People with intestinal disfunction, such as irritable bowel syndrome, or colitis,  are best to avoid this herb.

Ginseng (Panex spp), that wonder of Oriental medicine, is another stimulating and reviving health herb which is useful in  treating depression. Ginseng helps brain function, increases vitality,  and nourishes the nerves. It is a good restorative medicine. Ginseng root has been used in Chinese medicine for over 5000 years. It is mineral-rich, and contains Vitamins A, B12 and Vitamin E.

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is another popular stimulating Chinese herb which is used to counteract depression, in combination with other treatments. It is reputed to be a great memory herb. However, this herb lowers the blood pressure dramatically, and so ginkgo should definitely be avoided by people with low blood pressure and avoided also by people who have disturbances with their sugar metabolism.  I would recommend that you take this herb only under the guidance of a qualified health practitioner.   My experience of this herb is that it certainly improved memory function, and increased alertness, but it had an unpleasant and disturbing side effect in that it made me feel terrible because of lowered blood pressure.

Ayurvedic Medicine: However, the reason this herb is not suitable for everyone might have something to do with the different mental and physiological types, known as doshas in Ayurvedic medicine. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are the three dosha types:

Vasant Lad, is the author of The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies, A Comprehensive Guide to the Ancient Healing of India. In this book, Vasant Lad recommends  Ginkgo tea for Pitta depression. You obviously need to know your body type if this herb is going to be effective. Vasant Lad’s book is published in the UK by Judy Piatkus (Publishers) Limited, 5 Windmill Street, London W1T 2JA, 1999. Reprinted 2002.

Hawthorn Berries have a tonic and stimulating effect on the digestion, the heart, and the nervous system. Hawthorn is useful, in combination with other herbs and modalities in treating depression, as it  helps  improve kidney function and aids in the elimination of waste products.

Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum frutescens) is a safe herb to take to help drive  those blues away. Cayenne  pepper helps melancholia, mainly because it  has a marked beneficial effect on the blood circulation, and also the digestion. You can use it in your food, or use it in foot baths to gain benefit from this stimulating herb. Cayenne contains the Vitamins A, C, and also has traces of iron and calcium.

The following are some other stimulating herbs which are safe to use in treating depression:

The mint family; marjoram, lemon verbena, thyme and basil. These can be used in your food,  as herbal teas, as herbal treatments for the bath, or for use in a foot bath.

Herbs which Calm and Help  With Natural Hormone Production:

Borage (Borago officinalis) Borage is the herb of courage, according to John Gerard, who quoted: ‘ego borago gaudia semper ago’, “I Borage, always bring courage’.  Borage is a safe herb to use, and you can grow it easily in your garden. Just collect a few borage seeds after the purple flowers have died down, and sprinkle them around your garden, or your flower pots. They grow easily, as long as they are watered. Bees love this plant, especially bumble bees. Borage stimulates the adrenal glands, and healthy adrenal glands help promote that feeling of ‘joie de vivre’. Borage is rich in silica, which helps to soothe and heal the nerves. Make herbal tea with borage, or use a few leaves every day in your salad.

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) is an herb which has been used in traditional medicine by the North American Indian people. It is often used for treating depression, as it is helpful in regulating hormones, and benefits the central nervous system, the brain, and emotions. Black Cohosh has nervine minerals calcium and magnesium. Black Cohosh is one of those herbs which should really only be used under the guidance of a health professional.

Dong Quai (Angelica Sinensis) This is another herb which, like ginkgo and ginseng, has been used in Chinese and Tibetan medicine for thousands of years. It  is a valuable women’s herb, as it  helps to restore estrogen levels. It is regarded as a general tonic for the female glandular/endocrine system. It also has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Dong Quai contains Vitamin E, B12, cobalt and iron, which contribute to its tonic effects.

Chaste Tree (Vitex agnuscastus) This herb helps the pituitary gland, which in turn, regulates hormone function. Vitamin B is recommended to supplement Chaste Tree berries.

Other Nervine herbs to Help Calm and Soothe: (Use under guidance from your health professional)

Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) (Note – chamomile tea is safe to use at any time); Pasque Flower (Anemone pulsatilla); Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora); Wood Betony (Stachys officinalis); Vervain (Verbena officinalis); Valerian Root (Valeriana officinalis); Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata); Lavender (Lavandula spp.)

Herbal Bath With Uplifting Herbs:

Lavender Bath: Put a handful of fresh lavender flowers into your bath as it is filling.

Rosemary Bath: Alternatively, you can use a sprig or two of rosemary.  Leave the herbs in the bath to infuse as you soak in the water.

Homeopathic Arsen alb. 30x is very useful homeopathic for alleviating depression. Other ones which might be considered are Lachesis, or Ignation, Nat. mur, Lycopodium, Aconite, Belladona or Pulsatilla, depending on what the other symptoms are. Generally, you would choose just one, or maybe two, to treat the individual. Best to see a professional homeopath for advice, of course.