Toxic Weedkiller Sprayed All Around Dunedin Reservoir Jan 2017

Toxic Herbicide A Danger To Health

Well, toxic herbicide such as RoundUp, which contains the especially harmful glyphosate, is bad in any measure for the environment and for the health.

But for a city reservoir to be poisoned all around the perimeter of the reservoir, to about three metres away from the water’s edge, is outrageous.

New Zealand is fast losing its clean green reputation.

I went for a walk with a friend yesterday. Wednesday the 25th January, 2017, from Brockville down to Concord. This is a fantastic walk, with many beautiful trees on the ridge, and wonderful views down to the coast.  However:

It was appalling to see the extent of the spraying around the reservoir, and also to witness the dying grass on both sides of the road, almost in a continuous line from Brockville down to Concord.  The reservoir was heavily sprayed, and so were the drains on the side of the road.  These drains run down to feed a stream at the bottom of the hill. So the water running down into this stream will be poisoned for several weeks, after which the council or their contractors will probably pour poison around the place all over again.

My guess is that Monsanto’s RoundUp was the herbicide used:  This is still the most widely used herbicide in New Zealand, to my knowledge.  It is very bad stuff – it has been banned in many parts of Europe, and environmentalists hope to get a complete ban on this poison before very long.

World Health Organization have indicated that glyphosate probably causes cancer. My experience indicates that it affects the digestive system, because it upsets the intestinal flora, which causes  candida overgrowth and consequent bowel problems.  It also causes skin troubles such as eczema, and excites the nervous system in an unfavourable way.  It is probably a contributing factor in people succumbing to diseases such as multiple scleroses, and Parkinson’s.

Exposure to glyphosate can also can affect the memory and cognitive functions in my experience.

Glyphosate and other toxic chemicals used in herbicides and pesticides have a harmful effect on our bees and other pollinating insects, as well as birds and animals too.

In my previous post, I wrote about dozens of bumble bees dying on the road and pavement at Kaikorai Valley.  This is not far away from the poisoned reservoir and the roads and drains which I witnessed today. Nicotinoid pesticides are well known for their bee-killing potential.  But glyphosate in commonly used RoundUp, a Monsanto product, also can kill insects and bees, especially when it is used in such large quantities over many kilometres of ground.

Hundreds of bumble bees, honey bees and other insects must have died in the massive spraying programme which has recently been implemented in our area. No wonder that our beehives are dying of bee colony collapse disorder.

And no wonder so many people get sick from strange viruses.  We will have this poison in our water supply for sure, after the reservoir area was sprayed. The wind carries spray particles near and far.  We all get affected one way or another.

I am going to return to the Dunedin Brockville dam tomorrow to take photos.  I will put some of these up on this page very soon.

Note:  Several people in my housing complex have had chest troubles in the past week or more. We live with a kilometre or so of the area which has been heavily sprayed. One old lady went into hospital with pneumonia.  Another has had flu-like sort of symptoms which have not developed into a real flu, but which have persisted nevertheless. I had a slight cough over the past week. After walking down these sprayed roads for an hour or so, I developed severe ear trouble by nightfall, with fluid in both ears. A severe pain began in my chest on the left side.  I took homeopathic Bryonia and Ferr phos in several doses, which has helped.  I visited the sprayed reservoir yesterday to take photos, after which a flu-like condition has manifested, with a lot of fluid on the chest.


Bumble Bees Dying In Dunedin Because Of Toxic Spray

Toxic Chemicals Poisoning Our Bees

On Tuesday, when we were still experiencing good weather in Dunedin before the storm, I came across dozens of bumble bees who were disoriented and dying all over the road and footpath down at Kaikorai Valley.  The location was the Taieri-Nairn street intersection.

These poor bees were severly incapacitated and could neither walk nor fly. It was obvious that they had been poisoned with either herbicide or pesticide.

The Kaikorai Reserve, which has the Taieri Stream running through it, is in the vicinity of this bee massacre.  The Taieri Stream actually has been piped underground at this location.

It is probable that council contractors had been spraying toxic chemicals that day, perhaps around the Kaikorai Reserve.  If not that, then it could have been contractors who were working at the Mosgiel end of the Kaikorai Valley – I had seen a dozen or so workers culling out weeds along the roadside as I came back on the bus from Mosgiel that day.  They were probably poisoning weeds as they went along the bank bordering the main road.

As the crow flies, where the contractors were culling weeks was only a few kilometres away from where I saw all these bees dying.

People need to be reminded of just how damaging using toxic chemicals in our environment really is.  We need all the bees and bumble bees that we can get.  Without bees and other pollinating insects, then we would all starve to death.

Bees are extremely sensitive to herbicides and insecticides. If they survive the flight back to their hive or nest after coming into contact with poison, then they carry the poison home, which will contaminate the hive and kill other bees which might have otherwise escaped the spray. This is a major factor in bee colony collapse disorder, where whole hives die.  If they do not die from the poison spray being brought home to the hive, then their immune systems become so weakened by the spray that they fall prey to viruses and mites which can potentially destroy the hive.

Councils should prohibit all use of toxic chemicals by their contractors, and insist on the use of manual labour and organic methods, instead of such things which damage the environment and the creatures which inhabit it.

When I came down the valley the following day, many more bees had arrived onto the road and pavement, all looking very sick and partially paralysed.  There must have been hundreds of bees who died in this incident – how many more bees, which we could not see, lay prostrate on the ground over the entire area, I wondered.

Councils would do well to begin educational programmes on how to protect our environment.

Agricultural chemicals poison our water, poison the plants which we eat, and kill off insects and birds.  Toxic herbicides and insectides also give us cancers and other diseases, especially those which affect the nervous system, such as parkinsons and multiple sclerosis.

Common old RoundUp, which contains glyphosate, is widely used all over our parks, streets and farmlands.  This has been cited as a cancer causing chemical which has been banned in some parts of Europe.


Onions Help Sleep May Prevent Asthma Cancer Stroke Heart Attack

Natural Remedies

The healing compounds in the humble onion are truly remarkable. Onions are rich in Vitamin C, Selenium, and other phytochemicals which are thought to prevent cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other maladies. They also do much to help prevent asthma attacks.

The oil of the onion is strongly antiseptic, and also has a soporific quality which will be welcome news to the insomniac. Eating onions in the evening will not just do much to benefit your immunity, they can help give you a sound night’s sleep.

Note:  Habitual lack of sleep leads to poor memory function, poor decision-making, and poorer health in the long run.  Sleeplessness is usually due to anxiety, but it can be that the thyroid gland is not functioning properly.  Extra iodine can help to remedy an overactive thyroid, as well as an underactive thyroid. (see Dr Caroline Shreeve, who recommends using kelp to up your iodine and other minerals)

Get a checkup from your doctor or naturopath to make sure there is no serious underlying cause to your sleeplessness.

A medical book from the early 20th century recommends the eating of raw onions to encourage sleep, and quotes a Frank Buckland, who said: ‘Everybody knows the taste of onions; this is due to a peculiar essential oil contained in this valuable and healthy root.  The oil has, I am sure, highly soporific powers.  In my own case, it never fails.  If I am much pressed with work and feel I shall not sleep, I eat two or three onions and the effect is magical.’

(From The Doctor At Home and Nurses Guide’, published in London and Melbourne by Ward, Lock and Co Limited.  No date, but the book is very old, from early 1900’s.  Some drugs recommended in this book, such as mercurial salves, would be quite toxic, and we would avoid them at all cost. However, the book  makes interesting reading and does discuss some commonsense home remedies such as this onion remedy, which can only do you good)

I find that eating an onion sauteed in butter or oil also enhances sleep, if it is taken in the evening. Even half a raw onion, chopped finely and added to crackers and cheese for supper at night, can be  helpful towards attaining sound sleep.

This old book also advises that ‘tea and coffee taken during the day are particularly prejudicial in the interests of sleep.’  We all know this, but how eloquently put…..

I would try an inhalation of onion:  Cut up half an onion and pour over boiling water.  Inhale the steam with a towel over your head.  This can be used as a therapy for many ills, including sleeplessness, flu symptoms, onset of asthma or bronchitis. Be careful not to get too close to the steam, or to burn yourself.

Other helpful hints in the interests of quality sleep, from various sources:

Homeopathic Remedies: The biochemic cell salt Kali phos (potassium phosphate) can help.  A lack of this mineral in the blood can cause sleeplessness. Constance Mellor advises the dose of two pilules before each meal, dissolved on the tongue, and four pilules to be taken just before bed.

Ms Mellor also suggests having a warm bath or shower at bedtime, but not drying oneself completely.  Instead, wrap up in a warm clean sheet to absorb the moisture, and presumably, go to bed with the wrap still on.  This is a similar remedy found in other writings, where a damp wrap is left on at bedtime:  The effect is to bring an increase in temperature, which can be very useful for sweating out the beginnings of a cold or flu.

Suggested Remedies for Sleeplessness Before Midnight:  Depending on the other symptoms, one of these could be helpful:  Ambra, Arsen alb, Calcarea, Calc phos, CCarbo veg, Coffea, Conium, Kali carb, Lycopodium, Magnesia mur, Mercurius, Nat mur, Phosphorous, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur. (see Dr Andrew Lockie)

Suggested Remedies for Sleeplessness After Midnight: Arsen alb, Capsicum, Coffea, Hepar sulph, Kali carb, Nux vomica, Phosphoric ac., Silicea.

Onion Pack: The onion pack for pleurisy is worth remebering.  This involves cutting an onion, skin and all, covering with water, and simmering for ten minutes or so.  Soak a flannel or piece of cotton material in the onion water.  Wring out, and apply hot to the chest.  Wrap up the pack well to keep the heat in.  A woolen blanket around the chest works well. Cover up in bed and keep the pack on for several hours if possible.  After several hours, the onion water can be heated up again, and a fresh pack made to put onto the chest.  This treatment should work well to bring about peaceful sleep, as the essential oils from the onion will be absorbed into the skin.

Keeping the feet warm is important for sleeping well.  A hot water bottle in cold weather, and woolen socks, are good recommendations.

Putting a sprig of rosemary, lemon balm, or lavender under the pillow can also be helpful in gaining restful sleep. Dried hops sewn into a wee sachet also work as a soporific.

List Of Heritage Apples Rich In Cancer-Fighting Phytonutrients

Natural Remedies

Apples are a wonderful health food.  ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’, we used to say, and I think there is some truth in this old adage.

Apples are a great natural cleanser of the digestive system, including the intestines.  This makes them very helpful in preventing or treating cancer. A good heritage apple eaten daily will help lower cholesterol, thus helping to prevent heart attack and stroke, and provide many valuable vitamins and nutrients as well.

For best health benefits, of course it is best to eat the whole, unpeeled apple.  Even the pips of the apple are benefial, as these contain laetrile, or amygdalin, also called Vitamin B17, which has been used to good effect in treating cancer.  Be cautious about eating too many pips, though – the pips of one or two apples per day should be more than enough for a person of average build who is in good health.  More pips could be taken if one was treating cancer or another degenerative disease, but it is important to get some advice on an appropriate cleansing diet, preferably with the use of enemas, in the case of treating cancer and other serious disease with the help of laetrile.  You can over-do the pip therapy, as the pips also contain traces of cyanide.

If you can grow or procure apples heritage apples, and you eat at least one a day, then you are less likely to develop serious degenerative disease, such as cancer, than if you ate no apples, or ate commercially grown modern varieties.  This is a proven fact:  In the February 2005 publication of the ‘Growing Today’ magazine, I found an article about the proven benefits of eating heritage apples in preference to newer, commercial varieties.

The article also quotes a 2002 National Public Health study from Helsinki:

The study group of people who ate several heritage apples per day over many years had not any signs of serious diseases such as cancer, arthritis, obesity or diabetes at the end of the study. The health of these people was far superior in every way to the people who ate few, or no apples per day.

The fact is that heritage apples, or seedling trees which have been grown from scratch in your garden, have a higher amount of phytonutrients than the modern, commercial types of apples.  Supermarket varieties are mostly grown for their appearance, and their storage qualities, rather than the amount of ‘goodness’ within the apple.

Heritage apple trees, and seedling trees, are generally much hardier and need less attention than modern commercial strains, as they are more bug resistant, and disease resistant than their modern rivals.  This means that they need less spraying, whether or not you use organic or commercial poison methods.

At the top of the list of heritage apples, according to studies done in NZ and elsewhere, are the Monty’s Surprise and Hetlina apple varieties.  These  two have the highest amount of phytonutrients than any other apple trees tested so far.  The russet apples are also high on the list.

Generally speaking, any of the heritage apple trees will likely be higher in nutrients than any shop-bought variety which has been grown for its looks.

Here are some to consider: (note – this list will continue to grow – i will continue to add information about each variety)

Belle de Boskoop: A very old heritage variety which originated in Boskoop, Netherlands.  It is a common tree throughout Europe:  It is a distinctive tree,  willowing out from the upper centre quite beautifully with abundant flowers followed by large handsome apples which are crisp and tart and sweeten with storage. Good for cooking, eating, and for cider.

Boskoop Rouge: A version of the Belle de Boskoop, but with a redder skin.

Cox’s Orange

Gravenstein:  This apple has apparently been known since the 1600’s.  It originated in Denmark.  A New Zealand variety of the Gravenstein is the red-fleshed, sweet-tasting, juicy Albany Beauty, which originates from the Albany area north-west of Auckland.

Hetlina: One of the highest after Monty’s Surprise for riboflavin content and other phytonutrients.

Kentish Filbasket

Lord Wolsely

Monty’s Surprise: According to ‘Thunder Mountain’s nursery list, Monty’s Surprise is a ‘unique New Zealand seedling variety’ from the lower part of the North Island.  It is very resistant to disease and is therefore capable of being grown without chemical sprays. It was re-discovered by Tree Crops Association member Mark Christensen in the 1990’s, the original Monty’s Surprise tree being around 90 years old..  Monty’s Surprise is a great cooking and dessert apple, and, eaten whole, pips, skin and all, is a powerful disease inhibitor. ‘This is to the best of our knowledge, the best anti-cancer eating apple in the world.’ (Thunder Mountain says)

Northern Spy:  This is a well-known apple commonly grown in the northland areas of New Zealand, where clay and wet soils often prevail.  It has excellent resistance to wooly aphids.  Because of its hardiness, it is often used as a root stock for other varieties.  It grows from 3 to 5 metres high.

Reinette du Canada

Sidero Cidre


Takapuna Russet


Worcester Pearmain

Yarlington Mill


Dandelion Leaves Recommended To Lower Blood Pressure

Natural Remedy

A friend of mine went to her doctor recently because she felt her blood pressure was not right.  She has never suffered high blood pressure before.

Her blood pressure was tested and found to be on the high side, although not dangerously so.  I have admiration for her doctor, who did not immediately dish out pharmaceutical preparations to lower her blood pressure, but instead recommended that she eat some fresh dandelion leaves each day.

Dandelions are a very healing herb, and I believe every household should nurture a few in the cottage garden, or in plant pots at the door.  They do well growing at the side of virtually any other herb or flower.  The humble dandelion provides nitrogen to the soil, and brings nutrients to nearby plants.

The dandelion flower is loved by bees, and helps to keep the bees healthy.

Dandelion leaves, and also the root, help keep the digestive system healthy and the bowels clean.  A  little dandelion eaten each day in a salad will improve the immune system.

Because of its rejuvenating effect on the liver and digestive system, dandelion is a good herb to help prevent or treat cancer, in combination with other remedies and healthy diets.

Important:  Make sure you do not gather any dandelions from along paths or the roadside where poisonous sprays such as RoundUp may have been used.  Many pesticides and herbicides can actually cause cancer and other diseases.  They can even cause the blood pressure to rise if one is exposed to them.

Merrilyn’s new book is available on Amazon: