Pendulum Dowsing

Pendulum Dowsing is a fascinating thing.  A simple pendulum such as a glass crystal from a Chinese Two Dollar Shop will work, so long as the pendulum can swing unhindered and evenly. Once you get the hang of it, the pendulum  can give you a negative or a positive to almost any question. The usual patterns are:   clockwise for a positive, and anti clockwise for a negative. It is possible to use the pendulum for almost any question:  you can swing the  pendulum  over an item of food to let you know whether or not that food is suitable for you or not.   You can find lost items such as jewellery, or library books, with the use of pendulum dowsing. The most valuable  use  of the pendulum is in the  Divine purpose of  spiritual healing.

Water Diviners  use dowsing methods  for finding water underground, except that a ‘divining rod’  is used instead.  The use of a rod works better in this case, because the rod can point downwards at the exact point where the water is to be found, whereas a pendulum cannot be so decisive  in pin-pointing locations.

Whilst you are still learning how to use the pendulum, you may not get correct answers.  The pendulum may swing about willy nilly and not tell you much at all, in the beginning.  But after a time, when you get some skill into it, you will find that your results are correct, or near the mark, 90-100% of the time.

So where does this information come from?  How does the pendulum know what an outcome will be to a certain situation, whether something will be beneficial for you or not. Or with two people you have just met – how can the pendulum tell you whether these two  people are related,  or if their parents are still alive,  how old they are,  or what their condition of ill health is, without  your knowing anything about their history?

The answer is hidden intelligence.  Whether you believe the Angels are responsible, or whether these Angels are known to you or not,  or whether it is an unknown ‘Guide’, makes no difference really.  However, it has become apparent to me over many years of using the pendulum, that often the presence behind the power of the pendulum is actually someone I know.  These people have all passed over and are  ‘on the other side’,  except for one person who visits me from time to time.  I thought he had left the physical world and thought that he was sending me messages from there,  so you can imagine how surprised I was  to find out that he is still alive.

My friend, we shall call him Gottlieb, is a spiritual healer.  He has always  had an amazing gift of healing, dowsing for a diagnosis, and then applying his spiritual healing.  He has always  been capable of astral travel, of putting himself in another place or country just by an effort of will:  so it is not surprising, really, that he was coming to visit me from as far afield as Queensland, Australia, and not from Heaven, where I expected him to be.  I live in New Zealand.

You can read about more of the details of this very unusual happening in my post entitled “Spiritual Healing and the Pendulum’.

Pendulum Dowsing can be used in diagnosis to help healing.

My friend Gottlieb used a slightly different method,  more like the method of the water diviner, which he has taught me how to use.  This is done with a fine pen held in the hand over an anatomical chart.

Gottlieb uses this method to perform the most unusual but most effective type of healing. The pen is the tool which the guiding spirits use to indicate on the chart what acupressure points are to be used in order to help a person who needs healing. The advantage of using a pen, instead of a pendulum, is that you can pin-point the acupressure points needed to facilitate a healing with accuracy.

Divine  healers in the Heavenly realms are capable of guiding us to the specific acupressure points, for individual requirements, so that acupressure  can then be performed  on these  specified points to aid healing. My friend Gottlieb has gifted healers who help him with this  Divine diagnosis from their place in Heaven.

The pen diagnosis can be for the person who is sitting with you, or it can be for some absent person.

I am still using the pendulum, though,  for divining messages from my friends, including Gottlieb, and will continue to do so until I am sure that I have mastered the other method. Gottlieb  contacted me last night via thought waves which I received via my pendulum.  He really wanted me to talk about this healing method, so that many more people can begin to use it.

This is how I got  Gottlieb’s messge with my pendulum:   I hold the pendulum over  the letters of the alphabet.  The person who is wanting to ‘come through’  usually spells out their  name to begin with, although this occasionally is skipped. I move my pendulum around over the letters of the alphabet which are drawn in a large circle about the size of a large dinner plate. The  pendulum swings over the letters which spell the words which begin to form sentences.  Sometimes the sentences are not complete, but usually they are complete phrases.  Everybody has their own individual style, and turn of phrase, in life, and this is carried on even unto death, which of course is not death, really.  Our friends are now full time  in another realm, although they can visit us from time to time. Gottlieb has been  spending a lot of time in this other realm, and it is easy for him to manifest anywhere at all, just as the spirits are capable of.

Gottlieb really wishes I would get on and  master the pen method, as this would be a lot faster than divining messages with the pendulum. I will get there, Gottlieb.

Take my word for it:  Divination and the idea of Heavenly guides is regarded as madness by most people, but many people will be doing the same thing within a few years.  In the 1970’s and even in the 80’s, people thought that you were mad if you complained that an herbicide such as 245T, or Roundup,  was affecting your health.  People said that you were imaging it.  Because there were no visible  immediate physical effects, people denied that it was happening.  Nowadays, information has spread, and many people do accept  that toxins in our food and general environment  really are causing ill health, as well as wrecking our environment.   This is no new thing now.  It is accepted as fact.

Well, in about five  years time, it will be the same story: Dowsing methods will be  the means to contact spirits, living people, and Divine Intelligence. People will be able to talk to the sick, those who cannot speak because of brain damage caused by stroke or paralysis, or  alzheimer’s. It will be an accepted thing, and many people will be doing it. Then, when we have all developed a bit more on the psychic level, we won’t even need a pendulum to guide us anymore,  as we will be capable of communicating directly with spirit, and understanding what needs to be done.

I think the pen diagnosis will always have a part to play in diagnosing acupuncture and acupressure points for the purposes of Divine Healing.

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