Iodine Heart Palpitations

Iodine Can Cause Heart Palpitations: Iodine is very necessary for good health and for the function of the thyroid gland.

Too much iodine, though, can result in heart palpitations if you use it too often or too much at a time. Heart palpitations are often a sign that you have too much of a chemical in your body, unless you are unfortunate enough to have some serious illness.

Sensitive people often get heart palpitations when they get within close proximity to any strong chemical.  Even being near a quantity of homeopathic preparations, or herbal infusions, can give some people heart palpitations.  Some people may be sensitive enough to experience heart palpitations by simply coming into contact with iodine.  These people who are extremely sensitive will probably experience heart palpitations by getting  too close to electricity power transformers or cell phones and other sources of electro magnetic energy and radiation.  If you are one of these sensitive people, then it is probably best to avoid using liquid iodine.

Iodine sensitive people should not use iodine to regrow hair. Use kelp in your food instead, and eat more fish to get your daily iodine  requirements.  You need iodine to maintain a healthy thyroid, keep glandular functions normal, and to prevent goitre.

For Sensitive People Wishing To Regrow Hair:  Drink oat straw tea to help  hair growth, and have oatmeal porridge daily. These are both rich in silica, which helps hair growth.  You can use oat straw tea as a rinse for your hair after washing.  This combines well with using apple cider vinegar, which is  a nutrient rich tonic for the hair.

Having candida, or yeast infection, can also cause heart palpitations,  make you more sensitive to chemicals, and produce allergy reactions to some foods.

This is why, when using iodine to improve hair growth and treat hair loss and other conditions, we only need one or two dabs of the iodine on the scalp or the soles of the feet.  Iodine is absorbed through the  pores of the skin, which is why you do not need to paint iodine onto the skin every day.  Once a week is probably enough for most people, especially for small children, who will only need one dab.

After two or three weeks of treatment for your hair loss,  you could leave the iodine alone for a few weeks before doing another few weeks of iodine treatment.

Avoid using liquid iodine if you are having reactions to it.

Causes Of Dizziness Can Be Environmental and Lazy Bowels

Drugs Or Detox:

Dizzy Spells Can Be Caused By Chemical Poisoning

There is an advertisement which has been running for several weeks now on New Zealand television.  This is an ad put on by ‘Sovereign’ NZ doctors, which encourages people to go and see their doctor or one of their many specialists.

That is all very well – we all need to see a doctor sometimes for emergency situations, such as an injury, and sometimes for genuine long-standing health complaints. Sometimes people really do need to take long term medication.

However, I dislike this advertisement particularly because it gives the impression that medications are the answer for very common complaints – blurred vision with  dizzy spells and dropping things.  These three are all suffered by the fit-looking young man in the ad.

Blurred vision, with dizzy spells and dropping things could mean that you have  a middle ear infection, or some terrible disease like a brain tumour, or diabetes,  or even multiple sclerosis or cancer.  In these cases, you would need a doctor or a health professional,  however, this is not the most likely scenario for most people.

The youngish man pictured in the ad, who says he had blurred vision with dizzy spells and  who was dropping things eight months ago,  probably does not have these things at all.  For a start, he is an actor, but seriously, his said complaints would most  likely be caused by factors which could be avoided or reversed. A simple detox diet, might be the answer.  Or avoidance of exposure to elcetro-magnetic waves – transformers, cell-phones –  keeping a distance from cell-phone towers and high tension wires – things like that.

This really is the crux of my argument:  That more doctors should be looking towards life-style and  environmental factors in treating disease.  Chemicals in the environment, as well as radiation from cell phones, towers and electricity transformers, are responsible for most conditions of disease.  Disease is not a random thing which ‘strikes’ people down.  Disease is something which can be cured by cleansing the system as in a detox diet, adopting a healthy diet, and avoiding  the use  of harmful chemicals and anything else which harms the body.

Prevention is Better Than Cure: At the first sign of blurred vision, dizzy spells and dropping things, remedial  health measures should be taken which will eliminate them.

Taking a medication to mask the situation so that you can carry on poisoning yourself will give you a worse condition in the end. Cancer or other degenerative disease is likely to set in.

The cause of the problem will be allowed to carry on doing its destruction to your body if you take prescription medicine.  Drugs will simply compound the toxic problem, and give you the illusion that all is well.

Chemical Poisoning: Most otherwise healthy people should first consider the possibility that some sort of chemical poisoning, or auto intoxication through bad bowel elimination, not enough exercise, inadequate sleep, or deficiencies in the diet, might be causing dizzy spells.   Any one, or a combination of these things, can lead to your body and brain becoming fatigued, and this could be the reason for those dizzy spells with blurred vision, and dropping things.

Poisons in the intestines, and contact with toxic chemicals, do affect our health profoundly: Contact with insecticides can cause blurred vision and dizzy spells. Autointoxication, as in stored toxins in the liver and bowel, can cause blurred vision, dizzy spells and dropping things.

Chemical Poisoning in New Zealand:  Here is an example of how some chemicals cause a common complaint:  Many people in New Zealand are given medications for sinus and hayfever during spring and summer, as if this is an inherent condition which they HAVE to take medicine for. ‘Pollen’ is blamed in every case.

But the fact is that the period when the pollen is flying is exactly the time when, in New Zealand, anyway, spray is being poured on our soil in a big way.  City councils spray roadside verges and pavement areas, and park grounds, to kill weeds.  Farmers and fruit-growers are beginning their spraying programmes at this time. Householders will often get out their spray guns and spread poison around the garden. People fumigate their houses with carcenogenic toxic insecticides to get rid of spiders, ants and cockroaches.

So the pollen in the air is contaminated by many, many sources, and by many different chemicals which are harmful to insects and to ourselves, our children, and our pets.

The average person, and most doctors, blame pollen every time.  Insecticide and herbicide use is conveniently ignored.  This is great news for the chemcial manufacturers, and the drug companies:  One feeds off the damage of the other.  The chemical companies carry on  making their chemicals and making their profit, while  the drug companies  make their money out of people getting sick after the use of chemicals.

To suggest that a young person who has dizzy spells and drops things needs medication, most probably long term,  prescribed by one of ‘sovereign’s ‘specialists’ is irresponsible.  We need Jamie Oliver here to show these doctors a thing or two, I reckon.

Detox Diets:  There are sensible things which you can do to eliminate poisons from the body and get the digestive system and intestines functioning properly again.  A colon cleanse can do wonders for your health, because accumulated poisons are elminated quickly via this method.

Avoid Harmful Chemcials:  This is one way that you can improve your health dramatically, and help to avoid disease like cancer, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and the like.

Get Yourself Well: People need to be educated into doing the right thing for their health.  Taking a medicine is usually NOT the answer, as this does not address the root cause of the problem, or problems.  Any one of the ‘natural medicine’  practitioners will take a good look at why you are unwell, and try to fix the problem, rather than mask it with a drug.

Taking more drugs to add to those toxic chemicals already stored in the body will only invite  cancer and other degenerative disease to settle in.

Naturopathy, ayurvedic medicine, chinese medicine, herbal remedies, acupuncture or homeopathy will  all attempt to cure your dizziness or other health complaints without the need to take drugs for the rest of your life. It may be that you still need to see a doctor if detox measures and diet do not work, but there is a good chance that they will.

Practitioners of alternative therapies look to the cause of the complaint and go from there.

Detoxifying the body,  and getting the digestive system and intestines functioning properly again is usually the start of the getting well process.  An appropriate diet is given.  Suitable exercises, enough rest, and an adjustment to the life style, avoiding anything harmful, are all advocated.

Prevention is Better Than Cure

Avoid Taking Medication For The Rest Of Your Life:  Get Yourself Well. Some people might really have some serious disease which needs a doctor’s or a specialist’s attention.  But for most people, this scenario of having to take a medication indefinitely can be avoided.  The answer is to take action early enough:  Address the causes of the complaints right away, rather than take a medicine to mask the symptoms.

Possible Causes Of Those Dizzy Spells

  • Chemical Poisoning:  Chemcials  in our environment are number one.  Herbicides, pesticides and all toxic chemcials cause ill health.  Often dizziness is an early sign of toxicity or a reaction to a chemcial.  You should look at your work environment as well as your home environment and try to eliminate contact with any toxic chemicals. Petrol, brake fluid, engine oil, oven cleaners, strong disinfectants, are all capable of producing dizzy spells and making you sick.  Brake fluid and products with formaldehyde in them will very quckly give you dizzy spells and cause you to drop things.  These chemicals are very weakening to the body, the brain, and the immune system.
  • Inadequate fiber in the diet, and not enough alkaline greens, not enough fresh fruit and vegetables, can cause dizzy spells.  This is because toxins gather in the bowel if they are not eliminated properly.  From there, they get reabsorbed back into the blood stream via the walls of the colon.
  • Not enough water or liquid such as herbal teas.
  • Too much coffee can dehydrate the body, which leaves the intestines with inadequate water to process the food and eliminate waste.  Excessive coffee drinking also depletes your body of minerals and vitamins and kills off the beneficial bacteria in the bowel.
  • Chemicals and preservatives in your food can cause many disturbances of the body and brain:   sluggish digestion and dizziness and headaches are some of the first symptoms.
  • Inadequate iron and inadequate Vitamin B, especially Vitamin B6 and 12, can cause dizziness and weakness.
  • Antioxidants can help you detoxify:  Extra Vitamin C can help reduce toxins in the body,  and help you to eliminate toxins quickly through the intestines.  Large doses of Calcium ascorbate, Vitamin C, has been found to be effective in treating cancer and in cancer prevention.  It is recommended by many therapists and many doctors, for treating serious disease.

The trouble with modern medicine is that it works hand in glove with the drug companies who make medicines, and these people want you to believe that you simply need one of their expensive drugs.  If you are on it for the rest of your life, then this benefits the drug companies, the specialists and doctors to whom you have given your trust.

There ARE many good doctors out there:  But the impression given by the sovereign ad is that taking a medication is all that is needed, rather than fixing the cause.

Ginger Roots In Folk Medicine

Ginger Roots In Folk Medicine

Zingiber officinale

The ginger family, Zingiberacea, has been used in folk medicine all over the world for many centuries.  Ginger roots are carminative, rubefacient and stimulative., and as such have a role to play in preventative medicine.

The roots, leaves, shoots, and influorescence of the ginger plant can all be used in healing, but ginger roots are the part of the plant which is the most potent.  Ginger roots are the parts mostly used in folk medicine.

Ginger as a Digestive Aid:  Ginger roots have a fine reputation as a digestive tonic. The therapeutic compounds in ginger, camphene, phellandrene, zingiberene and zingerone give ginger rubefacient, or counterirritant and carminative properties.  These compounds in ginger also help break down fats and therefore aid the body in its digestion of fats.

Ginger For Nausea: Ginger tea can be helpful in alleviating travel sickness, or motiion sickness. It can be used to counteract morning sickness in pregnancy, although some herbalists advise pregnant women to avoid using ginger.

Ginger In Ayurvedic Medicine:  Ginger roots have been used to treat cholera, anorexia and inflamed liver in traditional ayurvedic medicine.

Ginger Is a Respiratory Medicine In China: Ginger tea has long been used in China for treating coughs, colds and flu. The Chinese regard Ginger as a lung and kidney strengthening medicine: Its helpful action on the kidneys, and its ability to help dissipate poisons from the body has earned ginger the reputation of being a hangover medicine. Ginger helps headache which often comes from a hangover or from over indulgence in rich foods.

Ginger To Help Circulation Problems: Ginger-oil massage is a traditional treatment in Japan, where it is used for massaging sore joints as well as spinal stiffness, and for promoting good circulation.

Pain Relief: Ginger is useful in treating painful joints, as it helps to draw the blood to the area, stimulating circulation, which helps remove toxins and alleviate pain.

Sinus congestion can be relieved by either taking a ginger inhalation, or by using a ginger compress. Kidney problems, menstrual cramps and rheumatic and arthritic pain and gout can also be helped by using a ginger compress over the affected area.

Ginger For Ear Ache:  Ear ache can be relieved by plugging the ear with cotton wool which has been soaked in diluted ginger-oil or a strong infusion of ginger tea. If you are using ginger oil, then you use must dilute the essential oil in olive oil – one drop of essential oil in about two teaspoons of olive oil. A few drops of this mixure may be put into the ear. Or you can soak a cotton wool pad in this diluted ginger oil and place in the ear. Garlic oil, or freshly pressed garlic juice, can be used in the same way for helping ear ache: Dilute the garlic oil in a little olive oil before putting in the ear.

A ginger footbath is a good invigorating tonic for the whole body, as this increases circulation.

Varicose veins can be helped by using a ginger footbath.

Ginger Footbath For Varicose Veins

Ginger Footbath to Increase Circulation
Ginger has many health benefits:  One main one is that ginger helps increase circulation.  This means that the ginger footbath will have a helpful effect on many conditions, such as arthritis, rheumatism, heart troubles, and varicose veins.

There are many ways to take ginger for improving the circulation and improve your digestion:  You can include ginger root or powdered ginger in your diet.  Another very good way to treat circulation and help varicose veins, as a complement to a good diet rich in alkaline greens, is by soaking the feet in a prepared ginger footbath.

Soaking the feet in a ginger footbath will help to improve the circulation in your whole body, as well as in the legs.  It is a relaxing therapy which gives your body a chance to absorb iodine and other minerals from the sea salt.

How To Make A Sea Salt and Ginger Footbath
Simply put two heaped teaspoons of powdered ginger, or chopped ginger roots, into a bucket or a large bowl which is big enough for your feet to fit in.
Add one desertspoon of sea salt.
Pour over three pints of hot water. Make sure the water is not too hot.
Test with your hand to see that the temperature is comfortably warm. Bath temperature is about right.

Now To Soak The Feet: Sit yourself down by the prepared ginger and sea-salt footbath. Place the feet in the warm footbath.
Splash some of the ginger and sea salt water up over the legs and pat them gently.
Soak the feet for about five minutes, or until you feel you have had enough.

You can keep the ginger and salt water for one more use if you choose.  This is a good idea if you wish to give the feet another treatment within four hours or so.  You can simply add a jug full of boiling water to the cold water.

For best results, try to soak the feet morning and night in the ginger and sea salt foot bath.  This will be beneficial to your circulation, your heart, and your varicose veins.  It will also help regulate your  blood pressure and cholesterol levels.  It will help to reduce pain, help to alleviate stress, and be conducive to a good night’s sleep, if you soak the feet each  night.

Homeopathic Hamamelis For Varicose Veins:

It is always best to seek professional help from a homeopath if you have varicose veins.  But here is a suggestion if you cannot immediately see a homeopath for your trouble.

Homeopathic Hamamelis isan excellent treatment to help alleviate the pain and pressure of varicose veins.  Hamamelis is an astringent which can help reduce swellings and tumours and swollen veins.  It can be used after pregnancy to help heal distended veins on the legs.

Take a few drops of Homeopathic Hamamelis 30c three times a day for a week.  Then stop for a week.  Continue for another week after that.  Continue this routine for a couple of months.

Another possible remedy which could be useful for varicose veins is Aristolochia Clematis.  I am not familiar with this remedy, but James H. Stephenson M.D. recommends it in his book ‘Helping Yourself With Homeopathic Remedies’. Published by Parker Publishing Company, Great Britain, 1976.


Best Cancer Books On Natural Healing

Cancer Reading
Some of these books have been recommended by Pam Stevens, whose book is on this list. Others have been taken from the booklist of Dr Janice-Ann Priest, a New Zealand doctor who wrote ‘Our Health At Risk’, 2003. The list includes books written from a political standpoint, as well as books which give healing help.

If you have cancer, or some other serious degenerative disease such as AIDS, or multiple sclerosis, then it is important to read as much as you can.  This will give you encouragement, and help you in understanding the disease, and perhaps why you have succumbed to it.  Reading about different treatments will  also enable you to make an informed decision about what treatment you should have, what treatment will be practical for you, and who might be able to help you.  I have included some of the books which I have found particularly good in understanding illness and curing it, for example Walter Last’s work.

Ausubel, KennyWhen Healing Becomes A Crime. Healing Arts Press. ISBN 0-89281-925-1 The Amazing Story of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic.

Bealle, MorrisThe Drug Story. Bi-World Publishers.

Blanc, AlbertMoney, Medicine, and the Masses.  1949.

Carter, James, MD.  Racketeering In Medicine:  The Suppression Of Alternatives. 1993.   ISBN 1-878901-32-x Note: This book which discusses the monopoly of drug companies and the suppression of healthier alternatives,  is written by a medical doctor.

Chopra, Deepak. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind.  Deepak Chopra is an authority on mind and body medicine.  He has written many books on healing and is an acclaimed exponent of the ancient Hindu teachings on Ayurveda.

Cousins, Norman Anatomy Of An Illness. Published by W.W. Norton and Company, Inc.  1979.

Day, Phillip.   Cancer: Why We’re Still Dying To Know The Truth. Credence Publications, 1999
ISBN 10: 0953501248

Day, Phillip Health Wars.  Credence Publications.  ISBN 0-9535012-7-2

Ellerbroek, Dr W.C.  In  Medicine And The Mind, article by David Black.  April 1980 Issue of Playboy Magazine.

Lappe, Frances MooreDiet For A Small Planet.  Random House, New York, 1971;  Ballantyne, New York, 1974.

Last, WalterHeal Yourself.  Published in the 1970s in New Zealand.  Walter has since published other health books for those treating serious disease such as cancer. There are several  publications  which have been published in Australia.

Lee, William, RPh.PhD.   The Killer Plagues To Come.  1995.

Lewis, Gerald & Lewis, Monica (Drs). Cancer: A Threat To Your Life? Or A Chance To Take Control Of Your Future? Lewis Pblications: Auckland, 2006. ISBN: 0473113279

MacWilliam, Lyle. Comparative Guide To Nutritional Supplements. Northern Dimensions Publishing, 2005. ISBN 10: 0973253835

Ransom, Steven. Great News On Cancer in the 21st Century. Credence Publications. ISBN: 1904015077

Moss, Ralph. The Cancer Industry. Equinox Press, 1996. ISBN 10: 1881025098

Moss, Ralph. Questioning Chemotherapy. Equinox Press, 1995. ISBN 10: 188102525X

Priest, Dr Janice-Ann PriestOur Health At Risk:  What’s Going Wrong With Our Health System? Published by Herbal Limited, P.O. Box 6041, Tauranga, New Zealand.  2003. ISBN 0-473-08952-1   Website:

Rosenburg, Max, MD.  Medicine For The Millions.  Published by Books Inc. New York.

Sellman, Sherrill. Hormone Heresy: What Women Must Know About Their Hormones. Get Well International, 2000. ISBN 10:


Stevens, Pam. Breast Cancer: Why Women Are Dying Needlessly. PMS Publications, 92 Albany Highway, Albany Auckland, New Zealand. 2007.

Schafer, JoachimThe Trial Of The Medical Mafia.  ISBN 2-921783-02-9

Siegel, BernieLove, Medicine and Miracles. Published by Rider, Ebury Press, Random House UK Ltd, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW 1V 2SA.   1986, 1999.  Also Random House New Zealand Ltd, 18 Poland Road, Glenfield, Auckland 10, New Zealand.

Siegel, Bernie.  Peace, Love And Healing:  The Path To Self-Healing.  Bernie Siegel’s work is endorsed by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross:  Bernie Siegel began a non-profit organization to help cancer patients, AIDS sufferers, and those suffering other life-threatening diseases. This is called ECaP – Exceptional Cancer Patients. You can order other helpful books and tapes through Exceptional Cancer Patients.  Write to ECaP, PO Box 8591, New Haven, Connectict 06531 USA.  Phone (203) 8658392.  Visit  Bernie’s books and tapes may also be purchased at order

Strand, Ray (Dr). What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You. Thomas Nelson, 2002. ISBN 10: 0785264868

Walker, Martin JDirty Business.  Slingshot Publications, London.  1994. ISBN 0-9519646-0-7  This book describes the big business in pharmaceuticals and medicines. Martin Walker explains why these big businesses  have an  assault initiative on the natural health industry in order to try and eliminate the  healthier alternatives which threaten their monopoly of the market.  Martin Walker has researched the relationship between the American Medical Association and those organisations who are in the business of marketing medicines.