Homeopathy And Acupressure To Help Radiation

Homeopathic Treatment Can Help Eliminate Radiation

I strongly recommend homeopathic treatment to help negate the effects of radiation.  Following the nuclear crisis at Fukushima, many people will be suffering adverse effects from nuclear fall-out, even if they live across the ocean from Japan.  Many Americans are experiencing symptoms of radiation sickness, and, here in New Zealand, I have also suffered from the radiation coming from Fukushima, and probably other affected nuclear facilities as well.

This is how I was helped:  My Spiritual friends and helpers  told me that I should take homeopathic Bryonia for the symptoms which hit me about ten days after the Japanese earthquake of 11 March 2011.   These symptoms, which grew worse by the day, were chronic splitting headache, bone pain, sore neck glands, pain in the nape of the neck, pain in the bones, sore eyes and blurred vision, sore ears, irritated sinuses and lungs,  a cough, running nose, and general weakness as though I was getting the flu.

After about ten days or so, the radiation in the air dispersed quite a bit, but many of the symptoms were taking their time to go, and some had gotten worse.  The cough was particularly persistent.  Then I remembered the advice from my friends in Spirit:  Bryonia.   So – After some delay in getting to the health shop,  I bought liquid Bryonia, 30C which I took 4 drops at a time.

I also had several messages which came specifically from my friend Bernhard Petersen, a psychic healer who is now residing in the Spirit world:    ‘DON’T FORGET TO DO THE MASSAGE ON THE LEGS – CIRCULATION NEEDS ATTENTION – PAY ATTENTION TO THE TRIPLE WARMER MERIDIAN’.


I did all three things –

1) Acupressure on the leg points which he has already described to me in detail:  He spent many hours teaching me these things when he lived on Waiheke Island, New Zealand.

2)  Taking a hot swim in the mineral water at Waiwera, north of Orewa, Auckland; and

3)  Taking homeopathic Bryonia three or four times for the first day, and only one dose the following day.

This did the trick.  The cough disappeared overnight,  and all the symptoms of headache, sore bones, dizziness, nausea,  and everything else, just disappeared after just one day of treatment.

I must say, though, that the level of radiation chemicals which I perceived was beginning to lessen at this point, but there was no doubt about the homeopathic treatment working very quickly and effectively to get rid of those distressing symptoms I was experiencing.

When I had another bout of radiation sickness a week or two later, I again took homeopathic Bryonia for a couple of days. This cleared up the symptoms again.  I am now keeping Bryonia on hand, in case these mysterious and distressing symptoms appear again.

Acupressure To Help Radiation: Bernhard used to tell me that I should massage the legs each night, just three presses on certain acupuncture points – that this would cure depression, increase circulation, and joie de vivre, and render me more capable of helping other people.  It really does do all of these things.  Now that my health is being challenged again by the Fukushima nuclear fall-out, I think it is imperative that I maintain the acupressure massage on the leg points, on a daily basis.

I am keeping up the hot swims at Waiwera, which is a mineral thermal resort.  I feel that the minerals in the water – silica, magnesium, sulphur, and many others, are boosting my immune system so that I can combat the radiation chemicals, which seem to in the air constantly now, though at fluctuating levels.

Note:  Bryonia worked for me personally in counteracting the effects of radiation, however, Bryonia may not be the best remedy for everyone. It will pay you to see a professional homeopath to find the homeopathic remedy which is best suited for you.

It is a great thing that Homeopathic remedies are available over the counter for us all to use.  But you often get a better result by going to a practitioner, especially if you have some ongoing condition which may take some skill to put right. .  Homeopathic remedies work best on sensitive people who generally avoid using prescription medicines, or pesticides or herbicides.

Bio Dynamic Farming May Get Rid Of Radiation In Soil

Organic Solution To heal Radiation In the Soil

Peter Bacchus, who is a bio dynamic scientist, was in Switzerland just after a nuclear disaster.  I am not sure if it was the Japanese earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster, or the earlier nuclear disaster  at Chernobyl.   He wrote in to merrilyn’s blog  with the following information a couple of weeks ago. Go to the ‘Comments’ on merrilyn’s site to see Peter’s letter.

Peter said that a very tiny little report was put in the Swiss paper, on the back page, in tiny little print, which told of the varying degrees of radiation from day to day, following the Fukushima (?) nuclear disaster.  It seems that Governments all over the world have been minimizing the effects of the latest Japanese nuclear disaster, or, indeed, any nuclear disaster.  The workmen who died  in Chernobyl, trying to clear up the nuclear mess for the rest of the world, were given a memorial service only a few weeks ago, 20 years after the disastrous nuclear event which resulted in their lives being lost, as well as those of many others.

Peter said that sensitive people in Switzerland  got flu-like symptoms from the radiation in the atmosphere.

Silica Negates Effects of Radiation: Peter gives an encouraging story about nettles being used to help negate the effects of radiation in the soil.   Nettles (Urtica dioica) are very rich in Silica, a mineral which is essential for good health.  Cows refused to eat some areas of grass after the nuclear fallout had contaminated it.  Cut nettles – Urtica Dioica, were put beside the grass. The cows then munched up the nettles, along with the grass, quite happily.

Bio-dynamic Recipe for Revitalizing The Soil:  After the radiation had affected the soil noticeably, a special bio-dynamic manure was made to help reduce the effects of radiation in the soil.  This included crushed egg-shells, which are also high in Calcium and Silica, plus crushed Basaltic Rock.

Now, this is all particularly interesting, because nettles are extremely high in Silica, which helps the body to assimilate Calcium and make strong bones and teeth.  Silica also helps brain power, and is essential for maintaining a strong nervous system, as well as maintaining the immune system.

Sodium Bicarbonate To Detoxify Soil and People:

Bicarbonate of soda, or Baking Soda, has been recommended by some people to Help To Detoxify Humans and Animals After Radiation Exposure.

Sodium bicarbonate has also been used to negate radiation chemicals in soils, after the soil has been exposed to these poisons.  Sodium bicarbonate, the same stuff which is used in cooking to make cakes and muffins rise, is extremely useful in helping to normalize soils after poisoning, because its highly absorbent nature gives it the ability to draw out chemicals from the soil. Baking soda, or bicarbonate of soda, helps to reduce acidity in both soil, and human and animal life.

Almonds For Health And Edgar Cayce

An Edgar Cayce Anthology

How exciting to rediscover this book which I bought years ago.  I have just unpacked it from a box where it has been stored for several years.

‘An Edgar Cayce Anthology’ was published by the Edagar Cayce Foundation in 1979.   In this book is an article by W.H. Church, on the spiritual and healing qualities of the almond, and its value as a cancer preventative. This article has much information which is gleaned from Edgar Cayce’s pyschic readings on the almond.

Almond As Cancer Preventative: An excerpt from reading number 3180-3  of Edgar Cayce’s says: ” …..and if an almond is taken each day, and kept up, you’ll never have accumulations of tumors or such conditions through the body.  An almond a day is much more in accord with keeping the doctor away, especially certain types of doctors, than apples.”

Almonds are high in potassium, phosphorous, calcium and iron. All these things are found to be important for preventing and treating cancer. Almonds also have amounts of laetrile, or vitamin B17, which is known to be effective in reducing cancerous tumours. Almonds have good amounts of Niacin, an important B Vitamin which is essential in preventing and treating cancer.  Almonds also contain Riboflavin.  They are rich in protein, and contain all eight of the essential amino acids.

It seems, from W.H. Church’s account, that the iron and phosphorous in almonds are in a combination which makes them easily assimilated by the human body.

Almonds benefit the brain and the nervous system generally.  It has been found that two of the body’s Endocrine glands, the Pituitary and the Pineal gland, require large amounts of phosphorous for their healthy functioning.  Edgar Cayce equated these two glands with Spiritual Realities, or Divine Realities: The Pineal Gland corresponds to the “Name”, or the Christed Consciousness, and the Pituitary Gland corresponds to “The Kingdom OF Heaven”. These terms are to be found in Cayce’s readings, and also in his commentary on the Book of Revelations.  See page 71 of  ‘An Edgar Cayce Anthology’ for more details on Edgar Cayce, Almonds and the Endocrine Glands.

These glands are important for the hormonal functions of the body, and the immune system.  Thus, almonds  will go a long way in preventing diseases and maintaining good health. Almonds should help, as well as protecting against cancer,  to also prevent diabetes, high blood pressure,  alzheimer’s disease, and other  degenerative diseases of the circulation,  brain and nervous system.

Almonds would seem to be of great benefit to people who are trying to maintain a healthy immune system following effects of radiation fall-out from the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The phosphorous in almonds, combined with the other nutrients such as laetrile, or Vitamin B17, or amygdalin, will help to keep the thyroid healthy and hold cancer at bay.

Edgar Cayce advised from one to three almonds to clients. Each client was given a specific amount – some needed only one a day, while others were given more.

W.H. Church explains that the almond recommended  in Cayce’s readings was more a tool to “assist  the evolving of  the human personality in raising the consciousness in each cell to a recognition of the Divine within”.

to be continued ….

Natural Vitamin C Is Best/Apple, Cranberry, Camu Camu

Synthetic Vitamin C

Synthetic Vitamin C does really have an important role to play. I think it is a valuable thing to keep in the house for those times of emergency, when no medical help is available.    It can be used to avert infection in many cases.  Ear infections often respond to large doses of Vitamin C, as well as a booster of Halibut liver oil, containing Vitamin A and D.  Colds and flu often respond to a boost of Vitamin C, and a little help with Halibut liver oil.  Large amounts of intravenous Vitamin C has been used to combat such serious conditions  as swine flu.

Deficiency of Vitamin C can occur when people do not eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables.  This commonly results in a condition called scurvy, which is basically a break-down of the connective tissue.  Eczema and other skin conditions sometimes result from a lack of Vitamin C in the diet.  Lack of Vitamin C in your diet can result in the cartilages becoming weaker, as well as the bones becoming more brittle and fragile.  This can make you more prone to injuries of the ligaments, and fractures.

For Maintaining Good Health: Nothing beats having plenty or fresh fruit and vegetables in the diet, which are rich in natural Vitamin C.

Vitamin C To Treat Disease: Many people take intravenous Vitamin C, or simply large doses of calcium ascorbate powder, or Ester C,  which are  non-acidic forms of Vitamin C, to help combat cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, and other degenerative disease.

Natural Vitamin C is so essential in preventing and treating serious disease.  All diets should consist of raw fruit and vegetables to help keep disease and sicknesses at bay. Vitamin C is such an important element for keeping good health, and for curing sickness,  and this is why raw food diets, or diets which incorporate a large quantity of freshly pressed raw vegetable and fruit juices are used in the nutritional treatment of  cancer and other disease.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant which means that it has the power to negate and remove many of those poisons in the body which have caused  diseases  like cancer to set in.

I have just come across an article put in the paper by Matakana Superfoods, who are in New Zealand.   They say that most of the world’s synthetic Vitamin C is now produced in China, which might make some products dubious in quality.  Their recommendation is to take natural Vitamin C which has been produced organically.

Natural organic Vitamin C which is commonly derived from fruits such as  apples, blackcurrant, cranberry,  kiwifruit,  strawberry, orange, lemon, lime, is going to be easier for your body to assimilate than synthetic Vitamin C,  because it is natural. Also, there are other important agents, and enzymes found in natural fruits, and Vitamin C obtained from those fruits, which are not found in synthetic Vitamin C.  These other naturally occurring nutrients and phytochemicals  have a synergistic effect on each other, providing more health benefits to the body than the synthetic counterpart.

Camu Camu is one of the most recent additions to the list of natural Vitamin C’s.  This is a fruit which is grown in the Amazon region.  It is reputed to have the highest amount of Vitamin C of any fruit known, so this article says. Camu Camu is very rich in phytochemicals.  Matakana Superfoods are selling a natural Vitamin C which is derived from the Camu Camu fruit.

Here is the comparative list given by Matakana Superfoods on Vitamin C content:

Camu Camu   2800mg/100g

Blackcurrant   200 mg/100g

Kiwi Fruit   90mg/100g

Strawberry   60mg/100g

Orange   50mg/100g

Lime   30mg/100g

Blueberry  10mg/100g

Apple   6mg/100g



Arthritis/Cancer From Toxic Chemicals

Arthritis From Insecticides and Weedkillers
Many people could be ‘cured’ of arthritis forever.  For most people who have a good diet,  the simple life changing tactic of avoiding all  insecticides,weedkillers and drugs, including prescription medicines, and alcohol, would see most arthritic symptoms disappear.
In my own experience, herbicides or weedkillers, known also as pesticides or insecticides, have the most profoundly bad effect on the body and its functions than anything else.  Arthritic pain develops even if I am near a weedkiller or pesticide.  With many chemicals, depending upon how long I am kept near them,  I may also experience heart palpitations, or a racing heart, high blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, shaking nerves and hands,  blurred vision, and sudden lapse of memory.  These warning signs are a definite sign for myself that those things must be avoided if I am to avoid serious ill health. If I am not kept close to these chemicals for too long, then all these symptoms will disappear just as quickly as their sudden arrival.
I regard this hyper-sensitivity as being a very fortunate thing, as it enables me to detect chemical hazards in the environment, usually in time to prevent bad consequences, though not always:  I smoked for around five years, which has dulled my senses to a certain extent.
Many people are sensitive to chemicals, and this helps them to stay well, because they learn to avoid the potentially harmful things which make them feel bad.  They are given warnings, by being given a hint of the pain of disease, long before any disease is given the chance to develop.
This sensitivity is something which everyone can develop.
The more you avoid using toxic chemicals and taking toxic medicines, the finer your sensitivity becomes.  You become aware of smells and tastes which you haven’t experienced before, and this newly developed sensitivity will then become useful in detecting chemicals which are foreign to the body, and which cause harm.
All poisons, insecticides, herbicides, medications dull the senses.   The longer you use these toxic substances in your environment, or in your food, the less sensitive you become, and the more likely you are to develop diseases such as arthritis and cancer.
Alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking also damages your senses.  Drinking alcohol on a regular basis has been shown to increase your chances of getting cancer, so a recent Australian study has shown.
The flavour of these poisonous chemicals get to blur your sense of smell and taste, and cloud your judgement to a certain extent.  This blurring of the senses  makes you more vulnerable to exposure to other chemicals, because you most likely will not even notice them.  Then, arthritis pain, and other health issues such a cancer, will not be associated with the true cause, because you failed to notice, or chose to ignore, the initial, small warning signs.
But once you cease using these toxic chemicals, and begin a cleansing diet to get rid of those unwanted poisons in your body, you will find that your arthritic aches and pains have gone.  Another positive effect from avoiding chemicals and cleansing them out of the body is that you  will feel happier, less inclined to depression and tiredness, and your mental alertness  will be much sharper.