Natural Herbal Remedies For Dermatitis of the Hands

Inflammation of the skin as in Dermatitis can be remedied by avoiding those irritants which cause dermatits, by applying herbal remedies to the skin, and by correcting the diet.  Homeopathy can be a great help in helping to cure skin conditions, but of course, it is imperative that you avoid exposure to the chemicals which usually cause the problem of dermatitis.DSCO 1807Herbs For Healing:  Photo taken at Dunedin Botanical Gardens NZ.  Merrilyn took the photo on Holly’s camera December 2012.

The main thing is to avoid using detergents and dish washing liquids:  Most of these are derived from petroleum products which  dry out the skin terribly. Petroleum compounds, as used in detergents and other household products, are absorbed through the pores of the skin and contribute, along with many other chemicals in food, cosmetics, and our environment, to cancer and other degenerative disease.  A skin condition of ill-health is to be taken as a warning sign that something is wrong.  No use going to take steroids and other such drugs which only mask the real problem:  The irritant cause has to be dealt with if you want to protect your general health.

People with sensitive skins usually suffer when their hands are put into a sink full of water containing detergent.  Washing powder for the clothes can also be the cause of skin inflammation, so watch out for those.  If you have a problem with eczema, or dermatitis, then you should use pure ‘Lux’ soapflakes, or pure ‘Sunlight’ soap for your dishes, as well as for your clothes-wash.  You should also use rubber gloves to protect your skin, even if you use pure soap flakes in your dish washing water.  If your hands are in a bad way, then use cotton gloves inside the rubber gloves, to line them.  Alternatively, get someone else to wash those dishes.  You can do the drying….

Babies often get a rash for no good reason – the answer is usually to stop using soap powders which contain irritating chemicals.  Just grate up a suitable amount of pure soap for using in your washing machine, if you cannot buy pure soap flakes.

The book called  ‘Successful Herbal Remedies’, written by Nalda Gosling, 1985, suggests that the best herbal remedies for dermatitis are Chickweed ointment, or slippery elm or marshmallow ointment.  One of these should be applied morning and night.  She also recommends supplements of  2,500 IU of Vitamin A daily, as well as extra B complex and extra vegetable oil.  Nalda Gosling also recommends the herbs Echinacea and Blue Flag Root for helping skin conditions.  These could be taken in a herbal pill form as per instructions on the label.

Homeopathic Remedies which might help dermatitis of the skin are Echinacea, Thuja, Mercurius, or Sulphur.  Any one of these will help the body to detoxify, which will, in turn, help the skin to heal.  I can recommend the Weleda combination homeopathic medicine which has Thuja and Echinacea, together with some other herbs.  This is a fanatastic tonic for helping people who are suffering candida, yeast infection, or who have been exposed to vaccinations or other chemicals which have affected the immune system.  Follow the instructions as given by Weleda.

A daily dose of one dessertspoonful of sunflower oil will supply essential fatty acids, Vitamin E, and other nutrients which will help the skin to stay healthy.  Alternatively, try to include plenty of sunflower seeds and sesame seeds in your diet.  Almonds are also helpful.

Castor Oil to Detoxify:  Taking a couple of tablespoons of Castor Oil once a week will help your body to detoxify.  This will help the condition of the skin.

Castor Oil Pack:  A warm castor oil pack which is left on the abdomen overnight, or for at least 3 hours, will also help the body to detoxify.  This treatment is best applied for 3 days in a row, then left for 3 days, according to Walter Last’s recommendation to me many years ago.  I have found the castor oil pack to be enormously helpful in curing digestive problems, and in detoxifying the body.  It is easy to do – Use a small piece of white cotton or linen or wool, and pour over a couple of tablespoons of Castor oil.  I put this straight onto the abdomen with a small plastic bag over the top and a hot water bottle on top of that.  It is important to use a clear plastic, or a white plastic, with no coloured writing on it, otherwise the colour on the plastic, or contained within the plastic, will come off onto your castor oil pack.  This will ruin it, as then you will have unwanted chemicals on your pack.

The pack can be used again.  Just top up with a teaspoon or two of oil as needed.

Diet To Help Skin Conditions: Avoid all processed foods and all foods containing preservatives, colourings, or flavourings.  An alkaline diet which is rich in fresh green salads, with grated raw carrot, and enough protein from meats, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, almond, and coconut, is helpful.  It is best to avoid wheat products, and dairy products, and sugar, until your skin is better.  Then you can establish whether or not you are allergic to any of these foods, as when you re-introduce them again, you will get a reaction if they are no good for you.

Also avoid any foods which have yeast in them, such as bread, vinegar, wines, beer, soy sauce, etc.  Yeasts encourage candida in the body, which causes yeast problems.  Skin troubles can be a sign of candida overgrowth. So – stick to the alkaline diet, with plenty of raw green salads, with cooked greens as well, rice, potatoes, and protein of various sorts except for milk and dairy, and you should see an improvement.

If your skin is not better after a week or two of following a programme such as this, then you most certainly need to see a professional health expert, if you haven’t already done so.

Herbal Wine Recipe For Home Made Marigold Flower Wine

Marigold Wine from the Chrysanthemum segetum: As a healing herbal medicine, Culpeper says of the Marigold  that it  is “good in all kinds of fevers;  it promotes sweat, and is frequently used to drive out the small-pox and measles; it also helps the jaundice.”

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Herbs For Healing:  Photo taken at Dunedin Botanical Gardens by Merrilyn on Holly’s camera, December 2012.

Marigold Flower Wine is a  herbal wine which can be used as a medicinal agent to treat the conditions which Culpeper mentions,  as well  for culinary purposes.  It can provide  a unique and  aromatic  quality to a meal.

Marigolds, which are also called Calendula, have many healing properties.  The leaves and the flowers of the Calendua plant can be used in herbal medicine, but in making Marigold flower wine, we only use the fresh orange-yellow petals of the flower.

To Prepare  The Marigold Wine:

Simmer 3 lb of white sugar in 8 pints (4 litres) of water for five minutes.

When the syrup has cooled, pour it into a glass or china, or plastic container and add 8 pints (4 litres) of  freshly picked marigold petals.

Add the juice of 2 large lemons.  With a vegetable peeler, strip off some of the yellow lemon peel and add this to your wine mixture.   Do not use any of the white pith in your wine, as it will make it bitter.  Use fresh lemons from your garden, and not commercial fruit which has a wax sprayed onto the fruit to preserve it.  Bought organic lemons should be OK, as this wax shouldn’t be used on organic fruit.

Crumble in 1 oz of fresh wine yeast.  You can use baking yeast, but wine yeast should give a better result.

Leave for four days, stirring twice daily with a sterilized wooden or plastic spoon. Make sure that your wine is covered and that no ants or sand flies can get into your wine mixture.  Sandflies will cause it to turn to vinegar. It really is best to apply a fermentation lock right from the word go, as this prevents insects and vinegar bugs from attacking your wine. Another tip –  Best not to use metal utensils in wine making, except for the initial simmering of the sugar and water.  Use glass, china, plastic or wood for the spoon.  It is essential to use  sterilized equipment, as this helps prevent your wine from becoming vinegar.

After four days, strain off the liquid and put into another clean glass or stone-china vessel.  Put on the fermentation lock, put the wine vessel in a cool spot,  and leave it to work  until fermentation has ceased.  Leave to settle for another 14 days after fermentation has stopped.

Now-Put 1/4 lb of sugar in a small saucepan.  Add 1/2 pint of boiling water (about 1 and a half cups).  Stir over low heat until sugar has dissolved and the syrup has reached simmering point.  Allow this to cool completely, then stir into the marigold flower wine.

Bottle in clean, dry,  sterilized bottles.  These can be heated up gently in the oven for half an hour, on a low temperature of around 100 C.  This will sterilize the bottles and dry them.  Let the bottles cool before bottling the wine.

Cork with new, clean corks and leave your marigold wine to mature for 6 months before using.  This should produce a light sparkling cider coloured  herbal wine which has all the medicinal qualities, and the  delicate flavour of marigold.

How To Make Home Made Pasta With Eggs and Flour

Recipe For Fresh Pasta:

This recipe uses wheat flour and eggs as its basic constituents.  It is not gluten free, because of the wheat flour.

Home made pasta with eggs is  a high protein food which is very delicious.  You can be sure your pasta does not have any additives such as preservatives, artificial flavourings,  or colourings,  if you make your pasta at home:   That is, provided your flour is preservative-free.  If you use organic flour,  and organic olive  oil, as well as organic free-range eggs,  then your home made pasta will be more or less organic.

Home made pasta with eggs is not so hard to make.  It just takes a little time, that is all.  You have to allow time for the pasta to dry once it has been made and rolled out.  The drying out of the pasta improves the flavour, as well as preventing the pasta from breaking up once it is put into boiling water to cook it.

The ingredients for home made pasta with eggs are as follows:

250 gms organic wheat flour

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 tablespoon of olive oil

Two and a half eggs:  The half egg is important.  Break the third egg into a cup, give it a whisk, then divide the egg into two.  Use only half of the third egg in your pasta.

1/2 teaspoon dried oreganum (optional)

1 tablespoon of cold water

Sift the flour into a mixing bowl with the salt and oreganum.  In another bowl mix the eggs, water and olive oil together.  Make a well in the middle of the flour and pour in the liquid.  Work the flour into the liquid.  Use more flour or water as needed to make a soft pliable dough.  Knead the dough on a floured board for around five minutes.  Return the dough to the bowl, cover with a clean tea towel  and leave for an hour.

After an hour, divide the dough into two lumps.  Roll  out each section thinly on a floured board, and leave again to dry for another hour or so.  In Italy, home made pasta is hung over the backs of chairs, and on broomsticks, and left to hang until it has dried sufficiently.

Now cut the pasta dough up into strips and leave again for about 2 hours.

Now your pasta is ready to cook in the normal way:  Boil your water first, add a dash of salt, and drop the strips of pasta into the boiling water.

To Make Home Made Green Spinach Pasta:  Follow the recipe as above, but instead of the water, add three tablespoons of cooked mashed spinach.  Use a little more water or flour as needed, to bring the dough to a soft pliable consistency.


Natural Remedy Castor Oil Under Threat By Powerful Drug and Related Companies

Terrorists ‘plan poison attack’ reads the heading of an article which appeared in New Zealand’s   ‘Herald On Sunday’,  August 14th, 2011.  This is a  really ridiculous idea.

The message of the article is that the Castor Oil plant contains the poison Ricin, and that terrorists are supposed to be stock-piling this for use in a terrorist attack sometime in the future.  What?  The authorities expect us to believe this?  Even if  the so-called ‘terrorists’ were planning an attack of some sort, there are thousands of ways in which one can poison people.  Banning  the Castor Oil plant will not make any difference to anybody planning a poisoning ‘incident’.

There is obviously a hidden agenda behind this ‘terrorist’ threat  which, the authorities say,  centres around using the poison Ricin from Castor Oil.  And if you look at how the drug companies have been reducing our access to natural remedies for quite a long time now, you might understand the ulterior motive in damning the Castor Oil plant – It is not really the bean with its poison that the Secret Service, or the FBI, or the CIA, or the drug companies will be worried about, (they are all tied up together) but the profits they lose because of thousands of people healing themselves  naturally with Castor Oil, year by rear.

This reminds me very much of President Bush’s ‘weapons of mass destruction’ theory, which gave the American military the excuse to march into Iraq, and to kill many innocent people and wreck their villages and communities.  It turned out there were no hidden ‘weapons of mass destruction’. This was a lie.

The plan to get rid of the Castor Oil plantations will be to convince the public that ‘the terrorists’ are going to make deadly poison from the untreated Castor oil bean with the intention of poisoning us all.  Once the gullible public have swallowed their medicine and accepted that Castor Oil plantations must be destroyed to save the Western world from attack, then the way will be clear for them to BAN castor oil importation by any country.  These drug companies have powerful allies in many parts of the commerce and military worlds – It will be easy for them to manipulate powerful governmental organizations so that their goal will be reached – To ban Castor Oil, and so encapture another major part of the drug market.

The drug companies have managed to manipulate facts so that many valuable garden herbs have been make illegal in many countries of the world.  Comfrey, the ‘miracle healer’,  is perhaps  the most important of all the healing herbs known to man, but the drug companies have made sure that we are unable to grow it in our gardens anymore.  This is, essentially, so that they will make more profit from selling their own drugs and medicines, because, without comfrey, many people will take allopathic medicines instead.  The reason that was given for the demise of comfrey was that ‘it caused cancer in pigs’.  But nobody has ever suffered comfrey-caused cancer, or comfrey poisoning of any kind to my knowledge.  Comfrey has been used by mankind for thousands of years now, to heal broken bones,  to cure burns, stomach ailments, bowel troubles, to build strong teeth hair and bones, and to fix bronchial disorders, including asthma.  No wonder the drug companies manipulated figures and facts to get Comfrey outlawed.  We should be fighting to have the right to use Comfrey again, and not let these powerful drug companies control our garden healing herbs.

Now, drug companies can benefit from the ban on Comfrey, because they are  the only ones with the authority to grow comfrey and extract its allantoin and silica compounds,  for use in their own medicines.

Castor Oil is a valuable natural remedy, like Comfrey.  Castor Oil is employed by most people as a home remedy for constipation.  But Castor Oil is used widely in natural treatments for cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, AIDS, and many other serious degenerative conditions.  Castor Oil has the power to draw out poisons from the liver and the body tissues, so that cancer tumours are reduced.

This is why the drug companies hate castor oil.  And this is why they have manufactured a scaremongering attack on the castor oil plant:  They are priming us in anticipation of a move to take Castor oil away from us.

If the American drug giants, combined with forces such as the American FDA board, manage to stop people farming the Castor Oil plant, and ban Castor Oil to  stop us from using it, many countries who rely on the Castor Oil bean for export will be deprived of an important crop.  This will affect the economies of those poor countries where the Castor Oil plant is grown, such as the Middle East, India, and parts of South America.  Many families who rely on the income from the valuable castor oil plant will suffer.  And we, in the Western world, will be deprived of yet another affordable, natural,  miracle  medicine.

New Zealanders Act Now Against Forced Vaccinations

Vaccinations Can Be Dangerous.  Yet New Zealand’s  government could force parents into vaccination of their children.

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This is the picture of a child who has never had a vaccination.  There are safer alternatives to vaccinations or immunization.
You can read today’s comment below from Katherine  Smith who is helping to run a campaign to prevent the government from taking measures to pressure families into vaccinating their children.  I am including Katherine’s addresses below, and urge you to sign up on her campaign to stop the forced vaccination of children in New Zealand.

Katherine says that the government in New Zealand is considering making vaccinations compulsory if people on welfare are to get their payments.  This means that the poor, who do not have work, will have less choice than anybody else, because their hands will be tied:  No vaccinations, No money.

She also says that the government wants to have ALL vaccinations mandatory for people on welfare, and that the option of choosing just a tetanus shot, for instance, will not be possible.  All or nothing.

This is outrageous.  This plan completely ignores the rights of the individual to decide for themselves whether they should take the chance on a vaccination or not.

Do Not Accept The Assurances of the Drug and Chemical Companies:  Drug and chemical companies who make vaccinations do not have a good history in regarding the health of the individual – In the 1980’s, DDT was marketed by chemical companies as a safe insecticide.  It is recommended as safe  by medical DOCTORS in the ‘Collins Medical Handbook’  of 1981, and is recommended by them as a prevention for typhoid fever and other infectious diseases carried by mosquitoes. The Colllins  Family Medical Handbook even goes on to say that DDT is very useful, because it can be used to spray over large numbers of potentially infectious people without them having to remove their clothes at all.  Nowadays we don’t use DDT any more, because too many people have been made sick or dead from its use.  But DDT was around for a long long time before the evidence of its being lethal to humans was made public.

245T was used in Viet Nam, in New Zealand and many parts of the world.  ‘They” told us that it was safe – even doctors here swore that ‘there was no evidence to prove that 245T was harmful to mankind.’  Until babies were born deformed, or with spina bifida, and other terrible diseases.  Until adults succumbed to cancers and other degenerative ailments after exposure to 245T.  Then it was banned.  But good old ‘green’ New Zealand was one of the LAST places in the world to ban it.  We carried on using it, and making it here,  probably hand in glove with some of the big overseas companies whose governments had already banned the making of it before we did.  So these countries, including the likes of America,  could buy it from New Zealand.  Where were they using it, I wonder?  In the same places they used DDT to spray over large numbers of potential cholera victims, is my guess.

These  ‘third world’ people have already been subjected to mass vaccinations – we were shown on telly a few weeks back – all promotional stuff by the drug companies for the purpose of selling more of the vaccine material to the world.  I bet the BBC ran the same story, and I bet it ran in America as well:  This is better than any paid advertisement for your wares, to have millions of people all over the world watching ‘third world’ people being ‘given’ vaccinations, as if there is no other treatment for infectious disease.  When there ARE alternatives, of course:  Homeopathic medicine, and Vitamin C.

It is just the same story with vaccinations as it is with 245T, DDT, or hexachloriphene:  We will have to wait for many people to develop cancer and other diseases before the current thinking on  vaccinations changes.  The awful thing is that there is enough evidence already to link vaccinations to many diseases, but like 245T and everything else toxic, the authorities will claim innocence until the evidence is truly damning, when they can no longer sell a drop more of the stuff.

Hexachloriphene was marketed by chemical companies and used in toothpaste as an antiseptic for years, until it became apparent that hexachlorophene was causing brain damage in children, and even death in babies.  Then it was banned.  Meanwhile, thousands of children were putting this stuff, hexachlorophene,  in their mouths several times a day.  It probably helped to rot our teeth as well as our immune systems.

Many cases of autism have been attributed to vaccinations.  Many cancers, and degenerative diseases such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, AIDS and other conditions, have had their beginnings traced to vaccinations. There is much evidence to cause one to doubt the idea of vaccination, and to support the idea of NON-VACCINATION for infectious illnesses, especially when there are such  safe alternatives  as in Herbal medicine,  in Homeopathic medicine, and in high doses of Vitamin C and other therapies, which are effective in curing and/or preventing many infectious diseases.

For a start, there are several very good remedies in Homeopathic medicine, for each and every illness. There are PROPHYLACTIC, meaning PREVENTATIVE homeopathic remedies for many infectious diseases.  And Vitamin C, as Dr Levy has proven and discussed in his book  ‘Curing The Incurable’, is a miracle worker capable of killing any virus, if it is administered  in large enough doses.

Drug Companies Monopoly of Medicines:  Then why is it, you should be asking, that we have not heard about these alternative remedies and cures for infectious diseases?  Isn’t vaccination the only way to prevent an illness?  – Well, the answer is ‘NO’ – vaccination is not the only way to prevent an illness. And  the reason you might not have heard of the alternatives  is money and monopolization of the medicine market – The drug and chemical companies, who control the medicines which are available to us,  make good and sure that any evidence of research material, being any conclusive studies in the favour of homeopathic remedies and Vitamin C, does not reach our ears through the media.  This is because these alternative medicines such as homeopathy and vitamin C therapy threaten the drug empires of these giant international companies.  These are the people in control – the people who manipulate the world, its finances,  its wars, its famines, its sicknesses, and its cures.  And they simply do not care that any of their medicines later are proven without a doubt to be dangerous to our health.  Like the cigarette story, its the daily dollars that they count.  They do not consider that they themselves should have to be accountable.

Alarming news that the  New Zealand government is making moves to force people into vaccinating their children, even when there is ample evidence to show that vaccinations can, and do, cause autism, cancer,  and other diseases in children.  This  push for vaccination  is a world-wide movement, being driven by the drug and chemical companies who stand to make unbelievable amounts of money if vaccinations become mandatory in the many countries of the world.

Here is the website, kindly given to me today by Katherine,  which has the petition against forced vaccination: