How To Make Home Made Pasta With Eggs and Flour

Recipe For Fresh Pasta:

This recipe uses wheat flour and eggs as its basic constituents.  It is not gluten free, because of the wheat flour.

Home made pasta with eggs is  a high protein food which is very delicious.  You can be sure your pasta does not have any additives such as preservatives, artificial flavourings,  or colourings,  if you make your pasta at home:   That is, provided your flour is preservative-free.  If you use organic flour,  and organic olive  oil, as well as organic free-range eggs,  then your home made pasta will be more or less organic.

Home made pasta with eggs is not so hard to make.  It just takes a little time, that is all.  You have to allow time for the pasta to dry once it has been made and rolled out.  The drying out of the pasta improves the flavour, as well as preventing the pasta from breaking up once it is put into boiling water to cook it.

The ingredients for home made pasta with eggs are as follows:

250 gms organic wheat flour

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 tablespoon of olive oil

Two and a half eggs:  The half egg is important.  Break the third egg into a cup, give it a whisk, then divide the egg into two.  Use only half of the third egg in your pasta.

1/2 teaspoon dried oreganum (optional)

1 tablespoon of cold water

Sift the flour into a mixing bowl with the salt and oreganum.  In another bowl mix the eggs, water and olive oil together.  Make a well in the middle of the flour and pour in the liquid.  Work the flour into the liquid.  Use more flour or water as needed to make a soft pliable dough.  Knead the dough on a floured board for around five minutes.  Return the dough to the bowl, cover with a clean tea towel  and leave for an hour.

After an hour, divide the dough into two lumps.  Roll  out each section thinly on a floured board, and leave again to dry for another hour or so.  In Italy, home made pasta is hung over the backs of chairs, and on broomsticks, and left to hang until it has dried sufficiently.

Now cut the pasta dough up into strips and leave again for about 2 hours.

Now your pasta is ready to cook in the normal way:  Boil your water first, add a dash of salt, and drop the strips of pasta into the boiling water.

To Make Home Made Green Spinach Pasta:  Follow the recipe as above, but instead of the water, add three tablespoons of cooked mashed spinach.  Use a little more water or flour as needed, to bring the dough to a soft pliable consistency.