Natural Antibiotic and Detoxifying Drink For Flu and Other Infections

Alternative To Antibiotics:  Garlic, Vitamin C, Cinnamon, Paprika, Ginger and lemon juice all contain natural antibiotics.  That is, they contain ingredients which kill bacteria.  These herbs and spices are  capable of killing germs in the blood stream, such as the flu virus, and also the germs which cause chicken pox, scarlet fever, meningitis, and other diseases.  Once you get used to using the natural sources of antibiotics in treating common illnesses such as flu,  your confidence in natural remedies will be boosted so that you will never want to take another vaccination again.  Sometimes, of course, prescription antibiotics are necessary, but for the majority of people, if the illness is treated early enough, then the natural antibiotics found in herbs and foods such as garlic and lemons, will be effective in alleviating and curing most common infections.

Here is a version of a detoxifying antibiotic drink which the wonderful Dr John Hilton gave to me many years ago.  Dr John was an alternative doctor who practiced in the Green Bay area of Auckland many years ago.  He delivered two of my babies.  I learned many good health tips from this compassionate and wise man.

Dr John’s Remedy For Flu:  The  Natural Antibiotic and Detoxifying Drink

Juice of half a large lemon

1/4 teaspoon paprika pepper

1/4 teaspoon ginger root powder

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

2 cloves of crushed or chopped garlic

1 or 2 teaspoons liquid honey

1 large cup of boiling water.

Use a small bowl to prepare this natural antibiotic drink for flu:  Pour the boiling water over the garlic, cinnamon, ginger root powder, and paprika.  Add the liquid honey and the lemon juice.

Allow to cool for a couple of minutes, then drink the lot while it is still hot.

Repeat the dose every hour while the infection is rampant.  Use it every hour for around four to five hours if necessary.  Then use three times a day until the infection has subsided, or until the bowels have become loose.  This might be anything up to three days.  If you are not getting better by this time, then you should visit a doctor or health professional such as a homeopath or ayurvedic practitioner.

Detoxifying the Body Is Necessary To Cure Disease:  This natural antibiotic garlic and lemon and cinnamon drink helps to detoxify the body.  Loosening the bowels is a good thing in any illness, as it gets rid of the toxins which otherwise feed the infection, thus making it last longer.  By using this natural remedy, you help the body recover through the natural antibiotics  in the ingredients, as well as by removing the poisons in the system which encourage infection.

Fasting:  This natural antibiotic and detoxifying drink for flu will work best if you do not eat other food, at least for one day.  If you need to eat, then taking oranges, or stewed apple, will help the detoxification process.  Heavy meals are best avoided for the first day or two, while treating flu with this antibiotic and detoxifying drink.


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