Free Spiritual Help

Contacting  Your Guides:  This post is intended to help people understand something of how establishing a connection with a Guide or a loved one who has left the earth plane can assist  spiritual healing.

The Story of the Pewter Teapot:

This story really tells of how my Grandmother Edie, who has passed into Spirit,  has helped to bring  peace and communication to our family, through a tea pot which she used to own.

Our guides really do exist:  They mostly come from the Heavenly realms, although there  are  some highly developed souls such as my friend Bernhard Petersen, who can communicate psychically with you via ESP, or extra-sensory perception, even though they still have a physical body.

I am going to give you a marvellous example of an incident which occurred just this week.

My dear Grandmother Edie has been communicating with me for some time now.  Since I began using the pen, just as Bernhard assured me, the messages have become quicker to notate, since a pen works more quickly than a pendulum in spelling out messages.

Grandma Edie has been an enormous help over these past few months, as have my friends Bernhard, my daughter Rosy, friends Jack and Father Pat, and others.

Anyway – Grandma’s presence is often felt at my side.  Occasionally, I get an actual physical prod, I guess  from Gran, or my daughter.  It’s very gentle, of course, but a prod nevertheless.  If  I am about to make a bad decision, or eat heavy food when I should in fact be fasting to prevent some sickness, I get gentle prods from these unseen friends of mine.

My mother very kindly gave me a silver tea pot which was my Gran’s.  This was about five years ago.  I really treasure this tea pot, as I loved my Gran, and I appreciate the fact that my mother allocated this gift to me when there are five girls younger than me who might have liked it. I had been thinking lots about the tea pot last week, and felt that I must thank my mother for giving it to me:  the relationship with my mother and I has been shaky since day one, really.  But she is getting old and frail, and so I have been trying to think of all the very nice things she has done for me, so that I can give her some praise and, hopefully, help to bring peace to our family situation.

So – almost every day recently, I hve been writing  down a message from Gran.  My other friends, especially Bernhard, are very frequent with their messages also, but Gran seems to be always there no matter who is talking.

I have just gone back to the Spiritualist Church in Ponsonby where I played the organ for many years.  I have been living, studying and working in Wellington for several years, and had lost touch with the people from this Auckland Church.  Three weeks ago several messages came which told me I should return to this Church:  They need you, Merrilyn.  There is a place for you there.  You can do your healing work there……..

The next Sunday, I did not go because I went to visit friends up at Red Beach, in Orewa.  The following Sunday, as I took my messages down, two  very clear messages came through from Bernhard and Gran.  ‘Don’t forget to go to the Church tonight‘ was the last one.  So I got myself ready to go.

I took the bus over and arrived early. It was cold and dark waiting outside on Ponsonby Road. I began to wonder whether they had given up using this particular Church. There was  usually someone  there  to open up at about 6 o’clock, but tonight there was nobody there.  It was several years since I had been there: anything could have happened.

Through  pendulum  communication with spirit, I was told  to wait, that there most definitely would be a service.

Sure enough, at 6.45pm, they began to arrive.  They were so happy that I had returned. They certainly did need me, as they hadn’t had an organist for four years.  It was so wonderful to open up that fabulous old pipe organ and fill the Church with its georgous sound.

I was given a message from Gran from the medium. It is always nice to be given a comforting message.  I was told that there was a mother figure there, which had to be Gran,   but the message  did not tell me anything that I didn’t know already:  I felt that the medium had no idea of my understanding  and receptiveness to  the fact that Gran is there for me EVERY DAY, not just at Church.

The following week, which was just last Sunday, I was given another  message by another medium.  Again, I was told things that I knew already – that I must settle down now, and cease my roamings.  Well, that has been taken care of, because I have completed my degree in Wellington, and have now returned to Auckland where my children are all residing.

But at the end of this message came the line which really struck  home:

‘This lady that is with you – a mother figure – wants you to know that SHE REALLY IS THERE……….Something about a pewter tea pot.  She used to own a pewter pot……. Very special……….It is a good one.’

This was definitely my Gran talking here.  I have her magic tea pot, which I call silver, because it is silver plated.  I didn’t know what the base material was: it might have been pewter, but it could be copper, or some other metal, however,  I thought his message was good enough proof that HE was really receiving a message from Gran,  and that even though he did not understand my own receptivity to Gran, he really did have some expertise in the field of mediumship:   So I thanked him courteously, and told him that he had been ‘spot on’ about the tea pot.

So the following day, Monday, having been prompted by the medium reminding me about the tea pot, I thought I’d better send  that text to my sister.  I asked  her to tell my mother how much the silver tea pot meant to me, and to thank her very very much for giving it to me.

How’s this:  I was just about blown over when my sister Alison, a real boxer, replied by text the very  next day, saying:

  • Heya – Just spoke to Ma.  Said that the pot is good one cos pewter underneath and is so pleased you enjoy having it……God Bless You Alison.

The immedieate outcome of all this is that I am almost on my way ‘down the line’ to see my family. I am leaving in the morning.  Goodness knows what else Grandma has in mind.

Free spiritual help:  If you have any similar stories to share, please do comment below.  I will publish any experiences  which are of interest and which might help others understand something of the nature of Spirit. I will attempt to answer questions, or, if I cannot be of help,  at least put the questions up so that someone else can give us the anxwer.

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