Good Ecology And Conservation And BioLists

Our Global Environment

This article is to introduce you to Dr Cedric Woods, PhD, and his BioLists and NatureWise websites.

Today is St Patrick’s Day, 2017, and a wonderful sunny day it is too, here in Dunedin.

I decided to take a bus trip to Portobello, out on the Peninsula.  This is a gorgeous drive along the sea shore, which reminds me very much of Waiheke Island in all its former glory, before the island got vamped up by the greater Auckland Council, and was almost denuded of all its roadside plants and healthful weeds.

Kerbsides all over the country, and around the world, are so often sprayed heavily with what I guess is RoundUp/glyphosate, which is mainly to blame for the disappearance of many old garden plants and valuable weeds. This poison has been declared as ‘a probable cause of cancer’ by WHO, World Health Organization.

I believe that Waiheke is not currently using glyphosate/RoundUp on kerbsides, but nevertheless, much of Waiheke’s former beauty has been lost with the commercialization of Waiheke as a tourist destination.

These days, native plants are everywhere in abundance on Waiheke, which is a good thing, but these do not have the wonderful colour and variations of size and texture which we had before, and all the self-sown fruit trees which grew along the roadsides have been plucked out.

A good thing to be planting natives, but these have no colour except green and brown.  And so we also need the loveliness of things such as flowering magnolias, camelias, rhododendrons, oak, beech, silver birch, and fruiting trees to colour up the green and brown gardenscapes which New Zealand councils seem to be encouraging everywhere.

Anyhow, today’s was a lovely trip.  At Portobello, nature is abundant, with many varieties of English trees and exotics still to be found, growing in gardens and on the roadsides.

I bought a very nice pie for $4.00, which I had time to eat by the sea-shore, seagulls and sand all steaming in the sun, before the bus headed back to Dunedin.

On the way home, I met a very interesting Irish gentleman, a Mr Cedric Woods, PhD, who was on his way to join his wife in town, where they planned to celebrate St Patrick’s day in the traditional  way. We very soon began to talk enthusiastically about the state of the world and what we could do about it.  We both thought Angela Merkel is on the right track, leading Europe and the rest of the world at the moment, in terms of conservation and political, or social and humanitarian issues.

Mr Cedric Woods is a scientist who has the website  Cedric has worked in Libya, in Ireland, and many other places around the world.

He also has a site called [email protected]

I was so impressed by Cedric’s world-view, humanitarian approach to life and environment, I promised to put up a wee post about him and his work today, so that people may find his sites and hear what he has to say.  He has some interesting and sound ideas on how to fix many of the worls’s problems.

Mr Wood’s card reads ‘Today’s good Taxonomy is tomorrow’s good Ecology and Conservation’. I have not yet had time to explore his websites, but he apparently has listed every known plant on his BioLists website.


Homeopathy Awareness Week In NZ Not Given A Fair Go

Discussion on Radio NZ Unfair to Homeopathy

This is Homeopathy Awareness Week, recognized world-wide, from 10th to 16th April, 2014.   Interesting that Homeopathy Awareness Week has almost co-incided with the findings of the British Medical Association, who reported in the British Medical Journal recently that there is no proof that standard pharmaceutical flu injections work.

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Great – at last!!!!  All anti-flu jabs and tablets should be banned in my opinion.  Homeopathy and Vitamins C  and A are better, safer alternatives.

I know many people who have been made ill by having a flu injection. I have written quite a bit on the potential dangers to health from having flu jabs or other vaccinations. One lady I know ended up in intensive care, such were her reactions to a dose of ‘Tamiflu’. It has taken her several years to recover from what appeared to be extreme allergies, asthma, and near nervous collapse, all of which transpired after her dose of ‘Tamiflu’.

But our NZ medical people, who have stock-piled masses of this useless and sometimes even downright dangerous drug, are insisting that the British study is ‘incomplete’.  They intend to go right on using it.  Because they have already spent a fortune buying in their stock-pile, they want to palm it off onto the public somehow.  Those drug companies must still be laughing their heads off.

Since it is World Homeopathy Awareness Week, one would expect that homeopaths might have been given the opportunity on radio (and TV, which I have not watched for ages) to describe how homeopathy works, to discuss what common ailments might respond to homeopathic treatment, and what homeopathic remedies you might consider using for those ailments.

But not so, apparently.  Homeopathy is under what I believe to be a co-ordinated attack by all those who protect the interests of pharmaceutical drugs, and if you look online under ‘Homeopathy Awareness Week’, you will see that my assertion seems to be correct:  Most of the listings favour those against homeopathy.

Today, the last day of ‘Homeopathic Awareness Week’, I heard, just before the news at 12 noon on Radio NZ, a damning account of homeopathy.  The reporter said, in unequivocal terms, that Homeopathy Awareness Week’s purpose was to show people why homeopathy should not be used or trusted.

She is wrong. This is NOT the intended message of ‘Homeopathic Awareness Week.

Homeopathy Awareness Week In NZ has not been given A Fair Go on our New Zealand National Radio station:  Attack is the best means of defense, they say.  I believe the medical authorities, backed by the drug companies, are behind the attack on homeopathy which I heard on radio today. The attacker, a science reporter, was astoundingly ignorant and misinformed about almost everything to do with homeopathy.

Either ignorant, or perhaps this reporter is being paid to say the damning and untruthful things she said.  The only thing about homeopathy which she appeared to know a little about, was that the remedies were ‘shaken’, she said.  Well, the word is ‘succussed’, dear reporter.  She also made the incredible allegation that homeopaths often did their ‘shaking’  (succussing) of their remedies over a Bible.

This unfounded belief of hers about some practitioners using a Bible to make their remedies, is a blatant lie, probably prompted by drug company interests, to make homeopaths look totally ridiculous.  The reporter uses this absurb Bible-bashing idea deliberately to give weight to  her statement that homeopathy is just a ‘magic medicine’, no better than a placebo, she said.

Well, homeopathic medicine, properly prescribed, is NOT a placebo, it is NOT MAGIC,  and it has nothing to do with the Bible.

The Royal Family have used homeopathy for decades.  They have been a long-lived lot.  The Queen has her own personal homeopathic doctor.  I would have hoped for more Royal stories about homeopathy during ‘Homeopathy Awareness Week’, especially with the Royals, Prince William, and Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, only leaving our New Zealand shores today.

Now, what about there being a potential cure for ebola in the form of a homeopathic remedy?  I have written myself about the possiblity of homeopathic remedies being used for a range of diseases which so far do not have any cures.  Homeopathic remedies, as well as megadoses of Vitamin C, and Vitamin A, should be taken seriously by the scientists who are say they are looking for cures. Trouble is, these remedies are not on the agendas of most drug companies’ research items.

Anyway, this science reporter took up the issue of ebola – somewhere she had read that homeopathy could be a potential cure.  This was her response:

‘Homeopathy is just water.  There is nothing in it.  You cannot cure ebola with water’, she said. Personally, I have never cured a case of ebola, but I am quite prepared to believe that the right homeopathic remedy could work, since homeopathic medicine has worked for me and my family for flu, and a whole range of other ailments and childhood illnesses.  Homeopathic remedies can even be used, more safely, I believe, as an alternative to vaccinations of many kinds.

If this reporter would only visit me or any other person with a small amount of homeopathic knowledge, we could help her avoid the flu with so-called homeopathic water.  But we would have to use the right remedy.  I would use homeopathic Arsen alb.  There are some other good ones which you could use, but I find homeopathic Arsen alb particularly good as a prophylactic for flu viruses.

Homeopathy is NOT a placebo, as this reporter said.  Any old remedy will not do.  The right remedy can reverse the beginnings of a flu, scarlet fever, and help many childhood illnesses.  But the right remedy has to be used if you want to alleviate the symptoms, or reverse the condition. Conversely, I could make this reporter feel a little sick for a while by giving her a remedy which was entirely inappropriate.  So much for the placebo effect of her so-called magical ‘water’ remedies.

The reporter obviously has NOT done her homework into the history of homeopathy.  She declined to tell us that homeopathy practitioners were silenced about their findings way back in the 1920’s, when the pharmaceutical companies banded together to oust homeopathic science.  They formed the nucleus of what is now the  mighty and powerful American FDA – Federal Drug Administration.

Homeopathic doctors, no matter how well qualified in the medical profession, were not allowed to publish their findings on homeopathic medicine after around 1925.  This is why we have little evidence of homeopathy successes in the public domain today.

Homeopathy was silenced a long time ago by the powers that be.  It looks as if those powers that be are still afraid to let homeopathy into the public arena for fear that it might prove to be safer and more effective, and cheaper too, than their pharmaceutical medicines.


Jason Vale’s Recovery From Cancer Using Prayer and Vitamin B17, Called Laetrile

Is One Cure For Cancer Vitamin B17, also  known as Laetrile or Amydgalin?

Jason Vale is a Christian man who recovered completely from cancer using regular prayer as well as making some changes and additions to his diet.  One thing he used in his daily diet  and which he attributes much to his recovery, was Laetrile, Vitamin B17, which is found in apricot kernels.

Jason Vale  has a web-site which helps people who wish to begin an alternative cancer treatment.  He is currently facing trial in America, because the FDA, the Food Drug Administration of America, have charged him with supplying a phone number to someone who wanted to obtain Laetrile in the form of Apricot kernels.

The FDA  have a history of chasing out anybody who treats cancer through alternative means, apparently because the pharmaceutical companies, backed by many people in the medical profession, are not receptive to any competition in the healing sciences.  If people can get well from cancer without using drugs, then this means no profits for the drug companies.

Of course, you have to be careful not to over-dose with the apricot kernels, as they contain cyanide which can kill you if it does not cure you.  As a preventative measure against degenerative disease, no more than 3 per day could be taken by a person of average build who is not on a special detoxifying regime for cancer.  The idea is that the body can take more apricot kernels – no more than 9 a day eaten in divided doses – if castor oil is used every second day, with daily enemas, as these cleansing measures would wash away many nutrients, and much of the cyanide in the kernels.  Without these detox measures, you could easily be poisoned if you were to take even 6 per day on a regular basis.  However, there are many other ways in which you can poison yourself by natural means if you so desire – eating rhubarb leaves, which look like spinach, will kill you quicker than anything.  So we don’t eat rhubarb leaves.  And rhubarb is not banned, because the FDA assumes that people are not going to do anything so stupid.

A steady diet of carrots alone will kill you, as you would be poisoned by too much beta carotene, a Vitamin A precursor.  Carrots are not banned, because the FDA assumes that people will not be so stupid as to eat carrots alone. Yet they have banned the miracle herb Comfrey because of this pretended danger – that people will eat too much of it – when the real reason is that they don’t want us to be able to use Comfrey, as they want to reserve its magical healing ingredients for themselves, and charge us the earth for it when it will actually grow like a week in your garden if you let it. If they hadn’t banned it.

And now, the pharmaceutical companies via the FDA are trying to outlaw people using apricot kernels for cancer.

Jason Vale’s case is a very interesting one:  He has the support of his Christian fellowship, and is going to fight his case to the MAX.  His lawyers claim that they have proof that the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies have known about the effectiveness of Vitamin B17, called Laetrile, for many years now, but that they have kept the value of Laetrile hidden, more or less because they do not want people to get well, but wish instead to sell them many kinds of expensive  drugs for their cancer treatments instead –   Drugs which are probably less effective than using Laetrile from apricot kernels, combined with a special detoxifying programme.

The story is a little similar to the tobacco one,  if this is true:  The tobacco industry knew for decades that tobacco smoking did in fact seriously harm people’s health, yet they kept this revelation under wraps because of the massive profits cigarette sales brought to them.

Dr Max Gerson, who successfully cured many people of cancer, is one eminent doctor whom the FDA  hounded and chased out of America,  mainly because he was a threat to the orthodox medical profession and their big bosses, the drug companies.  If Dr Gerson had been allowed to continue his cancer-healing practice in America, then the word would have got out, and pharmaceutical companies, as well as many doctors who sell their drugs off, would have been out of pocket.

Vitamin B17 is also found in the kernels of other stone fruits such as nectarines, peaches, plums, almonds, and seed fruits such as apples, pears, quinces, and grapes, as well as citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges.

The use of Vitamin B17 in apricot kernels for helping to reduce cancer masses is an idea which has been around for a long time.  Dr Max Gerson used Vitamin B17 in his alternative treatments for cancer in the mid 20th century, as did Dr Anne Wigmore, Walter Last, and probably many hundreds more therapists who were helping people to recover from cancer.

Vitamin B17 helps to reduce the pain of cancer, and has been found to be helpful in reducing cancer masses when used in combination with other detoxifying measures such as castor oil, enemas, and predominantly fresh juice diets.  Of course, not even Dr Max Gerson had a 100% success rate with his alternative cancer treatment.  But many people who have not had success with orthodox treatment, or who decided in the very beginning that they would not use radiation or chemotherapy methods  in their treatments, have recovered from cancer and other degenerative disease, such as multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s, and chronic arthritis by following a strict dietary regime such as Dr Gerson’s cancer treatment.

Jason Vale is one modern person who has been successful in recovering from cancer using these alternative methods, after medical science had given  up all hope of his recovery.

Jacqui Davison is another who adopted the natural cleansing approach, and lived to tell the tale, after she  been given up by her doctors and given only three weeks or so to live.  Jacqui wrote a book about her recovery.


Prayer And Apricot Kernels Have The Power To Heal

Jason Vale Cured Himself of Cancer Through Prayer and Apricol Kernels

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Jason Vale was ‘given up for dead’ by the medical authorities, with ASKINS tumours and renal cancer which they believed would kill him.  However, Jason did not die, but began praying in earnest, with the help of his Church.

He also changed his diet, using Vitamin B17 rich  apricot kernels and plenty of fresh juices.  Jason healed himself completely of his cancer, through Prayer and naturopathic treatment.  Now, Jason is about to be tried by the FDA for promoting the use of apricot kernels on his website.  This is basically because the pharmaceutical companies do not want the news about Vitamin B17, called Laetrile, or Amygdalin, let out, because Laetrile is a direct threat to their drug empires which promotes the use of  their very costly chemicals and radiation for the treatment of cancer.  If you can get well without using their drugs, then the drug empires will loose out on their profit.

Of course, it must be remembered that apricot kernels should be taken in moderation, as they contain cyanide, which can poison you to death, if you were to take enough.  But so can carrots kill you, if you eat too many for too long.  I have used apricot kernels myself, as part of a special detox diet to cure a breast lump.  The recommended dose was between 3 and no more than 9 apricot kernels per day, starting off with just 2 or 3 kernels for the first week or so.  I did get up to around 9, but felt better when the dose was lower than this.  By the time I had reached the maximum, and begun to lower it again, the breast lump had reduced by half.

Drug companies, through the FDA, have been exerting their power to have all naturopathic, homeopathic, and other alternative treatments ousted from the public domain, so that their pharmaceuticals reign supreme.  They pick on Apricot kernels to have them banned, yet their harmful drugs such as Fosamax, which can cause paralysis of the jaw bone, femur fractures,  vomitting, and so on, is still dished out every week by thoughtless doctors.  Even when a patient is dying, the drug companies, through the FDA, will do all they can to stop him from trying alternative treatments, such as megadoses of Vitamin C, or Laetrile used with a cleansing diet, as a last resort to get well.  Why?  They do not want him to become well on these alternative treatments, because his becoming well might discredit their pharmaceutical treatments which did not work to effect a cure.

Jason Vale’s supporters are hopeful that they will win his case.   They claim that  pharmaceutical companies, and the FDA, have known for many years that a deficiency of Laetrile, Vitamin B17, causes cancer.   Tumours can be incited to grow if there is a deficiency of this Vitamin B17, which is found in apricot kernels and other nuts and seeds.  Laetrile  or Vitamin B17 was used in the Gerson therapy for cancer in the 1950’s, by Dr Anne Wigmore in the 1970’s, and by many people who use dietary and cleansing procedures for reversing cancer.  Dr Max Gerson, who healed thousands of people suffering from cancer and other serious diseases, was driven out of Americal by the FDA, with the help, no doubt, of the FBI. ‘Federal’ is the operative word.

Pray that Jason Vale’s team will beat the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies.

Today is Tuesday 14th February, 2012.  There are so many unpleasant and very worrying things happening in the world right now.   Jason Vale’s case is just one of them.  The big corporations are driving to have our democratic rights weakened, one way or another. gets arrested in New Zealand because of a Hollywood-driven campaign against him,  and all his belongings and money get swiped before he has even been proved to be a criminal. Julian Assange is put away because he told the truth about American war crimes and other military ‘secrets’.

Pharmaceutical companies have the monopoly on medicine, and are out to discredit and illegalize many alternatives to allopathic medicine, such as homeopathy.  The pharmaceutical companies, through the powers of the FDA, are driving to have websites such as Jason Vale’s taken down, because of the threat these alternative medicine sites pose to the drug companies.   Laws are about to change in NZ and all over the world which will stop us from circulating home grown vegetable seeds, so that we have to buy every seed we need from the big seed companies.  This will mean that the big corporations have the complete control of the food banks, if we are forced to become dependent on them for our fruit and vegetable seeds.

New Zealand’s land, hydro electric power companies, water rights, and other valuable assets, are being sold off before we even get told that these public assets have been put on the market.

Poverty reigns in Nigeria, which is the biggest exporter of crude oil of any country in the world.  This should be one of the richest nations, with all the wealth created from the oil.  But Nigeria is among the poorest of  nations in the world, with many children starving to death each day.

All over the world, big business interests are taking precedence over the needs of the community and the common people.  Protests against corporate greed are mounting, yet still, governments of the world, and the big corporations which drive these governments, are not listening.

In the election, we vote against the party which is promoting all these actions with potentially disastrous consequences, yet somehow our votes just lose out, because of clever publicity tactics done at the last minute by the ruling party, and strategies which will see their policies rule, despite the majority of people being against them.

So – what to do?  There are too many important things to write about.  The condition of the world, and the dwindling power that we have to change anything, seems so incredibly depressing, that many people have simply given up the fight.  It seems pointless to fight, because ‘they’ will win anyway, by hook or by crook.

Jason Vale prayed for healing.  And this is what we must all do now, to pray for the healing of the world.  We must pray for honesty and fairness and compassion in our own hearts, and in the hearts of those who rule the wealth of the world, and especially for healing in the hearts and minds of the pharmaceutical company leaders,  who hide their knowledge, and often promote harmful drugs, and agricultural chemicals which make people sick.  These big corporations, in pharmaceuticals, in the entertainment industry, in agriculture, are working to have our democratic rights, including the power of free speech and lifestyle choice, eroded.

The FDA might succeed, again, in keeping healing knowledge from the public, so that apricot kernels and their laetrile remain banned.  But they cannot take away the power of prayer.  Whatever they do to us, we always have the capacity and the power to pray.

Pray. Pray. Pray for Peace.  Pray that greed and injustice done at the top of our so-called civilization, will be eliminated, so that all people have equal opportunity.  So that the wealth of the world is shared.  So that no one country will dominate over another to the disadvantage of a weaker country.  Pray for love in our hearts which will extend to the hardest of  hearts.  Pray that these hard hearts which see money and profit as their god, be softened and enlightened to the right way.

Charity begins at home.  Let’s really try hard to love our neighbours, and to help where we can.

Peace. Love. Charity. Be in my heart today, and in everything I do.

Karuna Devi.