Yoga Breath and Sleeping Well

Learn How To Sleep Well With Yoga Breathing;


This article will give information which will help you to reduce tension and help you to sleep properly. The yoga breath is an integral part of spiritual healing.  By doing yoga breathing, you  will  take in the prana which will raise your vitality.  This vital force not only helps your own health – by practicing the yoga breath regularly, you will have  more energy to help other people heal themselves.

The most important techniques mentioned here are age-old practices derived from yoga teachings.

The health benefits of yoga breathing are numerous. A calmer brain, better circulation, better concentration, being more focussed, and a feeling of well being will all come with doing a simple yoga breathing practice each week.

The most basic of the breathing exercises are the alternate nostril breath and the OM chant. They are both easy to perform. Both are great oxygenators of the blood. Their good and healthful effects on the nervous system are felt almost right away.

Recommendation: Start with just one of these exercises below, either the Alternate Nostril Breath, or the OM chant practice.
You could safely add the Breath Counting Exercise No. 4,  done in bed at night, to either exercise  No.1 or 2. But don’t overdo things. It is better to start with a moderate amount.

1) Alternate Nostril Breathing:

This can be done in bed at night if you haven’t managed to practice earlier in the day. It calms and soothes the brain and regulates the breathing, all of which help to relax the body and calm the nerves.

Ideally, you will choose the same time each day to perform the exercise so that you get the maximum benefits of a regular practice. Just before bed is good, although in time, you might like to add it to an earlier yoga practice which includes some asanas.

Sit in whatever position you find comfortable.

Take a slow, deep inhalation. Close the eyes and slowly breath out.

Put the right hand middle finger and index finger on the brow between the eyebrows. Keep these fingers on the brow while you perform the alternate nostril breathing exercise. Place the thumb over the right nostril and close it. Breath in slowly through the left nostril. Hold the breath while you lift the thumb off the right nostril. Put the 4th finger over the left nostril and close it. Exhale slowly and evenly through the right nostril.

Repeat the procedure, breathing in through the open right nostril. Hold, block off the right nostril with thumb, release the 4th finger from the left nostril, and exhale through the left.

This constitutes one round. Continue by breathing in again through the open left nostril. Hold breath while you release the right thumb, breathe out through the right, draw in the breath through the right. Follow the instructions for closing off each nostril as indicated above and continue until you have completed 3 full rounds.

After 3 full rounds,  take the hand down from the brow and place on the right knee. Take 3 full, slow breaths as you sit there with your eyes still closed. Repeat the full exercise, remembering to take the breaths with hands on knees at the end of each cycle of 3 rounds.

Do for around 5 minutes to start, and build up to around 10 minutes.

2) OM Chanting:

This is very beneficial for the mind, body and soul. It can be seen to aid spiritual development by the fact that one’s tolerance levels are improved, for a start.
It is an excellent practice to add to your daily routine of exercises, or it can be done at any time of the day to benefit your health and sense of well-being.

OM Chanting  can even be done in the car while you are waiting in traffic. It is a big help in avoiding stress in such situations. Of course, you will do this exercise with your eyes open if you do it in the car. But ideally this is best done in seated position, after your other yoga practice, with your eyes closed.

Never do this exercise while lying down, as the prone position means pressure is put on the larynx it you speak. The voice-box is hurt if you lie down to chant or speak

So- important to be upright in a seated position for benefits.
Simply take in a deep, slow breath and say OM as you breathe out. Try to regulate the breath so that it comes out slowly and so that the sound of OM is emitted in one nice, evenly toned, steady volumed sound.

When you have exhaled completely, fill the lungs with another breath and continue to slowly exhale as you chant OM.

Make your OM chant last as long as you can while you sing out the purest, most even note you can sustain.

This exercise is very good for the nervous system. After a few days or weeks of regular practice, you will notice that the tone of your voice improves and that the sound is steadier and easier to regulate. You will notice, too, that the volume of breath your lungs are capable of taking will expand.

This is the ACE exercise of all yoga teachings in my opinion. No wonder that it is the chant of Buddhism and the favoured chant of many meditation teachers.The Christian AMEN is a little similar but it doesn’t have the same vitality, when chanted repeatedly, as the OM chant. This is mainly because OM has just one syllable, whereas AMEN has two. The vibration from the OM sound vibrates through the head, down the spine and through the entire body. It calms the brain, feeds more blood to eyes, ears and nose, causes a toning up of the nervous system, and encourages the natural flow of  PRANA, or CHI, throughout the body. This effect helps to remove toxins, especially from the ears, nose, throat and brain. You could add this to the Alternate Nostril Breath.

Recovered smokers would do well to practice OM chanting on a regular basis, as it helps to restore and strengthen the lungs and improve the voice as well as calm the nerves.

(Note – I would seriously advise anyone who is still addicted to alocohol or drugs of any kind to postpone the practice of OM chanting until they have ceased taking their drugs for good.)

This is an excellent exercise for singers and for people who do a lot of public speaking, as well as those who simply want a good night’s sleep.

3) Group OM Chanting:

This is a unifying and powerful healing practice. Everyone sits, eyes closed, chanting OM. It doesn’t matter what note you strike. Everyone strikes the note they feel is comfortable for them and joins in the chorus.When the first has finished the OM chant in their own time, they simply take another breath and continue with another OM round, no matter whether the others have finished their OM breath or not. This keeps a continuous vibration of OM which is very soothing and healing to the nervous system. Of course, eventually you will all arrive at a moment when you are all inhaling together, but the object is for everyone to chant in their own time, withdrawing when necessary to take a breath, and then adding to the resonance again by chanting OM. You will find, after 10 minutes of practice, that the sound has become more harmonious, with the chanters naturally favouring of 3rds 5ths and octaves of their own accord. This, of course, is not the object, but just occurs naturally. The idea is to be uninhibited and make whatever note you are capable of holdng for the length of the breath.

4) Silent Breath Counting:
This exercise is taken from Yoga Nidra, or the Yoga of Sleep as taught by Satyananda. Yoga Nidra is preferably done on the floor as part of a daily practice. But this short version can be done in bed.
The OM chant is used here to calm the mind, but it is said silently to oneself. (Remember- no vocal sound while you are lying down, as this hurts the voice-box)
The good effects still prevail even though the OM sound is said silently to yourself, without vocalization.
Close the eyes. Breathe in slowly and deeply, counting mentally ONE…… as you breathe in. Hold briefly, then, as you breathe out, mentally say OM…… slowly to yourself.
Breathe in, mentally saying TWO…… to yourself. Hold. Breathe out slowly mentally saying OM…… to yourself.
Breathe in, mentally saying THREE……etc.
Continue up to TEN breaths.
This oxygenates the blood whilst slowing the mind down. You can’t possibly be considering other thoughts while all you concentration is on the breath, and counting, and silently chanting OM.

5) Prana Absorption Excercise – Hands from  TUMMY TO BROW with Co-ordinated Breathing:

This  exercise, if done daily, will help aid sleep. It is also a very good healing excercise. It is powerful simply done as an energy enhancer and to help destress the body and mind.

It can be done in seated position, or lying prone on the floor in Savasana. Close the eyes.

Inhale, pressing the fingers firmly into the solar plexus in the middle of the stomach. Take a deep, slow breath, filling the lungs completely with air. Imagine the bright yellow energy from the sun filling the solar plexus and feeding the nervous system.

Hold the breath briefly before you exhale as you then place the hands onto the brow at the eyebrow centre. Slowly exhale, imagining the energy from your hands soothing your brain. Repeat until you have done 10 breaths.

The exercise is very beneficial in balancing the nervous system and creating harmony between the chakra centres in the eyebrow centre and the solar plexus centre. For concentrated healing on one area of the body, do 10 rounds as outlined above. Then do another 10 rounds, breathing in with hands on the solar plexus, but put the hands on the part of your body which needs healing as you breath out each time. Imagine the healing force in your hands  going into the area, helping to create a whole and perfect condition.

The simple tummy-to-brow- excercise is good for building up enery, or PRANA n the body if you are about to do spiritual healing to help somebody else. Do directly before you help another person. It helps focus the mind as well as improve vitality.

Ridding the Body of Electro-Magnetic Energies

Sensitivity To Electricity and Electromagnetic Energies:

Beware of cell phone towers, electricity transformers, and the new ‘smart’ meters which have high radiation due to microwaves.  Limit the use of a cell phones and wireless computers for your health’s sake.


There are several very good, sensible remedial measures to take if you have been sensitized to electromagnetic energies,  but of course, avoiding exposure to electromagnetic fields is best, if it is at all possible.

Sometimes, a change of life-style is imperative, especially if you live under high-wires, near an electricity transformer, or a cell-phone transmitting tower.  The microwaves which are emitted from new ‘smart’ electricity meters will damage your health before long, if you have to sleep within three metres of the meter box.

It might be necessary to move house if you are being subjected to strong electromagnetic forces from cell phone towers, or high tension power lines, especially if your health is suffering.  There is an added risk to the health now that ‘smart’ electricity meters have been installed in most houses across New Zealand:  These operate on microwaves, and I believe that they are very damaging to the health. It is important to place your bed well away from these microwave electricity meters, and to avoid spending long periods next to them.

Often people ask me why I don’t take certain vitamins or “do something about it” by using a device which absorbs electro-magnetic energies.

Well, that could be useful. However, even though my health has recovered from extreme electricity sensitivity, I take every opportunity to avoid trouble spots when I can.

Any of the following will undermine my health eventually, if I am subjected to their radiation for too long:  an electricity transformer, a cell phone tower, or high tension wires, microwave-operated electricity meters, and even cell phones.  These things all have the capacity to undermine my health, reduce my immunity to candida and other diseases, and re-sensitize me to electrical energies,  even if I was to take the best of remedial measures.

One example of an effect which cannot be lessened by therapies, except by distance from the source of radiation, or the wearing of a special mask, is the burning to the eye tissues, which transformers, cell phone towers, ‘smart’ electricity meters and power lines all cause.

Remedial measures are all very well, but there is nothing better than avoiding the source of the problem in the first place.

I have often had to make a decision to move away from a house or location when my health has been undermined through things I cannot change.

So – What are the symptoms of electricity sensitivity, or microwave or radiation poisoning? If you find that your nerves are shaky, your bones ache, your hair bristles when near power sources, or travelling in the car,  or your hair is falling out, or that you get electric shocks from touching car doors, or metal objects, or even house windows, or you get head aches or your nose bleeds in the car when driving down a motor-way which is lined with pylons carrying high tension wires, you have a few symptoms which are most probably electricity-related.

Depression, anxiety, eczema, heart palpitations, and high blood pressure might go along with any of the above symptoms.  Cancer, arthritis or Parkinson’s disease could develop if microwave or electrical poisoning continues over long periods.

You might like to see a health professional regarding treatment, but some simple steps which I have found to be helpful are the following:

1) Spend as much time as you can “earthing” yourself.  Walking barefoot on grass, especially damp grass after rain or a fall of dew, or walking on damp sand, or paddling in water, particularly sea water, are all very helpful in expelling electrical energies.

Do one of these every day – several times a day if you are severly affected.

2) Walking: Wear soft soled shoes – leather soles are good, because leather does not inhibit the connection between you and the earth. If the sole is to be a man-made material, then choose a thin soled shoe, as this will  “earth” to the ground better than a thick-soled shoe.  Many people suffer unnecesarily because they spend their days at work, or at home, wearing shoes which do not allow the electricity from the body to naturally flow into the earth.  Even if they do get to walk outside on grass or earth, with thick-soled shoes on, the effect is like that of walking on air: they will not receive the health benefits of nature’s natural earthing.

This results in one experiencing electric shocks from touching things, hair falling out, water retention, or simply in shakes and tremors developing, which is a sign  the nervous system is being literally burnt out.

3) Avoid synthetic fibres for all purposes, especially  for clothing,  bed-linen and bed coverings, carpet and drapes.

Clothing made with synthetic fibres forms an encasement around the body which provides a great conductor for electro-magnetic energies. This creates a huge disturbance for the body’s own auric body, or energy field: this system is very finely tuned compared to the super-imposed one which is created by the wearing of synthetic clothing, and a way of life which prohibits the natural expelling of unwanted energies.

Bed linen and coverings also play havoc with the body’s own electrical circuit.  These things are bound to cause restless nights, with headaches and anxieties, and nervous twitching of arms and legs, etc.

Even if you do not have a discernable sensitivity to electro-magnetic fields, you will find you sleep better with pure cotton sheets and woollen blankets, rather than their synthetic equivalents.

4) Avoid the colour red, especially for sheets and garments which you will wear for more than several hours at a time.

Red or orange equate to the colours of radiation. They excite the body’s nervous system and passions.

Red sheets most definitely result in unsettled nights, and do nothing for one who wants to sleep peacefully.

Switch to white, or blue and green, and avoid the “hot” colours for the sheets on the bed. The same philosophy, for people suffering radiation problems, should be applied to the clothing which one wears by night and day.

5) On the subject of sleep: It is imperative that you move your bed away from electricity wires which are usually hidden in the wall to provide lighting for you to read at night.  This placing of the electric wires, right by the head, is the worst place they could be, as they are closest to the brain.  Over time, apart from experiencing headaches and migraines, the pituitary and pineal glands could be affected. This can result in hormonal imbalances occurring.

Move the bed to the part of the room which is furthest away from the transformer and trails of electricity wires in the walls. Move the bed out from the wall if you have to, and put your head at the bottom end of the bed if there is no way, in the meantime, to distance yourself sufficiently from the electric currents.

You are better to get a bedside lamp to put beside the bed – this can be turned off at the wall when you have finished reading. Make sure that if you use an extension cord. that this is not coiled about you, as this intensifies the magnetic effect.

Overhead lights are usually far enough away from the head and body to be of concern, however, if you live in an apartment block, you have to consider where the wiring is below you for the apartment beneath. Move your bed away from the main tracks of wires which lead to the lighting of the flat below. The T.V. sets of the neighbours on all sides, up and down, also needs to be considered. Do not sleep on the other side of a the wall where a T.V. is placed, neither in your own flat nor that of your neighbour’s.

Avoid sleeping underneath T.V. aerials also – these affect the brain profoundly and, if you are sensitive, will cause memory loss within a short time. I find, when I have moved a sufficient distance away from the aerial, say at least 20 feet,  that memory is restored again.

Apartment living, I have found, is particularly disagreeable to my health

6) Drink plenty of good quality water. This helps in taking away toxins from the body, and also in antidoting radiation – partly in the urination process, which contacts us with earth.

You can solarize your water with the colour green.  This helps antidote the red of the radiation which the body has been exposed to. Just fill a green-coloured glass bottle with good water and leave in the sun for five hours. Experiment with different shades of green using different makes of bottles, as the effect of some is definately better than others, depending on what ingredients have gone into the making of the glass.

7) Bath and shower in fresh or salt water daily – several times a day if you are severley affected. Water is the best thing in grounding us to the earth by transporting electrical energies into earth.

Sea water with its salt content is especially healing of electro-magnetic troubles.

8) Cleanse the body of toxins as much as you can. Metals and other poisons in the body contribute toward its holding in of electro-magnetic energies.

Plenty of fruits and green vegetales are essential.

9) Spirulina and kelp are excellent aids in helping to eliminate radiation sickness.  Use also magnesium and calcium-rich foods or supplements. I have found mag.phos., calc.fluor., slica, Vitamin C and Halibut liver oil capsules to be helpful, although I would advise anyone interested to get a professional to advise on the use of these things.

Professional help for the treatment of candida albicans is a good idea: Sensitive people are prone to candida, and also to electro-magnetic vibrations.

However, this should only be a short-term measure, and a long-term solution to the problem of your environment should be sought. Being candida-free certainly makes the body more tolerant to stresses of all sorts, but if you constantly expose yourself to magnetic forces and radiation, the natural beneficial flora in the bowel is destroyed, which means you will be forever buying expensive acidophilus and other things to maintain healthy digestion. I find that avoiding electro-magnetic forces is a better way than filling up constantly on the things which have been depleted by radiation.

10) Lying still on green grass whilst doing breathing exercises is a very healing practice.

When my arms and hands were suffering badly, with constant tingling, pins and needles and numbness, I found going out several times at night onto the cool green lawn to touch the damp grass for 5-10 minutes at a time helped the condition enormously. I made this a practice during the time I spent in the gold-mining town, when the trouble for me was at its worst.

11) The Power of Prayer was the thing which finally brought about a healing for me. This was a remarkable experience: nothing but a miracle. I was at a friend’s house near the gold mine, and felt that I was about to terminate my existence on the earth. I was near collapse. My heart was barely going, and my breathing had become shallow. I felt the only thing to save me was the beach: I had to get down to the beach and get into the water.

My friend drove me down. I  suffered the usual nose bleeds on the way, which appeared every time I drove down a road lined with power lines.  This time, the pain and anguish was terrible, and I thought I would not last the time it took to get to the beach before having a stroke or a heart attack. Nor did my friend, who put her foot down to get me there as soon as possible.

Well – we made it.  I went straight to the water with my clothes on, into the waves, praying hard, drinking the water, putting handfuls of water over my head, continuing to pray, drink handfuls of water and douse my head.

Suddenly, as I did this, something incredible occurred. The “thing”, with all its disturbing facets, just left me. The place was filled with light, and  what I believe people call ‘The Holy Spirit’ filled me with life anew. In that instant, I was aware I was “saved”. I knew I would never have the problem again in the same way I had experienced it.

I was truly healed, and I thank God and my unseen Angels, an the best Angel of all, the friend who helped me get to the beach that day.

I am sensible these days about where I live: I choose my abode as carefully as I can. I am still sensitive to electro-magnetic energies and their high-frequency vibrations, but I am not made sick from them, provided I treat them and myself with respect by keeping my distance.

These sensitivites can be put to good use in matters of healing, which subject will be discussed at another time.

Note:  This post was written around ten years ago.  Now, there is another challenging us all in 2015, and that is the advent of new so-called ‘Smart Meters’ which have replaced our old analogue systems of electricity meters. The rays from these new meters are affecting my health very badly at the moment.  The problem is in having such a small flat where one cannot escape the effects of the microwaves being emitted from these meters: I have not one, but two meter boxes on my lounge wall. It is very much like having two mini cell phone towers in my living room and kitchen.

It is not so bad having ‘smart’ meters if you live in a large enough house where you can get at least 7 metres or so away from the meter box. But theyare a hazardous thing when your living area is so small that you cannot escape their microwaves.  Very bad for the eyesight, the nervous system, mental health and overall physical health.

‘Contact’ energy have been very good and removed the microchip from my daughter’s meter in Dunedin. Alas, the situation with my house is not so straight-forward, since I do not own the house.  Because I have someone else’s meter alongside my own one on the wall, I am subjected to an on-going double dose of whatever the authorities is considered a ‘safe’ dose.

I have moved my kitchen into the bathroom for now, which is the furthest point away from the  meter boxes on the living room wall. It is likely I will be moving shortly.


Finger Joints Affected by Cell Phone

I owned a cell phone for a year, as I mentioned in an earlier article.

The main reason I was forced to relinquish the cell phone was that my middle finger became incredibly sore at the middle joint, with swelling and redness, noticeable around the joint.

I had avoided using the cell phone for long telephone conversations, as this definately caused fluid retention in the ear, and an uncomfortable heat penetrated deep into the head when the phone was held to the ear for several minutes at a time. However, I was a text fiend, and used the phone for this purpose several times a day, thinking this would not be so harmful.

I guess the same thing which caused the fluid build-up in the ears eventually caused a fluid build-up in my fingers, noteably the one which supported the phone from behind, the middle finger, whilst the thumb tapped in the message from the front.

The thumb which did the texting was not affected, but, after nine months of use, the middle finger of the hand which held the phone was very sore. After a year, it was so painful I had to avoid using this finger when  playing the piano, and the fingers next door to it were starting to be affected the same way. It was very difficult to write with this hand at this point.

I felt sure it was the cell phone, and so  i cancelled my phone account and gave the device away.

The source of an on-going anxiety, the high pitched frequency which had accompanied me that previous year, just evaporated immediately, and my ears relaxed and stopped their aching.

However, it took three months for the finger joints to return to normal.

I helped the healing of the joints with magnesium and zinc supplements, and gentle massage of the joints with olive oil at night.

I have not had a recurrence of this joint problem again in the year since giving up the cell phone, and nor have I needed to continue with the supplements after the condition repaired itself.

Homeopathy and Your Child’s Health

Homeopathy For The Home First Aid Kit

How To Avoid Using Harmful Medications:

I used herbal medicine and homeopathic remedies for many years when I was bringing up my children. I found these remedies to be so incredibly successful that the whole family did without standard inoculations, and we all avoided seeing a doctor for many years. There are no harmful side effects in using the common homeopathic remedies, unlike using  allopathic prescription medicine, which usually has negative and toxic side effects of some sort.

However, I do not dare to suggest that people should follow my example. Sometimes allopathic medicine is necessary, and doctors and nurses do indeed save many lives: I urge you to see a health professional before following the ideas I out-line in this, and other, articles.

HOMEOPATHY is a wonderful age-old science of medicine which can be used effectively for treating many common conditions and complaints, both physical and emotional.

ARNICA   Arnica is the number one remedy. All families with young children would benefit from adding this to their first-aid kits.  It is an amazing remedy for shocks, bruises and sprains. Buy some TODAY.

Arnica can help settle the emotions as well as heal the bruise. The trauma which has been endured  after an accident can be alleviated by taking arnica. Often we get nervous stabbing pains around an injury which persist long after physical recovery. These, too, are helped by arnica, even when taken  years after the injury.

In the old days when I was a girl, before New Zealand country people had knowledge of the wonderful homeopathic remedies available to us today, our  mothers used to give us aspirin or pain killers for the after-effects of an injury.

These days even worse alternatives are used by many parents:  Drug companies make drug combinations which are sold as safe medecines for calming young children, and even putting them to sleep. This is an extremely sad state of affairs, as the children who are being dosed with these harmful products are

1. Not being allowed to behave and develop as normal healthy children.

2.There is a real danger of these children becoming drug dependent as children, and drug or alcohol dependent in their adulthood. Depression, which affects 1 or 2 out of 5 in our “civilized” culture – the statistics are increasing- will sadly be the result if these commercial sedatives are used on a regular basis. Avoid them like the plague.

Instead, use a dash of ARNICA.

You can’t get addicted to ARNICA and it won’t harm your health or your child’s  in any way.

3. There are ALWAYS side effects to any drug or medication, especially when regularly used. The side effects of these sedative products is not widely advertised even when the drug companies KNOW what these side effects will be. There is a liklihood that damage  to kidneys, liver, heart, circulaton, nervous system, muscular and bone growth, and brain development will occur. The practice of using such products should be avoided at all cost.

Electricity Transformers, Cell-Phones and People

Auric Body Affected By Electricity and Microwaves:  I have always been sensitive to electricity, however, excessive wine-drinking had severly undermined my health in the three year period prior to 1998, so I guess at this time I was  very fragile, more vulnerable to bad influences, and that my judgement was impaired.

I bought not one, but a second house in a gold-mining town. This did my health no good at all because of the high electro-magnetic energies at this location.

Even when I had stopped drinking, whilst living in this town, my health contined to deteriorate rapidly. This deterioration was noticeable after living with a friend who had a transformer in the front of her house: I stayed there for three months, after which time I was so ill with bone pain, depression, blurred vision and all the classic symptoms of radiation sickness from an electrical transformer, that I was forced to move away. Three months of living in Hawkes Bay at the beach cured me, after which time I returned, unwisely, to the gold-mining town, to the second house I had bought there.

This house was a disaster – I hardly got to live in it at all, because the transformer which I had judged to be a sufficient distance away, was not far enough away for me, and because two cell-phone towers which I had not taken into account when I bought the house, were placed on the hills nearby.

The section was large and beautiful, with many fruiting and exotic trees. Iat was possible for me to move well away from the force-field of the electrical transformer by pitching a tent down the back of my garden and live with nature. One would have expected good results for curing electricity sensitivity with this approach: the more you “earth” yourself, the better; the fewer electrical disturbances about you, the better. But, while being outside in the garden drew me away from the transformer, I could do nothing about the cell-phone towers and their harmful energies, nor the energy below me which seemed to suck out my life force: this second house was on the opposite side of the mine to the first house, and was very much worse than the first, being closer to the perimeter of the mine.

My health continued to deteriorate. My hair was falling out by the handful. Sharp, stabbing pains in the skull accompanied by an intense burning sensation over the skull, dizziness,  “white-outs” in the brain, which affected my ears by simply shutting down the hearing facility for seconds at a time, and heart palpitations, all became more regular. This continued all the while I remained at this location.

I would escape by getting further into the country and spending a couple of nights in the car. Miraculously, all symptoms would disapear and I would feel great. Then I would return to the house in the town by the gold-mine only to have these troubles start all over again.

Consequently, I never stayed longer than a week or two at this house, with most of the nights spent sleeping in the car.

There were two other reasons which I suspect heightened my electricity and cell-phone sensitivity, apart from the fact that I was being zapped by excessive amounts of both:

Any gold-field has a high aura of energy about it because of the magnetic quality of quartz crystals and other minerals which accompanies gold in its natural state.

These energies, I believe, can be healing in small doses. Many people from the city go to a town such as this one, to heal themselves or undergo some sort of personal transformation. I needed both. However, in my experience, it was imperative that, once the healing had occurred (i.e. quitting alcohol, thanks to the many friends who had helped me there), that I should move on. By staying, I was continuing to expose myself to natural energies that were of such a high frequency and dynamic force as to be damaging in the long term.

The second suspected reason for chronic electricity and cell-phone sensitivity developing whilst living in a gold-mining town was this: A relatively new “technology” had been developed to make mining gold more economical, in terms of expenditure of money and time, over finding the gold lines underneath the ground. This technique was being used in this town at the time, and was written about in the local paper. It involved the electrifying of the underground to trace the gold. Huge bolts of electricity were sent along underground, their paths would track the gold, and so the mining company had half of their work done. Too bad that houses were built right around the perimeter of the gold-field and the area which was being considered for mining. Incidentally, some of these houses, about the same time, actually collapsed because the earth under them caved in, and one whole street next to the mine was vacated permanently and bought up by the mining company.

Had any consideration been shown as to the effect these massive bolts of electricity might have on the people living above the gold? Was a resource consent used? Were people warned when this might be done?

I suspect “NO” to all of these.

(Another downside to living in this mining town was the cyanide pond not too far away)

I finally abandoned this house – nobody else seemed to want to live there either, and so it was difficult to rent or sell it. I figured the Angels had something else in mind for me, and so I quit the house at a loss, with not a bit of regret. One’s health is more important than property ownership, and if you must abandon your possessions for health’s sake, or peace of mind, or for the further development of mind and soul, then you’d best get on and do it, I thought.

N.B. see article “Ridding the Body of Electro-magnetic Energies” and other related articles on this web-site for more information.