Cell Phone Use by People in Large Crowds

Cell-Phone Effect on Hands, Ears, Bones and  Brain

I owned a cell-phone for a year, and I must say it was the greatest thing being able to text my family every day if I wanted. However, one year was enough. Although I made every effort to keep my distance from the cell-phone and kept it about 10 metres away from me at night, my health was affected. It was a great relief when I gave it up, and I realized then just how much anxiety the cell-phone’s rays had caused me when their presence, which I had endured almost unceasingly for a whole year, were suddenly terminated.

Even before I bought the cell-phone, which I did because I was moving about a lot at the time, I was very sensitive to the cell-phone rays of other people’s phones.  I had become aware of my extreme electricity sensitivity whilst living in a gold-mining town, and this sensitivity had, even then, extended to cell-phones.

Individual cell-phones in the house affected me, but large groups of people with cell-phones, such as are found at rock concerts, or car racing venues, or music or cultural festivals, became unbearable.

I observed this effect many times, several years later, whilst living near to the Western Springs stadium in Auckland. Even though I did not attend events there or at the zoo or park at Western Springs, the radiation on days when events were occurring was so distressing to my brain and nervous system, that I was forced to flee the area temporarily, until the crowd had dispersed.

My hands would begin to tingle, my ears to ache, my memory and sense of logic, or of a sequential order to a task, would weaken, and my nerves become so jangly that a shaking of the hands and head became apparent, at least to myself.

However, the swelling which occurred in the legs could not be disputed: after several hours from the beginning of a major festival just down the road, they became very puffy with aching in the bones.  Some relief was obtained when I left the area for a relatively unpeopled park or beach for a few hours, but, while other symptoms disappeared almost immediately, the swelling of the legs usually took a day or two to normalize, after the masses of cell phone users at the function had gone home.

I never waited around long enough for professionals to  take note of my symptoms and make a diagnosis of my condition: if I had remained to prove my point, I am quite sure a health crisis would have been the result, and my distressed state would have then been attributed to a condition such as weak heart, a stroke, or arthritis, oncoming parkinson’s disease, or a mental derangement, and no consideration would have been given to the environmental conditions which had made manifest such a distressing array of symptoms.

On these days, when there were crowds and traffic jams, there were also lots of sirens from ambulances and police cars. I often wondered that, if I was affected so profoundly by the proliferation of cell-phones on those days, then how many other people were suffering from poor judgement and anxiety while on the road, driving – perhaps some of the “accidents” were a direct result of the excessive amount of  radiation endured.

Electricity Transformers, Cell-Phones and People

Auric Body Affected By Electricity and Microwaves:  I have always been sensitive to electricity, however, excessive wine-drinking had severly undermined my health in the three year period prior to 1998, so I guess at this time I was  very fragile, more vulnerable to bad influences, and that my judgement was impaired.

I bought not one, but a second house in a gold-mining town. This did my health no good at all because of the high electro-magnetic energies at this location.

Even when I had stopped drinking, whilst living in this town, my health contined to deteriorate rapidly. This deterioration was noticeable after living with a friend who had a transformer in the front of her house: I stayed there for three months, after which time I was so ill with bone pain, depression, blurred vision and all the classic symptoms of radiation sickness from an electrical transformer, that I was forced to move away. Three months of living in Hawkes Bay at the beach cured me, after which time I returned, unwisely, to the gold-mining town, to the second house I had bought there.

This house was a disaster – I hardly got to live in it at all, because the transformer which I had judged to be a sufficient distance away, was not far enough away for me, and because two cell-phone towers which I had not taken into account when I bought the house, were placed on the hills nearby.

The section was large and beautiful, with many fruiting and exotic trees. Iat was possible for me to move well away from the force-field of the electrical transformer by pitching a tent down the back of my garden and live with nature. One would have expected good results for curing electricity sensitivity with this approach: the more you “earth” yourself, the better; the fewer electrical disturbances about you, the better. But, while being outside in the garden drew me away from the transformer, I could do nothing about the cell-phone towers and their harmful energies, nor the energy below me which seemed to suck out my life force: this second house was on the opposite side of the mine to the first house, and was very much worse than the first, being closer to the perimeter of the mine.

My health continued to deteriorate. My hair was falling out by the handful. Sharp, stabbing pains in the skull accompanied by an intense burning sensation over the skull, dizziness,  “white-outs” in the brain, which affected my ears by simply shutting down the hearing facility for seconds at a time, and heart palpitations, all became more regular. This continued all the while I remained at this location.

I would escape by getting further into the country and spending a couple of nights in the car. Miraculously, all symptoms would disapear and I would feel great. Then I would return to the house in the town by the gold-mine only to have these troubles start all over again.

Consequently, I never stayed longer than a week or two at this house, with most of the nights spent sleeping in the car.

There were two other reasons which I suspect heightened my electricity and cell-phone sensitivity, apart from the fact that I was being zapped by excessive amounts of both:

Any gold-field has a high aura of energy about it because of the magnetic quality of quartz crystals and other minerals which accompanies gold in its natural state.

These energies, I believe, can be healing in small doses. Many people from the city go to a town such as this one, to heal themselves or undergo some sort of personal transformation. I needed both. However, in my experience, it was imperative that, once the healing had occurred (i.e. quitting alcohol, thanks to the many friends who had helped me there), that I should move on. By staying, I was continuing to expose myself to natural energies that were of such a high frequency and dynamic force as to be damaging in the long term.

The second suspected reason for chronic electricity and cell-phone sensitivity developing whilst living in a gold-mining town was this: A relatively new “technology” had been developed to make mining gold more economical, in terms of expenditure of money and time, over finding the gold lines underneath the ground. This technique was being used in this town at the time, and was written about in the local paper. It involved the electrifying of the underground to trace the gold. Huge bolts of electricity were sent along underground, their paths would track the gold, and so the mining company had half of their work done. Too bad that houses were built right around the perimeter of the gold-field and the area which was being considered for mining. Incidentally, some of these houses, about the same time, actually collapsed because the earth under them caved in, and one whole street next to the mine was vacated permanently and bought up by the mining company.

Had any consideration been shown as to the effect these massive bolts of electricity might have on the people living above the gold? Was a resource consent used? Were people warned when this might be done?

I suspect “NO” to all of these.

(Another downside to living in this mining town was the cyanide pond not too far away)

I finally abandoned this house – nobody else seemed to want to live there either, and so it was difficult to rent or sell it. I figured the Angels had something else in mind for me, and so I quit the house at a loss, with not a bit of regret. One’s health is more important than property ownership, and if you must abandon your possessions for health’s sake, or peace of mind, or for the further development of mind and soul, then you’d best get on and do it, I thought.

N.B. see article “Ridding the Body of Electro-magnetic Energies” and other related articles on this web-site for more information.