Cinnamon Side Effects

For most people, there are no noticeable Cinnamon Side Effects:  Cinnamon as a Medicine has been used  for thousands of years in the east and in parts of South America.  Its use as a herbal medicine are recorded in  ancient, 4000 year-old Chinese texts.    Its botanical name is Cinnamomum zeylanicum, and it is grown in Brazil,  the Caribbean, India, China, and  Madagascar.

The  health benefits of Cinnamomum zeylanicum are  now widely extolled,  in the West as well as the East :

  • as a vermifuge, to rid the body of parsites;  as an antibacterial and antifungal agent
  • in treating infections such as oral candida, coughs, colds and flu.
  • as an addition to detoxification  programmes for cleansing the colon.
  • in enhancing the function of the sugar metabolism.
  • and  as a treatment for diarrhea, rheumatism, gout and some types of arthritis.

Cinnamon Side Effects:  However,   some people  do suffer allergic reaction to cinnamon, so it must be used with care.

The German Commission E monograph recommends that expectant mothers do not take cinnamon. The logical conclusion drawn from this  recommendation would be that lactating mothers should avoid it too.

Some people experience allergic reactions to  the active compounds in the volatile oils of cinnamon.  These oils are:  eugenol and cinnamaldehyde. Some symptoms of allergy which may be experienced are:  bronchial constriction, (but on the other hand, it can be used to treat bronchial constriction in people who are NOT sensitive to cinnamon),  tightness in the chest,  a sudden uncomfortable rise in temperature fairly soon after ingesting cinnamon, anxiety,  heart palpitations, and skin rash.

It is often used by AIDS sufferers to treat candida in the mouth.  However,  over-use of cinnamon  oil to treat candida, or thrush in the mouth, can lead to inflammation of the mouth and throat tissues, with anxiety and breathing constriction.

It is wise to use small amounts of cinnamon in your cooking, and in your teas, until you establish that you are not sensitive.  Begin with a 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of boiling water as a tea.  This can be increased slowly to a half teaspoon or slightly more.

Some herbals indicate using a teaspoon at a time, with lemon juice and honey, to beat certain infections and viruses, and even to help lose weight,  however, this is not recommended for most people, unless they are working closely with a naturopath or  another health professional.

So, whilst some people display  allergic reactions to the volatile oils in  Cinnamon, this  should be no reason for drug companies to convince governments to ban cinnamon, so that they may patent cinnamon as a medicine and reap the benefits and  profits for themselves:  more people suffer such  similar reactions to eating gluten, or just plain wheat, or to sugar, if they have chronic diabetes.

For  details into actual  research  of cinnamon, look at the book:  The Natural Pharmacy , revised and updated 3rd version, edited by Alan R. Gaby, M.D., published by Healthnotes, Inc., 2006,  New York.

Alternative Cancer Treatment

Alternative Cancer Treatment

This post is meant for information only. It is not a complete account of alternative cancer treatment, nor is it necessarily accurate.  It is not advised that you begin a treatment for cancer or anything else on the basis of what is written here.

Alternative Cancer Treatment is not promoted by many doctors, though there are some intelligent and intuitive doctors about, for sure, who would not dismiss the idea of alternative cancer treatment.

Many doctors in the medical profession are true ‘healers’, because they really do understand why and how cancer exists, and understand something of the detoxification and nutrition factors which are involved in bringing sick  people back to health.

In New Zealand, we had our own Dr Eva Hill in the early part of the 19th century.  Dr Hill  was a true healer who cured many people,  in New Zealand and abroad, of serious diseases like cancer through natural medicine.  She used herbs,  nutrition, detoxification and meditation techniques.

Walter Last, an Austrian physicist who worked many years in New Zealand before moving to Australia, also has cured many people of cancer and other degenerative disease. Dr Ann Wigmore, an American, is another famous doctor who learned how to treat cancer naturally:  she had had cancer herself, and recovered, adapting her own version of therapy from the ideas of  Dr Max Gerson.    Dr Max Gerson, another  American,  was another  such brilliant doctor:  His life’s work was devoted to helping people with cancer and other degenerative disease.    Dr Gerson’s book on cancer has helped many people, including myself, to recover from disease.  More on Dr Gerson and his book later in this post. Now:

Why haven’t  we got a ‘cure’ for cancer? For a start, the drug companies, which really are the influencing force behind most practising doctors, and most medical schools, do not wish to promote natural cures of any kind, as these will only interfere with the sale of their drugs, and their profits, unless they can take charge of the ‘natural cure’. In most cases, that is nigh impossible, as ‘nature cures’ are very hard work, and require an exceptional determination and perseverance on the part of the  patient, which means that ‘the cure’ cannot  really be bought.

The other reason is that people are very lazy, and do not want to put the hard yards in to get their health back.  They believe that they have been targeted unfairly in that they have ‘got’ cancer.  They, in most cases, want to believe that the physician has  all the answers with his drugs, chemotherapy, and radiation  for cancer.  They don’t want to hear about the environment, how it has become polluted through our own stupid fault, and that we should ALL be changing our lifestyles for clean,  more fairly run, honest and healthy agricultural communities.  No –  most of us  don’t want to think about the extent of it, or make radical changes when we get cancer.   All most people want to do is carry right on doing what they are doing,  succumb to the advice and the treatment by the physician, take their medicine,  and hope for the best.

So we must take some of the responsibility for this stupidity ourselves.  It is not just the drug companies who are at fault here.  They simply are profitting from people’s laziness:  they fit  into the scheme of things because people want to take the easy way out:  by using weedkiller to kill the weeds instead of pulling them out;  and by taking drugs when they get sick, even if they don’t do the trick.

Dr Samuel Epstein, in ‘The Politics of Cancer’, gives many instances of drug companies controlling and monopolizing the ‘healing’ world, and healers themselves,  by putting people out of business, and banning certain products and activities, because they pose a threat to their dragnet of wealth gained from the sale  of pharmaceuticals all over the world.

Whenever a herb or some other remedy  looks as if it might be effective in treating a condition,  then drug companies are the first to step in to try and patent it, or get it prohibited so that the public do not have access to it anymore.  Such an example is  the case with turmeric, and comfrey, or ‘knit-bone’, both of which are powerful healers.  Comfrey, unfortunately, is banned in most western countries now, but turmeric has had abetter fate, because, as it is an important food item in India, it has just managed to escape the hungry mouth of the drug companies  turmeric tiger which wanted to patent it for their own profit.

Drug companies have been known to shut down  the practices of doctors or naturopaths, or other healers who have been successful in treating cancer.  Some famous practitioners have even been thrown in jail and their successes denied, through the actions of jealous drug companies.

I have just found a very important book on the subject of cancer.  It is called ‘The Cancer Conspiracy’, written by Dr Toni Jeffreys PhD, published by Crows Nest Books, P.O. Box 607, Warkworth, New Zealand 1241.  This edition is 2000, although there is an added note in the book which says a further edition will come out shortly.

This is such a great book.  It is well researched, right on the mark, and written with great heart.

Dr Jeffreys has a similar view to Dr Epstein in that she does not have too much respect for modern day medicine, which seems to be linked so strongly, like glue, to the drug manufacturers.

Dr Jeffreys parallels the drug-making machinations to those of the tobacco industry.  It has taken literally decades for the tobacco companies to finally come clean, when they knew all along that smoking caused lung disease, including cancer.  The ‘research’ they did never targeted real issues of health, and were rigged to show favourable results for the tobacco industry.

It is the same scenario now with the problem of cancer:  We are forever being led down wrong trails under the name of research, simply because the drug companies, who are the richest organizations in the world, do not want anyone to find a cure, or point out that the cause of cancer is actually inherent in our sick,  industrialized society. 

Cancer is a microscosmic  symptom of  the vast and wide macrocosmic sickness and disfunction which we ourselves have created.

So it goes on.  Money is continually poured into ‘research’, which only serves the purposes of the drug companies, because they decide exactly what things they want to do their research on.  Of course, they don’t choose to spend their research money on the obvious  thing which really would help people and the enrvironment – the cause of sickness – as making people well would not bring them in their money. The whole medical and drug hierarchy relies  on people being unwell, and being reliant on their drugs.

The big business of chemical production and sales begins with the very food we eat.  It is sprayed many times with chemicals which are often made by the same chemical companies, or associated chemical companies, which produce the drugs further down the track, to ‘treat’ us once we have become ill from consuming their pesticides and herbicides.

Alternative Cancer Treatment which Has Worked in Many Cases:

I am really pleased and excited to see Doctor Jeffreys  talk about the Gerson programme of alternative cancer therapy, and the Gerson history:   Dr Max Gerson literally cured thousands of people  of cancer and other disease during his working life.  Of course, not everybody survived, but many did live to tell the tale.

Dr Max Gerson is one of those doctors who was literally hounded by the FDA, pushed on  by the dug companies of his era.  Dr Gerson was  eventually forbidden to practice in America, and was chased away, out of the USA.  He set up a clinic for treating cancer and other degenerative disease in Mexico, which is  still being run,  by his daughter, today.

You can contact the Gerson Institute in Bonita, Califormia, or the Gerson Research Institute in San Diego, California for more information regarding treatment at a Gerson clinic.  Or you can buy the book to  read about his amazing success rates, and gain an insight into just how his treatment works,  basically, through  detoxification  methods and nutrition.

I have described elements of the therapy  which I have found helpful in many posts on this site, but I do recommend that you read the entire book.

Read merrilyn’s other related posts entitled:   Benefits of Castor OilRegrow Teeth;   Regrow Hair;   Detox Diets;   Prevent Cancer;    and Cancer/Post for Anthony for a little insight into just how detoxification and nutrition  can benefit health.

Dr Max Gerson’s famous book entitled A Cancer Therapy:  Results of Fifty Cases,  Station Hill Press, was reissued in 1997.

Dr Toni Jeffreys also talks about the natural treatments of  John Hoxsey and his son Harry Hoxsey, who were famous for their health advice and herbs which they freely gave away.   The Hoxseys were  alternative healers  who were also forced to give up the  practice practice of healing naturally. They were brought to eventual ruin, and the elder Hoxsey was thrown in jail.  A Hoxsey clinic still survives in Mexico, but this is the only place where you can take advantage of the Hoxsey healing herbs.

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is an age-old food condiment and medicine. It has been used for thousands of years in the Middle East,  Egypt,  India, and China.  Soldiers in the ancient world were given garlic to build strength and courage. 

In traditional Chinese Medicine, it is known as ‘the penicillin in the earth’, because of its healing properties. By the time of the second world war, garlic’s  popularity as a medicine was recognized  even by the British Government, who sent a shipment of garlic to the infantry to help heal the soldiers wounds.

The health benefits of garlic work best when the garlic is used raw, altough garlic used in cooking still has a beneficial effect on the health, starting with improving the digestion. 

Some of the Health Benefits of Garlic are that:

  • Garlic has a warming effect on the constitution.
  • It encourages the production of digestive juices, thus it aids digestion.
  • It is used as a medicine to avert colds, flu, and other viruses.
  • It improves the immune system.
  •  It has been used in the past to treat whooping cough, and other chest and lung afflictions.  In these cases, garlic would be taken internally, and also, warm-to-hot poultices of  linen soaked in a strong infusion of garlic would have been applied to the chest, covered with warm blankets,  and replaced every half an hour or so.
  • It helps to combat diarrhea
  • It contains protein, fats, and carbohydrate.
  • It helps the blood sugar metabolism to function normally:
  • This is partly due to the fact that garlic is high in Zinc, which helps to regulate sugar levels.
  • Zinc and other minerals in Garlic help encourage hair growth.
  • It helps to lower cholesterol and the blood pressure, which means:
  • It is useful in helping to prevent heart disease
  • Garlic is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic.
  • It helps to eradicate intestinal worms and other parasites.
  • When given to dogs, along with Vitamin B,  it is supposed to be helpful in deterring fleas.
  • Garlic has been used to treat insect stings and bites.  It has even been used to treat snake bite in some parts of the world.  I have read of a remedy which involved adding one’s own saliva to crushed garlic, and applying  this to snake bite –  though I would dare to try it on my snake bite only if there was no hospital nearby.

MSG Allergy

The Dangers of MSG,  or Monosodium Glutamate

MSG is known to have bad side effects. Many people suffer what is known as the ‘Chinese Restaurant Syndrome’, because  of the effect of MSG, or monosodium glutamate, which is still being used in Chinese restaurants, at least in industrialized ‘Western’  countries.  MSG seems to be a traditional item in many oriental dishes.

MSG is known to be deleterious to the health, yet MSG still  finds ways to get into our food:   MSG is not a prohibited product.

MSG is a flavour enhancer:  It has a wonderful effect on our taste buds, which is why the product is so addictive.  It makes the food taste extremely good, even if the natural flavours are somewhat lacking.

MSG can still be found  as a flavour enhancer in some products like soy sauce, and other soy products;  flavourings such as oyster sauce, and mushroom sauce;  yeast extract;  textured vegetable protein;  and other pre-packaged dinners, especially of the oriental variety.

MSG can cause distressing allergic reactions to some people.  Some of these symptoms of MSG allergy are:

Headaches which can last for a day or two;  full blown Migraines; Heart Palpitations;   Dizziness, and vertigo;   General Weakening caused by a negative effect on the nervous system;  Tingling in the limbs and hands, also caused by the effect of MSG on the nervous system;  Symptoms of depression and lethargy.

MSG is thought to be a contributing factor in children who have attention deficit disorder, and other emotional or mental disturbances.

MSG can be found in many processed, ready-to-go foods, so it is difficult to avoid unless you prepare all your food at home, straight from the vegetable shop, with unprocessed grains, seeds,  meats and dairy foods.

The Vitamin B6 is supposed to be helpful for people who suffer MSG Allergy symptoms, although it is far better to make special efforts to avoid the stuff completely, whether or not you suffer negative reactions from MSG.

Benefits of Castor Oil

The benefits of castor oil have been known for literally thousands of years.

The plant is referred to as the Palma Christi, the Palm of Christ, in old herbals.  I think the herbalist John Gerard may have used this term.  I know the more recent herbalist John Lust discusses the attributes of the Castor Oil plant and lists Palma Christi as one of its common names.

The Palma Christi, or Castor Oil plant does have  incredible  healing properties, which is why it has been equated with the name of Christ.

Castor Oil has many uses.

Castor oil is derived from the seeds of the castor oil plant. These seeds are extremely poisonous, so never try making your own remedy here. When the oil is extracted from the seed, it leaves behind all the harmful poisons, and only retains those compounds which benefit our health.

Castor Oil is most famously used as a purgative, to treat constipation and poisoning of various kinds. But it also has been used as a healing salve for centuries.

We were often given castor oil as a child, on a weekly basis.  I think it is a pity that this practice has fallen into decline, as taking  castor oil weekly not only cleans out the bowels, but removes toxins from the liver. Having a clean liver protects one from getting cancer and other degenerative disease. So Castor Oil is a great cancer preventative, in my opinion.

Less children in our polluted Western society would succumb to cancer if they had been given a dose of castor oil on a weekly basis. The more toxic our environment becomes, the more necessity there is to detoxify the liver and the body generally.  Castor oil has the ability to attract poisons and hold them within the oil, which makes it a valuable medicine for treating cancer as well as cleansing the bowels and treating some cases of poisoning.

Castor Oil Feeds the Nerves and nourishes the whole body. Taking castor oil internally helps hair growth, gives your skin a satiny smooth feel,  improves the brain function, improves eyesight and does a host of other beneficial things.

This is partly because it reduces the toxins in the bowel.  A clean bowel means that your bowel can  function optimally,  without the hindrance of toxins to spoil the absorption of vitamins. You get more goodness out of your food when your bowel is clean, and so you don’t need those vitamin supplements so badly.

These benefits to the health, which castor oil bring, are also because the liver is able to function optimally, because the poisonous stuff which give the liver a hard time have been removed via the castor oil.

The other thing about castor oil is that it contains some compounds which benefit the body’s immune system and which help prevent disease:  these  compounds  have been isolated by modern research scientists.

Castor Oil Remedy for Babies suffering Constipation:  Babies who are breast fed should not get constipation, we are told.  But now and then, it does happen.  Sometimes a crying baby can mean that the baby has become constipated. (check with your doctor if your baby won’t stop crying, in case there is an ear infection, or some other malady)

Vasant Lad, in his book ‘Ayurvedic Home Remedies’ suggests that the mother smear her nipples with a little castor oil before feeding baby.  This is just enough, in most cases, to do the trick.  This is such a simple remedy which will do no harm to your baby.