Cinnamon Side Effects

For most people, there are no noticeable Cinnamon Side Effects:  Cinnamon as a Medicine has been used  for thousands of years in the east and in parts of South America.  Its use as a herbal medicine are recorded in  ancient, 4000 year-old Chinese texts.    Its botanical name is Cinnamomum zeylanicum, and it is grown in Brazil,  the Caribbean, India, China, and  Madagascar.

The  health benefits of Cinnamomum zeylanicum are  now widely extolled,  in the West as well as the East :

  • as a vermifuge, to rid the body of parsites;  as an antibacterial and antifungal agent
  • in treating infections such as oral candida, coughs, colds and flu.
  • as an addition to detoxification  programmes for cleansing the colon.
  • in enhancing the function of the sugar metabolism.
  • and  as a treatment for diarrhea, rheumatism, gout and some types of arthritis.

Cinnamon Side Effects:  However,   some people  do suffer allergic reaction to cinnamon, so it must be used with care.

The German Commission E monograph recommends that expectant mothers do not take cinnamon. The logical conclusion drawn from this  recommendation would be that lactating mothers should avoid it too.

Some people experience allergic reactions to  the active compounds in the volatile oils of cinnamon.  These oils are:  eugenol and cinnamaldehyde. Some symptoms of allergy which may be experienced are:  bronchial constriction, (but on the other hand, it can be used to treat bronchial constriction in people who are NOT sensitive to cinnamon),  tightness in the chest,  a sudden uncomfortable rise in temperature fairly soon after ingesting cinnamon, anxiety,  heart palpitations, and skin rash.

It is often used by AIDS sufferers to treat candida in the mouth.  However,  over-use of cinnamon  oil to treat candida, or thrush in the mouth, can lead to inflammation of the mouth and throat tissues, with anxiety and breathing constriction.

It is wise to use small amounts of cinnamon in your cooking, and in your teas, until you establish that you are not sensitive.  Begin with a 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of boiling water as a tea.  This can be increased slowly to a half teaspoon or slightly more.

Some herbals indicate using a teaspoon at a time, with lemon juice and honey, to beat certain infections and viruses, and even to help lose weight,  however, this is not recommended for most people, unless they are working closely with a naturopath or  another health professional.

So, whilst some people display  allergic reactions to the volatile oils in  Cinnamon, this  should be no reason for drug companies to convince governments to ban cinnamon, so that they may patent cinnamon as a medicine and reap the benefits and  profits for themselves:  more people suffer such  similar reactions to eating gluten, or just plain wheat, or to sugar, if they have chronic diabetes.

For  details into actual  research  of cinnamon, look at the book:  The Natural Pharmacy , revised and updated 3rd version, edited by Alan R. Gaby, M.D., published by Healthnotes, Inc., 2006,  New York.