Natural Sources of B Vitamins

The Importance of B Vitamins:

B Vitamins are  essential to maintaining good health and preventing illness. B Vitamins help eyesight:  Vitamin B has been found to be protective against blindness in cases of  macular degeneration amongst women, mainly the folic acid, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin groups of B Vitamins.  Vitamin B  helps to protect against candida overgrowth in the digestive tract, which helps protect against  yeast infections. Vitamin B is important for hair growth and for healthy skin.  Vitamin B  counteracts stress, which helps us to keep a stable emotional state, avert depression,  and get a good night’s sleep.

B Vitamins have been found to be protective against many other diseases.  In fact, B vitamins are essential to good health.

B Vitamins are found in many foods:   It is useful to know what B vitamins are found in what foods, as some specific B vitamins are needed to combat certain conditions in the body.

This is not a complete list of natural sources of B vitamins, but it will give you an idea as to  the main groups  of B vitamins necessary,  and the ones which are most commonly deficient.  Then you can choose your foods appropriately, so that you create a good balance of all the necessary  Vitamins and Minerals in your diet.

All the B Vitamins are necessary to good health, but there are some which we must ensure we do not become deficient in.  The two of the  most  commonly deficient, but important,  B Vitamins are Vitamin B 12, and Vitamin B 6.

Sources of Vitamin B 12, or Cobalamin: Vitamin B 12 is commonly deficient in vegetarians, or people who do not eat a lot of meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products.

Liver is the richest source of Vitamin B 12, or Pyridoxine:

Liver is rich in Vitamin B 12, B 6, and also in the other range of  B Vitamins.  Celiacs and others whose digestion is poor are often deficient in Vitamin B 12.  Deficiency of this vitamin can cause anaemia-type symptoms.  If you are able to eat meat, then eating some liver once a week will help to restore your vitamin B 12 levels, as well as increase your iron blood count.

Sources of Vitamin B 6, Pyrodioxine: Vitamin B 6 is important to keep the mental process alive and well, apart from other physical conditions. Deficiency of Vitamin B 6 is common amongst celiacs,  people with poor digestion, and vegetarians. Deficiency of Vitamin B 6 can cause serious depression.

Vitamin B 6 is found in liver, red meats,  chicken and fish.  It can also be obtained from vegetable sources such as green beans and bananas.  Other  vegetable sources  of Vitamin B 6 are wheatgerm, whole grains and pulses.  Brewer’s yeast is another rich source of Vitamin B6.

Home Made Calves Liver Broth for Vitamin B Complex, including Vitamin B 12 and B6. Of course, this will not help those people who do not eat meat, but the home made calf liver broth is an excellent way of providing B Vitamins to a malnourished or sick body which cannot digest meat and heavy foods.  This broth is used in many cancer therapies and in healing other disease, as it is full of enzymes which help disgestion, as well as the B Vitamins. It is a wonderful recuperative medicine.

  • To Make the Broth:  Cut up a quantity of calves liver – enough to about half fill an agee jar, or a two pint jar.  Cover the liver with water.  Put on the lid.
  • Now find a six inch deep saucepan.  Put a folded piece of cotton or woolen cloth onto the bottom,  It should be a thick wad to protect the glass from cracking, which could occur otherwise, as the saucepan is going to be left on the stove for several hours.
  • Put your two pint jar onto the cloth.
  • Now  three quater fill the saucepan which has the jar in with WARM water. The water level should be a little above the level of the liver in the jar.
  • Now put the the saucepan on the stove.  Turn the heat up to medium until the water comes to the boil, then reduce the heat so that the water is very gently simmering.  The lower the temperature you use, the more nutrients and enzymes there will be in the end result,  including vitamin B12 and B6
  • Simmer from two to three hours.  Take off the heat.  Let cool, then press the juice out of the liver.  Store in the fridge in an air tight jar, and sip several teaspoons of the tonic throughout each day.  It is good to use a teaspoonful before each meal, as this aids digestion. It is very good for debilitated people, or people with cancer.

to be continued this afternoon – going out for a touch of Vitamin D whilst the sun is still shining.

How To Get Rid of Head Lice Naturally

Getting Rid of Head Lice

How to Get Rid of Head Lice Without Using Poisons:

Here are some all-natural organic head lice treatments.  These are the ones to use, rather than commercially made potions which contain harmful chemicals. These harmful  chemicals are absorbed through the skin, go into the blood, and end up in being stored in the liver and other organs and parts of the body. Later, these chemicals can cause cancer to develop, and be the trigger for other diseases to develop.   So it is important that you don’t use such products on your children.

It is always worth the effort to persevere with a natural treatment for head lice.  These usually take a bit more time and trouble to implement than it takes to slap on some poison, but at least you know that the treatment is not worse than the affliction if you use natural remedies for lice. Your children will be safe from potentially harmdul and carcenogenic poisons if you adopt any of the methods given below.

Many Herbal Oils and Essential Oils are effective in reducing head lice infection.  They will kill the lice, but generally speaking, won’t kill all the eggs.    Eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, oils of  marjoram, cinnamon, cajeput, pine, rosemary and lavender are all helpful.

Eradicate the Lice: It is important before you start using the herbal oils, to eradicate most of the lice in one shot. This is best done with any of these following remedies:

Olive Oil Treatment: This is applied at night and left on overnight. Use about half a cup of olive oil, massage well into the scalp, and wrap up with an old towel or cover with a shower cap.  In the morning, wash out the olive oil with a good soap.  Apply either a little iodine (see method below under iodine) OR apple cider vinegar.  (see below) You need to repeat the oil procedure every night for a week. Only apply the iodine twice a week at any time, and just a couple of drops.  In the second week, use the olive oil treatment twice a week. Again – iodine only twice a week, and only 2 or 3 drops.  In the third and fourth weeks, use the olive treatment only once a week.  It is a good idea to continue using the oil treatment once a week, with the occasional iodine dab, to prevent lice reinfesting.

Aioli Treatment for Head Lice: Follow the instructions as for olive oil treatment above for the method of use.  Aioli  combines egg yolk with olive oil, and is a wonderful conditioner. Use warm water and soap to wash out the aioli.

Mayonnaise Treatment for Head Lice for Head Lice: Follow instructions as for olive oil above. Ensure that the mayonnaise you use has no preservatives or colourings, or artificial flavourings, etc in it. Home made mayonnaise would be best.

Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment for Head Lice This is best applied after washing out any of the above treatments.  Lice just hate apple cider vinegar, as it is acidic.  They favour the alkaline  environment which soaps and shampoos create:  This means you should use apple cider vinegar on the hair to restore the natural acidic quality, after using soap or shampoo.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar regularly  as a Hair Rinse after washing hair acts as a prophylactic, that is, a preventative, against head lice.

Tomato Sauce is effective in treating head lice, mainly because the vinegar in tomato sauce works to deter the lice. You need to use an herbal oil, or the use of  iodine as instructed below, with the tomato sauce treatment.  Leave on for several hours or overnight before washing off.  Repeat each night for a week, as for the olive oil treatment, then use the tomato sauce treatment twice weekly for a week, then once weekly.

Tomato Sauce is a great conditioner for the hair.  It tones the scalp and keeps it slightly acidic, which deters lice from making their home in the hair.  Tomato sauce, if used once or twice a week, will have the effect of darkening the hair – useful for grey hair.

Liquid Iodine Treatment for Head Lice. With liquid iodine, you use only two or three dabs of iodine on the scalp, twice a week.  Do not use iodine on the scalp if you have just applied apple cider vinegar.  Wait until the next day before applying iodine if you have opted for the vinegar treatment to get rid of head lice.  Iodine will help kill any new eggs which hatch, and destroy the eggs which it comes into contact with.  NOTE; DO NOT USE ANY MORE THAN TWO OR THREE DABS OF IODINE TWICE A WEEK, AS IODINE IS ABSORBED INTO THE SKIN.   We need iodine, but do not want to overdo it.

Iron All Sheets and Clothing To Kill the Eggs, or Nits.

To avoid reinfestation of head lice, it is important to use heat to kill any eggs which are lying dormant on clothing and bedding.  Iron the pillow slips, the sheets, all shirts, and the tops of coats and  cardigans or jumpers. Use a steam iron for the woolen fabrics.  Lice have a sixth sense.  When you begin to kill off their potential offspring, and even live louses, they quickly give up and move off somewhere else.  If you then use an herbal oil, OR a regular dab or two of iodine each week, then this will protect against becoming reinfected from other children at school.

Dry the Hair With a Hair Dryer or a Fan Heater. Heat destroys the nits, or eggs, as we know.  Using a blower fan heater, or a hair dryer helps th kill lice and eggs and keep the lice away.  You can even buy an appliance which is made specifically for eradicating lice by using heat.  This is talked about in the book by Dr Holt and Iona MacDonald, entitled ‘Natural Remedies That Really Work’.

Lutein For Vision

Supplements To Help Eyesight

Lutein is essential to the health of the eyes. Lutein is a component which forms part of the potein of the  retina and the lens of the eye, and so lutein is important in maintaining good vision.

People who use computers a lot can have impaired eye function due to the radiation from the computer  screen,  and the focus being gazed for such  long periods on a brightly and artificially lit screen.  Studies have been done which suggest very strongly that the eyesight of computer workers can improve dramatically if they take the supplement lutein.

Lutein has also found to be helpful in protecting against cataract, and in improving the eyesight of people with macular degeneration to some degree.

Dr. Gaby and the Healthnotes Team talk about the value of supplementation of lutein on the eyes in their book………..

to be continued

Castor Oil Laxative

Castor Oil  is the best laxative, in my opinion. Castor Oil which is used as a Laxative has a beneficial effect on the health, because castor oil has the ability to draw harmful toxins out of the liver, the gall bladder and other organs and tissues.

Whilst the Castor Oil Laxative  is busy clearing the  bowel of toxins, it is also acting as a healing agent on those weaker parts of the body.  If you use the castor oil laxative regularly, in combination with a sensible and nutritious diet, minimise your stress and anxiety, and avoid exposure to chemicals, then I believe your immune system will benefit to help prevent your getting cancer and other disease.

Castor Oil when taken internally as a laxative treatment  can help the eyesight. Castor oil can also be applied nightly to the eyes to help conditions like cataract and macular degeneration:  just one drop of the oil is put into each eye before you go to sleep.

But here is the best way to use Castor Oil as a Laxative:

Breakfast First: Dr Max Gerson, who formulated a treatment for cancer using the castor oil laxative,  believed that the treatment worked best when a good breakfast was eaten daily..  This was a large plate of oatmeal porridge, eaten with one large raw grated apple.  No sugar or milk was added to this breakfast cereal:  sugar and milk weaken the cleansing effect of the porridge which is followed two hours later, roughly, with the castor oil laxative.  I add dates for extra sweetening, sesame seeds for calcium, and a knob of butter or a dash of ghee or olive oil to the porridge once it has been served.

At 10 AM you are ready to take the Castor Oil Laxative:

Take two tablespoons of Castor Oil, followed by a cup of black coffee which has been brewed.  Do not use instant coffee, as this has preservatives and other unhealthy things in it.  Real coffee grounds must be used either  by making percolated coffee, or  to make coffee which has been boiled on the stove.  Do not add milk or sugar to the coffee – it is purely for medicinal purposes.  If you have a bit of a coffee addiction, then  the Castor Oil Laxative, followed by a cup of pure black coffee will surely put you off drinking so much coffee.

It is best to take this in the morning, although castor oil can be taken with good effect in the evening.   Dr Gerson, who formulated a cancer treatment which used castor oil as an integral part of detoxifiction, recommended that castor oil be taken every second day at ten o’clock.

Enemas: Within five hours of taking the castor oil laxative, you must have an enema, or a colonic irrigation.  Dr Gerson recommended this, and Walter Last who healed many people in Whangarei, New Zealand, also swore by the use of the enema in detoxifying.  If you decide to skip the enema, you might feel very, very bad, as the castor oil attracts poisons from the liver which then have to travel through the bowel.  If you don’t hurry up the process of elimination and wash away all these poisons, you can suffer from auto-intoxication, which can be very unpleasant and even dangerous, if your body is harbouring a life time of chemicals.

Castor Oil Pack

The Castor Oil Pack for Healing

The Castor Oil Pack is a valuable healing medium.  The Castor Oil Pack  was recommended by Edgar Cayce, the psychic healer, to many of the sick people who came to see him for psychic readings regarding their health.

Dr Max Gerson used  the castor oil pack in his clinics as part of his treatment to heal cancer and other disease.  He also advocated the taking of two tablespoons of castor oil every second day for his cancer patients.

In New Zealand, the well-known Austrian healer, Walter Last, helped many people recover from cancer and other diseases with the help of castor oil.

Castor Oil Packs help to remove toxins from the  body.  The action of the castor oil penetrates through the skin and into the body organs.  It has the effect of increasing qi, or energy, and releasing pent-up energy and negative elements from the tissues.

The Castor Oil pack not only  helps to  remove toxins from the body tissues, it  helps remove mucous and other matter from the intestines.  It aids nutrition, because it  assists  the assimilation of vitamins and minerals in the digestive tract.  It helps to heal internal disturbances.  It helps to counteract the effects of radiation.

To Make a Castor Oil Pack:

The two requirements are Castor Oil and a piece of flannel.  But some other things are necessary in using the castor oil pack.  This is the method:

  • Castor Oil:  a 50ml bottle will be enough.
  • A  piece of flannel or white linen.  For general use on the stomach area, you will need a piece of flannel about the size of a computer keyboard.  This will be folded in half so that you end up with a nice squarish pad.

Note: Do not use any coloured cotton, linen, or flannel.  The cloth must be white.  And do not use any synthetic material. The cloth must be pure cotton, or linen or woolen flannel.  This is because castor oil is such a potent detoxifyer, that it will react with the chemical dyes and synthetic fiber chemicals:  It will draw these out, instead of acting on the poisons in your body. This will have a counter-healing effect, so don’t do it.

  • You also need a tin or a jar with a lid to be used for storing the castor oil pack in.
  • You wil also need a piece of plastic to cover the pack with, and an old towell to go over that.
  • Simply pour over a cup of castor oil onto the pad.  You might need more or less, depending on the size of cloth you have selected, and the thickness of this cloth.  Cover the whole of the cloth and let the cloth soak up the castor oil.

To Use: Warm  up the pack gently in the tin or jar by  putting  this into a warm  oven for about five minutes.  Do not microwave, as this energy remains within the microwaved article, which will be harmful to your vital energies.  Microwaving will destroy some of the valuable properties of the castor oil.   Castor oil is  very sensitive to microwave radiations.   Take care not to burn the castor oil, or to cook it.  It should not be so hot that you cannot touch it comfortably with your bare hands when you take the container from the oven.  Just warm.

Alternatively, you can use the pack cold, with a covering of plastic and then an old towel, and use a hot water bottle,  which is not too hot, on top of that. This works just as well, but the cold castor oil straight on the stomach is uncomfortable to begin with.

Place the pack over the stomach area, or the area which needs the treatment.  You can fold the cloth down so that it fits onto the area.  Be generous with the size – it is good to treat as much of the stomach as you can, covering the liver area and all of the lower belly. This will benefit the liver, kidneys, bladder, reproductive parts, and the intestines.  Put over the plastic,  then wrap the towel around.

How Long to Leave on the Castor Oil Pack:

The Castor Oil Pack works best if you  leave it on for at least three hours at a time.  Over night is best.

The Three Day Treatment:  If you have cancer, or some other serious internal disease such as  a nervous condition,  then  you should keep the castor oil pack on the stomach  overnight, and repeat for three days in a row. Then leave off the pack for three consecutive days before beginning the three day treatment again.  You can continue ad infinitum with this routine of three days on, three days off, until the disease  has improved and your good digestive function  is restored. Keep a good sized castor oil pack specifically for the treatment of the stomach area.

In serious disease, with pain, you can safely leave the pack on for the whole of the three day period, taking the pack off only to shower. Then, of course, a three day period without the pack must be sustained.

It is a recommended by all the famous healers that enemas be used during the period of castor oil pack use, so that the toxins which are released via the castor oil treatment will be expelled quickly.

Useing the castor oil pack on the  stomach area is helpful even if the cancer is not within this area, as digestion is improved, and toxins eliminated, which helps improve your digestive qi, increase energy flow,  and to improve your immunity.  An improved  immune system will  help you in conquering the disease and recovering.  The area with the cancer or other disease can be treated seaparately with another, separate pack which is of the size requred.

When you have finished using the pack, put the pack into the storage container  which you are going to keep specifically for  your castor oil pack. It can be used over and over again.  Of course, eventually, you should replace the pack, especially if you are using it frequently, but a castor oil pack should last for months when it is kept in an air tight container.

Note:  Do not share the Castor Oil Pack.  One pack for one person is the motto.  The one pack can be used many times over by the one person.  You might need to add more castor oil to moisten it up,  say add some more castor oil once a week, if you are using the pack frequently.  Eventually you should discard the castor oil pack and make up a fresh one if you are using the three day on, three day off plan.  One pack will last indefinately kept in a tin or a jar.