Bumble Bees Dying In Dunedin Because Of Toxic Spray

Toxic Chemicals Poisoning Our Bees

On Tuesday, when we were still experiencing good weather in Dunedin before the storm, I came across dozens of bumble bees who were disoriented and dying all over the road and footpath down at Kaikorai Valley.  The location was the Taieri-Nairn street intersection.

These poor bees were severly incapacitated and could neither walk nor fly. It was obvious that they had been poisoned with either herbicide or pesticide.

The Kaikorai Reserve, which has the Taieri Stream running through it, is in the vicinity of this bee massacre.  The Taieri Stream actually has been piped underground at this location.

It is probable that council contractors had been spraying toxic chemicals that day, perhaps around the Kaikorai Reserve.  If not that, then it could have been contractors who were working at the Mosgiel end of the Kaikorai Valley – I had seen a dozen or so workers culling out weeds along the roadside as I came back on the bus from Mosgiel that day.  They were probably poisoning weeds as they went along the bank bordering the main road.

As the crow flies, where the contractors were culling weeks was only a few kilometres away from where I saw all these bees dying.

People need to be reminded of just how damaging using toxic chemicals in our environment really is.  We need all the bees and bumble bees that we can get.  Without bees and other pollinating insects, then we would all starve to death.

Bees are extremely sensitive to herbicides and insecticides. If they survive the flight back to their hive or nest after coming into contact with poison, then they carry the poison home, which will contaminate the hive and kill other bees which might have otherwise escaped the spray. This is a major factor in bee colony collapse disorder, where whole hives die.  If they do not die from the poison spray being brought home to the hive, then their immune systems become so weakened by the spray that they fall prey to viruses and mites which can potentially destroy the hive.

Councils should prohibit all use of toxic chemicals by their contractors, and insist on the use of manual labour and organic methods, instead of such things which damage the environment and the creatures which inhabit it.

When I came down the valley the following day, many more bees had arrived onto the road and pavement, all looking very sick and partially paralysed.  There must have been hundreds of bees who died in this incident – how many more bees, which we could not see, lay prostrate on the ground over the entire area, I wondered.

Councils would do well to begin educational programmes on how to protect our environment.

Agricultural chemicals poison our water, poison the plants which we eat, and kill off insects and birds.  Toxic herbicides and insectides also give us cancers and other diseases, especially those which affect the nervous system, such as parkinsons and multiple sclerosis.

Common old RoundUp, which contains glyphosate, is widely used all over our parks, streets and farmlands.  This has been cited as a cancer causing chemical which has been banned in some parts of Europe.


Natural Ways To Improve Hair Growth and Condition

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements are very useful in helping to maintain, or to regain, good health. We are fortunate that we can buy these at most supermarkets and health food stores, and we pray that this situation may long continue.

Note:  The following ideas are simply suggestions.  Check first with your doctor or health practitioner before trying any remedy or suggestion mentioned here. No responsibility will be taken by this author as to whether or not these ideas work, or whether a certain combination has an adverse effect, or you exceed the recommended dose, or whether they make you feel worse in any way.

The best vitamins for hair growth are Iodine, and the health king of minerals, zinc. The importance of magnesium and silica should also be considered.

Merrilyn’s new book is available on Amazon:


Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B is important for good digestion. It is important to have enough of this in the diet for us to be able to deal with stress. If we are deficient in Vitamin B, then stress related conditions like eczema and hypoglycemia can result, with a lowering of normal stress levels. This can, of course, result in the hair falling or thinning.

Falling hair is a sure sign that your diet and your life style need adjustment. While you are working on improving the state of these things, it is a good idea to take a Vitamin B complex supplement to give your health a boost so that you may recover both your health and your hair more quickly.

Vitamin B is a priority for hair growth. Take the maximum dose on a daily basis to improve the health of your hair.

Vitamin C

This is needed especially if you are not eating enough fresh fruit, but Vitamin C is good for overall health as it helps in the assimilation of other vitamins and works as an antioxidant.  It also helps in maintaining good skin tone. The scalp is skin, and so it benefits by having an adequate supply of Vitamin C in the diet.

Vitamin C helps enormously in our ability to cope with stress. Take ester C, or calcium ascorbate at night to help you sleep well.

If your health is below par and your hair is showing signs of falling out, then taking 1000 mgs morning and night will help.  Start with just 1000 mg in the morning. After a few days,  build up the dosage by taking again at night. Cut back to just the evening dose if your bowel motions remain disturbed.

Vitamin C also aids digestion. Good digestion means you will absorb more of the nutrients which you are eating in your food, which, in turn, helps to build up good health and strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin C works as an antiseptic and a healer. It is also a  mild sedative, so this should help you to sleep well if you take a dose at night-time. Loose bowel motions can occur initially, but do not worry. This is just your insides  clearing themselves of debris. Drink extra water to help with the cleansing process.

Halibut Liver Oil

This contains high amounts of Vitamins A and D. Both these vitamins, taken in the fish oil, help the growth of nice, healthy, shiny hair. Take the maximum dose each day if you are working on hair which is thinning.

I took slightly more than the stated dose when I needed the benefit of Halibut Liver Oil Vitamins, but I cannot recommend this practice to people reading my article. Especially when any of the family had a chest infection, I doubled the dose, but for one or two doses only, as that was all that was needed to beat most infections. After that, I would return to a maintenance dose about twice weekly.

Best to take this in the morning, as Halibut Liver Oil  might interfere with your sleep if taken too late in the day.

Zinc and Magnesium

The above list of Vitamins for Hair Growth should be helpful to all those who are building their health in order to have better hair.

But the supplements Zinc and Magnesium must be mentioned in this article. These two minerals are highly important for recovering your health and your hair. It is best if you take the full set of recommended vitamins, rather than just buying these, but if you are on a budget and can only afford ONE vitamin, then get the combination which has both of these.

Zinc helps you cope with stress. A deficiency of zinc and magnesium could result in your having thin hair, or hair which is falling rapidly.

Zinc helps in the digestion of carbohydrates, so it is especially important for anyone with allergies, or anyone who suffers from hypoglycaemia.These conditions can cause the hair to fall out. A diet low in sugar is needed. It is best to avoid wheat and dairy products if you think you might be sensitive to these. Upping your zinc intake is sometimes all that is needed to improve digestion of these foods.

Zinc is low in New Zealand soils, so most N Zers need an extra boost of zinc with magnesium at least once a week. If your hair is thinning, then you should take a daily amount of the recommended dose. Do not ever take more than the stated dose.

Because our food is lacking in these minerals which creates  a need for NZers   to buy these supplements , it seems a crime that drug companies are driving to get the monopoly on sales.

Zinc with Magnesium should be the first mineral  supplement to the diet if one has thinning hair.

Iodine can be used moderately on the scalp – just one or two dabs on one or two parts of the scalp is all that is needed.  Massage into the scalp whilst the hair is still damp after washing and drying. Note:  Do check with your doctor or health practitioner before using iodine on the hair.  |I have never had any trouble with putting small amounts onto my scalp, a small amount being just a touch on the end of a finger.  Two dabs is all that is required. But check with a health practitioner to assess your condition of health before trying any home remedy.

Silica is an essential mineral for the health of the hair. You can buy homeopathic silica in what are known as ‘cell salts’. But the easiest way which you can help your hair in its requirements of silica is to eat a bowl of oatmeal porridge every day. OR you can drink oat straw tea, which is especially high in silica. Comfrey tea is also high in silica……….

Comfrey Tea – for internal and external use

A good natural way to get a high count of minerals and vitamins into the body to benefit the hair is to take comfrey tea on a regular basis. Two leaves simmered in a pint of water will give you a tea which is high in silica. This helps the growth of hair, nails, teeth and bones. It helps heal liver and intestines and skin conditions like ezcema. Take a small cupful morning and night. Keep the remainder in the fridge for up to two days, then make a fresh lot if you haven’t finished the first brew.

Comfrey Hair Rinse: The same brew can be used, once it has cooled, to put through the hair after washing. If you are making a special brew for use on the hair, then you could make the mixture slightly stronger by adding a 3rd leaf to the pot. The silica in the sliminess of the leaf really makes the hair shine beautifully. It also helps heal the scalp to prevent dandruff.

Comfrey supplements in tablet form, if you can get them, and shampoos and soaps with added comfrey, are a good idea. But nothing beats the effects of the fresh herb, brewed up for 5 or 10 minutes, taken as a tea and/or applied as a hair rinse.

Apple Cider Vinegar: This is great for promoting hair growth. If you apply it after using soap or shampoo, then the alkaline effect from these products is negated. Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium and other minerals and vitamins which nourish the scalp. It is best not to use iodine on the scalp right away if you have rubbed apple cider vinegar into it. The two do not combine well. Wait for the following day after the application of cider vinegar to apply any iodine to the scalp.

It is best not to take apple cider vinegar internally on a regular basis if you have falling or thinning hair. This is because candida albicans is a problem with many people, and this condition can contribute to hair loss. Putting the apple cider vinegar onto the hair when it is still wet will feed the hair follicles directly. This shouldn’t cause problems with candida unless you are in the early stages of recovery. Use about a dessertspoonful of apple cider vinegar for one treatment. Don’t wash it off.

If you found this article informative you may also be interested merrilyn’s update: Best Vitamins For Hair Growth.  The posts entitled  Regrow Hair; and Iodine scalp/Hair Remedy have more ideas for improving hair growth.

Banana Skin Healed Verruca

Natural Remedy For Verruca or Plantar Warts:

My sister wrote in earlier in the week with this marvellous, inexpensive and safe remedy to heal a a Verruca.  It worked wonders on her young grand-daughter.

Here is the email from Ali:

Mmmmmmm, the greed of the powerful, wanting more power. I agree, the answer is not only in over the counter medicine to heal our being. I love reading historically based books on early healing powers ( all which you have the knowledge in) of our wildlife flora. One of my grand daughters had a verruca on her foot last Christmas when she was staying with me. I took her to a Doctor in Hastings who suggested a natural remedy as it was so large it would be too distressing for my little grandy to have it cut out. A small piece of banana skin, inside pulpy, placed over the growth, then bound. Replaced fresh each day. Magic. Who would have guessed, also of that wonderful Doctor who looked outside the square.
You are needed out there young lady to help keep us “thinking”

Thanks so much, Ali.

Onions Help Sleep May Prevent Asthma Cancer Stroke Heart Attack

Natural Remedies

The healing compounds in the humble onion are truly remarkable. Onions are rich in Vitamin C, Selenium, and other phytochemicals which are thought to prevent cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other maladies. They also do much to help prevent asthma attacks.

The oil of the onion is strongly antiseptic, and also has a soporific quality which will be welcome news to the insomniac. Eating onions in the evening will not just do much to benefit your immunity, they can help give you a sound night’s sleep.

Note:  Habitual lack of sleep leads to poor memory function, poor decision-making, and poorer health in the long run.  Sleeplessness is usually due to anxiety, but it can be that the thyroid gland is not functioning properly.  Extra iodine can help to remedy an overactive thyroid, as well as an underactive thyroid. (see Dr Caroline Shreeve, who recommends using kelp to up your iodine and other minerals)

Get a checkup from your doctor or naturopath to make sure there is no serious underlying cause to your sleeplessness.

A medical book from the early 20th century recommends the eating of raw onions to encourage sleep, and quotes a Frank Buckland, who said: ‘Everybody knows the taste of onions; this is due to a peculiar essential oil contained in this valuable and healthy root.  The oil has, I am sure, highly soporific powers.  In my own case, it never fails.  If I am much pressed with work and feel I shall not sleep, I eat two or three onions and the effect is magical.’

(From The Doctor At Home and Nurses Guide’, published in London and Melbourne by Ward, Lock and Co Limited.  No date, but the book is very old, from early 1900’s.  Some drugs recommended in this book, such as mercurial salves, would be quite toxic, and we would avoid them at all cost. However, the book  makes interesting reading and does discuss some commonsense home remedies such as this onion remedy, which can only do you good)

I find that eating an onion sauteed in butter or oil also enhances sleep, if it is taken in the evening. Even half a raw onion, chopped finely and added to crackers and cheese for supper at night, can be  helpful towards attaining sound sleep.

This old book also advises that ‘tea and coffee taken during the day are particularly prejudicial in the interests of sleep.’  We all know this, but how eloquently put…..

I would try an inhalation of onion:  Cut up half an onion and pour over boiling water.  Inhale the steam with a towel over your head.  This can be used as a therapy for many ills, including sleeplessness, flu symptoms, onset of asthma or bronchitis. Be careful not to get too close to the steam, or to burn yourself.

Other helpful hints in the interests of quality sleep, from various sources:

Homeopathic Remedies: The biochemic cell salt Kali phos (potassium phosphate) can help.  A lack of this mineral in the blood can cause sleeplessness. Constance Mellor advises the dose of two pilules before each meal, dissolved on the tongue, and four pilules to be taken just before bed.

Ms Mellor also suggests having a warm bath or shower at bedtime, but not drying oneself completely.  Instead, wrap up in a warm clean sheet to absorb the moisture, and presumably, go to bed with the wrap still on.  This is a similar remedy found in other writings, where a damp wrap is left on at bedtime:  The effect is to bring an increase in temperature, which can be very useful for sweating out the beginnings of a cold or flu.

Suggested Remedies for Sleeplessness Before Midnight:  Depending on the other symptoms, one of these could be helpful:  Ambra, Arsen alb, Calcarea, Calc phos, CCarbo veg, Coffea, Conium, Kali carb, Lycopodium, Magnesia mur, Mercurius, Nat mur, Phosphorous, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur. (see Dr Andrew Lockie)

Suggested Remedies for Sleeplessness After Midnight: Arsen alb, Capsicum, Coffea, Hepar sulph, Kali carb, Nux vomica, Phosphoric ac., Silicea.

Onion Pack: The onion pack for pleurisy is worth remebering.  This involves cutting an onion, skin and all, covering with water, and simmering for ten minutes or so.  Soak a flannel or piece of cotton material in the onion water.  Wring out, and apply hot to the chest.  Wrap up the pack well to keep the heat in.  A woolen blanket around the chest works well. Cover up in bed and keep the pack on for several hours if possible.  After several hours, the onion water can be heated up again, and a fresh pack made to put onto the chest.  This treatment should work well to bring about peaceful sleep, as the essential oils from the onion will be absorbed into the skin.

Keeping the feet warm is important for sleeping well.  A hot water bottle in cold weather, and woolen socks, are good recommendations.

Putting a sprig of rosemary, lemon balm, or lavender under the pillow can also be helpful in gaining restful sleep. Dried hops sewn into a wee sachet also work as a soporific.

Simple Solution To Help Sleep And Stop Snoring

Natural Remedy

Loss of sleep due to a persistent snorer can be a very debilitating and harassing problem. Curing it can bring harmony back into the household again.

This novel idea has helped some peope sleep better.  It sounds very amusing, but can be very effective.  Note: You should see your doctor or naturopath for a checkup if persistent snoring is a bother.  Meanwhile, you could try this simple procedure, the account of which a listener phoned into Ewing Stevens’ New Zealand radio show in the 1990’s.

Simply sew a pocket on the back of the pyjama jacket, or night wear being worn.  Make the pocket large enough to hold a tennis ball.  Put in the tennis ball and button up the pocket.  Do not use safety pins to close the pocket, as they could open during the night and injure the person.

The tennis ball will serve to annoy the person each time they roll onto their back, and they should quickly find another position which does not involve lying on the back.  Thus, because of this deterent, snoring, which usually happens when a person is lying face upwards, is less likely to occur.

The tennis ball technique, over time, just could cure the habit of snoring.  In that case, then you can forget about the tennis ball.

Help Sleep With Onions: Another thing to try is eating two fried onions in the evening meal, or just before going to bed.  Onions are a soporific and have the reputation of bringing on peaceful sleep.