Coconut And Its Healthful Properties

Natural Medicine For General Health
Coconut has many well-known health benefits. It is used in many cosmetics, soaps and skin creams. It is a great, healthy substitute for dairy milk and cream.
In Indian Ayurvedic medicine, coconut kernel has been used for dysuria, coughs, bronchitis, and to help prevent the greying of hair.
(Note: This post first appeared in a website my son and I had started.  We thought it best to add these posts to this website, since this website has a reasonable reader-base.)
Pacific Island peoples traditionally use large amounts of coconut in the daily diet.  These peoples of Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, and other Pacific Islands, are famous for their good looks, wonderful teeth and hair, and strong, well-built bodies.  These attributes are due to the high consumption of coconut and fish, which are the most important components of the Pacifica diet.
In Africa, traditional medicine uses coconut oil for healing wounds and for skin infections.
In some parts of South East Asia, coconut oil has been used to treat tooth decay.
In Central America, coconut is used with salt to treat colds and throat infections
The main active healing ingredients of coconut are contained in the coconut oil.
Coconut contains 45-50% of a fatty oil known as lauric acid; 13-20% of myristic acid; 7-10% of palmitic acid, 5-10% of caprylic acid; and quantities of stearic acid, linoleic acid, and caproic acid.
Coconut contains 3-5% free fatty acids.
Studies have indicated that coconut oil could be an effective anti-cancer agent:  An inhibiting effect has been observed ‘on the growth of carcinoma cells of the colon in vitro’.
Coconut contains a good amount of caprylic acid.  This is a compound with antiseptic and antibiotic properties.  Caprylic acid is used in some pharmaceutical preparations to combat candida albicans.  It is probable that caprylic acid in the diet helps prevent cancer from developing.
Coconut oil helps to keep the teeth healthy. Eating fresh coconut provides cleansing fibre which keeps the teeth clean.  Caprylic acid, and other antiseptic agents within the coconut oil, help to combat bacteria in the mouth.
For Hair Health:  Coconut oil encourages hair growth and helps prevent the greying of hair.  Eat fresh coconut, or use the milk or cream in curries and casseroles several times a week to boost your fatty acid intake.
Apply the cream or milk externally to the scalp once or twice a week as a conditioner for the hair.  Leave on for an hour or more, then wash out with good quality soap or shampoo.
For Skin Health:  Coconut in the diet helps keep the skin smooth and elastic.  Coconut oil can be also be used externally on the skin.
For Candida Infection: The caprylic acid in coconut can help prevent candida infections.  For Bowel Health: Including coconut in the daily diet can help keep the intestines healthy and free from parasites.
Sources:  PDR for Herbal Medicines, published by the Medical Economic Company, Montvale, New Jersey, 2000

Homeopathic Sulphur And Its Useful Sequences

Natural Remedies

Homeopathic Sulphur is regarded as the greatest of Hahnemann’s anit-psoric remedies.

Sulphur has the power to draw out toxins and bring them to the surface, thus enabling them to be expelled from the body easily.  It is a powerful antiseptic tool for the homeopath.

Sulphur is very often given when other well-chosen remedies have failed to act.  Sulphur can unblock resistances to pave the way for other remedies to work better.

Sulphur is often effective in bringing up deep-seated health problems.  Skin afflictions are usually a sign of organ imbalance, and poor elimination.  If only the skin is seen as the problem, and cured by medications, and perhaps antibiotics, then the real underlying cause, which is not being treated with the skin remedy,  becomes more deep-rooted within.  Often, lung diseases and other internal problems arise, or worsen, when the skin has been healed in this way.

Sulphur can bring these old complaints out so that they may be treated with appropriate remedies.

Then a healing of the whole system can occur.

Symptoms of a Patient Needing Sulphur: The Sulphur patient usually displays several of these symptoms:  Feels worse for prolonged standing. Burning soles of the feet or palms of hands, and hates feet to be covered up with blankets in bed. Worse for warmth of bed. Better for warm, dry weather, worse for cold and damp, and better, generally, for movement.

Aggravated by wearing too much clothing which increases heat. Often a dislike of water and/or of bathing. Skin is dry and itchy, with often a redness about the nose or mouth or eyes.  Burning eyes. Piles or itchy anus. Constipation. Alcohol worsens symptoms. Often needing catnaps or 40 winks. Lethargic.

Patient often wakes around 3 AM.  Usually a sinking, hungry feeling around 11 AM each day.  Symptoms feel worse at 11AM in morning, and 11PM at night  Feeling of suffocation or burning sensation in the chest, worse for lying down on the back.  Relief sometimes gained by lying on the right side with legs drawn up to the chest.

Aloe and Psorinum complement Sulphur.  Can be used alternately or together. T.S. Iyer suggests these three to help treat metallic poisoning, such as lead or mercury.

Sulphur is compatible with Calcarea, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sarsaparilla, Sepia.

Useful sequences recommended by Iyer, to be taken in the order listed, are:

Sulphur, Calcarea, Lycopodium OR

Sulphur, Sarsaparilla, Sepia

Sulphur is the chronic of Aconite, and can be used to good effect after Aconite.  Iyer recommends this sequence for some cases of pneumonia and other acute  disease.

Iyer suggests not using Sulphur after Mercurius or Calcarea.  Use the Sulphur first.

He says Mercurius and Calcarea are often useful remedies to use AFTER Sulphur has been given.

See merrilyn’s post entitled list of homeopathic combinations and sequences for more information on remedies.

Growing Heritage Apple Trees From Cuttings

Health And Healing

Every organic garden should have at least one good apple tree, I believe. Apples are very beneficial to the health.  An apple a day keeps the doctor away, the old saying goes.

Heritage apples have been shown to be much higher in nutrients than modern-day apples which are  grown mainly to appeal to the eye, rather than for their healthful aspects.  Heritage apples contain plenty of those antioxidants and phytochemicals which have been proven for their ability in helping  prevent diseases such as cancer and arthritis.

There is, thankfully, a trend now for people to procure heritage apple trees, which are very old varieties, for their garden orchards.

Putting down cuttings is a way in which you can propagate your own trees from an old variety of apple tree.  The method may not always work, but there is a good chance that you may get one or two lucky strikes from the cutting method of propagation.

The good thing about the cutting method is that the newly grown tree will be true to type and will produce the same kind of fruit as the original tree.

Some varieties of apple respond better to the cutting method than others.  I have had wonderful success from an unknown old tree in the Waikato which had smallish but sweet apples, similar to a Cox’s Orange.  Lately, I have managed to grow one cutting out of several I took from my daughter’s Dunedin orchard.  This apple tree is quite old and gnarly, but is overloaded with beautiful big apples every year which stew up into a lovely creamy sweet pulp, and also make good eating apples too.  I am looking forward to when it will begin to fruit.

I took most of my cuttings in the spring-time, just before the apples began to produce their new leaves.  However, I have still had results from taking cuttings at Christmas time in New Zealand, when the apple tree had very young leaves on it.

The secret is to not let the new budding shoots dry out, or the new green leaves, if they have sprouted. So put your cuttings in a dampish place where they will get the sun for only a short time of the day. Right alongside a compost bin on the shadier side is an excellent place. The nutrients from the compost infiltrate the soil around the bin, and these nutrients help the cuttings to grow roots. Make sure to water the area where the cuttings have been planted so that the soil does not dry out.

Take cuttings around 18 inches to 2 feet long.  Bury half of the length of the cutting in the ground.

Pushing the cuttings in at an angle amongst other leafy garden plants such as comfrey, which offer some shade as well as nutrients to the upcoming young apple tree can help the cutting to take root. Remember, again, to water enough so that the soil does not dry out.

I have found the occasional drink of watered down coffee grounds to be helpful in growing apple trees from cuttings. The high nitrogen content in coffee may be why this helps new growth.

Even if you think none have taken, try to leave the cuttings in until the following spring, when you might be surprised. Some cuttings will be obviously dead by the end of the summer, and you can remove those ones, but leave in those cuttings which still show promise, even though they may not be showing new leaves. Sometimes, the plant is busy building a root system below ground, even when it has not managed to sprout new leaves. You will know when springs comes whether it has made the grade or not.

Apples can help prevent constipation, acidity of the stomach, help digestion, help prevent arthritis, cancer and many other diseases.

See Merrilyn’s Song ‘Marianne, Let Us Be’ on Youtube:

Global Amnesia Cause Probably RoundUp Glyphosate Formaldehyde

Toxic Herbicides

Temporary Global Amnesia Probably Caused By Glyphosate In RoundUp, and Formaldehyde In Dye and Cosmetics.

Memory Loss as well as asthma, could be linked to environmental poisons. The proliferation of glyphosate, in RoundUp, around our local environments is no doubt causing health problems for many people.  These health problems, I am sure, are often misdiagnosed, or misunderstood as to their simple cause.

A quote from the ‘Otago Daily Times’, Friday 10th February, 2017::

‘Any frontal attack on ignorance is bound to fail because the masses are always ready to defend their most precious possession, their ignorance.’  Thus spake Hendrik Willem van Loon, a Dutch-American journalist and lecturer (1882-1944).

I am frequently reminded of this idea, as I go about my business trying to educate people as to the extremely harmful effects of toxic herbicides and pesticides-insecticides.  Many people still wish to believe that their asthma, hay-fever or sinus problems, are entirely due to pollen, and the time of year known as the ‘hay-fever’ season.

Meanwhile, hundreds of bees die after a deluge of poison spray was distributed around the outlying areas of Dunedin.  The destruction of the natural environment is plain for all to see, but still, people do not make the connection between massive spraying programmes, which usually occur over the summer period, and their ill-health. They can walk for miles on country roads which have been sprayed heavily with toxic stuff, and afterward still blame their ‘hay-fever’ on flying pollen.

We have been brain-washed.  We have been conditioned into accepting the eye-sore of sprayed verges, and the bad consequences to health and environment are conveniently overlooked by our brains. People seem to be blind to the toxic, yellowed and dying grasses and herbs on each side of the road, and do not consider that the spray which has killed the grasses will also kill insects, bees, birds, and ultimately affect our own health and the health of our pets.

I have been taking regular long walks with a neighbour who knows the Dunedin area well.  Wonderful walks they are, when they are not spoilt by toxic herbicides such as Round-Up.  Unfortunately, these country roads have been sprayed heavily since around Christmas time, 2016. Last week, on Thursday 9th February 2017, we went to do another country walk up near the Brockville reservoir, but I had to turn back because of the spray which still smelt strongly, and which had killed off miles of grass, as far as we could see, down the hill, along both sides of the roadway.

I thought it was prudent to decline this walking experience, since I had become very ill a couple of weeks ago, with excruciating chest pain around the left lung, after walking for an hour and a half down roads which were ALL sprayed heavily with what I guess was Monsanto’s glyphosate-containing Round-Up herbicide. This walk had resulted in sudden water in the middle ear, which came on the same night after exposure to the spray. A couple of days later, chest pain was so severe, and breathing was so alarmingly difficult, that I worried I might have asthma, and would have to go to hospital for some oxygen.

Fortunately, Homeopathic Bryonia and Ferr phos came to the rescue, along with large doses of Vitamin C, bedrest and a hot-water bottle over the chest.

I really did not want another hospital visit:  On New Year’s Eve, 2016, I was taken to Dunedin Hospital  after suddenly collapsing from some mysterious cause.  There, I was treated very well and very kindly by all staff, thoroughly examined, with blood tests, X-Rays, brain scan – the works.  Nothing could be found which could be the cause of this ‘Temporary Global Amnesia’ which had struck me down.

I am fairly sure now what the main cause was -it was, and is, the RoundUp spraying which has been happening around Dunedin and its outskirts.  We had taken several long walks down country roads which had been sprayed about this time.

The other, secondary, cause which I suspect is formaldehyde which was in the new lip-stick I had been wearing each day for around a month or more, and in the new socks I had been wearing.

These brand new, Chinese-made, black socks I had been wearing still smelt strongly of dye after they had been washed.  It was not at all sensible to be wearing these suspect socks, as I knew that cheap Chinese dyed fabrics often had formaldehyde traces far beyond that which was considered  acceptable by our health authorities.  But still I wore them, because I was in a hurry that day.

I had to go to Mosgiel:  on the way over there on the bus, and coming back, I saw many work-people spraying and culling out weeds and plants along the motorway’s edge.

I began to feel very strange and sick in Mosgiel.  By the time I had gone back home, taking two buses to reach there, still wearing the dubious new black-dyed socks, as well as the new lip-stick, I was nearing collapse.  My memory failed me, and all I could see at one stage was white light.

At the hospital, I was worried I had left my teeth somewhere. I remember telling the ambulance man I had lost them.  ‘Never mind, we will find them’, he said with great assurance.

After something to eat and drink, and a comfortable bed to lie in, my memory seemed to restore itself. I remembered I had not lost my teeth at all, because I had not worn false teeth for years.  Formaldehyde and other toxins in the plastic denture had caused problems with nerves and memory in the past, so I had thrown them away. I told this to the good doctor who commented on the lip-stick “But you didn’t forget your lip-stick’, he said, looking at my lips which I had just smeared over with the new lip-stick again.  As if lip-stick could disguise the fact I had no teeth.  Very funny, really.

‘Do you believe in God?’ he asked.  I said ‘yes’.  ‘Well – all tests are normal.  I think God is trying to tell you something’, he said, gazing at my painted lips.

I considered the lipstick and how I had thought it probably unsafe the first time I had used it. It had caused a burning sensation on the lips, but with a cold taste which I suspected was formaldehyde. I had foolishly continued to use it.

I remembered also how my health had been affected each time the council sprayed RoundUp-glyphosate around the town, including our gardens and doorways in Morrinsville.  It always caused a myriad of symptoms, often appearing as if I had the flu, but the most alarming thing was that it affected my brain.  I would get these sudden lapses of memory, with white light flashing, and feel that I was about to collapse.  This feeling was reminiscent of being overdosed with formaldehyde, which happened when I had peritonitis at the age of five years.

Medical science had only recently discovered the antiseptic qualities of formaldehyde around 1955-56, when my life was saved by an urgent operation on the appendix.

Hospitals had gone overboard on the use of formaldehyde.  A glass of it lay on the table beside each  hospital bed, and in the glass was kept the thermometer.  The hospital staff used to come around regularly to take my temperature, just as I was recovering from the effects of the formaldehyde from the last temperature reading.  They would simply take the thermometer out of the glass, shake it a bit, and put it straight into your mouth.  Then I would see the white light, and I would be out-to-it for goodness knows how long.

I tried battling the hospital staff to refuse the thermometer being stuck into my mouth, as I knew it was the stuff in the glass which was making me pass out and lose my memory and bearings.  But to no avail.  They knew the effect of the formaldehyde, I am sure, and so with a bit more effort on their part, with the thermometer thrust in my mouth, they would have me silenced for a few hours again.

I have a clear memory of just how distressed I was after the experience of formaldehyde poisoning at the hospital. My mother used carbon tetrachloride as a dry cleaner.  This smelt so remarkably like the formaldehyde in the glass by the bed at the hospital.  She only needed to take off the cap, or even take down the bottle of carbon tetrachloride, and I would scream, terrified, and run outside to escape being suffocated by the fumes.

So, I am more sensitive than most people to harmful, toxic chemicals such as glyphosate, RoundUp and formaldehyde, but I believe everybody suffers some sort of ill health as a result of exposure to these poisons. In some people, annoying hay-fever or sinus trouble could be evident, but in others, cancer, asthma, arthritis, and other degenerative disease could eventuate if one experiences  continual or regular exposure to harmful toxic chemicals and sprays.

WHO, World Health Organization, have declared glyphosate in RoundUp, marketed by Monsanto, to be a probable cause of cancer.  I believe, as well as cancer and candida problems,  it is a probable cause of many types of brain malfunction, including memory loss, arthritis, bone problems, and nervous system diseases such as multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s.


Toxic Weedkiller Sprayed All Around Dunedin Reservoir Jan 2017

Toxic Herbicide A Danger To Health

Well, toxic herbicide such as RoundUp, which contains the especially harmful glyphosate, is bad in any measure for the environment and for the health.

But for a city reservoir to be poisoned all around the perimeter of the reservoir, to about three metres away from the water’s edge, is outrageous.

New Zealand is fast losing its clean green reputation.

I went for a walk with a friend yesterday. Wednesday the 25th January, 2017, from Brockville down to Concord. This is a fantastic walk, with many beautiful trees on the ridge, and wonderful views down to the coast.  However:

It was appalling to see the extent of the spraying around the reservoir, and also to witness the dying grass on both sides of the road, almost in a continuous line from Brockville down to Concord.  The reservoir was heavily sprayed, and so were the drains on the side of the road.  These drains run down to feed a stream at the bottom of the hill. So the water running down into this stream will be poisoned for several weeks, after which the council or their contractors will probably pour poison around the place all over again.

My guess is that Monsanto’s RoundUp was the herbicide used:  This is still the most widely used herbicide in New Zealand, to my knowledge.  It is very bad stuff – it has been banned in many parts of Europe, and environmentalists hope to get a complete ban on this poison before very long.

World Health Organization have indicated that glyphosate probably causes cancer. My experience indicates that it affects the digestive system, because it upsets the intestinal flora, which causes  candida overgrowth and consequent bowel problems.  It also causes skin troubles such as eczema, and excites the nervous system in an unfavourable way.  It is probably a contributing factor in people succumbing to diseases such as multiple scleroses, and Parkinson’s.

Exposure to glyphosate can also can affect the memory and cognitive functions in my experience.

Glyphosate and other toxic chemicals used in herbicides and pesticides have a harmful effect on our bees and other pollinating insects, as well as birds and animals too.

In my previous post, I wrote about dozens of bumble bees dying on the road and pavement at Kaikorai Valley.  This is not far away from the poisoned reservoir and the roads and drains which I witnessed today. Nicotinoid pesticides are well known for their bee-killing potential.  But glyphosate in commonly used RoundUp, a Monsanto product, also can kill insects and bees, especially when it is used in such large quantities over many kilometres of ground.

Hundreds of bumble bees, honey bees and other insects must have died in the massive spraying programme which has recently been implemented in our area. No wonder that our beehives are dying of bee colony collapse disorder.

And no wonder so many people get sick from strange viruses.  We will have this poison in our water supply for sure, after the reservoir area was sprayed. The wind carries spray particles near and far.  We all get affected one way or another.

I am going to return to the Dunedin Brockville dam tomorrow to take photos.  I will put some of these up on this page very soon.

Note:  Several people in my housing complex have had chest troubles in the past week or more. We live with a kilometre or so of the area which has been heavily sprayed. One old lady went into hospital with pneumonia.  Another has had flu-like sort of symptoms which have not developed into a real flu, but which have persisted nevertheless. I had a slight cough over the past week. After walking down these sprayed roads for an hour or so, I developed severe ear trouble by nightfall, with fluid in both ears. A severe pain began in my chest on the left side.  I took homeopathic Bryonia and Ferr phos in several doses, which has helped.  I visited the sprayed reservoir yesterday to take photos, after which a flu-like condition has manifested, with a lot of fluid on the chest.