Homeopathic Sulphur And Its Useful Sequences

Natural Remedies

Homeopathic Sulphur is regarded as the greatest of Hahnemann’s anit-psoric remedies.

Sulphur has the power to draw out toxins and bring them to the surface, thus enabling them to be expelled from the body easily.  It is a powerful antiseptic tool for the homeopath.

Sulphur is very often given when other well-chosen remedies have failed to act.  Sulphur can unblock resistances to pave the way for other remedies to work better.

Sulphur is often effective in bringing up deep-seated health problems.  Skin afflictions are usually a sign of organ imbalance, and poor elimination.  If only the skin is seen as the problem, and cured by medications, and perhaps antibiotics, then the real underlying cause, which is not being treated with the skin remedy,  becomes more deep-rooted within.  Often, lung diseases and other internal problems arise, or worsen, when the skin has been healed in this way.

Sulphur can bring these old complaints out so that they may be treated with appropriate remedies.

Then a healing of the whole system can occur.

Symptoms of a Patient Needing Sulphur: The Sulphur patient usually displays several of these symptoms:  Feels worse for prolonged standing. Burning soles of the feet or palms of hands, and hates feet to be covered up with blankets in bed. Worse for warmth of bed. Better for warm, dry weather, worse for cold and damp, and better, generally, for movement.

Aggravated by wearing too much clothing which increases heat. Often a dislike of water and/or of bathing. Skin is dry and itchy, with often a redness about the nose or mouth or eyes.  Burning eyes. Piles or itchy anus. Constipation. Alcohol worsens symptoms. Often needing catnaps or 40 winks. Lethargic.

Patient often wakes around 3 AM.  Usually a sinking, hungry feeling around 11 AM each day.  Symptoms feel worse at 11AM in morning, and 11PM at night  Feeling of suffocation or burning sensation in the chest, worse for lying down on the back.  Relief sometimes gained by lying on the right side with legs drawn up to the chest.

Aloe and Psorinum complement Sulphur.  Can be used alternately or together. T.S. Iyer suggests these three to help treat metallic poisoning, such as lead or mercury.

Sulphur is compatible with Calcarea, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Sarsaparilla, Sepia.

Useful sequences recommended by Iyer, to be taken in the order listed, are:

Sulphur, Calcarea, Lycopodium OR

Sulphur, Sarsaparilla, Sepia

Sulphur is the chronic of Aconite, and can be used to good effect after Aconite.  Iyer recommends this sequence for some cases of pneumonia and other acute  disease.

Iyer suggests not using Sulphur after Mercurius or Calcarea.  Use the Sulphur first.

He says Mercurius and Calcarea are often useful remedies to use AFTER Sulphur has been given.

See merrilyn’s post entitled list of homeopathic combinations and sequences for more information on remedies.

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