Celery and Tuna Detox Diet

Detoxification using Celery

I have first hand experience with asbestos, heavy metal, and formaldehyde poisoning.

This diet worked for myself when I was so seriously ill with asbestos and heavy metal poisoning that I almost died.

I don’t know anyone else at all who has done this diet:  I don”t think it would be advisable for cancer.

Chemical poisoning had occurred in my body so suddenly, that there was not time for cancer to develop.  The situation was a matter of life and death: There was not time to muck about with specialists, and so I had to quickly devise some diet which would keep me alive but not make my condition any worse.

I had cleared a burned out house and section which I had bought.  The house, which had an asbestos roof, and tons of lead paint, very common on Waiheke Island of yesteryear,  had burned down while under contract, and instead of taking this as a dire warning from spirit to leave the place alone, I bought the house for the section value, and set about clearing it.

This was certainly my undoing, and very near the end of my life.  My young son was also affected quite badly, as he had accompanied me onto the section every day when I went about clearing it.

After several weeks of clearing the exploded asbestos and melded plastic and paints, I was collapsing at the drop of a hat.  I had to stop going onto the property completely, and had to abandon the project of rebuilding the house.

I had ulcers in the soft tissue of my mouth and nose, and almost constant diarrhoea.  My digestion had  very nearly stopped completely due to chemicals and consequent candida infection.  There was almost nothing I could eat now.

Just the touch of a piece of fruit onto the mouth brought about a wave of thick, white candida thrush immediately, and this covered the tongue and sides of the mouth.  Bleeding of this tissue was the next thing to occur. I could feel the candida travelling through my whole digestive system after just a whiff of any sugar or fruit. The standard carrot juice detox was completely out of the question, as carrots are so sweet.

Anyway – after collapsing onto the street in busy Queen Street, Auckland City,  I was taken up to Auckland hospital. Collapse in Queen Street, where busy traffic vented out their lead-laden fumes, happened because my overloaded system simply could not take even a breath of any more pollutants.

I was lucky I had my son with me this day. He had already procured me some aspirin from a shop as I lay paralysed on the ground, on the street, by the time the ambulance arrived.  On Waiheke island, we had discovered that aspirin alleviated the feelings of collapse a little.  This had happened one afternoon when my neighbour offered me some aspirin as I lay in agony, unable to move off the floor.  Garlic was another remedial measure.  And Kawakawa leaves, freshly chewed, also worked to avert complete collapse.

Anyway, by the time we got up to the hospital in the ambulance, the aspirin had begun to work and I was able to walk in unaided.  A specialist saw me.  Without doing blood tests or blood pressure, he listened to my heart, which was still racing abnormally in an effort to rid the blood of the poisons.  He listened to my heart and told me I had a ‘condition’ called tachycardia, a condition which i would have to take medication for, for the rest of my life.

It might be worthwhile for people to note that I DID NOT HAVE A HEART DISEASE, YET THE SPECIALIST AT THE HOSPITAL WAS PROMPTING ME TO BEGIN MEDICATION FOR TACHYCARDIA.  I have not had tachycardia since I recovered:  I only had symptoms of tachycardia because of the asbestos, lead, mercury, formaldehyde, and other chemicals which i had ingested from the burned out house and section.

I believe that many people who have been diagnosed with certain conditions, especially heart conditions, do not really have these conditions for life.  Chemicals can bring on malfunction of the heart, liver, kidneys, nervous system, and brain, as well as give you cancer.  Often, detoxifying the body will restore the heart function, and that of the other organs, to normal.

I tried to tell him that i was sick because of chemicals, but he would not listen.  I knew my heart was healthy, as having 5 babies had put me through heart and blood pressure tests each time, and these were always healthy.

So – no one would listen to my reasoning.  No professional within my reach would help me or be able to help me more than myself, I was sure.   I was the one who knew what had caused this illness, and I was the one who would have to experiment and persevere in order to recover and get well.  Though at the time, I doubted that I would ever be able to eat normally again.

I sold everything up and went to Australia with my two younger children, where we lived simply in a caravan park and I struggled for my life. This was a period of much drawing, painting, reading, and building with Leggo blocks, for them. And a long period of recovery for me. However, I was grateful to be alive.

I discovered that the only foods, initially, which did not cause rampant candida to overtake my whole system, was celery and tinned tuna fish in oil.

Mostly, i ate celery – lots of it each day, with small amounts of tuna three or four times a day.

For a few weeks, this is all that i could eat.

After a bit, I found I could take small amounts of almonds, although in the beginning, these were slightly problematic in that the candida returned temporarily after eating these.

Other foods which were tolerable under very hygienic conditions were fresh lettuce and sprouts.  However, the problem with sprouts is that yeasts begin to grow on these the minute you begin soaking them.  And commercial sprouts have been sitting in their bags for a time, so they are riddled with yeasts.  Any food which had a trace of sugar or was yeast infected, proved to bring on an attack of candida, which consequently led me to collapse.

Eventually, after 6 months of eating almost nothing else except celery and tuna fish in oil, I got better.  After about this time I found I was able to eat almonds, lettuce and sprouts more comfortably.  Although cooked food was still better left until much later in the piece.  Eventually, I was able to eat cooked broccoli.  I remember this day – the first cooked food which did not bring on an attack of candida.

During all this time, I was using castor oil every second day to rid myself of poisons.  I did this for at least three months. As the time progressed, i think that I did not take it every second day, but I certainly took castor oil at least once a week.

Other things i found helpful were caprylic acid. This is not good to take for long periods, though, as it is hard on the kidneys.  Consequently, I took this only as an emergency measure, when something had given me an attack of candida.

Non-acidic Vitamin C:  Calcium ascorbate powder, which is a non acidic form of Vitamin C, was also really effective.  I took this every day – between 1000 mg and about 3000 mg per day.

Other aids were:  garlic, kawakawa leaves, and the occasional aspirin helped me through.  Aspirin was taking, like caprylic acid, only in emergency.  I found both these to be helpful, but both caused kidney pain, and so they had to be used with moderation.

And of course,, with the castor oil trearment, i used enemas as well – with small amounts of sea salt.

Longevity Secrets of Sardinians

Sardinians Live To Be A Hundred Years or More

A positively wonderful health article came up, via the  “Telegraph Group Ltd”, in the World section of our “Herald” newspaper on Thursday, January 20, 2011.

The heading reads:  “Islanders want to share secret of their longevity“.

Sardinians want their ‘frugal, organic diet’ to be given World Heritage recognition, just as Spain, Italy, Greece and Morocco have been successful on the UN’s list of “intangible heritage” list in November.

Unfortunately, it is too late this year to make an application for this World Heritage title, as applications have closed.  But what a good idea to try and obtain this status:  The Sardinian diet and way of life really could teach much of the world a good deal,  in how to live a long and healthy life:  The longevity of Sardinians is a great measure of its  value.

Cholesterol-lowering Drugs For Profit

Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Most Profitable

Goal of Drug Companies To Convince the Healthy They Need Drugs, so that their profits will soar.

If only sick people took medical drugs, then drug companies would not be making the enormous profits that they make today.

Side Effects of  Cholesterol-lowering Drugs: Recent research, published only last week,  shows that many people taking cholesterol-lowering drugs are not benefiting their health at all, and are possibly doing more harm than good by exposing themselves to their side effects.

The thing is, drug companies have convinced much of the Western world into believing that they are prolonging their lives through the taking of certain drugs. Warfarin and statins are examples of the drugs which they promote as being life-savers and prolongers of life.

Almost every second person I know who is over the age of 50 in New Zealand is taking warfarin, or some other cholesterol-lowering drug.  And what is more, they accept that they will take this drug for the rest of their lives.

How has this happened? – Because vast fortunes have, and will be continued to be made, because of the psychological dependence which many people have on prescription drugs.

This state of affairs has been relatively easy to manipulate: Instill a little fear into the people, such as the threat of circulatory disease, tell them that lowering cholesterol will prolong life, and you have it made: They will buy your cholesterol-lowering products by the ton.

All you have to do is to get a bit of ‘research’ done into cholesterol, how lowering cholesterol can prevent heart attacks,  get some articles published, and most people will believe that they need to take a trip to the doctor, get their cholesterol checked, and begin taking a commercial product to lower cholesterol.

An article appeared in the Weekend Herald, 22 January, 2011, written by James LeFanu, via the Telegraph Group Ltd, which is headed:

“Billions to be had convincing healthy they need drugs”: This article has some very interesting information regarding the drug companies’ manipulation of the facts, and the public, in order to make billions of dollars.

It states that Henry Gadsden, who was chief executive of Merck drug company in 1975, had expressed the wish that he could find a market for the sale of drugs to healthy people, because profits were limited whilst the sale of drugs were aimed at only sick people with treatable illnesses.  If you could increase your sales to healthy people, obviously there would be a mint to be made.

Cholesterol Drug Scam
Well, as  James LeFanu says in his article, the dream of this man has come true with the discovery of the ‘most profitable class of drugs ever discovered’.  This most profitable class of drugs is the cholesterol-lowering statins.  This line of drugs, which formerly made around $3billion annually for the drug companies, now makes close to $26 billion American dollars a year.
It makes more now, because the ‘safe limit’ of cholesterol which is written into doctors’ guidelines, has been pushed lower and lower, until it has reached absurdly low levels.  Having such low levels of cholesterol as the guideline for good health means that almost everyone above the age of 40 or 50 now,  who goes to the doctor for a check up, would fit into the category of needing a cholesterol-lowering drug. And THAT benefits the drug companies.

The wide spread use of  the cholesterol-reducing drug Lovastatin began in 1987, when it was launched in America.
The drug companies began grooming the public,  ready for the onslaught:  Great effort was put into “educating” the public about cholesterol and its relationship to heart attacks and strokes.  This was done on a national scale, with all the medical authorities on board the gravy train.
Who Should Take Lovastatin? Now, Lovastatin is a drug  which could possibly be of benefit to people who have a predisposition to heart disease and strokes: Generally speaking, males under the age of 70 who have a history of heart disease and strokes in the family, could benefit from taking this drug, because of its cholesterol-lowering effect.  But this does not mean that EVERYONE should benefit from it. NOT EVERYONE NEEDS TO LOWER THEIR CHOLESTEROL OR REDUCE FATS TO A MINIMUM.
Drug Companies’ Goal of Mass Medicalization: However, drug companies had a goal of “mass medicalization”, and with the discovery of Lovastatin came the idea that they could ‘educate’ the masses into becoming ‘cholesterol conscious’ so that they might be easily convinced that they would benefit from taking statins to lower cholesterol.
Being ‘cholesterol conscious’ would entail  making people nervous about eating any fatty foods, for a start.  Convincing people to go to the doctor for a check-up, to get a cholesterol reading and a prescription for a cholesterol controlling drug if their cholesterol readings were a little high, was the next part of the plan.
Doctors Indoctrinated Too:  Doctors were given ‘incentives’ to get people on these prescription drugs.  Clinical trials of mammoth proportions accompanied this intensive profit-making  project:  Up to 10,000 people at a time were trialled on the grand cholesterol-lowering scheme which purported to be saving people’s lives. This had a tremendous effect on the profile of the drug, and the marketing of it.  James LeFanu says:
“The effect of the inevitably favourable results generated evangelical enthusiasm for the project of “statins for all”.

Over 30 Million People Needlessly Taking These Drugs:  Well, recent research has been revealed this last week,which shows that 3/4 of the people taking these drugs are taking them unnecessarily and are exposing themselves to the danger of their side effects. This is an awful lot of people:  an estimated 40 million people in America alone take these drugs.  If 3/4 of these people are not benefiting from these drugs, and are consequently jeopardizing their health, that’s 30 million people in America, not counting the rest of the people all over the world  who are taking these drugs unnecessarily. Who benefits from this?  The drug companies, of course, and they are all on the bandwagon:  After Merck’s success with their cholesterol-lowering promotions, all the other drug companies followed suit with their own versions of the drug.

Well, according to James LeFanu, his dream has come true with the discovery of the ‘most profitable class of drugs ever discovered’. This most profitable class of drugs is the cholesterol-lowering statins.

In 1987, Lovastatin was launched in America. This is a cholesterol-lowering drug which could be of benefit to people who have a predisposition to heart disease and strokes.

Mass Medicalization:  However, drug companies had a goal of “mass medicalization”, and with the discovery of Lovastatin came the idea that they could ‘educate’ the masses into becoming ‘cholesterol conscious’.

This ‘educating’ of the public took place on a national scale.

Being ‘cholesterol conscious’ would entail going to the doctor for a check-up, to get a cholesterol reading and a prescription for a cholesterol controlling drug.

to be continued

Aspirin For Cancer

Does Aspirin Reduce Cancer Rates

Aspirin is a synthetic form of a natural medicine which comes from White Willow Bark.  The herb, which is unadulterated,  is the best form of this medicine to take, but even then, long periods of taking white willow bark would not generally be recommended by most alternative therapists.

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The British medical magazine The Lancet has come out with an article which claims that Aspirin can reduce the likelihood of one’s succumbing to cancer.

Mind you, alternative health practitioners have known about the value of aspirin in treating cancer and melanoma for decades.  It’s just that the findings of alternative health practitioners is not taken too seriously on the whole:  alternative therapists do not have the backing of big drug companies to aid their research.  And this leads me to wonder just who is behind this latest ‘Prevent Cancer With Aspirin’ craze?  You can bet that some powerful drug company is behind this:  Watch out for a price increase on Aspirin……..

Yes – Aspirin has been used as part of at least one alternative method for CURING cancer for at least 50 years or more.  Dr Max Gerson found that using aspirin, combined with Vitamin C, was effective in counteracting the pain in his cancer patients, as well as being effective in playing a part in reducing their cancers.  Vitamin C was used with the Aspirin, as this helped reduce the negative reactions of aspirin.

However, this treatment is a little different to what the lancet is recommending.  The Lancet, according to what i have gleaned from the BBC report on the 8th December 2010, is not suggesting that Vitamin C be taken with the Aspirin treatment.  This means that the negative effects of the aspirin will not be alleviated at all.  Also, the lancet is suggesting that people take Aspirin over a long period, which could be very HARMFUL to people.

On the 8th December, the local New Zealand Herald  reported the Lancet as saying that the longer Aspirin was taken, the better were the benefits.  The Lancet studies reportedly said that over 20 years of taking Aspirin reduced  the risk of getting  prostate cancer by 10 %, and that a reduction of  60% for oesophageal cancer was documented, and that the risk of bowel cancer was reduced by a third over the same period of time.

Aspirin Can Cause Internal Bleeding: Dr Max Gerson, and others, did not recommend the use of Aspirin over long periods.  Rather, they saw Aspirin, in combination with Vitamin C to enhance the benefits of the Aspirin,  as being used as a shorter-term medication until the cancer patient had recovered.  And this is because Aspirin CAN BE DAMAGING TO THE KIDNEYS.  ASPIRIN CAN ALSO DAMAGE THE CAPILLIARIES.  ASPIRIN CAN CAUSE STROKE AND HEART ATTACK.  ASPIRIN CAN CAUSE BLEEDING OF THE STOMACH AND BOWEL.

Of course, the Lancet says that you should consult your doctor about taking Aspirin in order to prevent your risk of cancer, or heart disease or stroke.

But why not use your common sense instead?  Aspirin should never be taken as an on-going medication.  Whilst it might have about a 20% effect in reducing the risk of cancer, taking aspirin does not ensure that you never get cancer.  it only reduces the risk  by about a quarter.  And meanwhile, by taking Aspirin long-term, you will be eroding your kidneys, heart, liver, and other organs.

For further reading on suggested natural cancer treatment read

Vitamin C and Cancer

Olive Leaf Tea

Olive Leaf Benefits Health:

The value of olive oil in treating gall bladder and liver disfunction and in strengthening the heart is discussed on several other posts on this site. Olive oil is well known as having value as a detoxifier of these organs  and as a laxative. Olive oil is a natural liver cleanser.

But today, let’s look at the benefits to the health in using olive leaves as an infusion and as a tea.

Olive Leaf Is a Natural Antiseptic

Olive leaves are a natural antiseptic. Leaves of the species olea europaea, from the Oleaceae family, can be infused in boiling water to make an antiseptic solution. This infusion, once it has cooled, can be used to bathe sores and cuts and bruises.

Circulation: A well as lowering the blood pressure, this olive leaf infusion can help to improve circulation. It is therefore a good remedy for varicose veins. It can be used externally to bathe varicose veins and to use as a footbath. A footbath of olive leaf infusion can help relieve varicose veins and improve circulation to the legs.

Olive Leaf Tea can be taken internally to help lower blood pressure, and improve circulation, provided you are not already on any medication to alter your blood pressure. Check with your health professional before using olive leaves to lower your blood pressure.

Olive Leaf Tea is rich in nutrients, one of which is an antioxidant called Oleuropein. Olive leaf tea is a tonic which can help reduce free radical damage. It is also a relaxant which can soothe frayed nerves.

Olive leaf tea, and also olive oil itself, is a gentle and safe natural laxative.

Olive Leaf Tea can be made from any of the following varieties of olive tree:

Olea Arbequisa: This comes from Catalonia in Spain. It produces a small brown olive fruit.

Olea Kalamata: This variety comes from the Kalamata region in Greece. It has a large black fruit.

Olea Picholine: This variety is French. Its fruit is a longish green olive.