Ebola Disease Possible Homeopathic Remedies And Vitamin C

Natural Remedies Which Could Work For Ebola Virus

So far, I do not know anyone who has had the Ebola Virus. But we do know that  Ebola is a haemorrhagic disease with disastrous consequences for 50% of people who have contracted the disease.

So checking out the haemorrhagic homeopathic remedies listed below might be useful, for a start.

Ebola takes hold in people whose  immune function is at a low ebb – this assumption can be drawn because of the fact that 50% of people who have contracted Ebola have overcome it without the help of drugs.

Poor living conditions, unclean drinking water, malnutrition, stress, and maybe exposure to harmful chemicals are some of the possible reasons which could lead to a weakening of the immune system, paving the way for a virulent infection such as Ebola.

 Vitamin C Megadoses For Ebola: It is possible that intravenous Vitamin C could cure Ebola, given in doses similar to the dose given to successfully treat people with Swine Flu.

Vitamin C kills virus cells as well as bacteria and fungus cells.Vitamin C is also an anti-haemorrhagic agent. So it should be an excellent treatment for Ebola.

A couple of years ago an outbreak of Swine Flu caused some people to die of the disease, because no drug was known to cure it.  Vitamin C, unfortunately, was not allowed to be used in Australian and NZ hospitals, which was an unfortunate state of affairs. But some people did survive, due to the wise and timely administering of megadoses of Vitamin C by unorthodox health care workers.

Megadoses of Vitamin C helps to rejuvenate the immune system and get rid of unwanted poisonous chemicals within the body cells.

Vitamin A Megadose For Ebola:  Vitamin A will most surely be helpful in treating the Ebola virus.  Quite recently WHO dished out Vitamin A for treating a measles outbreak.  Let’s hope they have the wisdom to do the same in those countries where Ebola is rampant.

Homeopathic Remedies To Research For Treating Ebola;

Remember that, in the 19th century, an outbreak of Cholera in Europe was successfully stemmed with the use of homeopathic remedies. This success quietened the adversaries of homeopathy and gave homeopathy much good publicity and credit.  The same thing will happen again, I am sure, with Ebola.  Many of these so-called ‘untreatable’ diseases will be cured with the help of homeopathy and Vitamin C and Vitamin A. (See my post on how Vitamin A has been prescribed by WHO – World Health Orgnization – for measles outbreak)

Hamamelis Virginicus is an excellent anti-haemorrhage remedy. I would ma ke sure that this remedy was in my Ebola Homeopathic First Aid Kit. Dr John H. Clarke, M.D. recommends Hamamelis for haemorrhaging of the bowels with dark-coloured blood.  See page 211 of his book ‘The Prescriber’.

Ipecacuana is recommended by Dr Clarke for haemorrhaging with light coloured blood.

Cactus for ‘copious, passive, painless’ condition, according to Dr Clarke.

Sanguis for when the blood is watery and does not coagulate.

Arnica helps to stem bleeding, and is a valuable remedy for patients in shock.  Dr Margerie B. Blackie writes of a surgeon who used to give his patients 2 tablets of Arnica just prior to an operation, and two more after the operation, to help stop the bleeding,

Homeopathy For Haemorrhages Recommended By W.A. Dewey

There are many listed in his book, ‘Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics’.  The high-lighted remedies are:







Secale Trillium

Carbo Veg, whilst it is not high-lighted in Dr Dewey’s book, is an important one to consider for Ebola.  Carbo Veg suits patients with continuous passive haemorrhage.  The patient seems near death with nosebleed,  a rapid and thin  pulse, blue coloured skin, and often burning pains across the lower spine.

Arsen Alb could also be useful for the first stages of the Ebola disease.  Arsen Alb works fantastically as a flu preventative and cure for most people.  I have the feeling that this remedy could very well alleviate the worst of the Ebola symptoms.

My new book is out on Amazon.  Price $4.93



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