Low Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D Deficiency:

We are all aware these days that low Vitamin D levels will affect the growth of bone and teeth tissue, hair and nails. If you are young, then you need adequate Vitamin D and Calcium so that your bones will grow properly, and your teeth will be strong.  If you are old, then you need Vitamin D,  plus Calcium, so that your bones do  not become  fragile and brittle: Strong bones are less likely to fracture.

Deficiency of Vitamin D is now thought to be a factor in many conditions of ill health and disease.  Recent studies, as well as older studies, have related Vitamin D deficiency to specific maladies of the health.

In New Zealand, the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin D  is between 200-600IU, and the recommended amount of calcium between 1100 mg amd 2500 mg daily.  Many people fall short of even these minimum requirements.  Deficiency of Vitamin D and Calcium over a period of time can have serious consequences.

Low Vitamin D levels have been found in people with congestive heart failure.  This is not to be confused with an actual heart attack:  heart failure is when the heart is simply not doing a good enough job of pumping that blood through the body.  Symptoms that your heart may be underactive are slightly swollen legs and difficult breathing, or getting puffed easily when taking light exercise.

Vitamin D supplements, or cholecalciferol, taken with extra calcium, was found to help many people suffering from congestive heart failure.  Dr Shaun Holt and Iona MacDonald discuss these results in their book “Natural Remedies that Really Work’. This is published by Craig Cotton Publishing, Nelson, New Zealand, 2008 and 2010.

This author also relates low Vitamin D levels, with low calcium, to the occurence of type 2 diabetes.  He quotes the research which suggests that people with glucose intolerance are less likely to develop diabetes type 2 if their Vitamin D and Calcium levels are increased.

Dr Holt recommends more exposure to natural sunlight and increasing the intake of Vitamin D rich foods, which include  the oily fish such as mackerel, sardines, and salmon, and fish liver, egg yolk and meat.

In a study of children who had Type 1 diabetes mellitus, it was found that 76% had inadequate levels of Vitamin D. Adequate Vitamin D is important for growing children, not just because it helps to build strong bones and teeth hair and nails, but because it strengthens the immune system so that there is more resistance to diseases like type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Dr Holt suggests 400IU of Vitamin D be given to at risk children, unless their intake is adequate through diet and plenty of sunlight. Note:  Of course this must be done under the guidance of a health professional. Too much Vitamin D can cause toxicity in the body, which can damage the liver and other organs, so one must be careful with the dose.

Low Vitamin D levels have also been associated with osteoarthritis, rheumatic disorders, hyperesthesia, SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, migraines and some sleeping disorders.

The Apple Diet


This post is going to tell you  about the benefits of fasting on apples.

The apple diet is a cleansing diet.  The fame of the humble, healing apple goes back for centuries. Dr Max Gerson used the apple as part of his famous cancer treatment, and it is still used today by people who follow the Gerson treatment.

The apple diet is one of the simplest, one of the most pleasant, and one of the best ways in which you can detoxify your body of chemicals and slush.

Apples are such a great food. They are rich in pectin,  vitamin C, potassium and other trace elements. They have an enormous amount of good quality fiber. They have an alkaline efect on the body, so you can reduce acidity by eating an apple after a meal. Eating an apple after a meal also helps you to absorb vitamins, iron, calcium,  and other minerals from your food. Apples are great food as snacks, too;  instead of going for that pastry or cookie, you could eat an apple, or even a few slices while you watch television or prepare dinner.

Apples are great for the teeth, of course. Children should all be given one apple at least per day.

The Apple Cleanse Diet is simple: All you do is eat raw apples for a few days. You can munch away at whole apples, or you can grate the apple up,  skin and core and all. In the Gerson diet for treating cancer and other immune diseases,  a whole organic apple is grated up each morning, to have on the big plate of oatmeal porridge, which is the only cooked item used in the initial cleansing period on the Gerson diet.

Three days of  straight apple eating is a standard period for a cleanse, but if you do not feel up to it, then do only one day on the apples. You will find that each time you repeat this one day or so on the apple diet,  you get a little stronger, your resistance will improve, and tackling the diet will become easy.

You can eat just as many as you like. This is a great exercise for all those who wish to lose weight, or who have eating addictions: no need for guilt on the amount of apples you eat – there are absolutely no limits.  Eating lots of apples just on their own WILL NOT MAKE YOU FAT. You will LOSE fat instead, if you can eat apples, and only apples, for three days at a time.

Your digestive system, especially your bowels, will benefit from the bulk of the fiber in the apple diet.  This bulk thoroughly cleanses the bowel of effete matter and any toxins it may be harbouring. The honorable apple contains high amounts of pectin, especially in the pips, and peptin has a great healing effect on the tissues of the body, including the intestines.

Your nervous system will benefit from a day or two on apples.

Your liver, gall bladder and kidneys and bladder will also benefit from a few days of eating only apples. If the apple diet is done regularly, say one day a week, or three days every few weeks, then you will be gradually diminishing any toxic deposits in these organs.

The same goes for the brain: after a few days on the apple diet, you will notice that your brain is much sharper, and so is your eyesight. The nutrients in apples help feed the nerves which affect the eyesight and brain. Because the apple diet cleanses the blood, there are less toxins in the blood which feeds your brain and eyesight: this, in itself, causes a rejuvenation of brain and eyesight.

Note- before attempting the apple diet,  ask your health practitioner if you  can safely do this diet, especially if you have any medical condition for which you are getting treatment.

Do not continue the apple fast for more than three days at a time.  Apples are great food, and they are wonderful for taking toxins out of the body and healing it:  However, after using apples to restore a healthy body,  you need  to include proteins , oils and fats, calcium-rich foods, and  iodine and iron in the diet again. A normal, healthy diet which includes proteins and plenty of fresh and cooked green vegetables should follow the apple diet.

The apple diet is made most effective in its detoxification effects when a bowel wash is done. If you have never done a cleanse before, then you might have large amounts of toxins to expel, and these can make you feel sick initially. Colonic irrigation  at a clinic is a good idea if you can afford it. The more you persevere with fasting on apples on a regular basis, the less toxic your body will become.