Link Between Vaccinations And Obesity New Study Suggests BBC 22 August 2012

Antibiotics Given To Young Children Can Cause Them To  Be Heavier When Older:

BBC News gave us this report on the new-found link between Antibiotics and Weight-gain at around 2 AM New Zealand time on the 23 August 2012.  This information will be included  within the context of this article.

The question of whether or not antibiotics and vaccines affect the health of our children is a hot debate, and has been for a long time now.

There is the question of whether or not vaccinations can cause autism – and there are many parents today, including some doctors,  who believe that their children, who were healthy before vaccination, developed autism after being vaccinated.

Then there is the question of whether or not vaccinations are really effective, and how long a vaccination will protect a person for.

Merrilyn’s new book is available on Amazon:

The trouble with administering antibiotics willy-nilly to our children is that, in most cases, we won’t know about any negative effects of these drugs until our children are grown up…… when the damage may have been done.

In time, the original vaccinations may have a negative effect on your child’s health, and giving boosters, which seems to be a current trend in some communities, might even make these problems much more acute.

The BBC report said that new research points to antibiotics  as having a marked effect on weight when they are given to very young children.     Vaccinations, which are antibiotics given for the purpose of preventing a disease before it occurs, may in fact  cause obesity in later life.

The research so far shows that  children who had been given antibiotics between birth and the age of five months had an increased weight  between the age of 10 and 20 months. After the age of 2 years, after receiving antibiotics/vaccinations during the first five months of life,  22% of the children are likely  to be overweight.

Exposure To Antibiotics Affects Healthy Bacteria:  This may not be news to those already aware of the damage caused by antibiotics to the necessary microbes which exist in the body.  However, it is welcome news from BBC that scientists have ‘come out’ with the idea that antibiotics do affect healthy bacteria, and that this disruption may even cause obesity.

Scientists say in this new research said that the reason for antibiotics  affecting the weight is because digestion is affected:  Antibiotics and vaccine antibiotics too, affect the healthy bacteria in the body, most importantly, in the stomach, and in the bowel where the absorption of food takes place.  Antibiotics also affect the microbes on our skin, and these microbes, which outnumber the body’s number of cells, is also of interest to scientists studying body metabolism.  This new study is thought to be the first census taken of microbes living on the surface of the body.

Scientists are even experimenting with the idea of faecal transplants, to give back to the body some of the bacteria which antibiotics have taken away.  Faecal transplants have been done with the idea of regenerating the healthy bacteria in the gut. This idea seems very strange:  Why not abandon standard vaccinations which are so problematic to the health, and use homeopathic and herbal and vitamin alternatives instead to counteract the childhood illnesses?  These alternatives do not interfere with the important microbes living in the body, which makes them a safer option.

The trouble is that these modalities, especially homeopathy, are jealously guarded by the pharmaceutical companies who want to remain dominant in the field of medicinal drugs.  These alternative remedies are not given a chance to prove themselves in the orthodox arena of medicinal drugs.

Back to the research on Antibiotics:

The International Journal of Obesity published the findings of a study of 11,532 infants.  This study showed that when these children were given antibiotics under the age of six months, they were likely to be heavier than normal in later years.

So weight gain may be a product of using antibiotics. especially when they are given at a young age, because of their interference with normal bowel function and digestion.

However, they say more work is needed to confirm there is a link.
In this study, children who had antibiotics between birth and the age of five months were slightly heavier between the age of 10 and 20 months. After 38 months they were 22% more likely to be overweight.

Dr Leonardo Trasande from New York University School of Medicine, said that unhealthy diet and lack of exercise were the common factors given as the cause of obesity,  “yet increasingly, studies suggest it’s more complicated”.

Dr Leonardo Trasande said that “Microbes in our intestines may play critical roles in how we absorb calories, and exposure to antibiotics, especially early in life, may kill off healthy bacteria that influence how we absorb nutrients into our bodies, and would otherwise keep us lean.”  Note: This theory is NOT a new one, but it is good to see the orthodox medical people acknowledging that this is so.

Microbiologist Dr Cormac Gahan, from University College Cork, said  that weight could be affected when the balance of gut bacteria is changed…..that this could have ‘”a direct effect on energy extraction” or by ‘”influencing hormones”.

He indicated that there was more work to be done in the area before definite conclusions could be drawn.

Many naturopaths and alternative doctors have had similar theories for years:  There is much written by such alternative medics and natural practitioners which state that antibiotics cause too much havoc in the system to warrant their extensive use during childhood.

Obesity Caused By Sugar Or Chemicals In Food And Environment?

Drink Water Instead of Sweetened Drinks Says New Zealand entrepreneur, Tony Fallkenstein.

Tony appeared on ‘Sunday’ Channel One, last night, 10 June, 2012,  hosted by Miriama Kamo.  He is campaigning for people to recognize that health will improve if water is used instead of all those sweetened drinks which children these days often drink too much of.  And he is right, of course.  Good water is good for you.  Commercial sugary drinks are not good for you.

However, the ‘Sunday’ people interviewed ALL failed to mention that chemicals in commercial drinks and food are also very harmful to the health. (And what about the effect of vaccinations?  Read Merrilyn’s later post from September 2012, entitled Link Between Obesity And Vaccinations New Study Suggests, BBC.

Commercial fizzy drinks are bad for you, because commercial sugary drinks contain not just sugar, but a host of very detrimental poisons which are equally as bad, if not worse, than the plain old sugar in those drinks.

Chemical additives can cause obesity, hyperactivity, depression, arthritis, cancer, and a lot more dreaded sicknesses.

Tony really is doing a great service to many families through his promotion of his ‘Just Water’ business.  By drinking his pure water instead of sweet drinks  which are laden with harmful preservatives and other chemicals, these families will run less of a risk of suffering obesity or degenerative disease later in life.  Their intake of chemical poisons will be dramatically reduced because of taking commercial sweet drinks out of the daily diet and switching to water instead.

And water is GOOD FOR YOU.

Tony has given out several million dollars worth of FREE water fountains to hundreds of families, so that they can begin to enjoy drinking water instead of heading for the fruit juices and fizzy drinks in the fridge.

His idea is a real hit.  Children just love to come home from school and pour themselves a nice cool water from the water fountain.

But in this latest attack on sugar, many ‘experts’ are conveniently leaving out chemical food additives as having anything at all to do with obesity.  Yet the effects of these chemical additives have been known for years.  These chemicals  WILL cause hormonal disfunction, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and much else.

Just look at the chemical cocktail in that flavoured drink you like to consume.  Read the fine print on those drinks.  Even drinks which contain real fruit juice often have added chemicals to colour, preserve, and enhance the taste.  And these chemicals are mostly always bad for you.

No use buying artificially flavoured drinks with no calories – because most of these sugar substitutes are known carcenogens, and will change your hormone balance even more quickly than plain old sugar.

A medical specialist said on the programme last night that obesity is caused by something disrupting the body metabolism.  He said that the main reason for obesity today is sugar, because sugar disrupts the glandular and hormonal systems of the body.  He should have pointed out that chemicals in our food are ruining our health.  Chemicals in our food, as well as vaccinations and unnecessary mediactions of many kinds, are actually programming us for extinction.  Leaving out sugar from our diets is simply not going to save us from extermination.

I think that sugar is taking too much of the blame for the obesity and diabetes epidemics which are striking all countries in the so-called developed world.  Because all the chemicals – colourings, flavourings, and preservatives, which are in these sugared drinks, are probably more to blame than sugar.

While it is not good to have too much sugar, at least it is a food.  All the chemical additives which are put into fizzy drinks and other foods, are NOT foods.  Many of them are carcenogens.  And this is why I believe that to point the finger of blame to sugar alone is not addressing the real problem at all.

Pharmaceutical companies, and chemical manufacturers, love to blame foods as being the culprit for our maladies.  Because then they can say “Take this special medication of ours which  will counteract the bad effects of this food…… or ‘take this new formula to replace this food’…… or ‘we have found this brilliant new medication will bring relief to  these symptoms of…arthritis…..diabetes…..”etc, etc.   Which is not helping to solve the problem at all.  These medications are actually adding to the overload of chemicals already in our food, and in our bodies.

Because, the fact is, that even if sugar is taken out of our diets completely, all the chemical food additives such as preservatives, colourings, and flavourings, will all still be found in most processed food.

Dietary Iodine

Consider your dietary intake of IODINE:
Iodine is ESSENTIAL for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland, and for a healthy immune system. A lack of iodine causes many problems with the health, as we shall see: it even affects your body temperature and your emotions, as well as your weight.
Iodine helps to produce thyroxine,  which is an important thyroid hormone.
Long term iodine deficiency results in goitre, the symptoms of which, generally, are a swollen throat with protruding eyes and a husky, low-toned voice.
Iodine is needed in the body to regulate energy levels: people who get tired easily and/or who are cold, even in warm weather, usually lack iodine.
Iodine helps control cholesterol levels, so a lack of iodine can make you more prone to heart attack and stroke.
Obesity can result from long term iodine deficiency. Lack of iodine in the diet can cause all sorts of food obsessions.
Insufficient iodine during pregnancy can result in deformities and retardation of infants.

Iodine is needed to protect against disease. It is essential for the strengthening of the immune system.
Iodine deficiency is a factor in polio.
Iodine deficiency is a factor in most cancers.
Iodine is important for the health of the hair, scalp and skin.

Lack of iodine can cause senility.

Table salt is iodised so that people do not become iodine deficient. However, natural, unrefined sea salt is far better alternative to table salt: Sea  salt does not  have chemical additives which regular table salt has. Table salt contains free flowing agents like aluminium, which are very bad for your health, especially the heart and the arteries.
While it is much lower in iodine than iodised table salt, sea salt is also rich in other trace elements. These valuable trace elements are not to be found in refined table salt, but are also found in kelp, which is an ocean food.You can mix 50/50 of sea salt with kelp to use as a table salt.
Kelp powder and sea water are good sources of natural iodine.

Swimming in sea water (no-where near the  BP oil spillage in America, though), and taking regular walks barefoot along the wet sand at the beach, are natural ways to increase your iodine intake, and your intake of other trace minerals.

Iodine is good for the eyes, as well as the general health. People who have lived near the ocean for much of their life, and sailors, generally have good eyesight, well into their advanced years.

Liquid iodine can be dabbed onto the scalp to up your iodine intake. Iodine is absorbed through the skin. If it is
applied directly to the scalp, then your hair roots benefit immediately from the application as well as your blood.
Just two or three drops can be applied  once or twice times a week, depending on how often you wash your hair.
Iodine is absorbed through the pores of the skin anywhere on the body: if you wish, you can apply a dab or two of iodine to the soles of the feet instead of to the scalp.  It can be used as an antiseptic, and applied to a scratch or a graze to aid healing and prevent infection.

The recommended daily allowance is 150 mcg  NOTE: More than this amount of iodine can cause damage to thyroid hormones.
If your intake is purely from food sources, then you will not absorb too much iodine.
Half a teaspoon of kelp powder daily more than takes care of this requirement: it has 1700 mcg of iodine.
100 gms of cooked fish contains 200 mcg
Half a teaspoon of iodised salt contains 100 mcg
Half a teaspoon of sea salt has 4 mcg.

Iodine is rich in all sea foods. Kelp, shell-fish, and ocean fish are all good sources of Iodine.

See merrilyn’s posts on “Foods rich in Iodine’ and ‘Iodine Scalp Hair’ remedy for more information on how to use iodine in the diet, and as an external application.