Gluten Free Gingered Cabbage Soup Recipe

Nutrient-Rich Cabbage-Ginger  Soup To Help Fight Flu and Colds

Note:  I don’t believe that Warfarin and other chemical blood thinners are good for anyone, and I believe that the natural sources are the way to go.

However, if you ARE taking warfarin, or any other blood thinner, then you should steer clear of this recipe.  Cabbage and ginger are both natural blood thinners, and so if you include them in your diet, together with a synthetic blood-thinner such as warfarin, the result might be too much blood-thinner.

Natural Food-Based Blood Thinners:  You might ask yourself, ‘Well.  Perhaps I should switch to the natural remedy and use food-based blood-thinners instead?  Up to you and your doctor to answer that question.

This recipe creates a very tasty and warming soup – Ideal for those winter months, or even spring time, when the weather fluctuations tend to bring on those unexpected bouts of cold and flu.

It uses fresh ginger and a dash of red cayenne pepper to spice it up, drive out those flu germs,  and make it interesting.  The soup mixture is blended at the end of the cooking, with a little extra cold water, and  just half a raw onion added to the blender.  This gives the soup a real fresh zest which gives extra potency to the antioxidant, anti-vital properties of the cabbage and ginger combined.  You re-heat the blended soup, which slightly cooks that raw onion, but you do not boil the soup.

Cabbage is a great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory food.  It is very high in calcium, and contains folate, vitamin C, iron, beta-carotene, and B vitamins.  Cabbage is one of the foods which helps prevent cancer, especially of the lungs, the colon, and the breasts.  It is good to include cabbage in your diet  several times a week.

Ginger in this recipe provides more germ-killinig and cancer-destroying agents.  These specific compounds found in ginger are called gingerols and terpenes.  They are antioxidants  which are helpful in preventing and treating cancer of the colon, ovaries and rectum, as well as having a general anti-viral effect on the health.

The carrot provides more carotene-Vitamin A, an important constituent for health and, particularly, for eye-sight.

Onion provides zinc for healing,  chromium which helps regulate blood sugar levels, diallyl sulphide which helps protect against viral diseases and cancer, and other important antioxidant compounds such as quercetin.

ToMake Gluten Free Gingered Cabbage Soup:

Roughly chop up half a medium-sized cabbage.  Put into a large saucepan which has a lid.

Now peel a large knob of ginger.  Chop it up finely.  There should be at least a tablespoon of chopped ginger – use more if you would like.

Add the ginger to the cabbage.

Add one chopped onion.

Add one chopped washed potato with its skin still left on.

Add one roughly chopped carrot.

Add one litre of water, put the lid on, and bring to the boil.

Once the vegetables are  cooked, add another half litre of cold water to cool the vegetables.

Put some of the vegetables and some of the liquid into the blender.  Blend until smooth, just about a minute.  Pour the blended vegetables into a bowl.  Then gradually blend the rest of the vegetables and liquid in the pot.

Return all the vegetables to the saucepan.  Reserve about 2 cups of soup to use in the blender.

Next –   Chop up half a medium sized onion and add to the blender with the blended soup.  Put in a half teaspoon of red paprika, one teaspoon of sea salt,  and blend up with the raw onion.

Add the blended raw onion mixture to the soup in the pot.  Reheat the soup to hot, but not boiling.

Serve with grated cheese on top of the soup.  Alternatively, add a dollop of sour cream, or some basil-flavoured hummus.

Merrilyn’s new book is out on Amazon:




On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

A Wee Panic In My Breastie

At the beginning of the year, when we had just so much rain, my lungs began to hurt.   This was also around the time when Saturn went Retrograde, and, unbeknown to me, that my son was suffering the effects of cancer which he suspected he might have.  It turned out that, as well as having tumours about the throat, he had a large tumour in the chest. Read this post also:  RoundUp weedkiller can cause chest pain and flu-like symptoms.

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So, while I was worried that I may have lung cancer, because of the pain in the chest, my son actually DID have cancer in the chest area.

He had the operation for thyroid cancer only several weeks ago.  His chest was opened up at the same time to remove the tumour there,  which involved an 8 hour operation.  We had no idea about the chest tumour until after the operation, but I think I may have sensed his problem on a psychic level.  It could be that I manifested chest pains in sympathy for his chest problem.  It seems interesting to me that my chest has healed since Saturn has again gone Direct, at the same time my son  had the operation which removed the chest tumour.

Since around January, which was the month my son made several visits to me before his thyroid cancer was diagnosed, my lungs had felt as if they were congested.  Saturn had gone Retrograde. There was an ongoing pain, but no infection came to dislodge the lump I felt was harboured there.   The feeling of suffocation was often with me, and I was often short of breath. I wondered about the health of my heart.

There was a very sore specific spot on the left side, deep within the chest, which the pain seemed to be radiating from.  It was the exact same spot which used to hurt when I was a smoker, which was the main reason I gave up the second-time around, around the age of 50. The first ‘give-up’ of smoking came when I was a young woman, expecting my first child. After that, I did not smoke for 25 years, until I succumbed again to the seductive habit. Giving up smoking the second time around, without a family to spur me into quitting, was very, very difficult. But eventually, I did it.

Back to 2012:  I was so concerned, as the pain was so severe at times, that I went along to the doctor to organize a chest X-Ray.  It was still a possibility that I could have developed lung cancer as a result of chain smoking not so long ago.  Anyway – I got the the X-Ray done, and was very pleased to find out the outcome.  It showed no sign of lung cancer, but the lungs were ‘hyper-ventilated’, to use the doctor’s term.

I don’t like X-Rays, because they are harmful in themselves,  and damage cell tissue.  I thought it  would be a good idea to  do just the one,  to see what the state of my lungs was like, establish whether or not I had cancer, and then get onto an intensive natural therapy of my own to restore the health of my lungs.
I decided that whatever the outcome, I would ‘go natural’. So –

Mainly Raw Food Diet:  Two grated raw apples eaten at one sitting, either in the morning, or as the main meal in the evening.  I cooked plenty of vegetable and mung bean curries, and ate these with a little rice.  Plenty of onions were used in the vegetable curry, as well as plenty of hot spices such as red paprika, ginger and chilli.  Onions are particularly helpful for all bronchial complaints. I ate carrots every day, since my friend Bernhard in Spirit had told me to use carrots daily, either grated raw, or cooked. I did not use any wheat, sugar, or cow’s milk during this time.  I cut down on coffee, but did not cut it out completely.  Soya milk substituted cow’s milk for the coffee.

Carrot and Apple Juice:  I went out and bought a new juicer so that I could drink at least one cup each of  carrot and apple juice per day.  I sometimes added celery or cabbage juice to the carrot juice.

Anti-Viral Remedies: The same day I got the X-Ray done, I went out and bought a whole lot of supplements to tackle the problem.  I bought a range of anti-oxidant products – Multi non-acidic Ester Vitamin C 1000mg – Fish Oil – Evening Primrose oil – and an olive-leaf preparation which had zinc and other minerals in it.  We are generally all short of the mineral zinc in New Zealand, because our soil here is deficient in zinc, and also selenium. These two minerals are very important for the health of the immune system, metabolizing food properly,  preventing cancer, and in keeping viruses at bay.

This olive-leaf mixture was recommended specifically as an anti-viral treatment. I felt I must have a viral infection, if I did not have cancer. I took the maximum dose which was recommended, and even had two or three doses on some days.  By the time I had finished this anti-viral preparation, the chest pain was almost gone.  I also took around 3000mg to 5000mg of the Ester C per day – for around two weeks, during the same period as using the olive leaf remedy.  I alternated the Vitamin C with the olive leaf during the day so that I would get maximum benefit from each. Then I reduced the dose of the non-acidic Vitamin C 1000mg, to just one or two tablets per day. On each day,  I also took one each of the fish oil and primrose oil capsules.  I continued pumping in all of these things for several weeks, until the olive leaf mixture ran out.  Then I relaxed the dose of everything.

After the olive leaf preparation ran out, I began a course of ginseng tablets, in combination with the Vitamin C, fish oil, and primrose oil treatment.

As well, I used a mentholated cinnamon and cedar preparation on my chest each night, with layers of wool, cotton, and a hot water bottle to cover the chest.  This was a Malcoom Harker remedy – but simple eucalyptus and olive oil would do just as well if you cannot get the Malcom Harker.

Homeopathic Remedies:  As well, I took homeopathic remedies to try and release the congestion in the chest.  I found that Thuja taken for one week, and then a week off, when I sometimes used Bryonia, was helpful.  On days when I felt exceptional grief or anxiety, for no apparent good reason at all, I took Arnica-Hypericum for a couple of days.  This helped enormously in alleviating that wierd sense of less which had come over me.

I also took, occasionally – say every 2 weeks – yes – you have guessed it – castor oil.  When I did not feel like taking castor oil, I sometimes used a tablespoon of Epsom salts in a couple of cups of warm water.  Something like once or twice a week, for several weeks.  I bathed the feet a few times in hot Epsom salts – about 2 tablespoons of salts to around a litre of water.

Finally, after around six weeks of this intensive treatment, the chest pain, which was on the left side, in the middle of the chest, and often radiating around to the back, disappeared completely.  Then, quite suddenly, I ‘came down’ with flu, which I welcomed as a cleansing process to end the cycle of bewing unwell.

It is interesting to me that the ‘cure’ of the chronic chest pain happened just after Saturn went Direct, which was just after my son had his operation, and we found out about his extra chest surgery.

I think that it was a virus in my lungs which would not budge without the vitamin, homeopathic, and herbal aids.
Of course, it is possible that the thing might have run its course alone, and I might have gotten better without the naturopathic aids.  But really, the thing went on for so many months I had lost count of how long I had had it, and was only concerned that the ‘wee panic in my breastie’ might be cancer.

I know several people who have had similar symptoms.  I think it is some fierce new strain of virus which has adapted itself so that it can remain in our lungs more or less permanently – unless we summon up enough vital force to conquer it.

Finally getting a real flu, with its accompanying high fever, threw off the last vestiges of this virus. The chest pain which has been there for months, has disappeared completely, and so has the strange and intense feeling of grief.  Praise God and my Angels for helping me to recover so well.  And Praise God and the Angels for taking care of my son and seeing him through his operation.

I am sure that on a psychic level, I was tuning into my son’s illness within his chest, and his anxiety and feeling of gloom, and that this was probably the main reason for my getting such a chronic and mysterious illness.

Saturn Retrograde, combined with my environment, the rain, the winter, my son’s condition, all played a part in this sore chest of mine, I believe. My flat is all concrete – concrete floor, concrete walls, and no sun, which makes it very damp during the winter.  These cold, damp conditions contributed to the persistent chest pain, I am sure.  Should I move?  Saturn is Direct again now.  My son is getting better. Summer is only just around the corner, with all those hot, sunny, languid days on the beach ahead. Mmmmm…..Roll on summer.

My friend Bernhard who is in Spirit tells me that it is still important to use his acupuncture points for weak lungs.  One very good one he has pointed out is on the wrist, just below the thumb.  You can reach this point by interlocking the two thumbs together, and reaching out with your forefinger towards the wrist of the other hand.  It will arrive at an indentation in the wrist which is the location of the Lung 7 point.  You do both hands for this point.  Hold the point for just 30 seconds.  Then stop for 30 seconds.  Then repeat on the same hand once more, for 30 seconds or up to a minute.  Then rest for a minute.  Then do the other hand, following the same procedure. Do morning and night.

Note about Cell Phones:  My son who got the cancer in the chest and in the thyroid, used to often carry his cell phone in the left chest pocket – right over the heart area.  This  happens to be  the same area where I was experiencing the pain.  I hope he is not still putting his cell phone in his shirt pocket.

Note On Fukushima Radiation:  Helen has just commented about the radiation levels in New Zealand at the moment.  This was in response to my post Radioactive Pollution in New Zealand From Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.  I must say that I have wondered this myself.  Thankyou Helen for bringing this question up.  Unfortunately, our environment is probably going to be contaminated from the effects of this nuclear disaster for several years to come.  Radioactive pollution will be weakening our immune systems and causing all manner of mysterious symptoms and viral infections.

Read Merrilyn’s new post May 2013 entitled:  Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013.  Also the one after that, entitled:  Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma.

Homeopathic Remedies For Pleurisy As Recommended By Dr John Clarke, MD.

Get Professional Advice For That Lung Problem: 

Hi Devanshu.  Thankyou for your question on Homeopathic Remedies for Pleurisy. I would urge you to take your wife to see a health professional immediately.

You might like to look up my latest post entitled Homeopathic and Herbel Remedies For Sunstroke to see how I tackled the problem of pleurisy which followed the sunstroke.  But do see a doctor.

General Advice For People:  You need to promptly visit your health professonal if you have a lung condition, or any inflammation or infection in the lungs.  Consult with your Homeopath, Naturopath, Ayurvedic practitioner, Chinese Herbalist, or Doctor for a professional opinion on your condition, and whether or not Homeopathic remedies can be safely used at your stage of an illness.  Homeopathic remedies do work, but it is not a good idea to begin your homeopathic experimentations on such serious diseases as pleurisy.  If there is an emergency, it is very often a good idea to take an antibiotic rather than meddle with homeopathic remedies, unless you have the guidance of someone experienced in the science of Homeopathy, who is likely to  prescribe exactly the right remedy to reverse the condition.

Homeopathic Doctor John Clarke wrote a wonderful little hand-book of natural remedies, entitled ‘The Prescriber’.  This was first published in the 1950’s, and was reprinted in 1991.

‘The Prescriber’ is a valuable text-book for people who wish to learn to treat illness with homeopathic remedies.  It tells exactly what remedy to use for each stage of an illness, and for what particular symptoms, and how often the dose.  I recommend that you try to obtain this book if you want to become skilled in using homeopathy.

Dr John Clarke recommends a range of remedies for the treatment of Pleurisy of the lungs.  Only one remedy would be chosen at a time, to treat specific symptoms which accompany the pleurisy.  You would need to get advice from your Homeopath on which of these remedies would most suit your condition, or the condition of the person you are trying to help.

These remedies are:  Aconite, Sulphur, Cantharis, Bryonia, Hapar sulph, Belladonna, Arsen alb, Apis, and Asclepias tuberosa.

Aconite 3, 1h. can be used at the beginning of the pleurisy, when there is heat, restlessness and anxiety, but ‘before effusion has occurred’.

Sulph. 3, 1h can be used after the effusions have occurred, and when there are sharp pains which make all movement very painful.

Cantharis 3, 1h can be used when there is not much fever, but with fluid effusions.

Bryonia 2, 1h is good for the violent pains in the side of the ribs, and when there is excessive effusion and fever. Bryonia is recommended when the pain is worse from the slightest movement.  Bryonia is often  characterized by the pain being lessened when lying on the painful side.  If the pain gets better from lying on the sore side, then Bryonia is often a good remedy to use.  Personally, I have used Bryonia many times for distressing lung conditions.  It is a great remedy for helping to dry up mucous, or effusions.

Belladonna 3, 1h can be used when the pain becomes worse for lying on the sore side, ahd when there is a high fever with a very flushed face.

Sulphur 3x-30 can be used for persistent effusion.

Hepar sulph 6, 4h when the condition has become chronic, with the formation of pus.

Dr Clarke recommends tapping of the lungs when the fluid is excessive,  When the patient has not improved at all  from treatment, and there is a  ‘danger of fainting’ and of ‘threatening asphyxia’, then your doctor may have to tap the fluid from the lungs.  Sometimes people need this treatment even when they do not respond to antibiotics.

After the acute stage, Dr Clarke suggests Ars alb 3, 4h, if the fluid is slow to be absorbed.  Apis 3x, 2h is another remedy which can help to dry up the fluid near the end of the illness.

Asclepias tuberosa o is a very good and useful general remedy for Pleurisy according to Dr John Clarke.  The dose he recommends is 15 drops in a little water, taken every hour until improvement is noted.

An Onion Poultice Is A Powerful Natural Remedy for Treating Lung Conditions:  I have used this remedy successfully on many occasions.  It can be used in conjunction with the appropriate homeopathic remedy.

You cut up one whole onion, skin and all.  Cover the onion with water, and simmer for 20 minutes or so.  Even the fumes of this concoction will help congested lungs.  After the onion has simmered for 20 minutes, allow to cool so that the mixture is still hot, but comfortable to the touch.  Then soak a clean, dry tea-towel in the onion concoction.  Wring out and place over the chest while still hot.  Put over a plastic sheet to protect clothing and bedding, and cover again with womething warm, such as a piece of woollen flannel.

Put a hot water bottle over all of the coverings, pull up the blankets, and prepare to sweat out the congestion in the lungs.  You can heat up the onion water again in an hour, to reapply a fresh hot poultice.  Leaving the poultice on the chest increases the sweating, which decreases the infection.  Even when the poultice has cooled down, it will still have the effect of encouraging sweating.

But do none of this without visiting your doctor or homeopath or health professional first.

Merrilyn’s book is available on Amazon:



List of Natural Treatments For Arteriosclerosis

Herbal Remedies For Arteriosclerosis

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Photo Taken at Dunedin Botanic Gardens, NZ,  by Merrilyn on Hollt’s Camera, December 26th 2012.

All conditions of ill health are reversible.  The main requisites in reversing illness are the belief that healing is possible, a committment to avoid the things and conditions which have caused the state of ill health, and the desire to include all the foods and herbs which will make you strong again, and which will help facilitate healing.  Of course, the earlier that you can get onto a meaningful healing programme the better.  Diseases which have been tolerated for years and years can be difficult to reverse, and may take more energy and perseverance then what you are willing to devote to a new dietary programme.  Some people are more happy to simply take the doctor’s medication and put up with the diseased condition, rather than put the effort into changing the diet and thinking positively about recovering.

But it can be done.  If you do succeed in reversing a chronic condition of  ill-health, believe me, the rewards are very very bountiful.  You not only cure the disease which is hampering your health and happiness, but you will find that your physical well being will increase so  much so, that you once again will have that ability to be effective in the community, to help other people and your family.

Important:  Visit your naturopath or ayurvedic practitioner for advice on your planned change of diet and treatment before you attempt to heal yourself of arteriosclerosis.  This is especially important if you are considering stopping any medication you may be taking.

Herbs which improve the circulation are especially good for treating arteriosclerosis.   Cholesterol lowering herbs and foods, and those which help to eliminate toxins from the blood, liver and intestines are also helpful.

The following herbs listed below all help the circulation, help detoxify the liver and intestines, and they possess other therapeutic properties – all of which can help the arteriosclerosis sufferer.  For a cure to be effected, though, it is important to look at the diet and remove the acid-forming foods as much as possible.  An alkaline diet which has an abundance of fresh salad, with adequate protein, rice instead of wheat bread and other wheat products, and minimal or no dairy products and sugar, is the best in my estimation.  Get some advice from your naturopath or ayurvedic practitioner before changing your diet, to ensure that you are using the very best foods for you.  Also, do not use the following herbs or vitamins if you are already taking medication.

Doctors often tell their patients to avoid certain foods whilst they are on a medication such as warfarin, or another blood thinner.  This is because the foods they tell you to avoid are usually the ones that will naturally thin your blood anyway.  So if you double up the effect by using the prescribed blood thinning drug AND natural herbal blood thinners in your food, you could get very very sick or even have a stroke.  The sensible thing is really to use the food and herb items which work naturally to thin the blood, and do away with the artificial synthetic drugs which do the same thing.  But drug companies have conditioned doctors into accepting this practice of putting patients onto medication for the rest of the patient’s  life – they will give these patients a blood test every week or so, to test the effectiveness of the drug they prescribed, and adjust the dose accordingly.  Yet they do not do the most sensible thing – prescribe the food items and herbs which will have the desired effect in lowering cholesterol, or in thinning the blood, and then test weekly or monthly to see how the patient is doing.  They only do these blood tests if you are on their medication, which conditions the public into believing that there is no other way.  Madness.

Acupressure On Legs To Help Circulation:  My friend Bernhard in Spirit has just given us some advice for a friend who came today to ask about natural treatments for her condition of arteriosclerosis. She has been taking Lipex, prescribed by her doctor, and this Lipex  is having an adverse effect on her health. Bernhard gave us some alternatives, with acupressure points to massage nightly on the ankle and  up the side of the lower legs, a couple around the knee, one behind the leg on the calf muscle, one at the back of the knee, and one on the upper thigh.  Just three seconds on each point.

Colour Therapy To Soothe  and Nourish The Nerves:  He also recommended sitting under a green light for 20 minutes each night before going to sleep. Note:  She has already benefitted from the massage of acupressure points and the green light for 20 minutes.  Her sleep has improved already from these two simple remedial measures.

Avoid Synthetic Blankets and Clothing:  Bernhard also said that it was important for my friend to sleep with WOOL blankets, and not to use any synthetic blankets or sheets on the bed.  This makes sense, because synthetic fibres really interfere with the circulation of the blood, and so one must avoid wearing synthetics as much as possible, and one must certainly not use synthetic duvees or covers on the bed.  Since you spend most of the night in your bed, it is important that your body be given the chance for the circulation to run as smoothly as possible without interference from electrical currents or synthetic fibres.  It was particularly interesting to get this message, as my friend said after receiving this message that she had just taken off the woollen blankets for the summer, and replaced them with  a synthetic duvee.  My friend changed the bedding back to the natural wool which has also helped her sleep better.

Important To Avoid All Alcohol, Marijuana, Caffeine and Other Drugs when beginning a cure for any chronic disease.  Arteriosclerosis will not improve too much if you continue to take any of these things. I believe that many prescription drugs can give you arteriosclerosis, as well as party drugs, smoking cigarettes, and alcohol.

Specific Herbs Foods and Vitamins for Treating  Arteriosclerosis:  Of course you will take only a selected few of these possible remedies.  You can over-do these things, and so it is important that you visit a health professional such as a naturapath, homeopath, or ayurvedic practitioner for advice before beginning an alternative treatment for arteriosclerosis.



Birch Leaf

Calcium Ascorbate Vitamin C – 1000 mg once or twice a day depending on the severity of the condition you are treating.  Reduce the dose if the bowels are working overtime.  But it is a good thing to clear out the bowels initially, before reducing the dose.  Poisons in the intestines are the root cause of any disease, so the saying goes.  Vitamin C has the power to break down calcified deposits and heal the capilliaries.  Taking calcium ascorbate or Ester C are good options when you need to take larger doses of Vitamin C, as these are non-acidic and do not affect the digestion adversely.

Vitamin C helps to prevent heart attack and stroke – It is a natural blood thinner and acutally strengthens the capilliary walls.  It helps to remove cholesterol.  It helps to negate poisons and remove them quickly from the blood stream, liver and intestines.  If it is used regularly as part of treatment, it helps to break down deposits anywhere in the body, whether it be in the veins, the liver, or other organs.

Capsicum – All members of the pepper family, which means fresh sweet peppers, bell peppers, fresh or dried chilli peppers, powdered cayenne pepper, powdered paprika pepper.  Peppers are just the best for improving the circulation.

Celery – Raw celery used daily is very good.  Try to get organically grown celery if you can.  Celery seed can be used as a condiment or made into tea with thyme, rosemary or lemon balm.

Chaparral  (Larrea divaricata):  Chaparral is a powerful antioxidant and cleansing herb.  It is used in many alternative cancer treatments to break up tumours of all kinds.  Chaparral also acts as a pain killer, and has antibiotic and antiseptic qualities.  It is a very useful herb to remove drug residues and deposits, such as LSD and marijuana, from people’s livers and brain tissues.  Louise Tenney claims that it has been used to counteract the effects of LSD.


Chicory – Cichorium intybus.  A good herb to help the condition of arteriosclerosis.  Like Dandelion, Chicory can be used as a substitute for coffee.  It is rich in Vitamins A, C, B, K and P.  It is a great cleanser of the blood and the kidneys.  It helps rheumatic conditions, arthritis, gout, and sore joints.  It is thought to help gall-stones to dissolve.

Comfrey Tea

Couch Grass

Fenugreek:  Fenugreek is a common component of Indian cooking.  It is a valuable cleansing herb which is capable of dissolving build-ups of calcium and other material in the blood vessels or anywhere in the body.  It is commonly used in natural treatments for cancer and other life-threatening diseases in combination with other remedies.  One report on-line states that 3/4 cup of fenugreek daily, taken for 20 days, has helped cure some people of arteriosclerosis.  This is quite a lot, and I would assume you would take it in divided doses throughout the day.  However, we are not told what else these people were doing to assist the cure, if anything at all.  And we are not told how far the disease had progressed – perhaps these people had not had the disease for too long, in which case it would have been fairly easy to reverse.

If you were taking this much fenugreek, you would not need any other herbs to compliment the fenugreek, in my opinion.  I should think that this treatment would be most effective if a diet of alkaline fruits and vegetables were eaten during the period of cleansing, with no meat or dairy foods  or wheat for the 20 day period.  I would follow a complete vegetarian diet using vegetables and  brown rice, with complete avoidance of  sugar,  bread, wheat and dairy foods.  And enemas to help quickly eliminate those poisons  always hurries up the healing process.  But ASK YOUR HEALTH PROFESSIONAL FOR ADVICE before beginning the intensive fenugreek treatment.  Fenugreek is safe to take in moderation as an addition to the normal daily diet, of course.  From two capsules to six capsules a day is considered a moderate dose.

Note:  A friend of mine is currently doing the Fenugreek cleansing treatment in combination with 1000mg to 2000mg calcium ascorbate Vitamin C per day.  She is munching through 3/4 cup soaked Fenugreek seeds per day, which have got to the sprouting stage after soaking.  She stopped taking the  prescribed  Lipex medication which was causing headaches, poor memory and other things, and is now feeling a lot better on the Fenugreek plus Vitamin C in the form of calcium ascorbate.  She eats salads with every meal and is vegetarian but uses yoghurt and cheese and chick peas for extra protein.  I find that, having experimented with the Fenugreek, that you need to UP your calcium intake in your food if you are taking large amounts of Fenugreek to dissolve deposits in the veins, liver or kidneys. Fenugreek dissolves calcium deposits in the blood but can leave you a bit short of dietary calcium.   But calcium supplements are best avoided – take a bit more cooked cabbage, which is very high in natural calcium, free range egg yolks, or organic milk or cheese  if it agrees with you – or SESAME SEEDS which are the highest vegetable calcium source.  The calcium in your food will counteract the tendency for the Fenugreek to whip away too much calcium from your body.  Treat it as you would rhubarb, which does the same thing – include calcium rich proteins with it so that calcium is not depleted. DO SEE YOUR DOCTOR OR NATUROPATH BEFORE BEGINNING ANY NEW TREATMENT OR STOPPING YOUR MEDICATION.  GENERALLY SPEAKING, YOU CANNOT USE PRESCRIPTION MEDICINES AND NATURAL CURES TOGETHER AS THIS IS DOUBLING UP ON TREATMENT AND COULD BE DANGEROUS – I AM NOT ADVISING YOU FOLLOW THESE TREATMENTS  WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL ADVICE.


Ginger – Use dried ginger in cooking, and freshly grated ginger or powdered ginger to make tea.  One teaspoon of fresh grated ginger with a cup of boiling water added is a  very good digestive which also helps the circulation.

Hawthorne This is one of the most popular herbal remedies for arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and as a general heart tonic.  It is mildly sedative and has a favourable effect on all manner of heart troubles.  However, do not take it if you are already taking some medication for your illness.  Consult your doctor or naturopath first to see if Hawthorne can be added to your dietary regime.


Psyllium Hulls

Rutin:  This has a similar beneficial effect to Vitamin C on the circulatory system.  It helps to heal and strengthen the capilliary walls and to encourage better circulation.

Taheebo (Pau d’Arco):  This is another cancer herb which acts as an antibiotic. This is one of the best remedies for treating candida and chemical poisoning.  It helps break down deposits and tumours and kills viruses, and  is excellent for building up the immune system.  Louise Tenney says in her 1980’s book that it is used in some South American hospitals to treat infections.

Natural Constipation Cure With Water

Constipation should Be Avoided: Constipation causes toxins to sit around in the bowels, where they will be reabsorbed back into the blood. This causes auto-intoxication.

Adequate Water Is Necessary To Purify the Body,  prevent constipation, and keep the immune system strong. Constipation causes auto-intoxication, which results in sickness, and a generall weakening of the immune system.

Constipation Causes Cancer and Arthritis if it the condition is long-term. If the bowels are kept clean and regular, and free of constipation, then diseases such as cancer and arthritis do not usually develop, unless intoxication occurs from some other, external,  chemical poisoning.  Ten glasses of water should be taken by adults each day.  More than this is required if the weather is very hot, if you are physically active, and if you have a bigger than average  build.

Water is needed for a healthy bowel, and this is stressed by Dr Frank Hurdle in his book  ‘A Country Doctor’s Common Sense Health Manual’, which was published in1975 by Parker Publishing Company Inc., New York.

Dr Hurdle should know what he is talking about:  He  had a wealth of experience as a practicing physician before writing  his ‘Common Sense Health Manual’.  This experience includes 12 years in private practice, two years at Fort Logan Mental Health Centre,  two years in the United States Army Medical Corp, and several years working on research projects.

Dr Hurdle, who says that constipation is a world-wide problem, and that everybody suffers from this at some time in their lives,  cannot stress enough the importance of water  in preventing constipation and disease.  Here is what he has to say about the reasons for constipation, and the lack of water as a cause:

He gives a list of eight  ‘common things that provoke constipation’.  His list  reads:  1. Not enough fluids  2. Lack of abdominal muscle tone. 3. Not enough fluids  4. Lack of bulk in the diet.  5. Not enough fluids.  6. Nervous gut syndrome. 7. Not enough fluids.  8. Laxative habit.

Water is important for bowel function. The primary function of the large intestine is to reabsorb fluid from the digested food passing through.  You need to have adequate fluids in your diet so that there is enough fluid for the large intestine to absorb what it needs, and still leave enough moisture in the digested food so that it can pass through easily.  If your intake of water is too low, then you get constipated, simple as that.

Get Enough Exercise To Prevent Constipation:  Of course, exercise, and a healthy diet also play a part in the healthy digestion of food.  So make sure that you do get some regular exercise on a daily basis.  Light jogging,  or walking, or swimming, or tennis, or yoga, or skipping are all fun ways to exercise.

Eating a good breakfast is important to prevent constipation.  Breakfast starts the digestion working for the day, which includes intestinal function as well. If you have a habit of skipping breakfast, then you are shutting down your digestive system right at the time nature intends it to get cracking and start processing food.  This leads to constipation.

My friend Bernhard Petersen stresses that breakfast is very important. Eating a large bowl of cereal such as porridge with a grated apple on it, or a bowl of bran and yoghurt, or a plate of rice with dried fruits, followed by boiled eggs, or scrambled eggs, or some other nutritious food, is important for busy people.

Dr Dr Max Gerson worked out a very successful treatment for his cancer patients, and an important part of it was the eating of a large bowl of oatmeal porridge, taken with a raw grated apple each morning.

This porridge and apple formula was to provide bulk for the intestines, and to get the digestive and intestinal functions working optimally, as well as to provide nutrients.

His recovery programme for his cancer patients involved also the taking of 2 tablespoons of castor oil every second day, which was another bowel-cleansing technique.  Castor oil also detoxifies the liver, and reduces cancer tumours. This can be used by an otherwise healthy person once a week to detoxify liver and intestines. People treating degenerative disease such as cancer would need to take it more frequently, and on a regular  basis such as Dr Gerson recommended.

Coffee and tea drinkers take heed:  Drinking coffee or tea first thing in the morning can dull the appetite, leading you to think that it is OK to rush off to work or to child care or somewhere without that breakfast.  But this is very harmful to the body, bad for the nervous system,  bad for the general health, and will create constipation.  Too much coffee can also upset the acidophilus organisms in the bowel, which aid digestion. When these beneficial bacteria get killed off,  candida overgrowth can become a problem, and this can cause constipation, or diarrhoea in some cases.

Take Notice Of Your Bowel Impulses:  I believe that constipation exists in many people because they ignore the responses of the bowel:  When the bowel is stimulated and sending messages to go to the toilet in the morning, many people carry on with their hurrying, and pay no attention to the bowel responses.  If this is ignored, then the bowel will give up and probably not message you any more that day. You must respect your bowel, and give yourself time to use the toilet each morning.

Simple Water Cure For Detox and Constipation:  Enemas of course, are great for their immediate effect in clearing the bowels, and for supplying water to nourish and cleanse the intestines.  But here is a method for using water orally to clear the intestines of effete matter.  The method is to fast for three days, eating nothing except perhaps some stewed apple in the mornings.

Every hour throughout the day, take a cup of boiled water which is still hot, but sufficiently cooled to drink. Keep this practice up for three days.  About the third day, your bowels will clear themselves of any obstructions and effete matter. then you can begin eating again, starting with light meals of cooked vegetables and raw or stewed fruit, rice, and pulses.

Second Method  Using Water For Curing Non-Chronic Constipation

This is actually a Yoga exercise which can be found in Swami Satyananda Saraswati’ book ‘Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha’ published first in 1969, Bihar School of Yoga, India.

It is very simple to do, and you do not have to be practicing yoga for it to be beneficial.  Hopefully, if you are new to yoga,  this exercise might spark off a life-long study of yoga to aid your health.

Method:  First drink six cups of water in one sitting.  Then stand in the ‘Heavenly Stretch’ pose, or ‘Tadasana’.  This posture starts standing erect, the feet apart by several inches.  Clasp the fingers together and raise up the hands with fingers interlocked, above the head, palms facing upward.

Stretch the hands upward toward the sky, breathing in, and lift the heels off the floor.  Normally, you would do several motions, lifting the heels up off the floor, hands upward, as you breathe in, then breathing out, you would lower arms and heels together.  But we do this exercise a little differently  for the purpose of helping the bowels.

Instead of doing several up and down movements, you hold the pose on tip-toes, whilst you walk on tip-toe for 100 paces, holding the arms above the head, with hands upward to the sky.

Satyananda recommends this exercise for the first six months of pregnancy.  It helps keep the back strong, tones the legs, and stretches the intestines.

This alone is an effective cure for constipation  All the muscles in the lower abdomen get worked with the  combination of stretching upward and walking at the same time.  Drinking the water before you begin is important. This will usually encourage a bowel movement within a few hours.

How A Patient Was Cured Of Constipation and Laxative Dependency:  Dr Frank Hurdle gives some advice on how to avoid using laxatives, which weakens  the responses of the intestines.  He had a patient who had taken laxatives for many years, and who had what seemed an incurable dependency on these drugs.  Dr Hurdle devised a plan to get this man off the laxatives.  He told him to stop taking them and begin drinking plenty of water, for a start.   Next, he  advised him also to exercise on a daily basis.

The main dietary requirement was that the patient had to eat a large bowl of pure bran each morning, before eating anything else.  The fourth requisite was for his patient to tell himself each night at bed-time, that he would have a bowel movement first thing in the morning.  This affirmation was repeated every night faithfully, and the bowl of bran taken dutifully each morning, with plenty of fluids taken through the day.  The result was that the patient was cured of his ‘laxative habit’, and never had to resort to using laxatives ever again.