Vitamin B and Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s Helped By Vitamin B

New Research: Today is the 10th September 2010, and I have just heard it said,  on BBC News through the night,  in New Zealand, that London doctors have found a new discovery……

Alzheimer’s Disease Can be Helped with Vitamin B, so Professor David Smith, from a London hospital tells us.

Well, this is actually not new to us at all.  Vitamin B has been part of naturopathic treatments for many diseases,, including alzheimer’s disease,  for many, many decades now.

Still…….It is great that, even though it be 50 years later,  these London doctors are finally acknowledging what  has been common knowledge in the naturopathic world for yonks:  That Vitamin B is helpful in reducing the progress of alzheimer’s and dementure.

Of course, hopefully, they will also tell us soon that Vitamin C in larger doses has an effect on alzheimer’s and dementure too, but we must wait for that.

Why has it taken so long for this information to finally be acknowledged as fact by scientists?  It seems odd, too, that only in the last few weeks, New Zealand research scientists acknowledged to the public that Vitamin C has an effect on cancer cells, and can indeed help prevent cancer.  Vitamin C for cancer has been used as a cancer preventative and as an alternative cancer treatment for many years.

Drug Company Monopoly: My guess is that the drug companies knew these things all along.  They prefer to market their other  drugs, because  they have so much profit to be gainedthis way:  also,  they have control of the market if people do not become fully well on their products, but become reliant upon them.

What’s the bet that the drug companies will be pushing even harder to get the sales of vitamin C and vitamin B off the market, so that they have control of these drugs.  This will mean that we will not be able to buy them over the counter, but will have to pay a doctor, first of all, for a prescription, then we will have to pay for the vitamins at hugely inflated prices, because they will be classified as MEDICINES.

Beware of these tactics. Sign that petition at your healthfood store to ensure that vitamins remain readily available to us without having a doctor prescribe them for us.